In the meantime, with nothing better to do, Rosa successfully tried to move more of her body every day. She could move everything else but her head. Rosa was a bit frightened but tried anyway, and in the end, she could move her head to the left slowly. Then, with her wolf's encouragement to keep trying, she tried slowly moving her head to the right. Rosa was able to do it after a few more tries.

When talking to Mia the other day, Rosa finally accepted she was a part wolf. Mia had asked her about that night, and Rosa had told Mia that she had felt this pulling feeling, but it was more substantial, like a compulsion making her go outside that night. That's when she found out that it was exactly like in the dreams she kept having and saw the gold eyes hiding in the bushes, and it was the same again when he came to her the day the wild wolf pack attacked her. He was in his wolf form with fur the colour of midnight and those gold-ringed eyes. Rosa also told Mia that she could feel and tell when something was wrong or felt right, like that night. She said that she felt like they meant something to each other, and now, after finding out what Diego had told Mia, she knows that they were, in fact, mates and that it felt right. She had made the correct decision coming here. Rosa did not feel entirely comfortable yet about being a Luna of the pack, but she was nearly there. She could also feel and hear when Luca touched her with such tenderness and love. Yes, love, she felt his love as soon as he woke up every morning and every night when he kissed her on the forehead and caressed her cheek while talking to her. She can also hear what the doctors say about her recovery. Hopefully, the day will come when she can open her eyes and see him again.

Mia has been talking to Diego, who has been so open to informing her of what is going on in pack life, so they both have an idea of their role in the pack. A Luna is like a mother figure who looks after everyone in the pack but is also the one whom other packs will go after to hurt the Alpha and the pack; this has not happened to this pack as of yet.

Rosa was getting tired and called Mia, saying that she was calling it a night and wished her to have sweet dreams of meeting Diego soon. Mia returned the greeting but wished her sweet dreams of her mate Luca. Rosa then went to sleep, but Mia stayed awake. Why she had no clue until.......

Then she heard the Moon Goddesses' voice again, declaring, "It's time for you both to wake up finally." Mia agreed with the Moon Goddess as she nodded her head in acknowledgement.

Luca is in for a surprise when he wakes up in the morning, isn't he? Let the celebrations and the fireworks begin!

Mia was already awake the following day. She needed to tell Rosa what the Moon Goddess had told her, that it was time for her to wake up. Mia called out, "Rosa wakes up. l need to tell you something," she said. Rosa woke up immediately. "Why, what's wrong? Has something happened," she inquired. Mia replied, "The Moon Goddess came to me after you went to sleep; she told me that it was time for us to wake up," Mia informed her. Rosa replies, "Did she say that?" Mia replied, "Yes, she did," She said back to her. Rosa then said to her with a slight tremble, "Finally, after all this time" She replied in relief, "Okay, Mia, let's get this show on the road going," as she chuckled at what she just said. Mia laughs too before she says, "Okay, let me go first" She asks Rosa for her permission, and Rosa then replies, "Okay, go for it," as she sits and waits for her time to come out inside at the back of Mia's mind. Rosa slowly opens her eyes, but with Mia's wolf inside them coming out, she blinks to clear her eyes a few times to see better, then turns her head towards the left and the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes entirely is......


The new day was starting as usual. Everybody was waiting patiently for when the Luna would finally wake up. That day has finally come to pass. The Luna is finally awake, but no one knows until the Alpha wakes up. Until he does its business as usual in the pack.

Wait until he sees that she is awake. What will Luca do first?

Luca had woken up a bit earlier than usual as he felt like something was about to happen; instead of going over to see his mate typically, he quickly gathered some fresh clothes and went straight into the bathroom to get ready for the day. He still had that feeling when he came out of the bathroom. Luca looked over to his mate's bed. He got the surprise of his life because his mate was lying, typically looking back at him with her eyes the colour of gold and a smile on her face. His eyes widened at what he was witnessing. His mate was finally awake, and her wolf eyes were out, looking back at him. He smiled for the first time now that he had something to smile about. His mate was awake, and her wolf had surfaced. He went over to her slowly and carefully, not to frighten her, as he sat down in the chair beside her bed and took her hand into his. He felt the sparks going up his arm as he continued to look at his mate, who then said in a husky voice, "Hello, Alpha Luca, my name is Mia, and l am your mate's wolf half; it's good to meet you finally," she said to him as she took him in looking into his dark brown eyes as he replies in a relieved voice saying "Finally you are both awake after being unconscious for three weeks. How are the two of you feeling?" Mia answered, "We are good but tired," she said to him but kept going as she said, "The Moon Goddess helped us by lending us some of her strength to heal and get better quicker so that we could wake up," she informed her mate.

Luca asked, "The Moon Goddess, come to both of you?" Mia replies, "Yes, she did; she also told me what had happened to Rosa and that she had healed all her cuts and bruises, which helped her recover more quickly, plus gave us some of her strength to help us out even more," she informed him. Luca smiles, "The Moon Goddess is up to her tricks again," he says to Mia, who replies, "Yes, it sounds like she is." She chuckles. Luca asks Mia, "Can we play a trick on the doctors when they come in to check up on Rosa?" Mia replies, "What kind of trick?" Luca answers by saying, "By pretending that you are still asleep, but when they check you over, l will try and get the doctors to ask me how you are doing, but l will. Why don't you ask her yourself kind of trick?" he asks her. Mia thought about it for a few seconds before she agreed to do it. As they waited for the doctors to arrive, they kept talking to each other to learn more about each other until Luca heard them coming and told Mia it was time for the trick. Mia then pretends to go back to sleep while Luca sits on his bed.

