Monster Slayers MC Book 7

Chapter 6-Jenny and Linx notice each other

The next morning, we slept in until Sammy woke us up around 7 am. Dixie got up with him and I tried to turn over and go back to sleep but the bed just felt empty and lonely. I pushed myself up and was sitting on the side of the bed when Dixie came back with Sammy.

“It’s been so long since we stayed here that we don’t have anything for breakfast. I’m just glad I thought to grab some bottles for our little man here or we’d be walking down with a screaming kid. As it is, we are going to have to either go down to the clubhouse for breakfast or to the store for supplies.” Dixie said.

“Well, I’m too hungry to go to the store, get supplies and then wait till it cooks to eat. We could go to the diner and eat?” I asked.

“Clubhouse is closer.” Dixie smiled at me.

“Clubhouse it is then. You made me work up an appetite last night and now I’m hungry.” I smiled back at her.

Our last session had been in the shower last night so all we had to do was pull on our clothes and then we drove back to the clubhouse. It was too cold for Sammy for us to walk down.

We joined everyone for breakfast. Jenny and her kids were sitting at the executive table and I noticed that she kept looking over her shoulder at someone sitting off to one side and kind of behind her and was surprised when I looked up and saw Linx watching her. He hadn’t noticed me looking at him yet but when he did, I raised my eyebrows at him and then he stood up and came over to the table.

“Can I talk to you for a minute in private?” Linx asked.

“Sure. Come on in to the office.” I said and stood up and whispered to Dixie. “I think we have another love match.”

As soon as we were in the office, I closed the door and told Linx to have a seat. Linx had been a member almost as long as me. He was a quiet person that didn’t really stand out much except for his looks. He had golden colored skin is the best way I can describe it. His eyes were shaped like a cat’s eyes, large and exotic looking gold with brown and green streaks and his hair was a soft brownish blonde that had always reminded me of the caramel candy apples that they sell at the fair. He was tall and well muscled without being bulky, more sleek and he moved with such grace. He was also one of the fastest men in the club when it comes to running and climbing over almost any terrain. When it came to climbing trees, it was like watching a squirrel.

A lot of the sweet butts were interested in him but he didn’t mess with them much. He liked to drink and was an excellent dancer but otherwise, he kept pretty much to himself. He had been one of the first rescues after I took over as President of the MSMC. I knew he’d had a girlfriend in Decatur for a while a couple of years ago but she had cheated on him and he had gone to a dark place for a while and barely came out of his room except for work, meals and another bottle of booze. After that he kind of swore off women and just stuck to himself.

“What’s up?” I asked after he had sat down on the chair across from my desk.

“Who is the woman sitting at the executive table with the two kids? Is that Jenny?” Linx asked.

“Yeah. She’s been through some rough shit. Her husband was a childhood friend of mine but he was killed in Iraq when she was 6 months pregnant with the little girl. He didn’t even know she was expecting. She met the asshole that was beating on her a couple of months ago. Why? Are you interested in her?” I asked him.

“Yeah. She’s very pretty even though she needs to put on some weight. I know you told us to stay away from her so I’ve kept my distance but would really appreciate it if you would introduce me to her. I’d really like to just get to know her and her kids.” Linx said.

“I will but I’m only going to say this once, Linx. Her late husband was a good childhood friend to me, Boomer and Hunter. Break her heart or hurt her or her kids and we will feed you to the wolves without killing you first. Understand?” I told him very seriously.

“I have no intention of hurting her or her kids. I just want to know that I can talk to her without dying by your hand. I’ve been alone a long time and you know what I went through with Wendy. It’s not something I’m looking to repeat so I’m not rushing into anything but every journey has to start with that first step and for some reason I feel drawn to her. All I’m asking for at this point is an introduction to a very pretty lady that I’m very interested in getting to know better. If we are not compatible in any way, I’ll walk away, no hard feelings. I won’t push her to do anything she’s not ready for either.” Linx said.

“I don’t know her very well but I don’t think Jenny is one to share either. Are you going to be able to give up being with the sweet butts while you are seeing her?” I asked.

“I don’t mess with the sweet butts except when I’m really drunk and I don’t do that often. The hangovers are just not worth it.” Linx grinned at me.

“Alright. I’ll talk to Jenny and make sure she’s ready to move on to a good man. After what she’s been through lately, it might be a while before she’s ready to be with anyone else so just be patient.” I told him.

