Monster Slayers MC Book 7

Chapter 2-Patching new members

We rode back to the compound and as soon as we turned off our bikes, I could faintly hear someone yelling from the shed. “Let me down from here! I’m going to kick some ass when you turn me loose. What the hell is going on?”

Boomer and I looked at each other and just laughed. We went into the house and couldn’t hear him anymore when we closed the door.

“Oh man, I don’t know for sure what that smell is but damn it smells good!” I said as we walked towards the dining room. Most everyone was already eating and after a quick trip to the restroom to wash our hands, we got in line to make our plates with some of Claire’s excellent spaghetti and meatballs.

As soon as I had my plate, I walked over to the executive dining table, kissed Dixie and then my son before I sat down to eat.

“How’s the girl? She’s got some adorable kids.” Dixie asked.

“You are not going to believe this!” I said and then told her what Cassie had told me about who the children’s father was and what I had found out about our old friend.

“Wow. Talk about a small world.” Dixie said. “So did you call Papa Joe about them?”

“I did before I knew all of this. I want to talk to you first but after dinner in private. Okay?” I said. Dixie nodded at me and then I asked. “Where are they by the way?”

“We bathed and then fed them and both of those kids ate like they were starving. The baby ate two whole jars of toddler food and still drank a whole 8 oz bottle. The little boy ate a whole bowl of spaghetti and two big meat balls. They acted like they hadn’t eaten for days. Then they both fell asleep almost right away. Someone has been hitting that little boy too. He had old bruises on his back and the back of his legs. We didn’t see anything on the baby girl.” Dixie told me. I felt saddened and angry at the same time but it also firmed my resolve for what I was going to do later.

I finished my dinner and asked Nessa to watch over Sammy for us then led Dixie to my office. I closed the door and pulled her close. She sensed that I just needed to hold her close for a minute as she held on tight to me.

After a minute, I led her over to the sofa and pulled her down on my lap to talk to her. “Baby, I pray that Jenny survives this but if she doesn’t, what do you say to us adopting those kids?”

“What? Are you serious?” Dixie said in surprise as she pulled back to look me in the face.

“Yeah, I am. The little boys’ name is Rueben.” I said and saw Dixie’s eyes get really big.

“You think Mike named him after you?” She asked and I nodded.

“Do you remember the day he fell on his bike and hurt his chin? I was the one that rode like my butt was on fire to get his mom. If his mom hadn’t moved away after his dad died, he would have been the fifth to our little gang. We kept in touch for a long time after he moved away but eventually, well you and I started dating, I was already training to take over here, plus I got more serious about sports and we just kind of lost touch with each other. I just hate the thought of just dumping those kids at the Farm like their father didn’t mean anything to us.” I told her what I was feeling and I knew she understood.

“Well, we’ve talked about adopting kids in the past and you know the doctor said it’s more than likely that I will never get pregnant again and you know I want more kids. I say yes!” She said.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her hard. “God I love you so much!” I told her when we finally pulled apart. “Let’s just pray she makes it through this but I wanted to be sure you and I are on the same page if she doesn’t.

But for now, I’m going to go take care of the asshole that did this to her. Do me a favor and turn the volume up on the TV and keep all of the ladies and children, if they are awake, in the living room and don’t open the windows. We’re going to make that fucker scream before we feed the wolves tonight! Where are those two kids sleeping?”

“Millie has them. I loaned her a play pen but I bet those kids sleep through the night, with as much as they ate.” Dixie said as she slid off of my lap.

“Well, text me if Doc calls, I’m going to take care of this SOB. I hate when a man puts his hands on a woman like that but it really pisses me off when anyone strikes a child in anger.” I told her.

I stood up and together we walked back into the dining room, which was almost empty by now. We walked over to the bar and grabbed two beers. Dixie looked around and saw that the only ole’ lady in here tonight was Claire and she was sitting on Circut’s lap. Since Circuit never participated in these things, I told Dixie, “Just let her know not to leave here and if she does, to go to the living room. Okay?” Dixie nodded and went over to talk to Circuit and I motioned to Squeaker to turn the music down.

“We have a punk in the shed that beat up the widow of an old friend of ours so badly that there’s a good chance she is not going to live through the night. Well, neither is he. I want all prospects outside in 5. Any members who want to join me in tenderizing some wolf meat, follow me.” I called out and wasn’t the least bit surprised when more than half the club followed me out the door.

