Moonlight Magic

Chapter 5

“I feel so sorry for him.” Said Julie, one of the nurses on night shift that night, to her colleague Sandra. “Look at him. Just lying there. Without a soul in the word to visit him.”

“Ooh.” Replied Sandra quickly, “I wouldn’t feel sorry for him. Don’t forget. This is probably the first time he’s been sober for ages.”

“I don’t believe that Sandra.” Answered Julie defending him. “Even one of the doctors, you know…the young one.”

“Dr. Henderson?”

“Yes. That’s him. Even he said that he didn’t believe Charlie was your normal down and out because there are no signs of alcohol or drug abuse…even his clothes and shoes are good quality. Better than mine.” She said laughing. “Mind you that’s not difficult. Look have you seen this she said pointing to the sole of her shoe. “I caught it on one of the trolleys downstairs in the entrance. I should bill the NHS for another pair.”

“Ha.” Laughed Sandra as she stood up from the desk readying herself for lights out. “Good luck with that one.”

She walked out into the corridor. “Come on let’s say goodnight to this lot and get ready for tonight’s late shift.”

“Ok.” Said Julie following on behind.

“Tell you what.” Said Sandra turning round as she neared Charlie’s ward room, “Why don’t you go and say goodnight to your new boyfriend.”

“Very funny.” Replied Julie sneering back at her. She stopped outside the room and looked in to see Charlie stood up at the window.

“I’ll see you later.” She said pointing at Sandra who was almost down the other end of the corridor by now. Sandra just waved a hand in the air as she disappeared into a wardroom.

Julie walked into Charlie’s room and up to his bed.

“Hey. What are you doing out of bed Charlie?” She said cheerfully. “I thought you’d be asleep by now. Do you know what time it is?”

Charlie didn’t answer and continued looking out of the window.

“What are you looking at?” Said Julie standing next to him and gazing out of the window with him. “It’s a lovely clear night isn’t it Charlie. Look at the moon. It’s really lovely tonight.”

Charlie didn’t reply and just stood looking at the moon.

“Come on Charlie. It’s time for bed. I’ll get told off if I don’t get you into bed.” Said Julie knowing fine well what she had just said, and if the patient had been a young man they would have been laughing about her wanting to get him into bed…except this wasn’t one of those times. Charlie was obviously confused and sexual innuendos have their time and place…like so many other things in life…and now wasn’t one of them.

Julie put her hand round his slender waist and tried to gently but firmly move him away from the window and into bed but he resisted slightly.

“It won’t be long before it’s a full moon.” He said turning his head slightly and looking straight into Julie’s eyes which made her feel…well…strange. Awkward. But not in a bad way.

She stopped trying to move him and took hold of his hand.

“What’s wrong Charlie? What is it?” You can tell me. I’m a good listener.” Said Julie softly, hoping he was beginning to remember what happened.

“I…I…” Stuttered Charlie. He began to sway and toppled back towards the bed where Julie caught hold of him and gently guided him so he was able to slowly sit down on the edge of the mattress.

“What’s your name?” He whispered taking hold of hers with both of his hands.

“Julie.” She replied a little surprised. “Julie. Charlie…It’s Julie.”

With his ice blue eyes he stared into hers and for a second…just a second, she felt as if all her worries had been pushed to one side and a warm tingle spread around her body.

“We can live forever Julie.” He whispered as she stood entranced, almost hypnotized by his calming gaze. “It’s the moon. The full moon.”

Suddenly Sandra, the other nurse, banged on the wardroom door snapping Julie back to reality.

“Come on Julie.” She said. “What are you doing?”

Julie quickly maneuvered Charlie into bed, taking two of his four pillows away and putting them on the chair next to his bed.

“Charlie stumbled…he nearly fell… and I was just helping him into bed.” She said as she straightened his bed covers and tucked the sides in under the mattress.

“Good night Charlie.” She whispered smiling at him as he looked blankly back at her.

Julie and Sandra made their way back to the nurse’s station just down the corridor, turning off the lights to the ward rooms and the corridor as they went.

“How was your boyfriend?” Said Sandra sneering as they both sat down at the desk.

“Fine.” Julie replied quietly.

“Just fine?”

“Yes. Fine. He said something very strange Sandra. I…”

“See. I told you he was weird.” Said Sandra quickly before Julie could finish what she was saying. “What did he say?”

Julie thought twice about saying any more to Sandra and sharing her experiences with Charlie. Sandra was a very matter-of-fact type woman and wouldn’t understand…so best not to say anything.

“Oh…nothing really. Just mumblings. You were right. He’s probably just sobering up.”

“Yep. Once a weirdo always a weirdo.” Replied Sandra as she began entering data into the computer.

“Yep.” Said Julie quietly as she sat in her chair, still not quite believing what had just happened when Charlie’s eyes fixed on hers.

He was certainly different.

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