“Like I said, I’m not going to push. If she says no, then I will respect that.” Linx said but I could tell it was going to bother him if she did.

“You know she’s still recuperating from where that asshole beat her up and she’s only been awake from her coma a couple of days so she might need some time but when she says she’s ready, I’ll be glad to introduce you. Now, let’s get to work!” I told him.

“Thanks, Prez.” He said as he stood up and bent forward to offer me his hand. We shook hands and he left my office. I watched him go and then turned to gear up my computer.

I checked in with Captain Dickerson regarding the kids we had rescued and he said they were all fine.

I also contacted Shirken from the Ninja’s MC and talked to him about coming to train our club members on some martial arts. He agreed to come with four of his best men to work with us for at least a week.

I had already decided to talk to Dixie about letting them stay up at our house instead of in the clubhouse. We have the room here but they might be more comfortable up there. Either way was fine with me.

Thankfully I didn’t have any emails regarding rescues so I shut my computer down and went to find Dixie. She was still sitting in the dining room with Jenny and some of the other women and their kids.

Linx was nowhere to be seen. I walked over and kissed Dixie and whispered to her “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

She got up and told the ladies “I’ll be right back.”

Dixie’s POV

When Rooster and I got back to the clubhouse this morning, almost as soon as we walked into the dining room, we both noticed that Jenny and Linx were checking each other out and figured we might have another love match.

When Linx came over and asked to speak with Rooster in private, I had a feeling I knew what it was all about. As soon as they walked away from the table, I looked over and saw Jenny watching them leave, then she turned to me and asked “Who was that?”

“That’s Linx. He’s a nice guy. Rather quiet and keeps to himself most of the time.” I told her.

“He’s very handsome.” Jenny said with a slight blush to her cheeks.

“He’s one of the good ones.” I told her.

We talked about everyday stuff for a little while, mostly Jenny asking questions about being in the MC and I told her the rules of the house that all of the women had to learn when they first came here and she seemed okay with all of it. She said “When the kids start school, I’d like to go back to work but trying to work while they are this age means I’d have to pay a babysitter. I would be working to pay them when I would rather raise my kids myself.

Now that Gerald is not stealing my benefits check, I can make it on my own until they are ready to go to school. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you guys got me and my kids out of there and away from him.”

“Well, you are welcome to stay here for as long as you want. The room you have been assigned is yours from now on or if you prefer we can hook up your trailer with power and water.” I told her.

I saw Linx leave Rooster’s office and while I expected him to come and talk to Jenny, he just gave her a longing look and then walked on out of the house. Jenny didn’t see him because she was sitting facing me. I wondered where Rooster was until about 15 minutes later, he came out and after a brief kiss, whispered to me that he wanted to talk to me in private. “Excuse me, Jenny. I’ll be right back.” I told her as I stood up and followed Rooster.

We walked down the hallway out of earshot of everyone and Rooster turned to me and said “Has Jenny said anything to you about any of the men?”

“She thinks Linx is handsome but that’s all. Why? Did Linx ask you about her?” I asked.

“Yeah. He wants me to introduce them. What do you think of them?” Rooster asked.

“Well, I’ve always wondered why he doesn’t have a woman because he’s a nice guy. But I remember what he went through after that girl cheated on him a couple of years ago. He doesn’t really mess with the sweet butts and seems like if he chooses a woman, he will be loyal to her. I say introduce them. Jenny is a grown woman and even though she made a mistake with one bad choice of a man, she made a good one when she chose Mike. She deserves to have someone who will take care of her and those kids and she could do a lot worse than Linx.” I told him.

“I agree. Does she seem like she’s feeling well enough for him to take her out?” Rooster asked.

“No, not yet. That might take a little while. I rather she stay close to the house until she has her strength back. She will probably tire pretty easily for a while. Plus I’m pretty sure she will want to get to know him first before she involves her kids in interacting with a new man so quickly.” I said.

“I agree. Well, I’ll suggest to him that maybe just a moonlight stroll in the yard might be best for now. Well, I’ve already checked my email and thankfully there was nothing there. Oh but before I forget, I talked to Shirken and he said he’s willing to bring four of his men down to train for at least a week. What do you think about letting them stay up at our place while they are here?” Rooster asked.