Dixie told Claire. “If you leave the bar, come straight to the living room. Don’t go outside for any reason. Understand?” she told her and Claire nodded.

As I stepped on the front porch, I remembered that I needed to call Papa Joe and explain why we are not bringing the kids. I told Boomer, “Go on up. I’ve got to call Papa Joe. I’ll be there in a minute. Don’t start without me.”

I found the number for the Rescue Farm in my contacts and hit the call button. After two rings, Mama Mae picked up. “Hello?”

“Mama Mae, it’s Rueben. Is Papa Joe around?” I asked.

“He’s actually out in the barn with Bill. One of our cows got attacked by something and they are trying to keep her alive. What’s up?”

“I had called him earlier about two kids who’s mama got beat up by her boyfriend. As it turns out the woman is the widow of an old friend of ours. She is still in surgery and Doc is not sure she’s going to make it. Long story short, if she doesn’t, Dixie and I are going to adopt them ourselves. I never knew it before today but my friend, Mike, named his son after me. I can’t turn my back on them. Besides Dixie and I want more kids but it’s very unlikely that Dixie will ever be able to get pregnant again so it seems like this is fate for us to take them in if the mother doesn’t make it.” I told her.

“Well I know you will be good parents to those two and while I pray the mama does make it, I think you and Dixie will be the best people for them, if she doesn’t. I’ll let him know, Rueben.” Mama Mae said.

“Thanks Mama Mae. Please keep Jenny Roberts in your prayers tonight.” I said and heard Mama Mae gasp.

“What did you say her name is?” She asked in a shaky voice.

“Jenny Roberts. Why? Do you know her?” I asked.

“Yes. Yes I do. Her mother was a good friend of mine. I went to Jenny’s wedding. I didn’t know her husband had died. How did he die?” Mama Mae said.

“In Iraq. From what little information I have, he didn’t even know he had a baby girl. He was killed when Jenny was 6 months pregnant. Their son is called Bucky but the girl that helped us rescue them today told us his real name is Rueben. All I know is, I can’t just walk away from them. Even if Jenny makes it and we don’t adopt them, they will be under our protection from now on.” I told her.

“Then they will all be safe. I’ll tell Joe when he comes back inside. You take care, Rueben and if you need any help, you just let us know.” Mama Mae said before we hung up.

I walked over to the shed and found everyone waiting for me. The jackass was hanging from the ceiling, shaking from head to toe.

“What the hell is going on here? Let me down!” He demanded.

“What is your name, asshole?” I asked him.

“Gerald. What’s it to you?” He said with sarcasm.

“Well, Gerald. Jenny is in the hospital fighting for her life right now thanks to the beating you gave her. You broke several of her ribs and punctured her lung. Her shoulder is dislocated and her wrist is broken. You almost knocked out half the teeth in her mouth and apparently you haven’t seen fit to let her or her kids have anything to eat because she is seriously underweight which is affecting her chances of surviving what you did to her. Her babies ate like they were starving when we fed them tonight but yet you look healthy enough. What I want to know first is why? Why would you do that to her and her kids?” I asked.

“First of all, those brats are not mine. She constantly needed money for them. Diapers, food, clothes. The money she was supposed to be getting for her husband dying hasn’t kicked in yet and she was depending on me for everything. Hell, I never agreed to support her kids! But every time I turned around she needed money for something. And those damned brats were always whining and making noise. I just wanted to sleep and they kept crying. I told her to shut them up or I would. She got mouthy with me. I don’t tolerate a woman talking back to me. So I smacked her around a bit. No big deal. She deserved it for that smart mouth of hers.” He said, acting all big and tough and that’s all I needed to hear.

“Well, in case you don’t know who we are, you are now going to learn that we are the Monster Slayers MC. Our mission is to rescue and help children and young adults from men like you who neglect, abuse and molest them. You neglected to take care of Jenny and her kids and you abused Jenny and her son by putting your hands on them and leaving bruises and may have killed Jenny. If you didn’t want to help her take care of her and her kids, then you shouldn’t have been fucking her and just left them alone.

Also, I want you to know before I send your sorry ass to hell, is that the father of those kids was a good friend of ours. He died in the service of this country and his widow deserved to be not only respected but treated a hell of a lot better than you did. Now she’s fighting for her life and may not live to see her babies grow up and that pisses me off. Say your prayers Gerald.” I said and then began administering his punishment.

