Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Lucid Fur

Chapter 18 Death’s Agony and Fate’s Healing Touch

I plucked the seeds from the flower and gave them to Phoenix, “Do what you can to plant these please. I hope they bloom.” She took the seeds and went off to put them in a safe place. I set a pot of water to boil. I gently pulled the petals from the stem. Once the water boiled, I placed the petals in the water. Disbelief lodged in my throat. Why did I feel like this? I literally watched a stone pillar return to its original gargoyle form. I myself was a product of magic. I felt like this was too good to be true, like it was a wonderful dream and all too soon I’d wake to Quinn still sick and on the brink of death. Fifteen minutes came and went. I fished the petals out of the water and poured the mixture into a mug for Quinn. Fear and anxiety gripped my heart as I padded to our room.

“Quinn. Baby wake up.” I called softly as I sat down on the bed beside her. I stroked her cheek, Quinn smiled. Oh her smile always melted my heart. “I have some tea for you. You need to drink it.” Quinn’s eyes opened, “Hey Pretty Lady,” she croaked. “Drink your tea, Beautiful. It’ll help you feel better. Her skeletal hands took the mug from mine. “Nice and warm,” she commented and brought it to her lips. She sipped it slowly. “Tastes like peanut butter and honey. It’s really good!” I smiled at Quinn as she took another sip. I could see the color return to her face. She didn’t appear so skeletal. I held my breath and watched her drink the last of the tea. Her skin turned from a pale ghostly white back to her normal skin tone. I couldn’t believe my eyes, the evidence was all there. Quinn lifted her hands in front of her face and watched the last of the ghostly pale color replaced by warm color. Tears filled Quinn’s and my eyes.

“How do you feel, Quinn?” She placed the mug on the nightstand beside her. “I feel strong. I feel warm, almost hot in a good way. Like I could beat Casey at arm wrestling!” She laughed, it was the most beautiful sound in the whole world. Quinn pounced on me and hugged me. I kissed her. She kissed me back. She tasted better than I remembered. “Come on! Let’s go for a run,” she urged. “I want you to meet the ones who helped me with your cure. I know they’d like to meet you!” I took her hand and bolted for the door. The change in her health was unbelievable. Quinn laughed and charged out of the back door. She threw her clothes on the ground and turned into a wolf. I was right on her heels. I gathered our clothes into my backpack and shifted into my wolf. I sped off into the forest and nipped happily at Quinn’s heals. She playfully nudged me as we charged through the trees. I felt so free. I felt like the world was finally right again. Quinn was at my side and we were on the best run of our lives.

I led her to the gargoyle cave. Quinn sniffed apprehensively at the dark hole. I touched her nose with mine and led her into the darkness. Our eyes quickly adjusted and we made our way quickly. I came to a stop and dropped the backpack. I forced my body through the painful transition back to human shape. Quinn followed my example. I tossed her clothes from my backpack and slipped into mine. “Quinn, these beings. They are creatures of the night like we are. They are gargoyles. I never would’ve been able to cure you if they hadn’t helped me.” “Gargoyles,” Quinn repeated. “I knew I wasn’t dreaming! I knew she was real!” I nodded, “Her name is Cordelia. She was vital to my success. There are three others, part of a clan. Come say hi.” Quinn and I rounded the final corner and stepped into the torch light. Goliath and the rest turned their heads at our approach. “Alpha! Is this her? Is she healed?” I smiled widely, “Yes this is her. Once we deal with witches, I’ll introduce you to her.” “Witches,” Quinn asked. “I will fill you in soon. It’s a grand tale.”

Goliath turned to Isadora and Isabella. Isabella had been gagged again. Isadora’s eyes were filled with hatred and malice. “My Love, do you want to do the honors? This is the witch who cursed you to your long slumber,” Goliath pointed to Isadora. “No, I enjoy watching you work,” she responded. Goliath advanced on Isadora. She shook with impotent rage and screamed. I could only imagine the threats and curses she wanted to spew if only she had a tongue. “I will enjoy watching the light leave your eyes,” Goliath spoke eerily calmly to Isadora. “You made my existence agony for several decades. You do not deserve a swift and quiet end. Yet I am merciful.”