“Actually I was thinking that maybe we should let Nancy and maybe even Jenny stay up there. They are both without men and have children. Since we don’t encourage them to wander around the clubhouse unescorted, they would have more freedom up at our place. We are hardly ever up there and probably won’t be until Sammy is a little older and I know it’s a lot more convenient for you to be here so I say let them use it for now.” I told him.

It was something I had been thinking about since Papa John had suggested we take over the Rescue Farm. I knew I couldn’t do the child fostering thing but then Papa John and Mama Mae didn’t do much with women like Nancy and Jenny so it made more sense for us to step up that part.

“Dr. Jill came yesterday and talked to Nancy and the kids and she said it’s going to take more talking to the little ones, especially to the little girl, before they are really ready to mingle with men again. She suspects that their father did something to them to terrify them but they weren’t ready to talk about it yet. Our house should be used more than what we were using it for and just because they will be up there doesn’t mean we couldn’t go up there whenever we wanted to get away from the club house.” I told him.

“I like your idea better. I think they will feel more secure up there, especially Nancy. She’s barely left that room since they got here and I’ve never seen the kids down here at all.” Rooster said.

“I know Nancy wants to come down but every time she tries to leave, the little girl gets so upset. I keep hoping that she will slowly get used to other people being around but everytime any of the ladies go in there, she runs and hides in the closet. Nancy has tried to come out a couple of times because I think she wants to talk to Gunner but everytime she tries the kids start having panic attacks and they won’t calm down for anyone but her.” I told him.

“I think she needs to make the kids come down to the family living room and interact with the other kids. Maybe that will help if they know there are other children around and they are not alone.” Rooster said and I had to agree.

“I’ll tell Nancy. I hope you are right.” I told him.

“That was one of the things that I didn’t agree with 100% about how Papa Joe runs the farm. I do agree that men need to stay away at first but you can’t keep the kids and women locked away and expect them to get better without that interaction. You just have to put them around people who won’t hurt them until they are comfortable again.” Rooster said logically and I couldn’t agree more.

“I’ll talk to them and maybe get them all together later today. Too bad it’s so cold outside.” I told him and then gave him a quick kiss but as I went to turn away and go back to the dining room, Rooster grabbed me and pulled me into his arms.

“Hey! I want more than a quick peck!” He said as he lowered his head and really kissed me. By the time we pulled apart, we were both really turned on. Rooster was hard and my panties were wet and we were both panting hard.

“Damn! That’s going to make sitting and trying to make small talk with a bunch of other women hard!” I said, breathing hard.

“Try working out with a hard-on in front of a bunch of teasing idiots!” Rooster said and I couldn’t help but giggle. “Care for a quickie in my office?” he asked and I was just about to nod my agreement when we heard someone clear their throat to get our attention. When we turned around, Cowboy was standing there, looking at the floor.

“Sorry to interrupt Prez but there’s a Ms. April on the phone for you.” Cowboy said.

“Damn! That means a rescue. Sorry, baby.” Rooster said and after adjusting himself in his jeans, he gave me a quick kiss and then a pat on my bottom, then went to answer the phone.

While he took care of that, I went back to the dining room and found the ladies taking the kids out of the high chairs. Nessa was lifting Sammy out of his chair and I walked over and took him from her. “Where are we going?” I asked.

“Just into the living room. The kids were getting restless so we figured we’d take them to their toys and the TV.” Nessa said.

At least Jenny’s kids weren’t afraid of everyone so as soon as they were all settled, I asked Jenny to sit by me so that we could talk.

“Jenny, Rooster and I were thinking that maybe you would like to go and stay up at our house? There’s another young woman here that we rescued a couple of months ago by the name of Nancy. She has her younger brother and sister with her. The two kids are terrified of everyone because of the father, who was beating on them and their mother. He unfortunately killed the mom before we could get to them but they are staying upstairs a few doors down from you.

Anyway, Rooster and I agree that them staying locked up in that room is just not healthy and I know Nancy wants to get out but she won’t leave the kids. Our house has 7 bedrooms, our master we are going to reserve for when we want to get away from the clubhouse and Sammy has his own nursery but that leaves 5 bedrooms open.

We’ll have to change out the beds in the kids rooms but there can either be a room for just girls and one for boys or siblings can share a room but you women need your own private space.

Now, before you answer, you will still be welcome here at the clubhouse and don’t have to move if you don’t want to but here you are going to be kind of restricted from moving around after dark when the sweet butts come around and the men are drinking but up there you will have the freedom of the whole house and yard. The kids can get out of the bedroom and maybe when the weather warms up, out into the yard to play. What do you think?” I said.

