
Chapter Moon 25

25 Chapter 25 – Feeling Bold 


We got to Gunner’s room with me still hanging over his shoulder, using his foot he flicked the door closed behind us. My heart was racing, and my stomach was doing excited back flips. He threw me down on the bed and climbed on top of me, grabbing my hands and pinning them above my head. He held them there with one hand and using the other he gripped the back of my knee lifting it up so that my leg was around his waist. His face was so close to mine, if I just lifted my head a little bit, I could feel those lips. He squeezed my thigh, pressing his fingertips in hard. He nuzzled his face into my neck using his head to push my head back, he kissed my neck gently. 


you going to growl at me again?” he asked, I could hear the smirk in his tone. He’s teasing me, deliberately. He pulled my earlobe between his teeth, eliciting a moan from me. 

“I may” I groaned. The weight of him pressed against me was turning me on. I could feel the tingling start in my crotch. I pulled my other leg out from under him and lifted it over his waist and hooked my ankles together, trapping him between my thighs. He slipped his hand down my thigh and under my top, slowly sliding his hand up over my belly, he cupped his fingers around my breast. I tried to pull my hands free, but he wouldn’t let go. I lifted my hips and squeezed my thighs together, pressing my crotch into his. I could feel his dick throbbing against my jeans. He withdrew his hand from around my breast and pushed my hips down away from his. Angry at his retraction, I growled softly. He lifted his head from my neck and looked at my face. 

“Ah, there it is” he whispered smirking at me. I lifted my head and snapped my teeth at him. My god, I’m acting like a crazy woman, but I love it. Gunner let go of my hands and I tucked them under his arms and around his shoulders. He gently grabbed the back of my neck, stroking my cheek with his thumb. I was breathing heavily looking into his bright blue eyes. I want him, I want him bad. I want to taste him, and to bite him, I want to feel his lips against mine. I lifted my head a little reaching for his mouth. He stared into my eyes, I could feel his breathing get faster and the skin under my touch start to burn. He pressed his face into mine as our lips locked. I closed my eyes tight as I felt electricity shoot through my body. I dug my nails into his back and dragged them down. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and massaged my tongue with his. Our lips moved together in perfect synchrony. My skin prickled with a thousand hot needles. I saw rainbow stars swirling around like a whirlpool. I could hear the blood pumping through his veins, and I could smell the desire seeping out of his skin. He tasted like honey mixed with something salty, his lips had now become my all–time favorite flavor. I could feel myself in his arms and his in mine, it’s like we were now one entity. He was my person, my everything, my True Mate. I knew now that I would go where he goes, do as he does. I would travel the world to protect him and

anyone and anything that tried to bring him harm. He was mine, and I was 


I could kiss him like this for hours, but much to my disapproval, he peeled his lips away from mine and lifted his body up, holding himself above me. Everything was different now. We were different now. It’s like all the puzzle pieces of my life spanned together fitting perfectly with the 


pieces of Gunner’s life. 

“Wow” I breathed heavily, 

“I know right“. He rolled over and plopped himself on the bed next to me. Holding my hand in his. We laid like that for a moment cooling down and catching our breath. I felt as though I had just run a marathon, all that from just one kiss, our first kiss. I can only imagine what making love to him would be like. I rolled onto my side to admire him. I lifted my hand and gently touched his lips, trailing my finger down his chin and over his chest to his stomach. He turned his head and looked at me placing his hand on my cheek

“You are so beautiful” he whispered. He leaned forward kissing me softly, letting his lips linger on mine for a moment. I will never get enough of the feel of his lips on mine. The sun was setting and the room was getting dark. Gunner sat patted my knee, 

up and 

“Well, I think it’s time I show you off a little” he smiled. 

“What?” I asked shocked, sitting up. 

“Since you’re staying here now, it’s probably best that you meet the Alpha” 

“You mean your father, you want me to meet your dad?” I started to feel very anxious. 

“Yes, Zee my dad” he chuckled. I felt my mouth drop open and my eyes haze over. Holy shit I’m meeting the Alpha, what if he doesn’t like me, what if he doesn’t accept me into the pack. So many things could go wrong here, I could be sent away, I could be sent back to Hank. My stomach knotted over, and I started to feel sick and dizzy. Gunner put his arm around me and pulled my head to his chest. 

