
Chapter Moon 9

9 Chapter 9 Her 

Gunner. (1 

As I was working on her hand, I couldn’t help but to take deep inhales of her scent. She is intoxicating, the most delicious thing I have ever smelled. I finished up with tying the ends together and opened my fingers, keeping her hand in the palm of mine. This time she didn’t pull away, she rested her hand there. What is it about her, how can she make me feel like this, like she is the only woman on this planet? It’s like I’ve known her my whole life, like she has forever been a part of me. Using my thumb, I softly rubbed the back of her hand. Fireworks. I could feel her, she was relaxing and releasing her fear. She was starting to trust me. 

Could this be her, I wondered? The woman my mother used to tell me about when I was a little boy. My Mate. I never actually believed that True Mates existed. I just thought they were a nice story to tell your pups at bedtime. But this girl, she felt different, she felt like…. Mine. I breathed in deeply, taking in her sweet scent. She smelled like the leaves in the forest mixed with the petals of cherry–blossoms, all wrapped up in fresh orange peel. 

The bell rang and it made her jump and pull away from me again. That damn bell. The hallway filled up with people and very quickly began to burst with noise. Cole and Smith, who had been watching us from down the hall, were now right behind me. 

“Gunner, we gotta go‘ Cole said to me. She looked over at them and then put her head down. She’s adorable, so small and shy. I don’t even know her name, I haven’t even told her ‘my‘ name yet. I crouch down so that she could hear me. 

“My name’s Gunner” I smirked. She leaned away from me again, so I stood up to give her back. her space. 

“Can I see you after school?” I asked a little too excitedly. She didn’t say anything, just shook her head a little. 

“Hmph” I huffed, this is going to be harder than I thought. 

**Gunner, come on man let her go** 

Cole was getting impatient, and he was about to piss me off. I leaned down to her again and whispered, 

“I’ll see you later“. 

I turned and took off with Cole and Smith. I wasn’t giving up, she was going to see me again if she knew it or not. This girl was special. 

My next class was with Cole, we sat together at the back of the room flashing about my interaction with the mystery girl. 

**You want to tell me what all that was? I’ve never seen you so interested in a girl before** 

**There’s something different about this girl, I just haven’t figured out what it is yet** 



9 Chapter 9–Her 

**She’s been hurt but she’s not broken, shit I didn’t even ask her name** 

**It’s Zelena, I asked her this morning* 

I looked at Cole and smiled. Zelena, I said to myself, how beautiful. 

**You can’t be serious about this one, Gunner. You deserve better, the pack deserves better** 

**I don’t think there is anyone better. I feel like she could be my Mate* 

**You can just pick another Mate** 

**No, you don’t get it, I think she could be my real Mate, like my True Mate** 

Cole turned his head and looked at me confused. He knows that my mum believes, and is all about searching for your True Mate, but I’ve never really believed. Not until today. 

**Gunner, the whole True Mate thing is just a myth. They aren’t real** 

**You don’t get it. This is different. I’ll prove it** 

Cole kept watching me out of the corner of his eye. He probably thinks I’m going crazy, but I’m dead serious. This could be her, I feel it. At the end of the day as the bell rang, I flashed Smith

**Meet us out by the gate** 

**Sure thing boss** 

Cole and I walked slowly through the hallway. We were both taller and bigger than all the other guys, it was hard to push through the hoard of horny teenagers. I felt eyes on us and heard. whispers from all around us. We got through the doors and hung around waiting for Smith. The bitchy Blonde from the cafeteria came out and headed right for me. She walked with a sway to her hips and a seductive smirk on her over pouty lips. She stopped directly in front of me, popped out her hip, lifted her chest and started playing with the end of her hair. 

I’m Demi“. Her voice was too high pitched and held a whiney tone. Her overly confident 

r made my blood run hot. I forced a half smile and nodded, trying not to growl 

“I’ve not seen you around before” she said with a flutter of her eye lashes, 

“We’re home schooled” I scoffed. 

I didn’t want to talk to her. Her perfume was burning my nose and there was something about her face that made me want to rip her throat out. Cole must have felt my anger growing, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side. 

“It ain’t going to happen sweetheart” he told her with a shit eating smile. 


dropped her hair, glared and me and huffed, turning on her heels and storming off towards the car park. Cole turned back and winked, I just shook my head and smiled. My man, always the bodyguard. The untapped adolescent hormones running through these kids was straight up nauscating. I could smell their desires and feel the sexual tensions in the air. I leaned against the fence and crossed my arms as we waited for Smith. He came bursting out the doors with a big smile on his face. 


9 Chapter 9–Her 

“Pulled my first number” he grinned holding up a small torn piece of paper. I can’t deny it, the boy has game. He’s just turned eighteen and he’s hooked up with almost all the passing through Omega girls, dating back since he was maybe fourteen. I looked down at my boots and laughed shaking my head. The kid has some serious stamina. 

“Don’t be jealous” he laughed throwing his arm around Cole’s neck and smacking his cheek. They both laughed and wrestled around a bit, hitting and shoving each other before Cole pushed him off still laughing. They each turned to me with a smile. 

“So, what are we waiting for?” puffed Cole. 

“We’re making a new friend” I grinned at them both. 

They glanced at each other confused. I caught a scent and turned my head. There she was. I quickly stood up straight and smiled at her, Goddess I hope she doesn’t get mad or scared again. Cole and Smith both snapped their heads to see what caught my attention. Smith smiled and waved at her. 

**Oh Gunner, come on** 

Cole whined. She dropped her head down and her hair fell over her cheeks. She started walking for the gate. 

“Hey Zelena” Smith sung. Cole hit him in the ribs and growled, 

**Don’t encourage him** 

“Hey there” I said stepping forward, 

“I thought we might walk you home” she didn’t answer me right away, which is good, means she’s thinking about it. 

“Why?” she squeaked. 

It was the first time I heard her voice. Although she was nervous and quiet, her voice still rang like celestial bells in my ears. 

“Well because it would be a good chance for us to talk” I told her. 

“Why would you want to talk to me?” 

She surprised me, she has a bit of fire behind that shy exterior. My chest burned a little as desire for her touch grew. I tilted my head trying to decipher her tone. 

“You’re beautiful Zelena, why wouldn’t I want to talk to a beautiful girl?” 

Again, she was quict, she dropped her head and crossed her arms. 


*I’m not beautiful, I’m an ugly swamp monster” she whispered with a hint of disgust in her voice. 

I was taken aback. Why on earth would this girl think that she is ugly. I heard Smith giggle at her, and it infuriated me, I turned to look at him, bared my teeth and growled. 

“What, she’s funny” he squeaked with a cautious smile. 



Chapter 9 – Her 

get a better look at her face. Her brilliant golden eyes were shiny through her hair. 

“Don’t ever say that about yourself again… You, Zelena, are breathtaking“. 

I wanted to kiss her right there, I burned for her. But I controlled myself, I quickly stood up 


took a step back. I didn’t want to scare her again, I was already starting to scare myself. 

“Okay” she squeaked as she zipped past me and through the gate, I smiled and followed closely behind her. 

**Well, that was intense** 

Flashed Smith. 

**Let me talk with her, you two hang back a bit** 

I ordered the boys and quickly caught up to Zelena. I let her lead the way and she went straight for the forest. I thought the humans around here feared the forest. My little Mate must be fearless, I thought, smiling to myself. 


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