Moonlight Magic

Chapter 9

“Have you seen Charlie?” Asked Sandra as she turned off the assistance required alarm from the guy in ward room 3. “He’s at it again.”

“At what again?” Replied Julie not sure what he was up to.

“He’s sat on the edge of his bed just looking out the window. He does it all the time when it gets dark. I think the guy has got a problem.”

“Really? I think he just doesn’t like being in here…would you?”

“Hey. I would love it.” Answered Sandra with a huge smile on her face. Who wouldn’t? Being looked after by two gorgeous nurses like us.”

“Do you want me to get it?” Asked Julie knowing that the alarm from wardroom 3 needed to be seen to as quickly as possible…after all…that’s what they were there for…to care for the patients…and what if he really was in need of something.

“No…no…I’ll get it.” Said Sandra sighing. “He probably just wants me to tuck him in…or whatever.”

Sandra gave the impression of being a nurse that really cared, but in reality she had only become a nurse because she couldn’t think of anything else to do…most of the other ladies had a real sense of duty and devotion to what they did as a nurse. They really did care about the patients and weren’t there just for the money.

Sandra shuffled off to ward room 3 leaving Julie by the reception desk. Because Sandra had mentioned Charlie, Julie’s mind was now full of curiosity as to what he was doing…was he was sat looking out of the window?

Now she was alone for a minute or two she’d go and have a look…and low and behold…there he was perched on the edge of his bed in his hospital gown, gazing out of the window. Normally it would be dark at this time but it wasn’t actually that dark around the hospital because of all lights everywhere. There were white fluorescent lights from all the rooms and wards of the hospital, which all had curtains or blinds but hardly any of them were closed. There were white lights illuminating the paths around the hospital building and yellow light from all the street lights that lined the roads leading to the hospital…that was an awful lot of light escaping in the dark night sky…no wonder there is a problem with light pollution…let alone the amount of money it costs to power all the lights.

“Charlie.” Said Julie quietly as she approached his bed, “what are you doing? You should be tucked up in bed. It’s late.”

He remained completely still apart from a slight turn of his head in recognition of what she had said.

Julie walked around his bed and sat on the mattress next to him letting her shoulder touch his. She looked at him and then looked out the window trying to see what had caught his eye.

“What are you looking at?”

“The moon.” He replied softly.

“Are you on about the moon again Charlie…you love the moon don’t you. I can’t see it. Where is it?”

“It’s hidden by the clouds. But it’s there. Up there.” He lifted his arm and pointed high in the sky.

“How do you know it’s there?” Laughed Julie pointing in the opposite direction. “It could be over there?”

Charlie didn’t say a word and just turned his head to look at her. His dazzling blue eyes caught her eye almost taking her breath away in the process. It was as if he was speaking to her with his mind…saying he knew exactly where the moon was… and she should listen to him.

“Ok.” She replied feeling as if she’d just been told off. “So do you think the clouds will clear and we’ll see it?”

He turned back to look out the window.

“Not sure…I hope so.”

Julie sat for a moment with him gazing out at the cloud-covered sky feeling a wave of sadness sweep over her knowing this poor man was hurting…but also frustrated because she didn’t know why…and it seemed nor did he.

“Come on Charlie. Bed time.” She said standing to her feet and turning to face him. She bent forward slightly and put her hands under his arms to lift him up. As he leaned forward with his head he whispered into her ear.

“Why do you call me Charlie?”

“Because that’s your name. Charlie.” She replied somewhat taken aback by his simple question.

He lifted his arms taking hold of hers and stared directly into her eyes.

“No Julie…It’s not.”

“Now come on Charlie. Let’s not be silly. Yes it is. Everyone knows you told the lady from The Homeless Charity your name was Charlie.” She said standing upright and folding her arms like a school teacher in front of him.

“I couldn’t remember Julie. I know that…but I’ve got my memory back now.” He said looking up at her.

“Well…wow Charlie…err…whatever your name is?” She said sounding surprised, “That’s brilliant. So what is it then?”

He paused for a few seconds.

“It’s Eric.”

“Wow…nice to meet you Eric.” Replied Julie. “Eric what? What’s your surname?”

“Barraclough.” Replied Charlie…now Eric.

“Eric Barraclough.”

“Well…Eric…Eric Barraclough. I am so glad you’ve got your memory back. Have you got it all back…I mean…do you remember everything?”

“Yes. I think so.”

“So… Do you remember where you live? Your date of birth? Stuff like that?”

“Yes. Yes I do. It came back in a flood of memories as I lay on this bed looking out the window last night. It was like a wave of emotion sweeping over my mind…over my body as I lay there. I remember being on the grass…playing with…playing…and slipping backwards. I banged my head. I managed to crawl to the bench and the next thing I remember is being in bed…here…at the hospital. Very strange.”

“I bet it was very strange…Eric.” Said Julie smiling. “You said you were playing…on the grass. Where? Who with?”

Eric ignored her question and climbed slowly into bed, clearly still not able to move around freely, as Julie moved his pillows and tucked him in.

“It seems strange calling you Eric after calling you Charlie for so long…but I’ll get used to it…now come on. You have to get into bed. If someone sees you at this time I’ll get shot.”

“Good night Eric.” She said happily as she began to move towards the door.

“Oh. Eric. Tomorrow morning I’ll get the nurse to take down all your details…your name, address…stuff like that. Ok?”

As Julie made her way back down the corridor towards the nurse’s reception station she met Sandra almost running out of ward room 3.

“That bloody man. Old pervert.” She cried with a half-smile on her bright red face. “He tried to grab my bum when I was making his bed. How come I always get the old ones?”

Julie didn’t reply and just smiled as they approached their station.

“What’s up with you?” Asked Sandra. “How’s Charlie?”

“Well that’s just it Sandra.” Replied Julie with a straight face. “He’s not there?”

What do you mean Julie? You’re not making sense. I only saw him five minutes ago looking out the window.”

“Charlie’s not his real name. His name is Eric…Eric Barraclough.”

“What? How do you know that?”

“He just told me. He’s got his memory back.”

“Well. Fancy that. Who would have thought?” Said Sandra dismissively. “So why did he say it was Charlie? And who is Charlie?”

“Bother…” Exclaimed Julie frustratingly. “I forgot to ask.”

“Let’s go and ask him now.” Said Sandra raising her eyebrows and beginning to move.

“No…let’s leave him to get some sleep.” Said Julie grabbing her arm.

“You’re boring you.” Said Sandra walking into the back area behind the reception desk, “Do you want a coffee? I’m parched.”

Julie hesitated and then answered.

“No thanks Sandra. Not now…remind me to let the nurses know in the morning to get his details.”

There was no reply from the back where Sandra was and all she could hear was Sandra whispering something almost inaudible…she was on her mobile phone…again.

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