“It’ll be fine little wolf, don’t worry” he said, his voice so smooth and velvety. It’s hard not to feel calm and relaxed at the sound of his voice and the feel of his strong 

“Can I shower first?” I asked, realizing it has been days since my last shower. I must smell horrid, I breathed in through my nose but all I can smell is Gunners natural perfume. 

“Of course you can, there’s a towel in there for you already“. He let my head go and I stood up and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the hot tap and let it warm up. I pulled off my shirt and giggled to myself, I have an idea. I tossed my top through the open door into the bedroom, and then did the same with my jeans. I tried to focus my hearing and listened, I caught the sound of his heartbeat, and it was racing ever so slightly. I took off my bra and held it up in the doorway, swinging it around before throwing it. 


“I know what you’re doing” he growled from the bed. I slipped off my underpants and popped my head out the door, covering the rest of my body with the door frame. 

“I’m not doing anything” I smiled and flung my panties at him. He caught them and looked up at me with a devilish gleam in his eye. I winked and quickly ducked into the shower. 

The hot water felt incredible, I breathed in the steam and felt my body relax. I lifted the bluc loofah ball off the tap and picked up one of the body washes that was laying on the floor. I scrubbed the loofah over my skin, it felt so good to wash the dirt and grime away. Like I was 


washing away the last remnants of my father and his abuse. I bent down to wash my legs and heard a rumbling growl from inside the bathroom. I stood up and wiped my hand over the shower door to clear away the condensation. Gunner was leaning against the door frame staring into the shower, staring at me. Naked. For a split second, I felt exposed and vulnerable, ashamed of my small and abused body. As I looked into his eyes through the steam, I found nothing but lust and pure adoration, making me remember again how calm and safe I feel in his presence. “Well, are you just going to stare, or are you going to help me wash my back?” I asked him with a sly smile. He stepped closer to the shower but stopped, looking down he shook his head. 

“As inviting as that sounds, if I get in there with you, we both know what will happen” he sounded angry with himself. 

“Is that so bad?” I asked, wanting badly to persuade him. 

It’s not bad, but we have time, there’s no rush” he half smiled and left the bathroom. 

Ugh what is wrong with me! Asking him to join me in the shower, could I be any more slutty. It’s like all logic and morals are out the door when he is around. He just drives me so damn crazy. I got out the shower, dried myself off and wrapped the towel around me. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eye was basically back to the right color with just a small dark pink patch remaining on my eyelid. The burns on my neck were nearly gone. There were still some patches of discoloration and some spots that looked like small round scars, but the skin itself was healed. I turned slightly to look at the slashes on my back, they were all gone too, not even a scar. Wow, I huffed at myself. I held out my arms and looked them up and down, there were no bruises and no scars. The same with my legs and stomach, all my old scars, even the ones I have had for years, all gone. This is impossible right, how could I heal permanent scars? Is this what being a Were is all about? 

I walked back into the bedroom and saw Gunner standing by the dresser in just boxer shorts. My heart dropped and my stomach tightened. I could right away feel the moisture between my legs. Holy shit, this bond thing is turning me into a sex craving, hormone driven, whack–job. God how I want to jump his bones. 

“Hot damn” I exclaimed fanning myself with my hand. He looked over at me and smiled, a pale pink blushing settling on his cheeks. 

“I could say the same the about you” he chuckled. 

“What, this old thing?” I held out the bottom of my towel and twirled. He laughed and put his hand over his eyes, 

“Stop it” he cried still laughing. I skipped over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, snuggling my face into his chest. He put his arms around my shoulders and gently tickled my 

bare back. 

“I’m so happy” I whispered. He squeezed me a little tighter. 

“Me too” he said back. It wasn’t a lie. I have never felt so much blissful happiness before in my life. Sure, I’ve had a few huge bombs dropped on my reality over the past few days. With my dad 



25 Chapter 25–Feeling Bold 

nearly killing me and knowing that I can never go home again. Finding out that I can transform into a wolf and discovering that I have a soul mate. My life has legitimately done a full one–eighty. But I couldn’t be happier about it. 


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