Moonbreeze (The Dragonian Series Book 4)

Moonbreeze: Part 3 – Chapter 26

“THANKS FOR THE chat.” I meant it. We were standing in front of my room. She hadn’t wanted me to walk back alone.

“One day at a time.” She gave me her final piece of advice. “If you need anything else, well, you know your way around.”

I smiled and walked into my room. I crawled in again after staring at both my friends’ heaving bodies.

They’d tried to find me, and I had to admit, I loved that piece of information. The fact that Constance tried to tell me Blake did too, well, I knew him better than she thought. I’d been a Rubicon once, sort of, and I knew the tracking ability was strong. He hadn’t tried shit. He was probably forced to help here and there, if he had at all.

I crawled back into bed and was so tired I didn’t dream of anything. Nothing came, just black with no images flashing through my mind.

It was a good sign, a sign of taking that first step.

When I opened my eyes, Becky and Sammy’s beds were empty. Shit. I’d overslept and didn’t even know what day it was. I had no idea what class I had at this exact moment, but got dressed anyway, put a few books into my backpack and ran to the office.

The reception lady, whom I’d never officially met since I got here, looked surprised when she saw me.


I hated that.

“What can I help you with?” She sounded shocked too.

“I have no idea which class I have. Can you help me, please?”

“Sure, let me quickly check for you.” She typed the keys vigorously then her eyes found mind.

“Art of War.”

“Thanks,” I said and started to make my way to Mia’s class.

I hated her class so much, as Blake didn’t give a shit. Well we had that in common. Finally.

I opened the door and could hear steel slamming against steel.

Everyone stopped and my eyes just had to catch on Blake’s mug first. He was sparring with Mia, which was a first, as he never took any of these classes seriously.

He turned around and walked in the other direction.

“Elena.” Professor Mia said. “So nice of you to drop by.”

“Sorry I’m late. I overslept.”

“It’s okay, this once.”

I gave her a hint of a smile.

“So you ready to fight against the big guy.”

Urgh. She was talking about Blake. “No, I’ll just observe, if you don’t mind.”

“Are you sure? He knows all of my moves.”

I said no! “I’m sure. Thanks, Mia.”

“You’re welcome.”

I walked to the bleachers, and could feel everyone’s eyes on me.

“Where do you think you are going, mister?” Mia said as I sat down on the first step. “I’m not done with you.”

The entire class laughed.

My stomach turned as he laughed. I never thought that I would ever despise him the same way he did me, and took a notepad out of my bag and started to draw.

Steel against steel slammed again as I started to make lines, not having any particular image of what I would like to draw.

It carried on for a long time, as I sketched over and over the pages while my head swam with thoughts, images and worries about Annie and Charles. There were so many people I had met, their faces all carrying signs of no hope, but they dealt with their problems daily.

I had to find that wyvern city, I just had to. Guilt rose in my stomach as I scratched on the right corner of the page. I was so selfish. I closed my eyes just thinking about it. I wasn’t ready. Maps of Paegeia entered my mind. When I looked down I was looking into Billy’s face with his dark brown eyes that looked so much like Blake and shoved the notepad to the ground. I got up and ran out of Mia’s class just as the bell rang.

Billy would always haunt my dreams, Seymour too, but I guessed Billy was the worst, as he’d betrayed me. Now, even in the light of day, there was no way I would ever get over this fear, especially with Blake sharing the same looks. I just couldn’t. He reminded me of one of the guys I was desperately trying to forget and also of what he hadn’t done to save me.

I found myself in the library, my body taking action for what I had to do next when my mind couldn’t, just like it always had.

I remembered what it was I wanted to do, find that wyvern city, and it might not be a bad idea, as it would keep my thoughts away from everything that had happened.

The librarian just gasped. Her face resembled the receptionist’s expression when she saw me.

“Where are your maps?”

“Maps?” She placed something that looked like a half-eaten sandwich back on the counter. “Let me see.” She walked toward the third aisle of the library. I followed her all the way to the back where there were more tables and chairs.

“Which maps are you particularly looking for?”

“Paegeia.” My voice sounded so soft, and I cleared my throat.

“Well, this entire section all the way to the back is all about Paegeia.”

My eyebrows rose a bit as I saw how many maps there were.

“Thank you.” I put my backpack on one of the tables.

“Just yell if I can help you with anything.”

“I will.”

I pulled the first few scrolls off the shelf and opened them on the table.

It was a big map of a city in Tith. It took me twenty minutes to scroll through it. There was one wyvern city but no Eikenborough and no Alkadeen.

I closed it and took out another map. There were more cities in Tith, and half of another small wyvern city. Nothing.

I sighed and lay back against the chair. I was right to think they had the wyvern cities wrong. For all I knew, I was staring at them and didn’t even know it.

Still I took out one map after the other.

I told myself to go through all of Tith; maybe it wasn’t a wyvern city, maybe it was part of King Helmut’s kingdom but he just didn’t know what was going on.

