Monster Slayers MC Book 7

Chapter 12-2 Rescues in Bolton

We started at the trailer park and began driving slowly down the road where we figured she would have come out and then towards McDonalds, going slowly so that we could look into yards and behind buildings.

We were almost to McDonald’s when my phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number but I answered it. I was surprised to hear a familiar voice on the phone. “Mr. Rooster? I don’t know if you remember me or not. This is Shelly Turner. You rescued me a little over a year ago.”

“Of course I do. How are you Shelly?” I said.

“I’m fine. I’m working at McDonald’s now. I’ve got a little girl here who is about 12 years old. She’s been beaten up and is not being very coherent. She just keeps saying she’s scared and doesn’t want to go home. I’m not sure but I think her arm is broken. She’s sweating and looks pale. I told her I was going to call for an ambulance and she started crying, saying “No! He’ll find me.” I don’t know who else to call. Can you come please?” Shelly asked.

“We’re almost there. We’re right around the corner. We had another girl to rescue a little while ago. We’ll be there in a minute or two. Stay with her, Shelly.” I told her and then hung up.

“We found her! She’s at McDonald’s.” I said and as the light changed, we sped away and were at McDonald’s within a minute. We pulled in and I saw Shelly sitting in a booth holding the little girl to her side.

Doc and I hurried inside. Shelly recognized both me and Doc and she waved us over to the table where she was practically holding the child up in the booth.

“Thank you for coming. She stumbled in here and nearly passed out before she made it to the booth. When I mentioned calling the police or an ambulance she got hysterical so I called you.” Shelly said. “Macy, these men are friends of mine. This is Rooster and Doc. They are going to help you and don’t worry, they won’t tell anyone.” Shelly reassured the little girl who was barely able to look up and the little she did, her eyes didn’t appear to focus very well.

“Shelly, can you slide out and let me examine her?” Doc said quietly.

Shelly slowly slid out of the booth and Doc reached in to hold Macy up when she began to fall over. She was about to go unconscious. “Rooster, get on the phone and tell Ghost to bring my van back. I’m going to need stuff in there.”

I immediately called and told Ghost to turn around and come back to McDonalds. “We found the little girl and she’s hurt badly. Doc needs stuff in his van.”

“I’ll be there in a few.” Ghost replied.

“Rooster, I think we better call an ambulance. She’s going into shock. She’s a minor and to legally treat her, I need her parents permission. I don’t know if she’s allergic to anything or has any pre-existing health issues.” Doc said but as soon as Doc said ambulance, Macy started to get upset. She was so weak that she could barely protest anymore but she was obviously afraid.

“No, no. Please. He’ll find me.” Macy said.

“Who, baby? Who are you afraid is going to find you?” I asked her.

“My daddy. He hurt my mommy and me. He hurt my arm. My mommy told me to run. Oh. It hurts so bad.” Macy said and then she passed out.

“Call an ambulance now! Her pulse rate just went from running like a racehorse to barely there.” Doc said as he slipped his arms under her legs and slid backwards out of the booth then stood up and laid her down on the table. He put the stethoscope in his ears and listened to her heart as I called for an ambulance.

“Someone hold her legs and keep her feet at least level or slightly elevated.” Doc said and Thumper stepped forward and took her small feet in his hands and held them up slightly.

Ghost pulled into the parking lot and Doc told me, “get my gurney in here and an oxygen set up. There’s a small tank in there. Millie knows what I will need.”

Two minutes after we got the gurney inside and Doc had the oxygen set up, the ambulance pulled into the parking lot. Followed closely by Sheriff Neilson. We rushed Macy outside on the gurney and Captain Neilson ran over to ask me how I had managed to find her so quickly.

I introduced him to Shelly and told him “Shelly was a rescue of ours about a year ago. She called me when Macy said she didn’t want Shelly to call for an ambulance or the police. Macy told us it was her father who hurt her and her mother. We’ll stay with Macy but you had better go check on her mom.” I told him.

“Can I borrow him?” Captain Neilson asked me, pointing at Hulk.

“Hulk. You wanna go help Captain Neilson with Macy’s father?” I asked Hulk.

“Sure. Lead the way.” Hulk said and got back on his bike. He followed Captain Neilson who put on his blue lights and siren as he raced towards Macy’s house.

We watched the paramedics work on Macy for a minute before they closed the doors on us, turned on their lights and sirens and we mounted up and followed them. Before I pulled out I told Shelly. “Thanks for the call, Shelly. You take care and Merry Christmas.”

“You too, Rooster. Merry Christmas.” Shelly said as she turned and went back to work.

