Chapter ONE

Saturday morning came at the crack of dawn. Rosa was still in bed, trying to sleep. Poor Rosa, she had the dream again. Climbing out of bed, she was very annoyed. For now, she put it into the back of her mind.

After completing her usual morning routine, Rosa chose to head into town for a while and walk to the bus stop. She was still thinking about her two dreams, peeking at her curiosity and wondering who the two children were, which made her even more curious.

The bus came, and she got on and sat down in the middle. The bus slowly descended the road. After a few minutes, she noticed that the bus had stopped, and it was at the last stop in the town before returning. She got up, departed the bus, and started walking down the street.

As she was walking, her head suddenly appeared, and she looked around as though she felt like she was in danger—as if someone was watching her. She also had this weird pulling sensation in the middle of her chest, making her uncomfortable. Rosa just shook it off as nothing and continued walking.

As she continued walking, the sensation became more intense, as though it was guiding her to something, she thought. Rosa suddenly stopped outside a shopfront and immediately recognised it. It was the real estate agency called Moonlight Real Estate. She sensed the sensation had become less than before outside the shop.

Rosa noticed the advertisements for the for-rent property photos in the window. Her eyes skimmed roughly over the pictures but returned to one specific photo. The sensation was back again, more than ever. ''What's wrong with me?'' Rosa thought to herself.

Coming to a decision, she approaches the person in charge after entering the agency. The young manager with light brown hair and green eyes, Constantino Ferrera on his name tag, comes forward and politely inquires, "Good Morning, Miss. Can l help you with anything?" he asks.

Rosa replied, "Yes, l would like to inquire about one of the photos if l can, please?" she asked.

Constantino answers, "Yes, of course, you can. Which photo would you like to see?" he asks her.

Rosa replies, "This one, please", as she points to show him the photo.

Constantino replies, "Alright," he said. He goes pale after seeing the photo she picked out.

"Are you sure this is the one you want to look at?" he asks her, his face worried.

Rosa replied, "Yes, I'm sure. Why is something wrong with it?" she questioned him.

He says, "No, there is nothing wrong with it; it's just not supposed to be up here; it's extraordinary."

Rosa replies, "Yes, that's very strange."

He replies, "Yes, it is. But I will bring up the details on my computer, and we will look."

Rosa answers, "Okay, thank you."

Constantino says, "No worries, let's see what we have here," he tells her ", You can rent it for three hundred dollars a week, and it's already fully furnished."

Rosa asks, "Okay, what's next?"

He said, "Well, it's up to you what you want. How about you think it over and return when you have decided? How does that sound to you?"

Rosa looks up at him and agrees with him. "I just need to check out something first."

Constantino says to her, "Take your time."

Rosa replies, "Yeah, I will, and thank you for your help."

He said back to her, "No worries, anytime. I'm open on Sundays from ten to one if you need me,"

Rosa answers. "Okay, thanks." They both say their goodbyes to each other.

Rosa found a branch of her bank in town and asked to see the bank manager, Marcus Rossi. After the meeting, she went to find something to eat at one of the many local diners for a late lunch.

While eating after ordering her food, that arrived in ten minutes. Rosa thought about the incredible service they have here to have her food delivered to her so fast.

Rosa had already considered her choice before leaving the real estate office—a choice that was not her usual self but entirely out of the blue, too. But exciting at the same time.

Rosa had decided to rent the property for two weeks. The meeting with the bank manager went successfully. Rosa had plenty of money in her account from inheritance from her grandparents and her parents, who passed away when she was fifteen, and the savings from working with money to spare. Can you call five million dollars in loose change spare money?

Rosa heads back home and reflects on her choice. For some unknown reason, it felt like the right one to make. Feeling excited but nervous about her decision, she can't wait for tomorrow morning.

After returning home, she ate something and got ready for bed. Deep in her thoughts, she was thinking about the picture again. If that type of place did exist, she wouldn't mind living there and making it into a retreat or a home to relax and unwind. Her private place would be where she could do anything and everything she wanted without anyone bothering her. It would be the perfect place to stay while enjoying her break.

