Moonbloods Season 1

Chapter Emris

I watched as she walked beside me, her hand folded gently into the fold of my arm. Each time I reached out and delved into her mind, it was like the resistance was gone. Something had changed in her. I was sure what or how or why... I didn't want to question it. There was something about her. Something that was pulling me in, constantly whispering to me, calling me. Nalia glanced up at me, her face still worried. "Would you rather take a carriage, Princess?" I offered her. Lady Drodic smiled at us.

"Of course, the carriage is yours as needed, Your Majesties."

She smiled. "That would be most appreciated, Lady Drodic, how may I repay your kindness?" she asked her with a small bow of her head. I was baffled. I even though she was of Noble birth, I would have thought that her upbringing by her deranged Uncle would have damaged her for good. But she was strong. Resilient, even. I felt an odd sense of pride fill me. The same feeling that washed through me when she entered the throne room in Vendera to face her Uncle. My killing him instantly in front of her. It hadn't been the best idea. She did seem more at peace though... I wasn't sure how much credit I could take for that. As Nalia and Lady Drodic exchanged a few more pleasantries, Yesmina scoff at her softly from behind me is. I watched her twitch ever so gently in Yesmina's direction. No one would have noticed if they hadn't already been looking at her. I felt a satisfied smile spread across my face. She was doing better then I would have expected. She didn't seem to understand she was immortal. Somehow, her Mortal side was more prominent then her immortal side and it worried me. For some reason it worried me deeply that she may someday die. It could be a sickness. Childbirth.

I frowned at myself, looking down again. When had I started to care as much? To others, only served one purpose. A heir for the kingdome, in case the King died. She was adapting rather well to life in the North. She had taken on the style well, she was well liked by the Manor staff back home... perhaps her immortal side was still to present its self.

"How old are you now, Nalia?" I asked her. She looked up at me, caught off guard by the sudden question.

"Ten and six years, Your Majesty," she told me and I frowned. "Emris." I watched her eyes grow a little, a deep, warm blush heating her face. It was almost as if I couldn't help myself. My hand reached up and wandered to her face.

I watched her eyes fill with fear as she sucked in a breath, turning to face the crowed that had begun to gather around us. "We should go," she insisted.

"Bring me my horse," I commanded. Yesmina vanished out a side door of the building. I didn't fail to notice that Nalia looked rather relived that she left, an almost smug look on her face. I smirked, an involuntary laugh passing my lips. She looked at me.

"What's so funny?" she wanted to know. I shook my head. "Tell me!"

"You don't like the Lady Yesmina much, do you?" I asked her.

I watched her face turn pink as she jerked her chin away, looking anywhere but me.

"With all due respect, you Majesty, I do not know Lady Yesmina well enough to say." She was lying. I turned to face her, the hallway having become very crowded. Many of my fathers men had arrived over night and they now crowded the halls, all trying to get a look of the Prince' new bride.

As I turned, stepping in her path and making her stop abruptly, Nalia looked up at me rather annoyed.

You are jealous.

I watched as outrage spread across her delicate features and she scowled at me. "I am not!" She said rather loudly, causing a few people to turn and face us. I watched her blush a deep color of pink and I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. You know you can answer me with your mind. Our Magic is linked-

She fidgeted beside me, suddenly uncomfortably. How is that?

Her voice washed through me, warping around parts of me that tingled, parts of me never touched before, causing me to yearn for her her physical touch once more. I closed my eyes, feeing the warm touch of her mind, a feeling of peace overflowing me. Her mental touch was strong, and she didn't seem to mind it as much as the physical touch. Did she truly not know of her potential? I smirked once more.

I'm not sure, I answered as honestly as I could. For what it's worth, you are doing better then you think.

I watched a small smile cross her lips. Thank you, your Majesty.

I sighed. Emris.

She looked up at me. Call me by my name. I wasn't sure why I was so pressed to have her call me by name. Something about the way my name dripped from her perfectly plump lips. As I took her in, I watched her face become self conscious, dropping her gaze away from mine. My hand itched to reach and smooth the worry, doubt and stress from her features, from her shoulders-

"Prince Emris, we are ready at your command," Lady Yesmina announced as she stopped beside us. The annoyance on Nalia's face was priceless. I reached and laced my fingers through hers, bringing her arm up to fold under mine.

"Thank you," I said.

Nalia waited for people to clear before she tugged her arm from mine. My fingers tightened around her arm, causing her to pause, not looking at me.

"Presentation is everything, Nalia," I told her in a low voice, leaning down to inhale slowly. I felt her mind buzz alive with awareness and- to my pleasant surprise- pleasure. I don't think she realized that it was actual pleasure, sexual tension that was building with her growing power. However I could still scenes her fear, her reluctance to touch or trust me.

I sighed internally. I would have to work to change that.

"The carriage is waiting for you," I said and let her pull her arm free. "If you need anything at all, make sure to let the driver know and we will stop immediately."

