Moon Child

Chapter 8

“Was that a…an orgasm?”

Her cheeks burned up with embarrassment as her lover's movements slowed, his eyes finding hers as she immediatley regretted saying anything. The emotions in his eyes were too many to keep track of, but she had caught the tail end of anger and the droplets of confusion and sadness as well as pain. Did she say something so wrong that it hurt him? Perhaps she made a mistake?

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin…”

He smiled, a small gesture that caused her words to trail off into nothing. His hand slipped out of her hair, moving down to lay between them on her lower stomach.

“Have you never known the pleasures of your own body?”

She frowned, confused by the question. Pleasures?

“I…don’t understand.”

His fingers moved to circle her clit, causing her eyelids to close and her lips to part as she arched her back in answer to his touch. He was pissed off, but not at her. She wasn’t a virgin, he knew that, yet her body had never felt release. It was almost a crime in his eyes, for someone to so selfishly use her only to leave her without a climax of her own. He would remedy that situation now, and a half dozen more times before the morning came.

“Your body is so soft, so gorgeous.”

He moved out of her, eliciting a soft moan as she opened her eyes to watch him move down her body. He stopped when his face was between her thighs, tongue running over her pussy as she allowed him to see her most vulnerable parts. He explored her with his mouth, claimed her coming orgasm with his tongue. She was so sweet tasting, like wild honeysuckle. He wanted to make her cry out over and over again, her moans music to his ears.

She was begging for him to claim her, voice breathless as she tried to convince him to bury his cock deep inside her womb. He wasn’t done tasting her, but he would give her what she wanted if it meant he could please her once more. Time after time she felt the high of ecstasy as her body tightened around his large shaft. She never wanted this to end, her pleasure like a roller coaster that never seemed to slow or end. It felt so perfect. Could this be her life? Could she stay with him, here?

As he kissed her, deep and rough with need, she moaned and allowed herself to fall a little deeper for him. He was so good to her, nothing like the others. He had never hurt her, or taken from her without giving in return. He was better than most humans in her mind, which confused her and excited her all at once. What if he was the one for her?

The next morning came far too soon, Dawn’s eyes opened as the events of the night before came rushing back to her. She let Kane in, allowed him to claim a part of her she never thought she would use again. Her heart.

As she sat up she realized she was alone in bed, but the note lying next to her made a smile grace her lips.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t stay with you, I promise my time away is for a good cause. I have something planned, but in the meantime Hazel is insisting she have time with you. Forgive me, the woman is relentless. I’m counting down the seconds until I’m with you again. I love you, call for me if you need me. I’m never far.”

Her heart was fluttering in her chest as she placed the note on the bed once more, moving to the bathroom as a song began to wrap her mind in warmth. Before she knew it she was humming in the shower, singing words here and there as she washed her hair and body. Her legs felt sore, as did other parts, and it made her smile. He had loved her body like a dream, making her feel amazing things. Unbelievable things.

She knew Hazel would come over soon, so she towel dried and headed for the bedroom once more. She wanted nothing more than to find Kane and kiss the man good morning. Hell, she wanted a lot more than that, but it would have to wait. She grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a tan tank top, looking over the lace underwear as she thought of the night she had with Kane. Would he like it if she wore these things? She grabbed a black lace bra and thong, slipping the clothes on before moving to the kitchen to grab a much needed breakfast. After three or four rounds in bed last night Kane had insisted on feeding her, moving them from the bed to the couch as they filled their stomachs with the food he had been preparing earlier in the evening.

She smiled at the thought of him cooking for her. The last time she saw a man cooking it had been her father, and though the man had good intentions his creations weren’t the most edible. Still, her family ate it with smiles on their faces because they all knew he had tried his best. With Kane it was different, because not only could the man cook but he was amazing at it. He put in the perfect amount of seasonings, balanced sweet with spicy, and she had to hold back a mouthwatering moan when he had her try a spoonful of broth that tasted like heaven.

She grabbed an apple, biting into it as she leaned against the counter for support. The man was a godsend, but what was she really getting herself into here? She had never heard of two changelings sticking together until she came here. Marcus and Julie, Hazel and Jeremiah, and so many others. They loved each other, never straying into another’s arms. They were faithful to one another, something Dawn never thought was possible for immortals.

