In the meantime, Rosa panicked when she tried to open her eyes but couldn’t because there was nothing but darkness surrounding her. She could not see or hear anything. She only knew that her mind was actively trying to work out what had happened, as she thought to herself. There was complete silence, except for the breaths going in and out of her body. Her heart was still beating. She then asked herself, what happened? Even her sixth sense was not working, making her extremely worried as her sixth sense warned her that wherever and whenever there was danger ahead.

After a while, she remembered. Rosa remembered going out to explore like she usually did. Hearing the silent wildlife around her, she turns around to return, surrounded by a pack of wild wolves. Then they attacked her and left her for dead when they left; there was nothing else she could remember. Where was she, and how long has it been since the attack? A day, a week, or even a month or more? She wondered as she tried to move but could not. She asked why she could not move and panicked, but then, as l was thinking about her injuries and how they must have been terrible, whoever was treating her felt it was best to keep her from not moving around in case she hurt herself more. Rosa then calmed down once more. She thought about her boss, Gianna Gallo, and her co-workers; what would happen if she didn’t return to work when her break time was up? What will she do?

Suddenly, Rosa felt warm, like the sun had surrounded her body, warming her; it felt like something or someone was touching her forehead. When a voice said, “Not long now. Two more weeks should do. I will help heal you, then the fun will begin,” it said. The voice sounded like a woman’s voice speaking. Then, the warmth and voice disappeared. What just happened? Who is she, and what did she mean by that? There is not long to go now; just two more weeks should do, and someone will heal me completely. Then, the fun can begin. What’s the fun that can start? Rosa thought to herself, puzzled by what the voice had said. Fearing what those words could mean, Rosa blocked them out as best as she could. As if she could do anything in her condition, thinking to herself.

While lying here, Rosa thinks whoever the voice belongs to is essential. Why me, though? There is nothing special about me. I am no one important. There is nothing to know about me. What fun could the voice mean, l wonder? Well, l will find out in two weeks, l guess? There is nothing to do now but get better, hope for the best, and thank the people helping me. I wish l could remember more and know there is more to come, but will l understand what is happening? Not until someone can explain everything to me and why it happened. Until then, l will try to remember anything else l can help me place and wait until the two weeks are up. Suddenly, l remembered seeing the colours black and gold in a flash. Where have l seen those colours? It is a complete and total mystery to me. I hope I will remember what they mean soon.

Over the next few days, Rosa lay in bed, oblivious to what was happening outside her world as she healed from her injuries. Lately, however, she has had an image of a small boy with brown hair and eyes. He looked around the age of ten, meaning she would have been eight, but why was she seeing this image? As more appeared in her mind. Over the years, the boy slowly grew into a grown adult. Rosa swore to herself as the image of the boy kept asking her one question and one question only. Rosa was confused, wondering who this small boy was and why he was asking her this question as the boy kept asking her, “Rosa, would you be my mate?” Then she suddenly knew who the boy was after he had grown into an adult. His features appeared as he grew. Rosa then recognised him. He was the mysterious man who had come later with another one of their kind. A werewolf. He was their leader, the Alpha, as he was addressed by the others surrounding them. And then they were gone.

Rosa then remembered years ago, when her parents and grandparents were still alive, in her memories, the stories they told her about werewolves and their mates. Rosa had always thought that they were made-up stories. Now she knew they were real because she had seen them herself. As Rosa contemplated her situation, she realised now what the boy or man had been asking her over the years; she had never answered his question. Would she, though? She did not know him. He was a stranger to her. Does he remember me from back then? He must know who she was by how he reacted to seeing her. Could it be that she, Rosa Romano no Romanetti, was his fated mate? Going by the stories from her family, she was indeed his Fated mate. But why now, Rosa wondered. Trying to puzzle out everything that has happened so far, she must find out if he remembers her from childhood, but he might not. It’s been a while since we last saw one another. Rosa suddenly thought of something. Thinking about the situation she was currently in finally clicked into place.

Someone had planned all this, but who was now the question racing wildly in her mind? And when did all this planning start? I was trying to think back to when this, whatever it was, began. Rosa was thinking carefully when another thought struck her, reeling in surprise. Did this have anything to do with her birthday? She wondered. It must have, Rosa thought to herself. The dreams started when she turned eighteen and then every year until now. Then there was that mysterious woman’s voice. Who was she, and was she involved in everything that has happened so far? Rosa wondered. She must be, Rosa concluded, but why? She must have a good reason, Rosa thought to herself. Maybe something happened in the past, and this person is trying to return everything to the original plan. But then that would mean that everything that has happened now should have occurred about what six or seven years ago? I would have been fifteen or sixteen back then. All l know now is that everything will be explained to me after l wake up. Hopefully soon, so until then, l will relax, enjoy the peace as l heal and wait to wake up and find out what is going on and why. Hopefully, it’s not too much for me to handle.

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