Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Lucid Fur

Chapter 7 Good News and Bad News

Something tapped loudly on the window. I gradually opened one eye, a large bluish blob was outside the truck window. I was awake in a flash. I opened the door and tumbled out. Cordelia stood in front of me, good as new. She had taken off the bandages. “We can heal almost any injury during slumber,” she answered. “I told you I would be fine.” I knelt and inspected her belly. I couldn’t find any evidence she had been hurt. “We need to start a fire and burn everything covered in my blood. Gargoyle blood is a potent potion ingredient.” I nodded, “I’ll find some wood. You gather up what needs burning.” I ventured into the forest, found sufficient kindling, and returned to Cordelia. We built a small fire and watched the flames devour the bloody bandages. The air was filled with a sweet coppery scent.

“What happened? If ya don’t mind me asking.” I studied Cordelia. She was silent for several minutes. “I let my guard down. Momentarily forgot how many enemies we have. As I mentioned earlier, our blood is unusually potent. Many of the magical community crave it. Our blood has properties that, when combined with our natural magic, increases longevity. It makes us effectively immortal, with few important exceptions. We can die in battle like I nearly did last night. I owe you a life debt, I am eternally grateful.” She paused to draw in a breath. “That witch caught me by surprise. She will not do so again. I know her scent.” Cordelia glanced at me. “I’m glad you’re unharmed,” I commented.

“I am confused,” she began. “I remember everything was blurry. I remember excruciating pain. I vaguely heard a roar, I assume it was you. My vision cleared, a good deal of my strength returned, and I felt warm and powerful. I do not know how this happened.” “Werewolf magic,” I muttered. “I am the Alpha of my pack. When I finally accepted and embraced my position, I was granted increased power, strength, and physical size. I was afforded the ability to share this with the members of my pack. I guess since you experienced it too, you must be part of my pack in some way.”

Cordelia stared at me blankly. My mouth curled into a half smile. I reached deep inside myself and grazed the Alpha power that resided in my wolf. I was flooded with the feelings of warmth and strength. Cordelia’s eyes widened instantly, I could tell from her expression she could feel it too.

“Werewolf magic,” she muttered. “But I serve Goliath. He has led the gargoyles for hundreds of years. How is this possible?” I shrugged, “Not a clue. Enjoy it while it lasts I guess.” We watched the fire burn down in a comfortable silence. “Where are we?” She asked. “Oh I totally forgot,” I exclaimed. “We have all but two ingredients to bring back Lilith. We are just missing the ones at the bottom of the list that are in a different language.” Cordelia’s smile turned upside down. “That language is lost to time. It is unknown to gargoyles.” My heart sank. I was so close to Quinn’s cure, but now it seemed all hope was lost. “I’ll figure something out. I have to figure something out.” I pulled my knees to my chest, hugged them, and rested my chin on my knees.

“Time is wasting, let’s get back in the truck and get home.” I stood up and stretched. Cordelia spread the ashes with her foot to cool properly. “Are you flying or riding?” I asked her. Her response made me sad, “Until I have returned to my brothers, it is more wise to travel together. I will ride.” She hopped up into the truck bed as I entered the cab. I asked Cordelia to tell me of her adventures from her life before she met me. She spoke of a grand cathedral Goliath and her clan protected before they had fallen into the long slumber. In times of war, dozens of innocents would flee to the safety of the cathedral. The monks who inhabited the cathedral would always offer them sanctuary. Once their enemies arrived, Goliath and the rest would emerge at night and cause enough chaos that the invaders scampered away.

She sounded homesick. I decided to let her be. The hours trickled past. The landscape became more familiar as we approached our destination. I was ready to see Quinn. I was ready to spend time with my pack. It was more difficult than I anticipated being away from everyone. We were still about two days from home. We pushed on and on. The miles kept rolling by. I tried to listen to the radio but I couldn’t find anything good. We were too far out in the sticks. I found some Cds but they weren’t my style. Casey was cool and everything but they had a weird taste in music. Finally my eyelids became too heavy to keep open. I parked the truck and curled up in the passenger seat for a rest.

I woke up and climbed back into the driver’s seat. I wanted to be home two days ago. This hopefully was the last stretch of travel. I should be home in the next several hours. Nothing eventful happened. Had to stop and refuel the truck and use the toilet. Nothing major. Time seemed to pass ever so slowly. Cordelia asked if I was born a werewolf the same way she was born or hatched as a gargoyle. I honestly didn’t know werewolves could be born. I told her the story of that fateful night. I described the night of my attack in as much detail as I could to help pass the time. I remembered how my parents refused to believe me and scared me so badly the wolf took over and got us out of there. I explained how I ran to this small out-of-the-way town to go to college with lots of room to let the wolf run.

I offered details on the first night I met Casey and River, how I thought they were going to attack and kill Sloan, my best friend, and I. My heart sagged as I remembered Sloan. My nosey kind hearted friend who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Cordelia was horrified at the monstrous things Chad, my old nemesis, did to his wolves and to mine. I shared how Ellis and Kai defected to my pack before I actually had a pack. They had brought Jules and Phoenix with them. I recounted how they had chosen me to be their Alpha against my most fervent pleas. Now they were stuck with me. I told her how we were tracked and hunted, it would have been all out war if I hadn’t been able to get through to the hunter’s leader. Luckily enough I averted war but some of the hunters weren’t thrilled with our new found peace. They had attacked us in the middle of the night and poisoned Quinn and I.

My Alpha powers had saved me. I mentioned how Robin had guided me to the gargoyle cave. Cordelia knew the rest. “You have a Seer in your midst,” Cordelia uttered reverently. I didn’t know what to say. “Reese you said Robin foretold the approach of the hunters and she directed you to us. Robin is a Seer, she has the gift of second sight.” I shrugged, “I’ll take your word for it.” Cordelia was exhilarated, “Reese, don’t you know what this means? Robin can help us find the last two ingredients!” She was right! Why didn’t I think of it? Now I was excited. We still had a couple of hours left before we reached home. I couldn’t wait to see Quinn and ask Robin if she could help. My heart was cautiously optimistic.

The minutes ticked by slowly. I pushed the truck as fast as I safely could. After all, I had precious cargo in the back. Finally I could see the house lights through the darkness. Someone was awake and had the house lit up. I jammed the truck in park outside the front door, raced through the front door and into my room. Quinn was not there. I took a deep breath and focused on her scent. She was close by. The living room! I wheeled around and dashed into the living room. I tripped and slid on my knees the rest of the way to the couch where Quinn waited for me. I took her hand in mine, squeezed twice and passionately kissed her. Quinn kissed me back and moaned, “Damn I missed you baby!” My eyes flooded with happy tears. “I missed you more Quinn!”

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