Quick as lightning, Goliath’s huge hand gripped Isadora’s throat and tore it from her neck. A ghastly wheeze pierced the silence. Her body shook as it took short panicked breaths. Blood poured down her naked chest and pooled beneath her feet. Isadora was no more. Isabella screamed in sorrow. Her wail bounced off the rock walls. Tears cascaded from her eyes. “Izzy!” She screamed. Goliath silently stepped in front of Isabella. “No please no! I’ll go away! You’ll never see me aga-” Her voice was instantly cut off as Goliath snapped her neck.

The cave was quiet for a long time. Goliath wiped the blood from his hand on Isabella’s shirt. “They will never again threaten my clan!” He took a deep breath. “Lilith my Love, allow me to introduce Reese, Alpha of the nearby werewolf pack. It is through her efforts, we are reunited. Without her and her wolves, we would all be dead.” Cordelia and Simeon nodded gravely. Lilith gazed at me appreciatively, “Thank you Reese. We are forever in your debt.” “As I am in your debt, without your healing flower, my Quinn would never be healed. This is Quinn, the best thing to ever happen to me.” Quinn blushed bright red. She took a small step forward and said, “Hello. I recognize one of you.” She motioned to Cordelia. “I am known as Goliath. I am this clan’s leader. Beside me is my mate Lilith. You have met Cordelia. Simeon is the other.” Quinn smiled, my heart skipped a beat. “I’m happy to make your acquaintance,” she answered Goliath.

“Come My Love, we do not have much time left but I would have you look upon the moon this night,” Goliath purred. “Yes, we have been too long cooped up in this old cave,” Simeon interjected. All six of us made our way up the path and out into the gorgeous moonlight. Lilith gasped at its beauty. The fresh air felt wonderful in my lungs, I couldn’t imagine how incredible it must feel to the gargoyles. They had been stuck in that cave for who knows how long. My heart sank as I remembered Max and Ash. “Goliath, we must go. I must take care of my wolves who were wounded in battle.” “Yes. Thank you Reese for everything.” I nodded my head. Quinn and I walked into the woods. “The witches killed Max and hurt several others. We need to get back.” Quinn gasped, “Max is dead?” Tears formed in my eyes. I pulled my clothes from my body and stuffed them in my backpack. Quinn did likewise and we shape-shifted into our wolf bodies. We ran into the darkness side by side.

When we reached the house, we were greeted by Casey. “How is he,” I asked. Casey sighed heavily, “Not well Reese. He spent the whole day and night with a chainsaw in his hand. He made a spectacular pillar of a wolf. He brought it back and put it on the back patio. He is inside now with Max.” I stepped into the house. Ash knelt on the floor by the couch, his sobs echoed in the room. Max’s paw was in his hand. Tears poured down everyone’s faces. We had lost a brother. Ellis stepped up to me and whispered that the grave had been dug. I put my hand tenderly on Ash’s shoulder, “Come, it is time to put him to rest.” Ash looked at me, his eyes red and bloodshot. He sniffed hard and stood. He picked up Max’s body. Ellis led the way to the grave he and Drew had dug. The walk was silent and painful. This was the first time we lost a family member.

Ash jumped into the hole and gingerly set Max on the ground. He kissed Max’s head and whimpered, “Good night sweet prince.” He pulled himself out of the hole. Ellis and Drew started to fill the grave. I put my arms around Ash and put his head on my shoulder. Quinn took her position on his other side. She rubbed his back. Tears flowed freely. The silence was punctuated by the clanks of shovels. Finally the grave was filled in. “Say something Reese,” Ash begged. I cleared my throat. “Max. You were a brother to all of us. You were there to help us when we needed you. You protected us. Life will never be the same. We all will strive to honor your memory.” Ash broke down in loud sobs. He fell to his knees and squeezed dirt into his fists. One by one, everyone returned to the house, except Quinn, Ash, and me.

The sky turned a brilliant shade of pink. It foretold the sun would rise presently. Ash wailed and churned the dirt with his hands. I knelt beside him and rubbed his back. His sobs slowly turned to sniffles. My heart broke for him. I couldn’t imagine the pain he felt. “Take me home,” Ash sniffled. I pulled him to his feet. Quinn and I guided him back to the house and into his room. Ash collapsed on his bed, he hugged his knees to his chest. I tucked a blanket around him. As I left the room, I closed the door behind me.

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