I punched him in his face first, breaking his nose. Then I began breaking his ribs, punching him like he was a heavy bag in the gym.

“Hey, Prez! Save some for us!” Boomer called out.

I stepped back and laughed then said “Next!”

By the time me, Boomer and Hunter were done with him, Gerald was a limp bag of broken bones and the three of us were sweating. I reached up and put my fingers on Gerald’s neck and felt nothing but sweaty, bloody skin. No pulse.

“Take him down. Razor, Jailer and all prospects, take him up the hill and feed the wolves. Take the pieces over the hill away from town.” I told them.

Boomer, Hunter and I went back inside and took a shower before going to look for our women. It was a good sign that Doc had not called yet and I told Dixie “I’m going back to the hospital. Do you want to go?”

“Nessa, can you watch Sammy for us tonight?” Dixie asked.

“Sure. I hope she’s going to be okay. Don’t worry, I’ll watch over him.” Nessa said. Sammy was currently asleep in the playpen with little Faith.

Hunter let Marley know he was going with us and told her he would explain later. She said she was going to stay at the clubhouse for tonight and I could tell he was glad about that. He didn’t like her staying alone at night at their house, even when there was no threat to them or the club.

Kaylee was already at the hospital so Boomer was all ready to go when Hunter, Dixie and I left the clubhouse. We mounted up and rode the 25 minute ride to the hospital. I checked in with Janet at the reception area and she said she hadn’t heard if Jenny had come out of surgery or not yet. She did tell us that Doc was still helping out in the ER.

“We’ve been busy tonight. That accident out on the highway brought us several patients, some of them are really bad off and had to be airlifted to Dallas.” she said.

Just then Carl MacIntosh walked into the ER and he looked exhausted. His first reaction was “Oh, no! What now?”

“Hey Carl. You look like shit!” I told him.

“I’m completely worn out. Please tell me that if you have an issue I need to deal with, it can wait until tomorrow?” Carl said.

“No worries. We’ve already taken care of him. We’re here to see if the woman he beat up is going to survive.” I told him quietly.

“Who?” He wanted to know.

“Jenny Roberts. Her late husband was a good friend of ours.” I told him.

“Was it Gerald Jones?” Carl asked.

“Yeah. He beat her up really bad, the worst of it being that he broke several of her ribs and punctured her lung. She’s been in surgery now for hours. We’re just here to find out if she’s going to make it.” I told him. “Tomorrow, when you’ve had a chance to get some rest, I want to talk to you about a couple of your men.”

“Man, you are just full of good news, aren’t you? Which two men and why?” Carl asked as he rubbed a hand over his face. “Let me guess. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum?”

“Hahaha! How did you know?” I laughed that he had used the nicknames we had dubbed them with.

“You will not be the only ones filing complaints about them. I’ve only kept them on this long because I’m already understaffed but I’ve got some guys coming for interviews this week and hopefully they are going to work out and I can let those two bozo’s go once and for all. I need men who can actually do the work and it’s more than looking good and keeping the uniform clean while they pass out parking and speeding tickets. Have you ever noticed that they never seem to have a crease in their clothes except from where they’ve been sitting in that SUV?” Carl said.

“Yeah. But what really pisses me off is that they have such a blase attitude about a woman or child being beaten up. I’ve heard people say more than once that they have called in about things and when it’s those two that show up, they don’t do a damned thing about the problem or never take it beyond having the guy spend a night in jail.” I told him. “Are either of them married?”

“You are kidding, right? What woman would have them? I sometimes wonder about those two. They work together, spend all their off hours together and live in the same apartment complex.” Carl said.

“Ewww!” We laughed together.

“Let me talk to Janet for a minute and then you can tell me about what’s going on with Jenny. I do hope she’s going to be okay. She’s a nice person.” Carl said then walked over to talk to Janet.

About the same time, Doc came out from the back, looking tired but not sad or upset. “Hey Doc. How’s Jenny?” I asked.

“Well, she made it through surgery but just barely. She’s in ICU right now in a coma. If she survives the next 24 hours she’s got a fair chance of making it but she’s got a long tough road ahead of her, the hardest part will be to last until this time tomorrow. She had a lot of internal damage as well as what we already knew. They had to remove her spleen to slow down the bleeding and she had some bad internal bruising. Where are her kids?” Doc asked.

“We’ve got them, actually your wife has them. Dixie told me those kids ate like they were starving and then fell asleep.” I told him.

