Chapter ELEVEN

Luca and Gabriel re-entered the packhouse by the back door and headed to his office. Luca lets the Elder go through the door first when they get there. Gabriel sits on the couch while Luca heads towards the minibar Stefano returns to them before asking them if they want a drink. They both said, “Water will be fine, thanks”, so Luca got three small bottles of water out of the bar fridge in the cabinet and handed over two of them to the Elder, his Beta and kept the other one for himself. Gabriel and Stefano say “Thanks” to him. Luca replies to them, saying, “No worries.” Gabriel then speaks up first. “Luca, l was just wondering how long Rosa is renting her family’s property for”, he inquired. Luca replies, “She was renting it for two weeks, according to my brother, Constantino. Why,” he asks. The Elder asked, “How long has she been here?” he inquired. Luca replies, “She has been here since Monday, so that’s five days. Why,” he asks. Gabriel answers, “I’m just wondering what will happen when the two weeks are up; there is only one week and two days left on the rental contract. I know that she paid for the two weeks, but do we know if or where she works if she does work?” he said to the both of them.

Stefano will speak up next. “Yes, she does work; we discovered she is a receptionist to the head manager at the local community hospital. We found it in her purse when we were looking for some form of identification”, he informed the Elder, who then said, “Who is the head manager there?” he asked the Beta. Stefano replies to him, saying, “Her name is Gianna Gallo” he tells the Elder, whose eyes widen at the news. Luca sees Gabriel’s face. “What’s wrong,” he asks him. The Elder answers him with, “Are you sure?” he asked. The Beta replies, “Yes, I’m sure she is listed as an emergency contact for the Luna; why.” Gabriel answers by saying to both of them, “Because she is one of us and is also a pack member of yours” he explains to them as he continues to speak. “Gianna has been working there for a few years. It’s just strange that Rosa is working there, too.” Luca asked the Elder, “Could this be the Moon Goddess at work?” he asked the Elder.

Gabriel replied, “Why would you say that,” The Elder said. Luca replies, “Because l thought that maybe l could have been hearing her voice in my head lately”, he explains to the Elder. Gabriel gasped at hearing this news and asked, “How many times and when?” Luca replies, “The Voice spoke to me twice, on Saturday and Thursday”, he informs the Elder. Gabriel asks, “What did the Voice say to you?” Luca replied, “The Voice said to me on Saturday ‘, You’re welcome, Alpha Luca Ferrera,’ and on Wednesday night, the Voice said, ‘All will be revealed soon, Alpha Luca’, he told the Elder. Gabriel asks, “What were you thinking about before the Voice spoke to you,” he asked him. Luca replies, “Well, the first time was when l was in bed on Saturday night. l was wondering if the Moon Goddess was helping me in finding my mate, and the second time was on Wednesday night, and that was when l was in bed as well l was thinking about what we would find out about the Romanetti’s and my mate,” he said to the Elder.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, Gabriel says, “I think that you are correct about the Moon Goddess helping out, but l think it started when Rosa found the ‘For Rent’ ad in your brother’s real estate office”, he explained to them both. Stefano says to Luca, “It does make sense, Alpha.” Luca then thinks about it and agrees with them both. “Yes, it does make sense because we know the ad should not have been there”, he explained to the Elder. Gabriel then says, “The Moon Goddess is one mysterious woman, and l will need to update Gianna on Rosa and what has happened to her and for her not to come back to work as Rosa will be taking an indefinite leave of absence if that is okay with you?” Luca replies, “Yes, l think that is a good idea. We don’t need the extra worry from her work colleagues”, as he and Stefano both agreed with the Elder. Gabriel stands up after looking at the time on the clock on Luca’s desk. It was after eleven; it was time to retire for the night. The Elder tells Luca and Stefano, “Well, l guess it is time for me to hit the hay, so to speak. It has been a long day”, he said to them. Luca said to the Elder, “Yes, it has been a long day since we found out,” and he agreed with the Elder. “Well, I am off to bed. I will see you in the morning. Goodnight to you, Luca and Stefano,” he said to them. They replied, “Goodnight, Gabriel, Gabriel”, as the Elder left the office, knowing Luca sleeps in the same room with his mate.

Luca looks at his Beta and asks, “How is everything?” he inquires. Stefano replied, “Everything is going well,” he said back. “And the Luna,” he asked his best friend and Alpha. Luca replies, “She is going well too, according to Arianna; I’m on my way there to check in before going to bed. Would you like to come,” he asks his Beta. Stefano answers him back, “Yes, l would, thanks.” Luca replies, “No worries, let’s go,” he said. Stefano says, “Okay,” as he follows him to the hospital. They both enter the hospital and head towards his mate’s room. Entering through the door, they both looked at his mate lying in her bed. Luca goes over and kisses her forehead. Stefano looks away to give them privacy. Luca then hears a soft knock on the door and says to the person, “Come in.”

Cristian and Arianna come into the room to check up on Rosa. Luca asks them, “Why are you both here? Is something wrong?” Cristian replies, “No, there is nothing wrong; we are both here because we have both finished our rounds, and Rosa is our last patient to check up on,” he said to him. Luca replies, “Oh, okay”, as Arianna checks on Rosa. A few minutes later, she is finished and writes her notes into Rosa’s chart. She tells him, “She is doing well.” Luca replies, “That is good to hear,” he told her. Cristian then answers, “Yes, it isn’t; in just a few more days cut,s and bruises will be gone”, he informs Luca, who answers him back, saying, “I can’t wait to see them gone” he replies as he winces remembering how it happened. Arianna replies, “Yes, l think we will all be happy to see them gone. That is the easy part; next comes the hard part when she receives her wolf and wakes up” She said to them,” She said to them. Luca replies, “Yes, it will be hard, but l know that we will be okay because we have the support from everyone in the pack”, he tells her.

Both the doctors and Stefano agree with him. Cristian says, “We will see you in the morning, Alpha.” Luca says to them, “Okay, goodnight.” They both say goodnight to the Alpha and leave Luca and Stefano in the room. Stefano tells him, “I’m glad that she is doing well,” he said to his Alpha. Luca then says to him, “Yes, me too.” Stefano then asks, “I’m heading off to bed too if there is nothing else that you need?” he inquires. Luca replies, “Um, no, I’m good for now; go to bed because I’m heading to bed myself as well,” he tells him. Stefano then says to him, “Okay then, goodnight Alpha.” Luca replies, “Goodnight, Stefano,” as his Beta heads towards the door and leaves the room. Luca then looked at his mate after Stefano had left and sighed. “I can’t wait for you to wake up”, he said to her as he kissed her forehead again and caressed her left cheek. After a few minutes of doing this, he turns and heads towards the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once he had changed for bed, he slipped between the sheets and instantly fell asleep.

Sometime during the middle of the night, a strange light suddenly appeared in the room and near Rosa’s bed. A small finger came out of the light and touched Rosa on the forehead softly, and then instantly, all her cuts and bruises disappeared. The light suddenly vanished, as it did when it suddenly appeared in the room, not disturbing the sleeping Alpha lying in the bed next to his mate.

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