The bell had rung twice since I’d been there, and I stared at my watch. It was lunchtime and my stomach growled.

I put the maps back and drew a huge star on a piece of paper and put it into the maps to make my marker, and picked up my backpack and headed for the cafeteria. I walked down the aisle back to the front and my eyes caught something, a figure. I could have sworn it was Paul.

I retreated and stared down the aisle. There was nobody in sight. I closed my eyes and heard two heartbeats. I heard mine that was beating like mad, and the other one belonging to the librarian.

There was no one else here. I was seriously starting to lose my mind for sure.

“Is everything okay, princess?” the librarian asked.

“It’s fine, and please, call me Elena,” I said and walked out the door.

I entered the cafeteria and everyone’s eyes were on me. I lowered my head and went toward the buffet.

“Nice to see that you are joining us for lunch,” Chef said. “You’ve seen today’s riddle?”

“Nope, and I missed your food, so I will only choose this.”

He smiled.

“Hey,” Sammy said next to me and picked up a tray too.

“Hey,” I replied.

“Where did you run off to after Art of War?”

“Just something I needed to do.” I didn’t want to tell her I was searching for maps. She would ask if she could help, and I knew where that would lead. I wasn’t ready for that yet.

I dished up a small plate and grabbed a fruit cup for dessert, as well as a soda.

I have to find that city, I just have to.

I followed Sammy to the table and put down my tray. As I slumped onto my pillow I caught Blake through the corner of my eyes as he entered. He went to the buffet line too, and made a jokes with Chef. He reminded me so much of that time, the time I’d fallen in love with him, but it was over now.

I would never fall for that again.

I put a couple of forkfuls of food into my mouth when Becky opened hers. “So, a wyvern city huh?” she said and I froze.

Those were her first words, not nice that you finally joined us or something like that? She was so pushy.

“Seriously!” I yelled. “See this is why I didn’t want to come out of the room. You don’t know when to stop. Always pushing and pushing.” I got up, left my tray with food, and rushed through the doors.

“It was just an innocent question.” I could hear Becky speaking softly, probably to George. “Don’t look at me like that. I didn’t push,” she said a bit louder and more sternly and I could hear how her fork got chucked onto her plate.

I tried to focus my hearing on something else as I ran up the stairs back to my room.

I stayed there until the bell rang, and I was glad neither Becky nor Sammy entered. When the second bell rang, I went to the library again.

My note was gone, I couldn’t find it anywhere. Damn.

I looked at the librarian, who was busy checking in books. She wouldn’t know because during lunchtime the geeks usually took over; this was their turf.

I started again, taking one map after the other.

Some I easily discovered that I’d been through, and I quickly put them back. I studied about five maps and not one had Eikenborough on them.

I’m wasting my time, I just know it.

I contemplated asking someone, but then I would open myself up to more questions. I couldn’t even deal with Becky’s, and I wasn’t ready for more.

Master Longwei’s voice filled the speaker system.

“Elena Watkins, can you please come to the office?” he asked. I loved that he still called me Watkins, even if I wasn’t really a Watkins at all.

I returned the maps, made a mental note this time, and went to his office.

I knocked a few times then entered. He was sitting behind his desk and gave me a smile.

“Welcome back to the living, princess.” He gestured for me to take the chair right in front of his desk.

“I’m so sorry to do this, but the Council really wants a word with you. I’ve managed to cancel it four times since you got back, but they are getting impatient.”

I huffed and shook my head softly. They were never going to give me a break. “When?”

“Tonight, at six. It will be at the castle in Tith.”

“Fine, whatever.” I sounded like a sulking brat, one that acted as if the world owed her something, and got up and went toward the door.

“Elena, you do know that you can request Blake’s presence.”

I turned around. “Why on earth would I want that? He’s not my dragon anymore. I set him free. He can do whatever he wants.” I opened the door as Master Longwei stared at me, gaping.

I ran down the stairs and went back to the library.

I went straight toward the map section and pulled out the one that I’d marked to read next.

It wasn’t a new one; it was one I’d already been through. I put it back and took another one. This one was exactly the same.

I grunted. Someone had messed with them.

I walked to the aisle where I could see the librarian. “Someone been here looking at the maps in the past fifteen minutes?”

“No, only you,” she said and I nodded. “Is something wrong?”

“No, it’s fine.” I sighed and had to start all over.

I stayed there till ten minutes before my departure to Tith with absolutely no luck finding Eikenborough on any one of them.

I quickly went into the cafeteria, ignoring all the stares again, grabbed a sandwich and rushed toward Master Longwei’s office.

“Elena, wait!” Becky yelled and her footsteps ran hard against the floor. “I’m sorry about this afternoon.”

“Becky, it’s okay. I have to go.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’ll see you tonight.” I ran a bit faster and opened the door. It was lighter than usual which didn’t make any sense. I smacked into someone. I almost fell on my ass, but someone grabbed me and lifted me right up to my feet.

