Moonbloods Season 1

Chapter 27 Power and Sensations

I was escorted back to my room by a guard who told me Hali would be d joining me shortly. I hadn't been told what to expect so when I saw her, I was in complete shock.

When I reached my room, Hali was seated by the fire with her back to me. I glanced at the Maid who had a concerned look on her face. She backed away slowly as I approached.

"What happened?" I asked them.

Hali flinched away from me, cowering into her seat. The Maid beside her bowed her head backed away, walking to stand by the door.

I walked toward Hali who didn't move an inch as I approached her.

"Hali?" I whispered.

She didn't answer.

She didn't move.

"Hali, what happened?"

I inched around her and felt my face go blank and then twist in horror. The side of Hali's face was covered in blisters. Her once beautiful and lovely face was now deformed, red and completely unrecognizable. I felt my hand go to my lips slowly. "Hali..."

My words trails off. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say to her. Her lips trembled before a sob left her lips.

"I leave on the first ship tomorrow-"

I shook my head. "What are you talking about?" I asked her.

Hall hung her head, another sob leaving her chest. "Lady Yesmina has already arranged for my departure to the Skavi Stronghold," she said. I stared at her, hearing her words but not understanding them. She may as well have been speaking Drydailien.

Why on earth would Yeamina want to deport Hali? I pondered everything I'd learned since coming to Court.

Graven had served my father, Ambrose of Azga, the original blood of Azga. The same blood that ran in me. He didn't seem particularly pleased that I was married to Emris and that Emris didn't seem in a hurry to get me pregnant bothered him. Niko had told me in the way back up here, out of earshot of Graven and Emris of course. A fact I was extremely grateful for.

"Who did this?" I demanded.

Hali didn't answer. She didn't look at me and she didn't move. "Hali, answer me!"

Niko cleared his throat behind me and I turned to face him, my dress sweeping the floor as I moved. "Hali was on her way to the servants quarters when I herd her screaming. By the time I got there she was on the floor bleeding."

My felt sick. How had this happened? "Was anyone else hurt?" I asked him.

Niko shook his head. "I'm sorry, Princess, I wouldn't know. Prince Emris asked me to come straight here."

I nodded. It made silence. Niko was my sworn sword. He would give his life in place of mine if need be. I prayed to the Gods that that day never came. "And if I ask you to go find out?" I asked him.

Niko bowed his head but hesitated. "Do you still have the dagger Prince Emris gave you?" he asked me. I saw Hali turn her head toward him at his question. I nodded and walked over to my dresser and pulled the top drawer open. Grabbing the small, heavy blade from within, I closed the drawer and turned to face Niko.

"Show me how to use it," he said.

I blinked. "It's a dagger," I reminded him confused. "It's pretty self explanatory."

I never saw Niko move, but I felt his hand slap against mine and suddenly he was holding the dagger in his hands. "Precision," he told me. "And always hold the blade away from you until you know what you are doing-"

Hali stood to her feet. "I will keep watch over her," Hali said. "Go do as Emris asked so he may sooner return to the Princess."

I turned to face her. "Emris would never send you away if I asked him not to," I assured her. "Besides, he was the one who brought you to me. Something I am very greatful for."

She shook her head, her burnt, bright blistered face glistened painfully in the dim light of my bedroom. "You don't know that," she reminded me. "You don't understand how temperamental he can be."

I felt my hand go to my neck and it was almost as if I could feel his fingers closing in around me. I shuddered. "I can," I assured her and she raised her eyebrow at me.

"What?" she whispered. "Did he hurt you?"

I shook my head quickly. "No, he didn't," I assured her. I inched closer, slowly walking around the small table between us. Her eye was damaged too, having gone a milky blue and reflective.

I sat down beside her slowly. "Hali... I might be able to help you-"

She shook her head quickly. "You are new to your power and you don't know how to use it!" she reminded me. "If you over work yourself, I might as well save Emris the trouble and fling myself off the nearest tower!"

I sighed. I had healed myself when I first arrived here. I'd hit my head when I fell from my horse and by the time I reached the castle the wound had vanished. Perhaps I could do the same for

"Hali, can you please tell me what happened?" I asked her.

She shook her head, her eyes filling with tears. Her deformed eye, reflecting oddly in a light metallic blue, glistened in the warm glow of the bedroom. "I was walking down the hall when I herd someone talking about the ships going out to the Skavi islands and that they would have a single female ready- I am the only femal Skavi here-"

I shook my head.

It was only then did I realize how miserable she was and how down right selfish I had been this whole time. Hali desired her freedom.

Even though she desired her freedom, she was forced to stay , because she was in service to me. I felt my heart sink in distress and disgust. I owned a Skavi.