“Well, it sounds great! I have some things in storage that we could use. I’ve still got Bucky’s crib that changes into a toddlers bed and a playpen from when he was little. I didn’t have room for them in the trailer so we just put it all in storage when we moved in with my mom. I love my kids and don’t want to be far from them but it would be nice to be able to sleep in my own bed by myself instead of little feet that kick out or having them sleep on top of me. Bucky loves to cuddle but he’s not really careful with his knees in his sleep.” Jenny grinned at me.

“Well, I’m going to go up and talk to Nancy too. It might not be today and if you are both interested, we’ll go up and you can see the house before you both decide but I really do think it will help the kids recover what they’ve been through when there aren’t so many big scary men around all the time.

Don’t say anything to her but she and Gunner are interested in getting together but he scares the kids so far cause he’s so big in their eyes. He’s not even close to being the biggest man in the house. Just like Linx. I noticed that you and Linx were kind of checking each other out earlier. Are you interested in getting to know each other?” I asked.

“Who wouldn’t want to get to know someone so handsome? Why do you call him Linx? Is that his real name?” Jenny asked.

“No but it’s up to him to tell you his real name. That’s not for me to say, even if I could remember it, which I don’t to be honest. He got his name because of his skin and hair color and his eyes. He has the most unusual hazel eyes that are shaped like a cat’s eyes.” I told her.

“Well, maybe he won’t feel so self conscious about coming up to talk to you if he doesn’t have to feel the pressure of all of the others watching him. Linx is a private person and the guys here tend to raz each other, especially about their love lives.”

“That’s good because I’m a rather private person myself. I mean, I don’t mind some PDA so long as it’s done with respect for me and my feelings. Gerald only took me out once or twice and kept groping me, grabbing my ass and trying to put his hand up my shirt. He beat the hell out of me when we got home because I had pushed his hands away. He was so pissed that I wouldn’t let him do that to me.” Jenny said.

“I totally understand. I would remove Roosters man parts if he ever did that to me in front of anyone. I mean we kiss like no one is around and he’ll put his hands on my ass when we dance but there are never any kids around to see and he would kill any man that tried to do that to me. Before we built this place, the walls were paper thin and everyone knew it when we were trying for Sammy. I’m so glad when we made sure all of the rooms had better insulation on this place when we rebuilt it after the fire so now you can’t hear every little sound.” I grinned at her.

“Is your house well insulated?” Jenny grinned back at me.

“Oh yeah!” I replied and then we both broke out laughing. “I tell you what. I’m going to go up and see Nancy and see if she’s willing to go up with us and we can go look at the house, hopefully before lunch. Once you’ve both had a chance to look it over, we can decide what to do afterwards. Okay?” I said.

“Sounds good to me.” Jenny said. Penny crawled over and pulled herself up on the edge of the sofa and held her hands out to Jenny, wanting to be picked up. As soon as Jenny picked her up, she put her head on her shoulder and closed her eyes.

“You can put her in one of the playpens if you like. The other ladies will watch over her if you need to go to the bathroom or we do get a chance to go up to the house. I’ll go talk to Nancy and then I’ll come back and let you know.” I said as I stood up. I left the living room and climbed the stairs to Nancy’s room. I knocked on the door and it only took a few seconds before Nancy opened the door.

“Hey, Nancy. How are you guys doing?” I asked her as I stepped inside the room. Both of the kids were sitting on the bed, watching TV and at least this time they didn’t run and hide as I entered the room. I made sure to keep my voice down since someone speaking loudly seemed to upset them easily.

“We’re okay, I guess. I don’t want to desert them, Dixie, but I need to get out of this room soon. I’m about to go stir crazy here. We’ve been hiding out here for 2 months now.” Nancy whispered.

“Well, why don’t you come down to the living room and let the kids play with the other children? Almost all of the men are at work right now and none of them but husbands ever come to the family living room and they rarely stay for long. Besides, I have a proposal for you and the kids that hopefully will give you all a bit more freedom than you could have here.” I told her and saw her face light up.

“Oh, please tell me. What is it?” Nancy said hopefully.

I drew Nancy over to the sofa in the sitting area in front of her patio and we kept our voices down so that the kids wouldn’t overhear. “Rooster and I built a house for us up on the hill behind the club house. We rarely ever use it because he has to be here every day and I get so lonely being up there by myself all the time so right now the house is sitting empty most of the time.