Tomorrow morning, Sunday would be the best day of Rosa's life.

Sunday morning came, and Rosa was already preparing for the busy day ahead. She was at the real estate office by ten-thirty with the cash in her handbag. Rosa enters the estate agency without waiting another minute and finds Constantino at his desk behind the counter. She informs him that she will rent the property for two weeks. Constantino was shocked but not surprised to see the young woman back again. She noticed that he had a strange look on his face. She was still feeling the pulling sensation. She had made the right choice.

They finalised the details by the paperwork, and Rosa gave him the cash. He wished her well in her new place, and Rosa thanked him for help. They both said their goodbyes to each other and went their separate ways. Constantino went into his office in the back to file the paperwork. Just when Rosa was about to leave, she accidentally overheard the conversation he was having over the phone. Rosa heard Constantino talking into the phone with a worried voice and sounding troubled by how he was talking to the person on the other end. He asked to speak with someone named Luca. They were talking about her. Rosa was wondering what that was about. Putting it back in her mind, she was thinking about her new home. Constantino said she could move in whenever she wanted as he handed her the keys. Rosa couldn't wait but decided to move in on Monday morning instead. She will be packing up what is needed the most tonight. It was going to be a busy night.

Rosa then realised that she would need a car. Her new home was an hour from the town centre. She found a car rental place and rented an excellent, reliable SUV for the next two weeks. She purchased packing boxes and put them into the car's back seat.

She was not looking forward to packing but knew it needed to be done. She was still excited about her new home. When she returned to the cottage, she put the packing boxes in the lounge room and ordered something to eat, as she would be too busy packing up to cook.

Her food arrived twenty minutes later. After finishing eating, Rosa cleans up after herself and starts to pack.

Several hours passed, and she had packed the essentials; her task was complete. She decided to wait until Monday morning, when she took a shower, went to bed, and promptly fell asleep.

Rosa woke up on Monday morning; after getting dressed, having breakfast and taking her tablet, she quickly packed up her car with necessities such as groceries for the next few days at least. Finally arriving at her destination an hour later, she pulls up to the front door with the directions she got from Constantino. Slowly getting out of the car, she walks up to the front door, unlocks and opens it. Looking around, Rosa was quite happy with her new home, even though it had only been for two weeks. She could come up on the weekends to relax and recuperate from work. She quickly returned to the car, started to bring everything inside, and began to unpack, especially the groceries she got into the fridge. Hours later, after all the unpacking, her stomach said it was time to eat after making growling noises. After making a quick meal and eating it, she went to shower and go to bed. Rosa was very tired. She had the dream again during the night but woke up suddenly as if something was wrong. She felt the sensation again, but it felt more like a compulsion calling her to come outside. So, she did. What she saw surprised and shocked her. She looked around and up at the moon and realised it was the same image as her dream.

Rosa gasped in recognition. "This place is real! It is possible!" she exclaimed." l just made my dream a reality. But how did this happen?" Rosa whispered to herself. Suddenly, the sensation became less apparent. Rosa knew she had made the right choice to come here. Turning back to the house, she heard a loud noise. Something had stepped on a twig behind her. Looking back over her shoulder, she looked around again and saw a pair of gold eyes looking at her through the branches of the bushes. The sensation felt more like a compulsion from before but more intense while staring at the gold eyes. Scared, she rushed quickly back inside the house and locked the door. Too frightened by what she saw outside, Rosa didn't want to go back to sleep in her bed. So, she stayed on the couch downstairs instead, with a warm blanket around her and a pillow for her head. She thought, "I wonder what kind of wildlife have eyes that colour and live here?" she thought. She got her answer a few minutes later when she heard a loud howl. Rosa was so shocked to listen to the cry. "Now l know I got my answer. Wolves live here. Now, what do I do?" she asks herself. Rosa kept lying on the couch, keeping warm and did not realise she was slowly drifting off to sleep, still thinking about those gold eyes and who they belonged to.

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