I reached and touched her face. "I want to help you-"

She shook her head. "Only the king can undo my title and everything that comes with it-"

I shook my head. "This isn't fair,"

I whispered. Hali nodded.

"Life is not fair," she reminded me. "Otherwise the Gods would have made so."

I sighed. "We should at least get you looked at," I said and turned to face Niko. "Fetch a Healer, please."

He bowed his head. "At once, Uour Majesty."

Niko left the rooms outside my door were at least four guards. I was perfectly safe. Niko would only be home for a few moments. I walked over to my nightstand and grabbed up a rag for Hali.

"How long do you think the lockdown will take?" I asked her. Hali shrugged. "A while longer I'm sure," she mused.

"Once the healer gets here I'm sure he will be able to help," I told her.

"Yesmina did this," Hali whispered.

I felt myself still beside her. "What?" I was sure i hadn't herd her correctly. To accuse a Lady of such a crime... it was dangerous.

Hali shook her head. "Not that it matters," she reminded me. "I am Skavi. My word against that of a Noble Lady and her Lord Father?" She shook her head.

Of course she was right. And Heaven Melbourne didn't strike me as the man to let such an accusation slide. He was smart and proud. And it wasn't that I didn't believe Hali. I did. But to side with a servant... it didn't bode well for me. And by the

Hali if you are worried about your freedom, don't be!" I said. "I promise not to let anything happen to you!"

She didn't answer. She didn't look at me. I sighed and walked to the window when the echoing voice from the garden below. Below the garden was filled with soldiers in black and silver armor. Emris was on his horse, shouting commends at his men as he rode passed them. I didn't recognize any of them with him and there was a man in a white horse following him. A man who I could only assume was Knox Halcro.

His armor was black with swirling gold detailing. His hair was fair, almost white, blending with the bright snow outside. Sharp tipped ears stuck out slightly on either side of his head. As I gazed at him, I realized he bore no resemblance to Emris at all. Emris was all dark hair and green eyes where as Knox was pale skin, pale hair and blue eyes. He was indeed handsome but he wasn't Emris. In fact, they didn't look anything alike.

I looked up, surprised when Hali reached my side. "Prince Knox Halcro," she said in a cold voice. "The most stubborn and unrelenting of the three Halcro children."

I glanced at her. "Three? Emris has another sibling?"

Hali shook her head. "A sister," she replied. "Princess Yarana Halcro. She is in the East with the rest of the Priests."

I sighed. I was beginning to realize just how little I actually knew of him. I didn't know him and he definitely didn't know me. I watched as Emris shouted a few more commands at his men and then dismount his horse. A woman dressed in a sliver star like dress had arrived and was bowing down to Emris.

"His sister?" I asked.

Hali shook her head and then winced. "I wouldn't know."

I nodded and looked back out the window. The guards were mounting their horses and leaving the square. Emris remained behind with his brother and who I assumed was as Lady Cienna, Lord Knox's wife. I watched them as they stood there for a moment, talking. Then, Emris turned to look right at me, his silver eyes locking on mine.

I felt my breath catch as he smirked at me and then the three of them headed toward the Manor. I turned to Hali but stopped. "The healer should have been here by now," I said as I walked to the door. I pulled it open, stepping aside as a heavy figure slummed forward and sprawled out onto the floor. His dark hair was matted with blood and a gashing wound seeping blood into the stone ground.


My voice echoed down the hall as I rolled him into his back. His eyes were closed his face pale. I jumped when when loud footesteps echoed back at me. "Run, Princess!" Hali hissed at me. "If anything happens to you, the Prince will surly have our heads!"

She had a point. Both of them were appointed to me by Emris. They were in service to me and if I refused to listen... they would end with a rope around their necks or worse...

I shuddered and stood to my feet quickly, running in the opposite direction. I wished I had spent more time exploring the Manor like Emris had insisted. I ran as quickly and quietly as I could down the deserted hallway. As I rounded a corner, screams and shouts began to fill the Manor and I felt my skin crawl. My feet dragged to a stop. Emris was somewhere here in the Manor and thought I was safe. He thought I was with Hali. Emris was always so strict when it came to security, he left no room for error.


I herd someone calling but I didn't recognize the voice. I cowered into the wall, listing hard at the silence that followed. "Where is she, Slave!"

It was definitely someone I didn't know. Would Emris have sent someone in his stead? Nalia!

Goosebumps erupted over my skin as his voice was echoed in my head and a soft gasp left my lips.


His voice warmed my skin. Go left through the door at the end of the hall and down the stairs.

I glanced behind my shoulder when more screams and shouting reached me. What about Hali?

His growl filled me. Do as I say. Now!