We have a new woman with two kids who is the widow of a childhood friend of ours that we had to rescue. Her kids are scared too but not as bad as your kids, mainly because they are so young. The little boy is more nervous around strangers because he’s older and saw more of what her boyfriend was doing to her. Plus her ex boyfriend beat on him and scared him badly a few times.

Anyway, since your ability to move around freely in the clubhouse is limited, Rooster and I talked and agreed that we would let you both stay up there with your kids until everyone is more comfortable around men. The house has 7 bedrooms and while we will still use our master bedroom sometimes and Sammy will still have his nursery, that still leaves 5 unused rooms that you and Jenny can use and the kids can have rooms separate from yours. Either the girls can have their own rooms and the boys can have one or the siblings can be together, that’s up to you and Jenny. So what do you think?” I asked.

“I think I would like to go and see it at least. Right now, I’d do most anything to get out of this room for a little while. Will Gunner be able to come up and see me? I talked with him for a while the other night but other men kept interrupting and he finally said he would try again another night. He didn’t seem to like that they were teasing him in front of me and I really don’t blame him. It was rather embarrassing.”

“Yes, Gunner will be able to come up and see you, at your invitation. Linx has expressed an interest in Jenny and she’s said she’d like to get to know him too but don’t worry, both men will be told that they can’t go up there without an invitation from one of you and you need to communicate with Jenny and she with you, if you decide to invite your men up there. Respect for each other’s privacy will be the key to this working out. I would say, don’t invite them up until all of the children are in bed until you yourselves feel safe around them. Then introduce them slowly.” I told her. I could see that I needed to make sure that both of them understand the ground rules so that there are no hard feelings down the line. Lord, I feel like a mother hen at a sorority house!

“Do you think the kids would like to go down and play with the other children? Carmella is downstairs. She is only almost 3 but she gets around very well. Simon is the oldest of all the children but he’s not here today, at least not yet. Tell them we are going for a ride and we’ll go up and see the house and show them their rooms. Okay?” I said.

Nancy looked hesitant for a moment but she finally squared her shoulders and walked over to the closet and got the jackets we had bought for them and told the kids, “Come on. Aunt Dixie has some other kids downstairs for you to meet and then we are going for a ride to see a new house. Let’s put on your shoes and I’ll bring our jackets because it’s cold outside.” She said authoritatively.

Billy looked up at her and then over at me and whispered “Do you really think it’s safe?”

“Yes, I do. We’ve been here for 2 months now and no one has even tried to hurt us. In fact they’ve all been very nice to us and we can’t keep hiding out in this bedroom. Now come on. Put your shoes on and let’s go make some new friends.” Nancy said confidently.

Billy and Susie seemed to hesitate but finally did as they were told. They pulled their shoes on while Nancy ran to change her clothes. Seeing as all she had on was an old football jersey and a pair of shorts, I figured that was probably a good idea. When she came out of the bathroom, she had on blue skinny jeans and a nice pale blue peasant blouse. She slipped on white Nike sneakers and had combed her hair out.

She has shoulder length brown hair that needs a trim, light brown eyes and she is taller than me by about 3” but she would still be considerably shorter than Gunner. Susie and Billy both had the same light brown hair but their eyes were more hazel than Nancy’s. As soon as they were all ready to go, Billy took Susie’s hand and then Nancy’s and together we went down to the family living room.

I could tell the kids were scared by the way they stayed close together and Billy clung to Nancy’s hand like it was a lifeline. When we entered the living room, I saw that Marley had come over and Simon approached us. He and Billy are about the same size and Simon is not at all shy.

“Hi! My name is Simon. What’s your name?” He asked.

“Hi. My name is Billy and these are my sisters, Susie and Nancy.” Billy replied, motioning to each of his sisters in turn. Susie just blushed but when Simon smiled at her she began to giggle.

“Come on. Let’s watch TV. Cartoons are on.” Simon said and led them over to sit on the sofa in front of the TV with Crystal and Carmella.

“Well, that was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.” Nancy said with a smile as she watched her brother and sister climb up on the sofa with the other children. I introduced Nancy and Jenny and then I repeated everything I had said to both of them apart. Both of them agreed that they would need to see the house before they made a decision even after all of the women told them about how nice it was. Since it was so close to lunch time, we decided to wait until afterwards to go up to the house.

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