Rosa was stirring and waking up with the bright sun coming through the blinds the next morning. She opened her eyes and saw something flashing on the opposite wall to the bed; her eyes followed the bright light, and as it moved down and over towards her left hand where it stopped. Rosa then remembered what had happened last night before they went to sleep. Luca had proposed, and they discovered they were expecting their first child. They had chosen who they wanted to stand up with and where the wedding and reception locations would be. Rosa and Luca had a fair bit to discuss the wedding details. She got out of bed, went to shower, and changed before seeing Arianna and Emma. Rosa rushed through, getting ready in excitement about how she would tell her friends. Thirty minutes later, Rosa dressed and prepared to start her busy day, organising another memorable event. Luca would inform the pack of the news about their upcoming wedding. Plus, she had to call Gianna and tell her the good news.

Rosa heard the sheets rustling from the bed as Luca stirred to wake and get up. She quickly finished getting ready just as Luca came out of the bathroom dressed to start his busy day. Rosa thought about something when he asked her, "A penny for your thoughts?" as he put his watch on his left wrist. She looked at him and answered, "I was just thinking of asking Elder Gabriel if he would like to officiate the ceremony," she replied before asking his opinion. "What do you think?" Luca replied, "Yeah, sounds good, but there's one problem," he informed her. Rosa answered, "Oh, what problem would that be?" she asked. Luca smiled at her as he said, "We haven't even set the date yet; that's the problem," Rosa replied. "Is that all? We could organise the Luna ceremony in three weeks, so how about two weeks from today?" Luca's eyes widened after she said that before saying, "Do you think that two weeks is enough time to get everything done? "He replied. She thought about it before answering, "Yes, but to be sure, we will make the time for three weeks, the same time we had for my Luna ceremony," she said, grinning, "If everyone pitches in as they did with the Luna ceremony, we should be okay," she informed him.

Luca looks at her in admiration at how enthusiastic she is about things and people. He was so lucky to have a mate like her. "So Saturday, the twenty-fifth of May twenty-nineteen, will be our wedding day," he asked, taking her into his arms and embracing her. Rosa replied, "Yes, it will. What time do you think it will be?" as she asked for his input. Luca thought about it before he answered, "How about five-thirty?" Rosa turned around in his arms so they were face to face when he announced the time. Rosa smiled and agreed with him, saying, ″Perfect.″ She said before kissing him, to which he returned rather enthusiastically, making her giggle at his naughty behaviour. Unlike the handsome twenty-five-year-old man standing before her, he acted like a two-year-old child. Luca laughed at her reaction, causing her to huff back in response.

Within the next few minutes, they both headed out of the room, but not before he announced that there would be an announcement after the morning training session. The pack replied in unison, "Yes, Alpha!" They then did their duties.

After breakfast, they went in separate ways. Rosa went to see Arianna and asked her if she would be one of her bridesmaids, who hugged her after agreeing that she would love to stand by her and Luca. Rosa then went to find Emma and asked her the same thing. When Emma heard the news, she squealed and agreed to stand by her with Arianna. When Luca found who he was looking for, Luca informed Gabriel, Stefano, and his brother told them of their upcoming wedding, asking them if they would stand by him.

They clapped on the back before hugging and congratulating him, informing him they would happily stand by him and officiate their ceremony. Gabriel said he was looking forward to it and could not wait for the day when they finally said, "I do" to each other. Luca and the others could not wait for the day to arrive. But in the meantime, there was to organise and do in two weeks.

They then left to get ready for the training before the meeting. Thirty minutes later, everyone was in their training gear and waiting for the meeting to start, which it did once Luca, Rosa and the others entered the building and went to the front. Luca put up his hands to quieten everyone down as they talked to each other, wondering what would happen next; as they saw the Alpha, they all quietened down so that he could speak.

Then Luca, with Rosa by his side, made the all-important announcement. "Luna Rosa and I would like to announce our engagement after asking this beautiful woman next to me for her hand in marriage. She accepted," he informed the pack with a smile. He continued, "The wedding will be in two weeks with one week to spare in case of any last-minute decisions and will be organised in the backyard to accommodate everyone, and the reception will be here in the hall and will also double as our engagement party. Please see Luna Rosa or me for those who want to help. Elder Gabriel has agreed to officiate the ceremony, and it is an absolute honour that he has agreed," he tells them. Everyone clapped at that announcement. "The wedding will be at five-thirty in the afternoon on Saturday, the twenty-fifth of May, two weeks from today," he informed them. "Training cancelled so that everyone can attend. In the meantime, there are things to get done. Luna and I have some details to complete as well. So please go ahead with your normal day-to-day routine. The Luna and l are looking forward to it since many of you can come and help us celebrate," he said before dismissing them. Pack members came forward to congratulate the Alpha pair, who thanked you and hoped to see you there before they left the hall. When everyone left, Luca, Rosa, and the others headed back towards his and Rosa's office to discuss the upcoming nuptials.

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