The following day came with the sun shining through the blinds in the bedroom. Luca and Rosa were still in bed after last night's lovemaking sessions. Twenty minutes later, Luca was stirring, gradually waking up. Luca ordered breakfast for them both while Rosa was still sleeping. Luca included fresh fruit for Rosa and ordered pancakes with maple syrup, coffee, and ginger tea for his beautiful wife to help with nausea.

He then went to the shower and dressed before their food arrived. As Luca showered, Rosa woke up, heard the water running in the bathroom, and got out of bed, wrapping the robe around her body to keep the chilly air away. The water in the shower turned off as she gathered her clothes for the day. The bathroom door opened, and Luca walked out towards the bed, seeing it empty. After coming out of the wardrobe with her clothes, Rosa made a noise in her throat, looking at her handsome husband, and licked her lips at him in his dark blue denim jeans and white top. Luca snickered and asked if she would like a picture. Rosa giggled and replied, "Why would l want to take a picture? When the real thing is in front of me?" Her mate smirked as his face lit up in amusement at what Rosa had said.

Luca then smiles and tells her that room service will be up soon with their breakfast. Hearing this, Rosa rushes into the bathroom, taking her clothes with her, but not before kissing her husband. Good morning. The kiss was presumed light on the lips, but Luca had other ideas and kept kissing his wife before letting her go; they were breathless after that enthusiastic kiss. Rosa quickly made her way to the bathroom. As she showered, Luca was trying to get himself under control.

After a while, a knock on the door and a voice calling out, "Room service." Luca opened the door after Rosa exited the bathroom, already dressed. He let the server wheel their food-laden trolley into their room. Rosa's stomach growled at the scent of food after being ravished by her husband throughout the night. Rosa was hungry. So was Luca, but not for food, as he looked at his darling wife. Rosa blushed with embarrassment because the server was still in the room. Luca quickly tipped the server and thanked him before he left the suite. The server smiled as he said his thanks and went out the door, leaving them to enjoy their meal.

They discussed what they would like to do today as they ate breakfast. After considering the choices, they looked at the local attractions. Having finished their breakfast, they left the trolley outside their room as they spent the next few minutes getting ready and gathering up their belongings. Then, they placed them into their pockets in Luca's case and Rosas's case in her handbag. They left the suite, heading towards the elevator, holding hands. Coming from the elevator into the lobby, they walk out of the resort and head towards the nearest attraction to Poipu Beach.

They were strolling down the beach, looking at ocean views and other people walking along the coast. It's lunchtime, so they tried one of the local eateries, Brennecke's Beach Broiler; since Rosa cannot have seafood while pregnant, she ordered the classic nachos while Luca chose the fish tacos and two wild teas to drink with their meals. While eating, they discussed what to do next before Rosa got too tired.

The next place they went to was Poipu Beach Park. They walked around for a while, looking at the scenery before returning to the resort so Rosa could rest before dinner. When they returned to the hotel, they went straight to their suite. As soon as they entered, Rosa lay down until it was time to head to the restaurant for dinner. Three hours later, and rested, they headed to dinner.

The manager welcomed them back and took them to the same table last night when they got there. They sat down before looking at the menu as Kalani filled their water glasses. They ordered their food and asked Kalani where they should go while in Hawaii. He suggested going to see the favourite surfing spots on the island, including Poipu Beach, Salt Pond, Allerton's, Kukuiula Harbor, Davidson's at Kekaha, Pakala's, Lawani Beach (also called P.K.'s Centre and Acid Drop), Shipwrecks Beach, Nawiliwili Harbor, Hanalei Bay, Tunnels Beach, and Cannons.

Kalani also suggested going to the beach's bonfire night to take in the sunset and stars with an evening in an oversized Adirondack chair beside the Koa Kea Fire Pits' warm flames island natural wonders and visit the island's south shore. Visit the Spouting Horn, a natural phenomenon where we will witness a massive plume of water with an outlandish local legend or see the Lithified Sand Dunes. A historic and hidden landscape is on the cliffs. Or, if we are interested in an artful display of flora and fauna, we should visit the Allerton Garden and watch for other local parks, gardens, and natural sites.

As for any shopping they might be interested in, they should go to the Poipu Shopping Village, which is home to art galleries, clothing and swimwear boutiques, gift shops, crafts, jewellery, souvenirs and more. Rosa and Luca thanked him for the suggestions and said they would keep them in mind. Rosa was especially interested in the jewellery and souvenir stores, thinking of the others back home who would appreciate a little trinket from their honeymoon. After the server served their food, they ate and enjoyed every morsel. They decided not to order desserts and returned to their suite after eating.

Once in the suite, Rosa went to shower, brush her teeth, and change into bedclothes. Luca did the same after Rosa got into bed but came out in his pyjama pants. Looking lovingly at his wife and mate, he slipped between the sheets and kissed his wife. Before long, their nightclothes landed on the floor; that was it, another endless night of lovemaking.

It was close to early morning before they fell asleep, with Luca saying, "That was better than any dessert I've ever tasted in my life." Rosa just sighed in contentment and agreed with her husband and mate.

Over the next two weeks, they did what Kalani had suggested and visited all his suggestions. The nights belonged to them, and they made love every night until the early hours of the following day.

Before they knew it, their time in Hawaii had ended, and it was time to return to the pick, resume their duties, and wait for the next generation to be born. Rosa and Luca will never forget Hawaii and their friends and recommend the resort to their families.

They packed their bags, left the suite, and headed towards the elevator and lobby. After exiting the elevator and entering the hall, they went to the counter to check out. Since somebody had already paid for the booking before they left the pack, all the desk clerk needed was Luca's signature.

Luca signed the card and handed it back to the front desk. He had added a big tip for the resort's services and help and said they would return soon. The lady behind the desk was pleased to hear that she processed the newly married couple's checkout and then said goodbye before they left to get the airport shuttle back to the airport.

Luca tipped the shuttle driver and reached for their bags when they got to the airport. As they entered the terminal, they walked to the front desk and got their tickets for the flight home. They had twenty minutes until boarding the plane, so they got coffee and tea at the cafe. Before long, their flight number called for boarding. They went to the line and boarded the plane; they were in first class again for Rosas's comfort. The flight attendant closed the hatch door as soon as the passengers boarded while another flight attendant reviewed the safety instructions if an emergency arose. The plane then started travelling down the runway, gaining speed until it could fly into the air.

Four and a half hours later, the plane landed at the Seattle Tacoma airport. They disembarked the aircraft through the airport terminal and the baggage conveyor to retrieve their bags before getting their car and driving home to the pack. As soon as they could get their luggage, they headed towards the long-term parking desk and got the keys to the car. Once inside the vehicle, Luca drove out of long-term parking and headed straight home.

They were both exhausted by the time they got back to the packhouse. No one was expecting them home yet, so they had time before the entire pack knew they were and ascended the stairs to their room as quietly as possible, but with no luck, as a door further down opened. Stefano walked out of his suite and saw them entering theirs. He nods in acknowledgement as they go through the door; Luca links him to say that they will catch up in the morning.

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