They didn't have to wait long before both doctors arrived, walked into the room, and went over to check on Rosa. Arianna asks him, "How are you this morning, Alpha?" Luca replies, "I am good . How are you both," he asks them instead. Cristian replies this time, "We are well to Alpha", he said to him. "The Luna is doing well," she asks him. Luca has a smile on his face as he walks over to Rosa's bedside, back down in the chair next to her bed, and says to them both when Mia opens her eyes when the doctors are not looking, "Why don't you ask her, yourself" he said with a chuckle. Both doctors look at him surprised, so Cristian tells the Alpha, "Um, what did you just say, Alpha?" Luca repeats in amusement, "I said why don't you ask her yourself," as he points in her direction. Both doctors look at Rosa and are surprised to see her awake. They also see the rim of gold in her eyes and realise that her wolf half is also there with them. Arianna was the first to speak up and say, "When did this happen?" asked Luca, who then said to her, "She was already awake when l came out of the bathroom. I had a feeling that something would happen this morning when l looked over at Rosa and saw that she was awake but with her wolf's eyes instead of Rosa's", he explained to the doctors, who were still looking at Rosa. Cristian was next to talk, facing Luna. "Hello, my name is Dr Cristian Mancini, and this is my partner and mate, Dr Arianna Greco-Mancini, but please call us either Cristian or Arianna. Can l please ask who we are speaking to?" Mia replies, "Hello, yes, you can. My name is Mia, and l am pleased to meet both of you," she said to Arianna, then said to her, "We are so happy to meet you finally, Mia; we have waited a long time for you to come" She said to her, "So how are you and Rosa doing" she asked. Mia replies, "Rosa and l are doing quite well thanks to the Moon Goddess lending some of her strength to us to heal and get better quicker," Mia told the two doctors, who then looked at Luca as Cristian said to him, "I see that the Moon Goddess is up to her tricks again" with a grin on his face. Luca returns the grin and replies, "It seems so, doesn't it?" he said. Both Arianna and Mia agree with the Alpha., Mia asks Arianna, "When will Rosa and l be able to get out of here?" Arianna replies, "Um, maybe in the next few days, depending on how you and Rosa are feeling, but that's enough for now; l bet the two of you are a bit hungry for some food?" Luca and Mia both nodded their heads. Cristian replies, "Well, that's something l can fix right now. l will go and check in with the kitchen for you both", he says. As he leaves the room, Luca thanks him. As Arianna wrote her notes into Rosa and Mia's chart, Luca asked Mia, "When will it be possible to talk to Rosa?" Mia said to him, "How about now?" Luca replies, "That would be great, Mia l can't wait to talk to her finally" Mia answers, "Yes, of course, you can" Aia closes her eyes; then they open again, revealing his mate Rosa's brilliant blue eyes. Luca said to her, "Hello Rosa, my name is Luca. It's good to meet you finally," he said to her. Rosa looked at him and returned the greeting, hoping they could get to know one another properly. She asked, "Have you been here the entire time with me?" Luca replies, "Yes, l have. Why?" he inquires to her. Rosa replies, "Oh nothing, it's just it was a long time to stay here, l mean", she said to him. Luca says, "That's what mates do, but it is also the mate bond at work, too," he tells her. Rosa asks, "What is the mate bond?" Luca tries to explain it to her: "The mate bond," as he starts to explain the process to her, "is something that two mates feel with each other; they can be from the same pack, or they are not each wolf will go and visit other packs until they find their mates. Sometimes, but not often, there are also second chances; mates are rare but can be found if the wolf in question has either been rejected by their first mate or has died before,e or after them. Each met their first mate. He explained to her, "The bond also lets the mates get to know each other more before the next step in the mating process begins, but that is for tomorrow. For now, we can get to know one other more properly now that you are awake, and Diego will be able to get to know you and Mia more as well," he finishes telling her as Cristian walks back into the room carrying to plates of food making, both their stomachs growl.

They all laughed at the sound. Luca especially had reason to laugh finally. Arianna then reminded him about letting the Elder and the rest of the pack know the latest but fantastic news about Luna Rosa. Luca informs them that he will tell everyone, including the Elder, later when Rosa is resting, and both doctors agree that that would be best because one of them would stay with her when he does inform everyone. Both doctors left them to have breakfast and get to know each other better, so Cristian put the 'Do not disturb' sign on the door and closed it after they walked out of the room smilingly. They get to know one another most of the morning until Rosa gets tired and rests. Luca kisses her on the forehead and says he will be back in twenty minutes while she rests, while Rosa nods in acknowledgement. Luca then leaves the room.

Luca was walking down to Cristian's office to call Elder Gabriel after receiving permission from the doctor. The call was answered after three rings, and it was picked up by the Elder, who said, "Hello, this is Gabriel Lombardi speaking. How may l assist you?" Luca replied, "Hello Gabriel, it's Luca calling," he said into the phone. The Elder replies, "Hello Luca, is everything okay?" Luca answered, "Yes, everything is fine. It's just that a new development happened this morning, so l need you back here. Can you come?" The Elder replies, "Why yes, l can come. l can be there within the hour. Is this about Rosa?" Luca replies, "Yes, it is about Rosa. They are awake," he informs the Elder, who then replies with a confused voice, "They?" he inquired. Luca answers by saying, "Yes, they, as in both Rosa and her wolf are awake," he informs the Elder, who then replies, "Both of them," he asked in amazement. Luca answers, "Yes, the both of them are awake, but Mia, that is Rosa's wolf's name, was the one to speak to me first, then it was Rosa. We spent most of the day talking and getting to know each other," he tells the Elder who then replied, "Okay l will be there as soon as l can," Gabriel returned. They both then hang up after saying they will see each other soon. Luca sighs and then heads back to Rosa's room.

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