My feet turned on their own and I ran toward the door at the end of the hall. I was about halfway down the hall with nowhere else to run when the door swung open and two men stepped out. I sighed, almost in relief when I stopped, my small heels clicking on the stone floor.

"Well, what have we here?" said the man to my left. "You must be what Lord Ambrose has been looking for."

I felt my heart sink as the blood drained from my face. Lord Ambrose? Did he mean-

The intruder on my left frowned causing my next thought to focus on the men before me. I slapped his hand away and stepped back.

"She don't look much like his Majesty," he said in a disgruntled tone. "How do we know if she is who we need?"

Ambrose? My father?

I didn't know these men. So I did the only thing I knew how to do. I filled my lungs with air and screamed as loud as I could. The fear that soared through me turned to a pulsating and violent power that rippled through me and off of my body.

Time seemed to slow down. The two men who had started forward to grab me seemed to freeze in place, their faces turning into slow rippling tides of flesh, the force of power pushing their skin, muscles and fat back back with such a force, I watched as the skin of their cheeks began to tear. The muscles became visible and the know moan of a pain groan began to fill the hallway.


His voice echoed down the hallway.

I watched as a force of white light shattered from my body, throwing the two intruders away from me with such a violent force that I herd their bones and skulls crack and break, i could hear thier blood hitting the wall and pavement before theire bodies collided with the brick wall, their sudden and horrifying screams cut off quickly and suddenly.

I slumped forward into the wall, feeling suddenly drained. Just as my knees gave out, I felt his hands grab me. "Nalia." His voice was soft, worried. I looked up at him.

His face was covered in blood and sweat, the collar ofnhis breatplate pressing into his neck. His silver eyes were fixed in my face.

"I'm fine," I assured him as I stood up straight. His hand's circled my hips, keeping me close as he glanced at the two men.

They were clearly dead. And I had killed them. I felt sick on top of feeling drained. A groan left my lips as I leaned into his chest.

"Nalia, look at me!" Emris whispered. My fingers gripped his shirt as my head spun, my eyes raising to meet his. His fingers gently gripped my face, making me look at him. "Are you hurt?"

I tried to shake my head. “No,” I assured him

Emris sighed, not looking convinced. "Let's go."

I followed him down the hall. We walked passed a group of guards and Emris waved his hand at them. "Clean up that mess,"he instructed. "Let me know when you are done."

We walked in silence for a while, slowly walking up the stairs.

"Did you know you could do that?" he asked me in a low voice. I had been hoping he had missed the whole thing. Of course he had seen it.

We were alone but I couldn't bring my self to speak above a whisper. I wasn't sure what to tell him. Had I known I could move simple objects with my mind yes. Was I able to influence moving objects? Apparently so. I didn't have answers for him. And I knew how displeased he would be.

"No," I told him. Emris nodded, his hand still curled at my waist. Opening the door to his left, Emris waited for me to step inside. It was strange. I hadn't been aware of it before but this oddly sweet, woodland like scent seemed to follow Emris where ever he went. The smell of Emris. I walked into his room slowly and looked around.

The room had been refurbished, the Royal blues and golds of the room were rich in color and brought out a a certain ambience in the room. In the far middle of the room, against the wall was a giant round round bed covered with a thick furs and pelts. A fire was crackling away already and there was a covered tray on the table.

"I had dinner brought to you-"

I turned to face him. "You are not staying?" I asked him.

He seemed stressed. "I should see to the Guard- my brothers men are helping. I should over see that."

I nodded. "Of course," I agreed, understanding that he had duties. Emris walked forward to stand before me. "Look at me," he said in a low voice. I hesitated for a moment, scared of what I would see when I looked into his eyes. Did he think I had been hiding it from him the whole time? Emris knew I possessed power. I was a Moonblood. The heir to Azga. The only people who knew that were in this room...

"Emris, those men spoke of my father as if he were alive," I said in a low voice as I stared blankly out the window. I wasn't sure how to feel about that. I didn't know if I should feel happy he was alive. Clearly Emris didn't care for him. He hadn't said much about my father.

As I watched Emris, his face became frustrated... almost as if he was trying to hide some emotion from me. I felt the blood leave my face. "Unless he was right?" I asked him. Emris sighed and reached for my hands.

"I know there is much we need to talk about-"

I shook my head. "You should have told me!" I told him, feeling oddly hallow, the growing feeling of anxiety and anger filling me. I watched a surprised look crease his face as he picked up on my emotions. As his hands reached for me, I stepped away from him.

Emris froze, his lips parted in surprise, looking at me as if I'd slapped him. That made me even more angry. How was offended right now? "Nalia." His voice was soft, soothing. A wave of emotion and calm washed over me and I scowled at him.