She nodded and pulled her hood up, shielding her long, chestnut hair from the damp foggy air. I followed her to the carriage and held the door open for her. "You are not riding with me?" she asked me.

I raised an eyebrow, the thought not having crossed my mind. "Would you like that?" I asked her curiously.

I watched blood heat her face and I couldn't help the feeling of awe that filled me when she tried to look away and act like I hadn't caught her off guard with my question. "I wouldn't presume to tell you-"

I cut her off, suddenly irritated at her for deflecting my questions with half answers. "Nalia, would you like me ride with you?" I asked her flatly.

She stared at me, chewing her lip. I felt longing wash through me as I watched her. I watched her turn to face the carriage.


Her answer was quick as she heaved herself up into the carriage. I could feel the curiosity rolling off of her. She was questioning many things. Her mind was a humming hive of doubt, fear and questions. Questions I wasn't quite able to make out. I nodded to Graven and Yesmina and they took off ahead of us, taking both of our horses with them. As soon as door closes the carriage began moving.

The buzzing in her head was giving me a headache. I tried to tune her out but she didn't seem to realize she was was giving off such a potent, high frequency. I inhaled deeply, her smell filling the carriage.

"You have questions," I pointed out when the loud silence in the carriage became to much. The constant hum of thoughts became irritating. "Ask them."

I watched her face pale slightly. "I don't have any-"

I sighed and leaned forward, placing a hand in the wall of the carriage. A gold light erupted from my fingers, shimmering around the inside of the carriage, blocking the sound from outside, encasing us in a dead silence. "Ask your questions, my Love, and I promise to answer them honestly. No one but us will hear this conversation. You have my word."

I watched some color return to her face. Her expression didn't match the feeling that swelled within me. Confusion.


"Perhaps you can answer some of mine, then," I offered and leaned forward. I watched her sit up a little straighter, suddenly looking uncomfortable. "Tell me about your childhood. About your parents."

Nalia shook her head. "I went to live with Hiram when I was seven. My parents died in the war- the same one you fought in-"

Emris nodded. "I came to see you for the first time that year," he recalled. "You were all skin and bone- wild hair, not at all what I had pictured."

Now I only had one question I wanted answers to.

"How did you break that mirror?" I asked her.

It's not like I didn't already know the answer. Her powers were growing with each day, little by little. She didn't notice the changed yet, but she knew she was different.

"I don't know," she answered, looking down at her hands.

I narrowed my eyes at her, the urge to make her look at me, to make her tell me all she was, everything that made her her...

I shoved those thoughts aside.

"Yes you do," I insisted, wondering if i could influence her feeling of guilt to make her answer me more honestly. "How did you do it?"

She shook her head, looking down at her hands. "I don't know, Your Majesty."

I sighed, losing my patience. I raised an eyebrow. "I could always make you tell me."

I watched her eyes fill with fear for a moment before she tried to compose her features. I couldn't help it. I laughed and leaned back again in my seat.

"No worries, Princess," I assured her. "You mind is stronger then you think." She didn't answer. I smirked.

She could try to resist. She wouldn't be able to for long. She was strong but I was definitely stronger.

"Stronger how?" she asked me curiously. I smirked holding my hand out to her. She regarded my hand for a moment, her face conflicted. She folded her leather gloved hands into her lap. I sighed. "I need you not to fear my touched Nalia."

She shook her head, leaning as far back as the seat of the small, confined space would let her. Anger swept through me, followed by a longing so strong that it caught both of us off guard. Nalia gasped in surprise, her left arm swinging up to hold her middle as the swooping sensation swept through us, bouncing back and forth until it dulled and vanished, leaving me feeling dizzy and oddly hallow.

"Stop that!" she hissed. I gripped the sides of my seat, doing the best I could. The building tension between us, her sweet scent filling the small cabin. I groaned in discomfort and touched the door of the carriage once more, letting the spell I cast before fall away. Without waiting for the carriage to stop, I threw the door open and stepped out. Nalia did not speak as I did so and did not try to stop me. I closed the door again, leaving her alone in the carriages.

I doubt I would have let her stop me anyway. She wasn't simply a woman, an immortal. Yet she did not know she was immortal. Moondbloods were still in high demand by The Order. It would be difficult to protect her once everyone knew what she was. The Order had spies everywhere. I whistled for my horse and looked around. We were almost out of the Negera Woods. I wasn't alone for long. Yesmina appeared by my side with a handful of reports.

"What is it?" I asked her, glancing back at the carriage. "More Naska?"

Yesmina shook her head. "No," she said, her tone having gone concerned. "Oder members were sighted in a village just outside of Hardstone. House Kel sent words just last night. It was the soonest they were able to send a rider."

I shook my head. "How many?"

Yemina shook her head. "We're not sure," she said. I sighed and looked back at the carriage. "We will stay on course-"

Yesmina and Graven looked at me appalled. "You are refusing to help your subjects-" I nodded and gestured to carriage. "I have my wife to protect-"

Graven handed me a handful of letters. "Marriage offers from every immortal female in the kingdom, your Majesty."