Just then Doc’s phone dinged, letting him know he had a text message coming through. The message read, “Be careful coming through the living room. I’ve got Jenny’s kids asleep in there in a playpen. Had to move the coffee table to make it fit and left a night light on for them and so you can see where you are going.” Millie had written and attached a picture of the two kids curled up spoon style in the playpen. You could tell that Bucky was very protective of his little sister as he slept with his arm around her, holding her close.

Hunter said it reminded him of Simon and Faith. They also often slept like that, especially if there were a lot of people around.

Doc said “I’m going home. I’ll see you guys later.” and left.

Carl came back and after we updated him on Jenny’s condition, he said “Well, boys. I’ve been up for over 24 hours and I’m exhausted. That accident out on the highway was a bad one. We lost 4 people in two of the cars and 6 more are either here or now in Dallas. Some people are just so stupid. They either didn’t stop at all while others were stopping to rubber neck trying to see what was going on and ended up getting hit by the ones that didn’t even slow down but were trying to look at what was happening instead of paying attention to what was in front of them.

And when are people going to learn that you can’t cut in front of a big rig and then let go of the gas? Those big trucks can’t stop or even slow down that fast and he was left with nowhere to go because there were cars beside him. He did his best to avoid running over the idiots that cut him off but that caused his rig to jackknife and that set off a chain reaction of cars going too fast to be able to avoid the accident in front of them.” Carl said. “Right now I want a shower, something to eat and a nice cold beer.”

“Well, there’s no threat to Jenny since we’ve already taken care of her abuser so I think we are going to head back to the compound. You drive safe and I’ll call or come see you tomorrow about filing a complaint against those two idiots so that you have backup when you fire them. A trained monkey could do their job better than those two.” I told him.

Carl left and Boomer said “I’m going to find out if Kaylee has to stay here tonight or if she’s going to be coming home soon.”

As if someone had summoned her, Kaylee came out of the swinging doors and after greeting Boomer with a kiss, she said “I had a feeling you guys would be here.” She said as she leaned against Boomer with her arm around him as he held her close with one arm.

“Before you even ask, Jenny is still touch and go but so far, she’s still with us. We had to revive her several times and she’s on life support for now. I was going to stay here but frankly, I’m worn out and need something to eat and then sleep. I was in surgery today but tomorrow, I’ve arranged to be in the ICU as her follow-up nurse and I have to be back here by 5 am.”

“Well, let’s get you home then. Claire made some awesome spaghetti tonight.” Boomer told her as we all left the hospital.

The next month was only busy with the upcoming wedding which is in a few days. We’ve kept checking on Jenny, who has been in a coma for almost a month now. Her kids, especially her son, were missing her badly but slowly they were getting used to us and it was hard for us not to get attached to them. Especially Dixie. She was falling in love with the little girl in a big way. I have tried to warn her over and over again about not getting too attached in case Jenny makes it but telling a woman to overrule her heart is asking for the damn near impossible.

I have to admit that little Penny is adorable and such a loveable baby. She seemed to love to curl up on my chest to fall asleep. Several nights, Dixie found me asleep in my recliner with both Sammy and Penny on my chest, while she dealt with getting Bucky his bath and to bed.

We have had the wedding for Kaylee and Boomer, Connie and Crusher and it turned out great! Everyone had a great time and they had all agreed beforehand to alternate taking their honeymoons. Manuel came and walked Connie down the aisle and she, Nessa and Annalisa are getting to be so close. Connie has been helping out with the babies while Annalisa’s been healing and along with Nessa, they are becoming quite the trio.

Claire and Circuit, Cheryl and Manny and Mindy and Knuckles are planning their wedding for the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Cheryl’s mother is designing dresses for all three of the brides and they are all very excited! She’s been up here twice so far. The first time to work out designs and the second time was with fabric samples. There were giggling women running back and forth from Cheryl’s work room to the kitchen to the family living room all day that day.

As the fall turned to winter, we patched in several of the prospects that are of age now. Manny, Rudy, Ronnie, Richie, Owen, Mitch and an older kid named Seth who was rather quiet but did as he was told and had proved himself especially with Eagle who claimed he was an excellent shot. “If he were in the service, he would be an Ace sniper.” Hunter also said that he moved quietly and was a pretty good tracker and trapper. We all decided to name him “Ghost”.

