Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter One

“You may have heard of the myths; you may have read a story, a fable, a fairytale or two but have you ever really seen with your own eyes what a true myth looks like.

Werewolves and Vampires, Witches and Faeries; what if they do exist. Does that mean the Moon Goddess is true?

Those mystical creatures co-existing with mortals, hiding their true identities from the innocence of the world while trying to balance their own.

Some would say they have extraordinary lives; others wreak havoc from sheer boredom upon those exceptionally bland and ordinary humans and the mundane lives they repeat each day.

What if?

What if the Moon Goddess grants a wish to those who seek more than bland, who want to experience the fantasy of extraordinary, exceptional and paranormal.

Lest we forget those who wish to find their eternal soul mate and live an extraordinary life with their one true mate only the Moon Goddess has chosen.

Could this be another fable or has She, the”.

Gabby finished the book she was reading to her class, her wide eyed, innocent seven-year-olds gasping in wonder. Their little oohs and aahs delighting her at that very moment.

“There’s another breach on the western shoreline, seven rogues have been sighted. Tristan and Bartholomew are heading that way as we speak.

‘Thats the second one this week, why?’ thought Gabrielle, carefully removing the shirt from his back as he headed for the backdoor.

He’d already shredded one good shirt, he had no intention of shredding another, then he looked down at his legs.

Deciding to err on the side of caution, he started peeling those off too... Hoping from one leg to the other awkwardly until he was free, then he transferred and bound towards the forests edge to disappear amongst the brush.

Beth, Tyler are you far from your mates?

Gabrielle mind linked his Sentinels knowing their life partners would not be further than a hairs breadth from their men.

Of course, but that has left our Northern border with only the barest of protection. Where’s Caphy?

Heading where you were, I’ve already alerted our Paxon Pack, they’ll be watching their West, our Eastern borders.

See you soon then Alpha Gabe.

Gabrielle knew his territory well, he hardly ever left his own borders unless it was beyond necessary, more or less an order by the councils members. Or there was an emergency that would jeopardize his own pack, Deep Water.

Many moons ago, Gabe stopped looking. Looking for his lifelong partner, the one all werewolves like him dreamt of. Longed for.

Perhaps that was the real reason he never left his borders unless it was absolutely necessary because disappointment was a painful companion and a bitter one to sleep with every night.

Alpha, they’re not feral just frenzied, said his first sentinel Batholomew.

Nearly there, Gabe mind linked, needing to make his way through some thicket and then over another clearing before he reached all four. Ignoring the beauty of his generational land which had been passed down from ancestor to ancestor until it was his turn.

Actually, these ones are refusing to leave Alpha. Muttering something about a promise or a promised or to be promised, shucks if I know. Nutters! said Tristan loud and clear.

Gabe ignored their banter and kept his pace, his powerful hind legs placing him leaps and bounds ahead with ease, his speed and agility phenomenally quicker than the rest of his pack.

Just as he reached the summit, he viewed what was before him. All males, filthy wearing old worn clothes, their feet were raw and bare from travelling so far, their faces all drawn from lack of food and water.

Gabrielle couldn’t understand why they were all in such a poor state when all the packs within a hundred-mile radius were flush with live prey and fresh running water.

Unless they came by sea!

They have travelled far and wide, all strangers to one another Alpha. However, they seem to have a common purpose, a ’Promise′.

Bartholomew mind linked again, turning his wolves head in the direction of his Alpha.

Gabrille approached menacingly, he was not the once foolish hound who charged down without thought, the past had taught him well. Placing his huge paws, one in front of the other, he descended slowly, his yellow eyes measuring each rogue for the enemy they were until proven otherwise.

He transformed while he approached, the darkness of his fur, tinged with silver tips a contrast to the blackness of his eyes disappearing when he stood before them naked.

Devon was a proud Lyacon, Gabrielle was less tall when he stood but just as intimidating.

Black hair and although he was cleanly shaved, the darkness of his beard and moustache was always a shadow against his olive skin.

“I am Alpha of the Deep Water Pack. Are you all aware that you have trespassed deep within my borders. Why are you here?”

“The Moon Goddess has promised ...”

“A promise ...” the others all echoed.

“The Moon Goddess. She has promised ...”

“A promise ...”

“We have come to fulfill that promise, but you must ...”

“I must ... what?” Gabrielle scorned, taking two more steps closer, Beth and Tyler moving to protect their Alpha with their own lives.

“We want the promised. I want the promised”, one said boldly, confusing Gabe.

Bart and Tristan tensed beneath their fur, both men knowing something was definitely amiss.

Something’s wrong.

Bartholomew said, his eyes never leaving the small group of dirty men. They all seemed in a daze, their eyes roaming around, taking in their surroundings except the one who looked so menacingly towards Gabrielle.

Gabrielle took a few steps back and literally threw himself on all fours, changing once again into his wolf, Devon growling in anticipation.

The one who spoke stood, his emaciated state revealing a sunken stomach, extended ribs and hip bones, his thighs as slender as is calves.

There were no more words to be spoken, this act of defiance was a challenge Gabrielle and his sentinels needed to eliminate as quickly as possible if answers weren’t going to be answered.

“Moon Goddess, for our promised”, he hissed before trying to transform into his wolf form, the process was slower than usual because of his poor condition. With a howl he then charged towards the Alpha of the Deep Water Pack.

Devon simply stood on his hind legs and lunged forward, the rogue hadn’t even fully changed, perhaps he was too weak, but the half man, half rogues’ neck was held in Gabe's powerful jaw and was merely crushed.

Bartholomew and Tristan pounced without warning on the remaining six men, they tried to fight but their lethargy and poor defense skills had them torn to pieces within seconds.

Beth and Tyler didn’t need to intervene, they just watched on in horror as their kind lay in a mass of bloodied skin, torn fur and bone.

“What a mess! Should we not have taken them as prisoners? Brought in Luwella to see if they were either cursed or under a dark spell?” asked Tyler walking up to her man and ruffling his fury head.

Tristan’s wolf, Scythe purred in delight, his bloodied muzzle licking away the remnants while Tyler kept rubbing his head.

Beth knelt down and wiped at Bartholomew’s canines and mouth gingerly while looking into his eyes lovingly.

Gabrielle missed his fated mate more than he realised, "Oh Moon Goddess, I wish, I wish upon a star ..."

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