Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Lucid Fur

Chapter 16 Beginning of the End

“Can we have chocolate chip pancakes?” Quinn asked as we left our room in search of breakfast. “Of course. I think we have the fixings.” I led her to a stool at the kitchen island. I collected the ingredients for chocolate chip pancakes. Phoenix approached and greeted Quinn, “You look a lot better Quinn.” Quinn smiled, “Thank you, Reese took good care of me.” She winked at me and my face reddened a little. Phoenix obviously understood and replied, “I can’t wait till she can take care of me.” Quinn’s lips widened into a stunning smile. “What do you say to that, Reese?” I paused dramatically, “Oh Phoenix said she wants to have her first time with both of us.”

I mixed the batter and poured in the chocolate chips. “Really?” Quinn asked. Phoenix nodded her head, “Once you’re better, Quinn.” I poured the pancake batter into a preheated skillet. My phone buzzed. I motioned to Phoenix to watch the pancakes as I took the call. Phoenix stepped to the stove and grasped the spatula. “Reese! Oh my gosh Reese! She is going to hurt them! She is going to hurt the gargoyles!” My eyebrows scrunched together. “Dylan! Slow down! What’s going on?” His voice was frantic and scared, “The witch from the occult shop! She is going after the gargoyles! She just left! Hur-,” Dylan’s voice was cut off once and the call ended. I leaped into action. I yelled, “The gargoyles are in danger. I’m going to help. Come if you want!” Doors burst open and my wolves barreled out of their rooms and up from the basement. Everyone except Quinn and Phoenix rushed outside and tossed their clothes. I playfully tossed my shirt to Quinn and lunged out the back door.

I roared and leapt high into the air. I transformed mid air and slammed into the ground on my four massive paws. A terrific howl escaped my jaws and I left my pack through the woods to the gargoyle cave. The seven of us raced forward through the trees. All of the forest animals scampered away as we charged onward. I saw a figure enter the gargoyle cave. I snarled and pushed myself as fast and as hard as I could. We dove into the cave a mere seconds behind the figure. Their scent tickled my nose. It was a familiar scent, one I once associated with safety and home. Isadora! She moved fast for a human. She must have used some kind of speed enhancement spell.

The darkness of the cave didn’t slow us down any. I had sped through these tunnels a dozen times and my pack trusted me. I rounded the corner and saw Isadora waving her hands towards the gargoyles who held Isabella’s chains. The chains snapped. Isabella was free! She reached up and yanked the gag from her mouth as I plowed into Isadora. We tumbled to the floor. She moved as quickly as I did. She easily evaded my attacks and I ducked under the spells she cast. The bright light from the spells cast the room into chaos. It was quite difficult to see what was happening. Two impossibly loud booms blasted my ear drums. I felt blood trickle out of my ears, the world went silent. I twisted my body and saw a figure that held a shotgun. My wolves regained their equilibrium and renewed their assault on the witches. I set my sights on the figure who shot at us. It was a man, his eyes glowed a strange red color. Intuition told me to be careful with him, to keep him alive.

I pounced high into the air, pointed my shoulder at his chest. He must have managed to reload his weapon. Another flash of light burst from his weapon, I heard nothing. Then I felt it, like one hundred furious bees stung my chest. I slammed into the man. His head bounced against the cavern floor. His eyes lost their red glow, I recognized him instantly. Davy! Why was he here? Why did his eyes glow? My chest hurt like crazy and I couldn’t hear a thing. My back felt incredibly cold. I whipped my head around to see ice shards crawl up my back towards my head. I threw myself to the ground and rolled in an attempt to dislodge the ice shards. They dug into my skin and made me bleed. The ice still formed on my back. I had only seconds before the ice enveloped my head, I would die a frosty miserable death if I didn’t hurry.