I shook my head. "What?" I asked confused. "Why would I need this?"

Graven glanced at Yesmina. "I just figured you would be looking for a new bride soon since you were forced to wed a damaged-"

I raised my hand and watched Graven lift into the air, off of his horse as his horse reread back. I waited for for the horse to move before I dropped my hand, watching Graven drop down into the mud. "Speak of my wife again again and I will have you gelded."

Graven coughed, his face confused which only irritated me more. My inner demon Ambrose stirred within me. My inner self. The part of me I had to keep locked away from her at all costs. The part of me that longed for her. The way I craved her... it actually scares me. Of course I'd never admit that out loud. Especially not to her. I didn't need to give her one more thing to hate me for. I was doing my best to make her feel at easy. I sighed, looking up at the sky. Dark clouds were rolling in and it would begin to rain soon. I'd rather reach our destination before the storm hit. I still had time but we wouldn't out run the storm at this pace. I sighed.


I needed to know what else was going on. "What about the regions reports?"

Graven sighed, handing me a scroll that had a scribble of number on it. "Hunters were spotted just outside the city, Your Majesty. With the King sick in bed, things at the capital have come to a grinding halt."

I sighed. We would reach Star Hill by sundown if we didnt make any stops. "When we reach the first outpost, I will ride ahead early with the Princess and arrive in Star Hill before sundown-"

Niko shook his head. "Will the Princess be able to ride that long a distance-"

Emris nodded. "She is the wife of a Horse Lord, a Princess of the relm. She will see learn. Ready her horse."

I turned back to look at Graven. "You are here by relived of your post, Lord Graven-"

Melbourne, to everyone's surprise bowed his head and had the balls to answer. "With all due respect, your Majesty, only the King can do that."

I stopped beside him. "I am to be king, am I not, Lord Graven?" I asked him, pulling my dagger from my waist band. Melbourne nodded, his eyes now locked on the thin bald.

"Speak of my wife like that again and will end your life just like I ended that worm Hiram."

I didn't wait for him to answer. We had now reached the outpost. Less then a days ride to the Capital now.

I walked and tapped on the door of the carriage. "Princess?"

The door opened slowly and Nalia slowly emerged from the carriage.

She curtsied before me, her movements having gone back to being stiff and forced. I sighed. What else would it take to get her to relax around me? It would make things easier for the both of us. Damn Hiram for messing her up the way he did. It wouldn't be my problem for long. Once she gave birth, she would die. Once I had a child, she would die. I'd kill her myself if I had to. Ignoring the odd conflict of pain in my middle I cleared my throat.

"We are going to ride the rest of the way, if you are up for it," I told her. Her face was still kissed pink, her eyes bright and alert. She just nodded, carful not to get to close to me or anyone else around her for that matter.

I messed up. I sighed.

Perhaps I had pushed her. I hadn't been able to help myself. When she had opened the door and rushed into my arms, it was almost like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders... I hadn't realized I had been in such discomfort until she had been in my arms. Now, my arms felt empty and hallow, the longing inside of me not entirely my own. I watched as she adjusted her cloak.


Her name left my lips in a lustful sigh and she looked up at me, eyebrows raised, curious. "Your Majesty." I narrowed my eyes at her, feeling slightly annoyed.

"Follow me," I said, turning away as I pulled my massive of a horse along.

"I need you to listen very carefully, Nalia," I warned her in a low voice.

She glanced around, her face turning worried.

"Has something happened?" she asked me confused. I gazed at her for a moment. She was scared. She was concerned. She was stronger theni ever gave her credit for. How had I not seen that before?

I shook my head. "No, Love, everything is fine," I assured her. Her face turned surprised and she seemed to alert now. "We will be arriving in the Capital by nightfall. There will be thousands of people in the streets. It will be very loud and confusing. Stay close. Do not get off of your horse for anything."

She nodded, blood kissing her cheeks again. I watched as she adjusted her cloak uncomfortably.

"Emris... about what you said before..." she began but stopped. I sighed. I wasn't sure what else I could do. She hardly let me touch her, she rarely spoke to me... had I frightened her? I sighed.

"Nalia, have I offended you in some way?" I asked her in a low voice. Nalia turned to face me, her face confused. "No, your Majesty-"

I reached up, unable to help myself. My fingers ran the length of her jaw, catching a stray hair and tucking it behind her ear.

"Nalia," I whispered. "Please, call me by my name!"

Her face went blank once more. "Emris." Her bottom lip quivered slightly. "About what you said-"

I smiled and touched her chin, making me her look up at me. Her blood kissed skin was pale. "Emris, I don't-"

I didn't let her finish, I turned away as an odd feeling- an unfamiliar feeling, filled my chest. What was this? It felt hard to breath. Her skin under my fingers was warm. Soft.

Delicate, even .

"Come. We are in a hurry." She didn't hesitate but the look of defeat on her face was evident. I watched her curtsy at me and turn away to her horse, pulling herself up and following Niko through the gate of Drodic Hall. This was going to be a long ride.

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