"Stop that!" I snapped.

Emris sighed and turned for the door. "We will talk later," he said as he reached for the doorknob. My eyes zeroed in on the door, pushing out mentally, willing it to stay closed. Emris simply pulled the door open- but my mind was stronger. The door slammed closed as soon as he opened, not even giving him the chance to fully open the door. Emris turned to face me, a surprised but amused look on his face.

"Okay," he mused. "You have my attention now, Nalia."

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest uncomfortably. "You can't keep things like this from me, Emris!" I needed him to be honest with me. As I watched his face turn hard I realized I'd been a fool. And that everyone m, including Emris, was laughing at me this whole time.

"I never kept it from you," he reminded me. "We just never got the chance to talk about it-"

I scowled at him now. "You lie again," I snapped at him. Emris stared at me. “This is something you should have told me the day I boarded your ship!”

After a moment, he started forward again but I stepped away from him again, not wanting him closer then a few feet. Quite a few feet. There was a small daybed and a table between us now. "Nalia, I would never-"

"But you did," I reminded him.

Emris sighed. "I don't want to fight with you," he said. "I wanted you to come and meet my brother but if you would rather stay here-"

I shook my head. "No, I will come with you," I assured him.

Emris sighed and shook his head. "You are angry with me," he said.

We stared at each other. "Nalia, I love you." His eyes had become unfocused, as if he was looking at something I couldn't see. "I love you and it scares me because I have never loved anyone in my life."

My heart was slamming in my chest, blood pumping in my ears. What was this? A sorry attempt to win me over? Emris had kept vital details about my past from me.

"There is a reason why I didn't say anything."

I looked up at him and his face was worried. "What reason?"

"You already know you are a Moonblood and the heir to Azga. There is more to your past then you know. Everything is there, inside your mind."

I shook my head. "My father died!" I said and turned away from him. "I watched his body burn at Brightwood temple!"

This didn't make any sense. I'd watched them unload my father off the back of a carriage when I was six years old. By the time I was seven I'd gone to live with Hiram. My father was dead. Hiram had burned his body at the Brightwood temple and then taken me and Jon to Summer Crest where he soon separated us. Id watched him burn.

"Emris if my father is still alive-"

He shook his head. "Ambrose knows not to make a fuss. He won't put his children in danger-"

I shook my head. "How much danger could I be in?" I asked him. "I am no threat."

Emris didn't answer. His eyes dropped from mine for a moment before he cleared his throat. Then I realized. How could I have missed this? Emris looked back up at me when I laughed.

"So all you want from me is a child?" I asked him. I watched his face crease with disbelief. "That's what it has been about all along, right?"

Emris shook his head. "Nalia-"

Tears were brimming my eyes now. I was stupid. I had let myself care. I had fallen for his demonic charms. How could I have been so stupid?

"I'd rather you just kill me now," I said in a low voice.

Emris, seeming to shocked to speak, stepped forward. "No!" I snapped at him, a small wave of energy surging out of me, keeping Emris at bay. "Nalia, it's not that I intended to keep it from you-"

I growled. "You need a child to continue the Halcro line!" I reminded him. "Who better then an Ellingboe-"

Emris shook his head. "You are of the Halcro blood line, Nalia!"

I felt my face go blank. "Where do you think your power comes from?"

We stared at each other. Emris sighed and walked around the sofa slowly to sit down on the daybed.

"Your family was connected to mine many years ago. Your blood was tested a few weeks back, when we first arrived here. The Prieats and Healers confirmed it."

I shook my head. "This makes no sense- are we related?" I asked him in a small voice. Emris smiled and shook his head.

"No, I made sure of that before you were born," he assured me. "Your are a distant cousin, how many times removed I could not say, but it was a few hundred years at least-"

I sighed and nodded. "Right, the immortality gene." It's not that I had forgotten about it. I suppose I still had a hard time understanding it.

"We do need to talk," Emris whispered and dropped his gaze from mine. "And in light of these revelations I will leave you to your thoughts if you would rather not join me to greet my brother-"

I sighed and shook my head. "Absolutely not," I said and turned to my dresser. "Neglecting my duties as Princess is not going to be another thing that Court can gossip about."

Emris sighed. "I will leave you to it then," he said and bowed his head. "I will wait outside for you-"

I turned to face him, his face turned surpirsed as I chewed my lip.

"Hali is tending to Niko," I said.

Emris shook his head. "Niko was injured?" he demanded.

I nodded. "Yes- I can dress myself. You should go check on Niko-"

Emris stood to his feet in one fluid movement and walked to the window. "Go ready yourself," he told me in a low voice. "I will wait."

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