Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Rising Moon

Chapter 11 Preparations

Peyton drove to her dad’s house the next morning. Her dad was occupied in the garage with preparations for his hunting trip. Peyton watched him for a few minutes before she said, “Daddy, I’m really worried about you. These wolves are not to be underestimated.” “Wolves? Wolves plural?” Her dad glanced up from the gear in his hand to look in his daughter’s eye. “Well, wolves live in packs right? It’s not that common for wolves to be wandering alone right?” “Uncommon, but not unheard of. Wolves are generally afraid of humans, so the fact that one attacked you, makes me think it’s either very sick or extraordinarily territorial,” he answered. “Or extremely hungry,” she replied. He nodded.

“Don’t worry, Darlin, this isn’t my first time wolf hunting and I’m bringing the boys with me.” Peyton frowned, “These aren’t ordinary wolves, Daddy, they are crazy and mean and huge!” Her dad stood up and strolled over to her. He gently took her head in his hands and kissed her forehead. “Thank you for worrying, Darlin. Love you lots!” Peyton smiled softly, “Love you too, Daddy.” He returned her smile and went back to his tents and rifles. Peyton stood there for a few minutes and watched him. She liked to watch him clean and oil his rifles, it made her feel better, like he would survive the hunt.

A large dark colored truck rolled to a stop at the end of the drive way and two men jumped out. “Preston, Billy, good to see you boys!” Peyton’s dad turned to her, “See, I told you I wasn’t going alone.” The two men walked in the garage and shook hands with Peyton’s dad, “Chance, good to see ya too. Thanks for inviting me and my brother along. We’ve been needing a good hunt.” “Glad to do it! Glad to do it. You boys know my daughter Peyton?” Preston and Billy nodded to Peyton politely. “Now boys…” Chance started talking to Preston and Billy about the hunt and Peyton decided it was time for her to make her exit. She waved to her dad and climbed into her car. She was glad Chance would have a couple guys to watch his back. She drove back home.

Sawyer and Peyton went back to her dad’s house to see him off. They saw several large trucks and well over a dozen men dressed in camouflage or bright orange. Peyton’s heart soared as she realized all these men would accompany her dad on his expedition. Chance stood on the tailgate and addressed the men. He thanked them all for their willingness to join him and told them that the latest intel he had on the wolf indicated that it had fled a week’s drive away. Peyton felt a wave of vengeful joy. She knew the cruel wolves didn’t stand a chance against so many brave hunters. It was time, Chance and his hunters climbed into their trucks and drove off.

Sawyer and Peyton stood there for a few minutes after everyone had left. “What are you thinking,” he murmured to her. “He is going to be okay. He has so many guys to look after him. I’m still a little worried.” She hadn’t told Sawyer how easily the cruel wolf man had thrown her across the clearing. She didn’t want to think about what he could do to her father. Sawyer put his arm around her shoulders and squeezed gently, “He is gonna be okay. I know it’s scary.” They stood in silent reflection for a moment. “Come on, Baby, let’s go get some food,” he urged. They dined at Cindy’s, their favorite diner. They went for a long walk afterward. The sun had almost set when they got home. They took their turns in the shower and crawled into bed.

Nothing eventful happened for almost a week. Sawyer and Peyton went to work and school like normal. Peyton and Jessi became closer friends. Everything was nice and smooth. Peyton and Sawyer were cuddled on the couch when it happened. She felt something burn in her chest. Her wolf perked up at the sensation as well. It felt like a deep primal urge or desire. She sat up straight and tried to breathe. There was no pain associated with the sensation but it caught her off guard and felt white hot. Sawyer put his hand on her back. “I’m okay. Something is happening. Something with the wolf.”

The heat dulled some and Peyton was able to relax a bit. She went to bed a little early and tried to sleep. She did manage to fall asleep but her dreams were peculiar. She dreamt of a young woman with her arm around a huge wolf. The woman’s waist length platinum blonde hair danced on a firm breeze, there was a blue streak in her hair. The wolf stepped forward and snarled. A new dream filled her mind; Peyton stood in the middle of a large house surrounded by people laughing and having a good time, it felt safe and warm. Instantly the scene changed. All the people turned into wolves and started to devour her.

“Peyton,” Sawyer called firmly, “Wake up!” Peyton shook her head and opened her eyes, “What happened? I’m up!” Sawyer helped her sit up. “You were screaming,” he filled in. “I had the weirdest dream and then a nightmare. I saw this beautiful woman with long silver hair and a wolf. Then I was at some kind of party and everyone turned into wolves and began to eat me.” Sawyer’s eyes widened, “Yeah, I’d be screaming too if I had that nightmare.” Peyton took a deep breath, “That woman. She is important. I need to find her.” “Wait. Wait, wait,” Sawyer couldn’t believe his ears, “You had a dream about this woman and you were eaten in the next part of the dream and you want to go find her?”

“I know this sounds insane, but I believe I need to do this,” She answered. “How are you going to find her,” Sawyer queried. “Werewolf Magic,” she muttered before she realized what she had said. “Werrwolf Magic,’ he repeated back to her. He shrugged, “We have been looking for a reason to go on a road trip. Can it at least wait till morning?” Peyton agreed and snuggled back down into Sawyer’s chest. They cuddled together and finally fell asleep. Peyton saw the silver haired woman again in her dreams but the wolves were absent. The woman looked bloody and battered. She beckoned to Peyton. She reached out to the silver haired woman but couldn’t grasp her hand.

Peyton awoke with a start as the bright sun shone on her face. Her chest burned, she knew it would continue to burn until she found this mystery silver haired woman. She smelled coffee. She looked to Sawyer’s side of the bed but didn’t see him. He was good to her. She was glad he was in her life. She pulled herself out and bed and dressed. She stumbled to the kitchen. Sawyer heard her footsteps and handed her a coffee mug. She took it with both hands, “Thank you Sawyer, I really appreciate everything you do for me. It’s been a hard several weeks for us both. I need you to know how much I appreciate you.” A warm smile grew on his face. “You are very important to me, Peyton. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

They had breakfast and packed up the car for their roadtrip. They had plenty of snacks and drinks. Peyton made sure to use the bathroom before they got under way. Excitement bubbled in her chest, the burn she felt intensified a little bit. She was on her way to find the mystery woman. All she knew was a direction, West. The mystery woman was west. Sawyer pointed the car westward.

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