Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Lucid Fur

Chapter 13 Flying Wolf

I ran through the trees, my vision was slightly blurred. I blinked away the tears and growled at my naivety. It was my fault, I let my guard down and I had gotten hurt because of it. I knew the airport was west, I didn’t know how far it was though. Tree limbs scratched at my fur and leaves whipped my snout. I welcomed the pain, it felt good in an odd way. I charged recklessly through the woods in the direction I hoped was towards the airport. It had been hours since I left my parents house. I still couldn’t believe I had allowed myself to believe in them. My phone buzzed incessantly, I ignored it.

My anger grew as I continued through the underbrush. I was furious at my parents for their betrayal, furious at myself because I hoped they had changed. My fury gave me speed. The trees blurred as hot angry tears dripped off my chin. I felt so stupid. The sky became a gorgeous shade of pink, which foretold sunrise. I slowed to a stop and phased back into my human form. I was lost and needed to check my phone GPS. I dressed and pulled my phone from the bottom of the backpack. The GPS reported that the airport was a little less than two hours by foot away. I threw my arms through the straps of the backpack and hoisted it to my shoulders. I didn’t need anyone to see my wolf side.

I clambered over fallen trees and sidestepped thorny bushes. Travel was slow but it gave me time to process my emotions. I decided to forgive myself and place blame where it was due. I had enough anger. I resolved to be smarter and more emotionally stable. The birds twittered and sang as I marched through the trees. I saw the occasional squirrel as it jumped from tree to tree. The hike was peaceful and I almost enjoyed it. I checked the GPS again to ensure I was on course. I had half a dozen missed calls and a few texts.

My parents both had tried to call me along with a couple missed calls from Dylan. I didn’t bother to check the texts right then, I didn’t think I could handle lectures and pleas. I wanted to hold Quinn. I missed my pack. I thought about Quinn’s question about polyamory and what it meant for her, Phoenix and I. I had never thought about Phoenix in a romantic way. She was quite attractive and she had a good heart. The more I thought about her the more I missed her. It was weird. I needed to talk to her about this. Once I cured Quinn maybe the three of us could have that conversation.

I finally arrived at the airport and bought my ticket. The only problem was that the earliest flight was in two hours. Looks like I had plenty of time on my hands. I passed the security check and plopped down in a chair and waited for time to pass. I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and check my texts. One was from Quinn, she missed me and hoped I’d be home soon. I responded that my flight wasn’t for two hours. There was a message from Casey, they asked when I needed to be picked up. I let them know the flight wasn’t for two hours. The third and final text was from Phoenix. She said Cordelia asked about me. I replied to her and told her I’d be home in a couple hours.

There was nothing else to do but wait. I was more than ready to be home and done with all this mess. I missed Quinn terribly. I felt a little guilty because I thought Phoenix was attractive. I lifted my elbow to the armrest and set my head in my hand. Two hours was an awfully long time to wait. I closed my eyes. I jerked awake, my wolf was angry. I looked around sleepily for what upset my wolf. There she was. She sat on the opposite side of the room. Isadora. My inner wolf growled angrily. Why was she here? Has she seen me? Would she recognize me? Did she know I was a werewolf?

My anxiety peppered me with questions and things to worry about. I took a deep breath and calmed my mind. If I was to survive hours with this woman on an airplane, I needed to relax and not act suspiciously. The two hours finally passed and we were permitted to board. I kept Isadora in view as best I could. Her seat was towards the middle of the plane and mine was towards the front. If I was lucky I could slip into my seat before she saw me. I dived to my seat and slouched as low as I could to avoid detection. Eventually all the passengers had boarded and the plane took to the skies.

I felt a little better once we were airborne but still I was very uncomfortable with Isadora several rows behind me. I hoped she hadn’t seen me. The hours ticked by, the minutes stretched on and on. I was restless, my wolf wanted to rip Isadora to shreds. I took several deep breaths and did everything I could to remain composed. I felt the airplane start a slow descent. It wouldn’t be long now before I could lose Isadora in the crowd and get home. I missed Quinn. I wanted to know how Phoenix felt about me. I was ready to be home with my pack. I missed all of them.

My thoughts turned to Ash and Max. I wondered what outdoor adventure Ash took his city raised boyfriend on while I was gone. I wondered how much Drew and Kai’s relationship had grown. I remembered how Robin had struggled to put them together. I grinned at the memories of her antics in an attempt to get Drew and Kai together. Robin had actually pushed the two of them to the ground on top of each other. It was quite humorous. I mused about Phoenix’s garden, I assumed she was successful with her veggies and flowers of all kinds. I was sure Ellis had kept himself busy with his online job. I wondered if he was happy.

Finally the plane bumped as the wheels squealed and touched the runway. We were back on solid ground. The plane rolled to a stop and we were allowed the exit. I hurried off the plane and through the airport. I lifted my phone to my ear and called Casey. They were about thirty minutes away. I had to evade Isadora for a mere half hour. I could do this. I felt a tap on my shoulder and cringed. I turned around; the devil herself faced me. Isadora smiled brightly at me, “Didn’t I see you in my shop a little while ago?” I gulped and nodded. “I knew it!” She exclaimed.

“I could never forget your stunning silver hair,” Isadora announced. A shiver raced down my spine. “What are you doing here,” I asked. “I’m visiting my sister. How about you?” Isadora’s eyes darkened just a bit. I shrugged my shoulders, “I go college a town over.” I hoped I sounded nonchalant. Her eyes studied me, it felt like she peered into my soul. “Anyway, I have to go. My sister is waiting for me,” Isadora flipped her hair over her shoulder and turned away from me. I watched her disappear into the crowd. I could breathe again.

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