I raced at Isadora, her face twisted in a vicious sneer. With a flick of her wrist, Casey and River slammed against the wall behind her. My paws pounded the cavern floor as I galloped full speed at Isadora. Blood dripped from my ears and chest. My jaws latched onto her arm and I shook my head violently. She let herself go limp to minimize the damage. A bright orange light pranced to life, Goliath was awake and lit his torch. His massive hand shot out of nowhere and grasped Isadora’s opposite arm. She was stretched tight between Goliath and I. Simeon charged her, cranked her mouth open and ripped her tongue from her mouth. The hideous thing writhed and wiggled in his fist for several seconds. Blood poured from Isadora’s mouth. I knew she screamed but I heard nothing.

Cordelia was perched on top of Isabella. Her sharp claws were clenched around Isabella’s neck, ready to squeeze the life out of her if she dared to utter a spell. The fight was over almost as quickly as it had begun. The ice on my back stopped its advance toward my head. The Ice spell failed as Simeon ripped out Isadora’s tongue. I surveyed the carnage around the cavern. Ash continually poked Max with his nose. Max was either unconscious or dead, I couldn’t tell. Casey and River still crumpled in a pile by the back wall. Drew, Kai, and Robin had cornered Davy. I yelped at them and shook my head. They didn’t hurt Davy but kept him pinned against the cave wall. He must have regained consciousness. His hands were held high above his head.

I stepped between Davy and my pack. His eyes were wide with fear as well as disbelief, and luckily, back to their regular color. I saw his mouth move. I licked his face with my huge tongue. My pack relaxed noticeably after they saw me greet my father. I looked around for Ellis, but I didn’t see him. I paced the cavern and searched for Ellis. I was pretty sure he joined us. Perhaps he stayed home to protect Quinn and Phoenix. Casey and River picked themselves up off the cavern floor and shook out their fur. I made eye contact with Casey and pointed to Ash and Max with my nose. Casey bobbed their head in acknowledgement. They trotted toward Ash and Max. I gathered the rest of us. Goliath stepped into my line of sight. I could tell he was speaking, but I couldn’t hear him. I got close to him, turned and tilted my head so he had an excellent view of my bloody ear. Goliath nodded once.

Cordelia’s voice echoed in my head. It disoriented me a bit, I had forgotten her ability. She mentioned that Goliath has asked what I wanted to do with the witches. I considered a slow painful death, but my gut told me to keep them alive. I relayed it to Cordelia and she in turn to Goliath. He frowned but respected my wishes. He knew he and his clan would be dead and reduced to rubble if we hadn’t intervened. I gathered my wolves with the exception of Casey, Ash and Max. I knew Casey would take care of Max and Ash. We traversed the upward path once again and began the journey home. We didn’t run this time, We were in pain from the battle. The trip was over twice as long, yet we trudged on. We finally made it to the house. Ellis stepped through the door to greet us. I saw his mouth move. I shook my head. He saw my bloody ears.

I shifted back into my human form and held my bleeding chest. I stumbled through the house and headed to the shower. Phoenix saw the blood and raced after me. Once I got under the water, I finally let my tears flow down my cheeks. My ears hurt and my chest throbbed. I felt a hand on my shower. I refused to turn around. I didn’t want Phoenix or anyone to see me this way, weak and wounded. My back ached from frostbite. A hand clamped down on my forearm and spun me around. Phoenix stood before me, her mouth wide with horror. I must have looked terrible. I dropped my eyes, I didn’t want to see her reaction. She stepped into the shower, clothes included, and began to pull dozens of little metal pellets out of my chest. It was a long painful process. My chest itched as it slowly heals. The blood flow ceased.

The water was long since cold but it numbed the itch in my chest. I didn’t complain. I could tell Phoenix spoke by the way her mouth moved but I couldn’t hear anything. My ears began to heal, all I heard was a loud constant buzz, it frustrated me. My back prickled and felt like needles were continuously pushed and pulled through my skin. I turned around and showed Phoenix my back. I felt her fingers trace around the painful spot in my back. Phoenix filled my loofah with soap and washed me. She rinsed me and dried me. She wrapped a bandage around my chest and back. She put me in bed and I quickly fell asleep.

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