Richie was now called Cowboy mainly because he always wears a cowboy hat but also because all of the sweet butts called him Stallion or Stud, implying that he was hung like one but we men couldn’t see ourselves calling him that and he received severe teasing about it but we finally decided that Cowboy fit him.

Owen and Mitch said that they were okay with keeping the names that the Satan’s Riders had given them of Scout and Spoons. Scout was working a lot with Hunter and was almost as quiet as him and Ghost now.

Spoons was not only a talented musician on the spoons but he had proved himself in the kitchen too and often helped Claire and Mindy when they needed help.

We also decided on “Pinto” for Rudy and we explained to him that it was what the Indians had named a painted pony. “It’s either that or “Painter”.

Manny was Ratchet, mainly because Wrenches was already taken but he was a natural at fixing most anything mechanical.

We named Ronnie “Digger” because he didn’t hesitate when it came to digging graves or disposing of bodies but he also had been the first to volunteer to help with the garden that Claire and the other women had started in the spring. He seemed to enjoy being outside in the yard and had helped Dixie with digging holes and helping to plant new plants around the clubhouse and around our place.

David, Peter, Calvin, Paul, and Kevin were rather disappointed that while they had passed their test, they had to wait until they turned 18, but we assured them that they would receive their patches soon after their birthdays. Actually, Dixie felt so bad for Kevin, she had Cheryl make his cut and she was planning on giving it to him for his birthday since he was the next to turn 18. We had decided that his road name was going to be Dash, since he was always dashing from one place to the other. He’s been working with Circuit a lot who says he’s really smart and good at computers.

In the next year there would be 3 more prospects turning age, if they lasted. Jeff, Ivan and Jess were all still really young but as soon as they came of age, they had already passed their loyalty tests and would be patched in before next Christmas.

Dixie checked with Kaylee everytime she came home about Jenny’s condition but so far, there’s been no change and October is over.

Papa Joe even called and inquired about Jenny and the kids several times and we told them that there was no change in Jenny but that the kids were doing well. He advised me to contact our lawyer about getting temporary guardianship of the kids, just in case one of them were to get sick or hurt and needed to be taken to the hospital. He also told me that if Jenny didn’t make it, it would make the process of our adopting the kids much easier.

“I have to admit it, Papa Joe, but both Dixie and I are falling in love with those kids but I have been praying for Jenny to be alright. These kids should be with their mom, if at all possible, but it’s not going to be easy to let them go.” I said.

“I know what you mean. There have been kids come through here that we’ve gotten really attached to, like Marley and Max and little baby Jane, or rather Rosalee, which is what we discovered she was called when her real parents were located.”

“Hey, how is little Sandy doing?” I asked.

“She’s doing well. She is another one that Mama Mae said that if no one adopts her within a year, she wants us to adopt her. We are getting up there in age and while I know how much Mae loves babies, we are really too old to be starting that young again but Sandy is almost 15 now and I think we can make it for another 4 or 5 years!” Papa Joe chuckled.

“I sure hope so!” I told him.

“Rueben, let me ask you something. If Mama Mae and I decide to stop running the Farm, what would happen to the kids we take in? Is there any chance you guys might consider doing something like what we do?” Papa Joe asked.

“Wow. That’s kind of out of our regular realm. I mean, I want more kids but to take them in and then have to let them go. I don’t know if Dixie would be able to handle it. As it is, we already keep most of the rescued boys and they have become prospects and then patched members but this is not a place to raise little ones that are not part of this world. After all, we are still an MC and what we do can be dangerous. Kids that have to go to school and would want regular lives would be targets for rival gangs and stuff.

Although I will admit that having so many families in residence now has really changed the way we do things here. I don’t know. Can you give me some time to think about it? Maybe even talk to my executive staff?” I said, feeling completely confused.

“Sure. Mama Mae and I are getting up there in years and it’s becoming hard on her especially to care for so many kids with cooking, cleaning and in general just trying to keep up with them. Some of them can be a real handful.

I don’t know if Marley would be interested in doing something like this but she knows as much about what it’s like as we do. I would say talk to her and then make a decision. Just let me know.

Otherwise I’m going to talk to Dr. Jill about helping us to find someone to come and work with us for a year or maybe two before we actually retire. That will give them time to find a place to do it and get the funding they will be able to get to run a place.” He told me.

“I will Papa Joe. Let me think about this and talk it over with everyone and I’ll let you know.” I told him before I hung up. I ran my hand over my face thinking “Thanks Papa Joe. Like I needed something else on my plate.”

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