“Sorry,” I mumbled. I got angry immediately as I saw his face inches from me.

“Watch where you’re going next time,” I barked at Blake then rushed down past the stairs that led to the rooms and down the hallway as Becky protested about how rude I was.

I found Master Longwei waiting at the door. He raised an eyebrow, and I knew it was because of the way that I looked.

“It’s just the Council.”

“Still, Elena.”

“This is who I am, Master Longwei. They need to deal with it or leave me the hell alone.”

“Let’s go. We are going to be late.”

We got into the carriage and the ride was quiet. At the elevators in Elm, the cameras were flashing in my face as I stepped out of the carriage.

My heart pounded like the first time; it felt different this time and questions were barked at me again. Kevin’s voice was the loudest and, to be honest, I didn’t care about answering him. We pushed our way through to the private section and I took a deep breath as I slumped into the elevator’s chair.

It was a matter of seconds before the door opened up again and we were in Tith’s port.

Emanuel’s figure came into view and he led us straight to a limo parked outside.

He even spoke on my behalf to some of the reporters, short answers, and mostly saying that the princess wasn’t taking any questions now.

It felt as if I could breathe as the door of the limo closed behind him. Flashes still reflected off the window before the limo started to pull away.

Presently we stopped right in front of City Hall.

What were we doing at City Hall?

“I thought the meeting was at the palace?” Master Longwei said.

“I’ll find out from the driver.” Emanuel climbed out first.

“The location has changed, sir. The Ancients are coming.” I could hear the driver answering Emanuel. Just great.

“Elena,” he bent so that he could look into the car. “Where is Blake?”

“I don’t need him, why are we here?”

“It’s against the law to have a meeting with the Ancients without her dragon.” He looked at Master Longwei.

“He is not my dragon, now move.” I pushed him aside and got out.

I was livid. The Ancients. Still, I would face them alone and just take their verdict, whatever it was going to be.

“This has Caleb written all over it.” Emanuel spoke softly. “It’s not right.”

“It will be fine,” I interrupted.

“It won’t. I can’t speak for you.” Emanuel grunted.

“I can speak for myself. Just relax!” I snapped at him. “It’s going to be okay.”

I walked up the steps and my heart was beating like crazy. At least my Pappi would be there, and if things get too hectic, he would step in. I knew he would.

The door opened and one of the dragons who belonged to one of the Council members, I think Philip, stood in the doorway.

“Welcome, princess.”

“What is the meaning of this, why are the Ancients here?” Master Longwei asked. “I was told –”

“The meeting was changed to a hearing last minute,” he interrupted Master Longwei.

“A hearing?” Master Longwei asked. Hearings were never good. The last time they stripped me of my dragon. I closed my eyes as I thought those two words. I don’t have a dragon.

“Blake needs to be informed.” Emanuel was ready to leave.

“Not so fast, Emanuel.” Stanley came through the door and nodded to Philip’s dragon, who nodded back and left. “I can assure you, notice has been sent to Blake just minutes ago when the plans changed,” Stanley said, with his hands folded in front of his huge belly. “We expect him in the next few minutes, if he is going to show.” He looked at me, trying to rub it in.

“He will show,” Emanuel said and I looked at him. He sounded convinced.

“Well, we only wait five more minutes, then the doors will close.”

“Just great.” I spoke softly knowing I was being forced to stand next to the one person who would probably never stand up for me.

“Emanuel, the king orders your assistance.”

“Can I stay with Elena until Blake shows?”

“No, you may not. You know how the law works. She is not your rider.”

Emanuel nodded and a small grin appeared on his face. He walked up to Stan and bent slightly. He could be so intimidating. “Funny how you throw our laws in our faces whenever you need them.” His jaw muscles jumped slightly as he glared down at him and opened the door that led to the courtroom. I could hear a silent buzz going on inside before it closed again.

The City Hall was one of the safest places in Tith, it had so many enchantments fixed into the surface, and I wasn’t surprised soundproofing was one of them.

My heart bounced as I was forced to wait for Blake. They waited more than five minutes, and then Stan looked at me.

“I’m so sorry about this. We did send him a notice. He should’ve been here by now.”

“It’s fine. I didn’t expect him anyway.” I watched how Stan closed the door and locked it with his keys. He then said a small incantation that wielded an entire shield around the door.

Okay, that was a bit unnecessary.

He smiled once, a fake smile, as he probably thought I was a spoiled brat and didn’t appreciate the changes he had in store for me. But I kept staring at the enchantment; I’m never going to leave here tonight. What was waiting for me?

“I really am sorry that he didn’t show.”

I looked at Stan. Be brave Elena. “It’s fine,” I said. I can do this. I had to face whatever it was they were going to spring on me.

This was my punishment. I had to endure it, and I would do it without an arrogant ass standing next to me.

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