“Good morning!”

Dawn almost jumped a foot in the air as Hazel walked through the front door without even knocking. Wait, had she knocked? Dawn frowned, trying to remember if she had heard anything the moment before the woman burst in. Maybe she had been lost in her own world and didn’t hear it?

“Good morning Hazel.”

She smiled toward the woman, moving out of the kitchen. Hazel smiled, motioning for her to come closer before wrapping her in a warm hug.

“Well, aren’t you just glowing this morning.”

Dawn blushed hardcore, apple still in hand as the taller woman leaned back to grin down at her. Was it that obvious? She felt nervous as all hell, but the woman simply laughed and gave her some space.

“Oh, stop that. There’s no reason to be embarrassed. Besides, I had quite the crazy night myself. I might be pregnant but that doesn’t stop Jeremiah from…”


The woman’s laugh filled the room as Dawn blushed deeper, eyes wide. Had she just been about to explain her sex life? When the woman continued to laugh Dawn couldn’t stop herself from smiling, a laugh escaping as she shook her head at the woman.

“You’re incorrigible.”

Hazel shrugged her shoulders, her smile permanent as she headed back toward the door. Where was she going?

“Come on, I have something to show you.”

Dawn followed close behind, her lips curved up into a smile as well.

“You always have something to show me.”

Hazel’s eyes shimmered as she laughed once more.

“Well, I never do like to sit still. Now come on!”

She grabbed Dawn’s free hand, leading her down the dirt path that would end at her house. What was she so excited about? The sun was high in the sky, birds chirped a cheerful song, and everyone they passed greeted them in a friendly manner. It was nice, like a dream of sorts. A calm paradise.

“Ok, now close your eyes and I’ll lead you the rest of the way.”

Dawn frowned, her gaze questioning as Hazel waited for her to comply. They were standing outside her front door, but worry began to nip at Dawn as she tried to trust the woman enough to let her guard down. She had let Kane in, giving him full access to her most vulnerable side, so why not let Hazel in too? The woman had been nothing but good to her from the very beginning. She was patient and kind, giving her all and never expecting anything in return.

Dawn closed her eyes, reaching out a hand to Hazel. She had long since finished her apple, both hands free to the woman’s grasp. She could do this. She could trust her. Still, as they moved into her house she allowed the animalistic senses to kick in just enough to make sure she was truly safe.

“Ok, open!”

She peeked into the room, then opened her eyes wide as she saw what she could only assume was Hazel’s big surprise. Before her hung a dress on the wall closest to them. It was beautiful, the satin material cascaded to the floor in a blue so deep it gave the ocean a run for its money. The straps were silver, a silver line of jewels embedded into the waist that came around to the zipper in the back. It was fitted, something she had never worn before.

It looked like something out of a movie, making Dawn turn to give Hazel a questioning look. It was a gorgeous gown, but why was this the surprise she had seemed so excited about? Dawn knew she had to be missing something.

“It’s for you. For tonight.”

Dawn’s confusion deepened, making it clear to Hazel that she had jumped the gun a bit on this one.

“Kane told you, right?”

She shook her head, still confused as all hell.

“What was he suppose to tell me? What is tonight?”

Hazel smiled, moving to place a hand on each of Dawn’s shoulders.

“Tonight we are celebrating your presence here. It is clear that you are one of us, and we would like to welcome you fully into our pack. Tonight.”

Dawn frowned. They wanted her to stay? It had only been a few days, did they really understand what they were getting into with her? She wasn’t without baggage, and her past was a dark one that might just come back to haunt her when she least expected it. Could she really allow them to let her stay? What if they were hurt because of her presence?

“I need some air.”

Hazel’s smile fell slightly, but she backed up to give Dawn some space. She watched the new woman, someone she thought would be a good fit for their pack, move away from her and toward the front door. She stopped before she left, throwing some words over her shoulder.

“I’ll be back before dark.”

Hazel nodded, but the woman never turned to look her way. Instead, she left and headed straight for the forest.

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