We followed the ambulance to the hospital and Doc went inside while Millie and Ghost turned to take the girl that had told them her name is Misty back to the clubhouse. It fit her. She was the first teenager I had ever seen with silver gray hair. But it was her eyes that were startling. They were the most unusual bluish gray color. The shape is rather hard to describe and I could have sworn she had on eyeliner but it was just the way her eyelashes framed the natural shape of her eyes. It reminded me of how Elizabeth Taylor had done her eyes in the movie Cleopatra. She had a tiny button nose and perfectly shaped lips. Her eyebrows were rather thick but they were only a shade darker than her hair color.

I wasn’t sure what she was going to want to do but for now, it was best that Millie get her back to the clubhouse, get her something to eat and let her rest. Ghost had barely taken his eyes off of her the whole time and he jumped right back into the van when I told Millie to take her back to the compound.

I left Boxer at the hospital to ride with Doc and the rest of us took off to go check on Hulk and what was happening at Macy’s house. When we pulled up, Captain was talking to the neighbor who had called him reporting seeing Macy run away and the argument at her house. The house seemed to be quiet now and we wondered if maybe he had left to go find his daughter.

“Since I saw Macy run away, I’ve heard him slamming things around but I haven’t heard Vicki at all. I’m really worried about her. He’s an asshole that we’ve all tried to get her to leave him for a long time but she’s terrified of him. We’ve all offered to help her but he’s threatened her that, if she runs, he will hunt her down and kill her if she takes his daughter from him. Yet he doesn’t treat the little girl much better.

Poor little Macy is the sweetest little girl you could ever hope to meet but he wanted a little boy, not a girl and he let her know it.” I heard the woman talking to the sheriff, who just kept rubbing the back of his neck. After hearing what the woman had to say, I pulled Sheriff Neilson to the side.

“Captain, do me a favor and call Captain Dickerson in Deacon and ask for his advice on letting us handle this.” I said, handing him my phone with Captain Dickerson’s number on the call list. While he was talking to him, I walked away and told Gunner and Thumper to go look in the windows and see if they could spot where the man was and if they could tell what he was doing. “See if you can see the woman but don’t let him see you if he’s still in there.”

“Thumper, let me borrow your phone for a minute please. We should have brought a van with us.” I called the club house and told Dixie, who sounded like she was panicking when she saw Thumpers number and not mine.

“Thumper, is Rooster alright?” She sounded like she could barely speak when she answered the phone.

“Babe, it’s me. Don’t worry. The Sheriff is using my phone for a minute. Listen, you’ve got Ghost and Millie coming back with a young woman who is very traumatized. Her mother’s boyfriend killed her mom before we got here.

I think she’s a love match for Ghost. She just doesn’t realize it yet. But what I need is for you to send me a damaged cargo van and an SUV with a couple of prospects. We had a second rescue when we got here.

A 12 year old little girl. Her father broke her arm and her mother told her to just run, to get away. We don’t know yet what the man has done to the mother. Doc had to take the little girl to the hospital because she went into shock, probably because of the pain in her arm and running for a couple of miles before she collapsed in McDonalds.

Sherry from our rescue last year called me to come get her. Unless she has to stay in the hospital, we’ll be taking her to the Farm but I’m not going to call Papa Joe until I know she’s going to be released.”

“I’ll send them right now. I hate that this has to happen today but you guys ride safe and hurry home as soon as you can. Love you.” Dixie said.

“Love you more. Save us some dinner. I’m hungry.” I told her before I hung up.

I had just hung up with Dixie when Sheriff Neilson walked over to me and he said “They definitely did not train us for this kind of situation and I’ve never heard of anything like this before but Captain Dickerson advised me to walk away and let you handle it. So that’s just what I’m going to do. I’ve got another call about a fender bender out on the highway. I know one thing, the state is going to have to hire me some more people. There are just not enough of us to cover this much area, especially on holidays. People seem to have gone nuts because we’ve been going like chickens without our heads today.”

“Well, we will come for kids any day, any time. Anyone under the age of 21, male or female who can’t defend themselves. And our hands aren’t tied like yours are. We hate bullies and enjoy teaching them what it’s like to be on the other end of being bullied.” I told him.

“I know I definitely would not want to be on the other end of any punishment coming from Hulk.” Captain Neilson said, with a grin.

“We’ve actually had men shit their pants and piss themselves seeing him coming at them. This bozo in here is going to realize he made a deadly mistake in hurting his child with Hulk around. Very little pisses him off more than someone hurting a child. While he may be our biggest member, he’s not the scariest one of my crew. That title I think belongs to Eagle, but don’t worry, he’s not with us today.” I told him.

Hulk walked over to me and said “Right now, he’s sitting on the bed in what I think is the little girl’s room. He’s got a pistol in his hand. We can’t see the woman.”

“Damn!” I said and just then we heard a shot from inside the house.

Gunner came around the side of the house and ran up to me. “He just swallowed a bullet. Man, what a mess.”

Captain Neilson said “Let me go in first so that we keep all this legal.” He pulled his gun and walked towards the house. We all backed him up and in true police procedure, he cleared all the rooms we entered before moving on to the next. When he finally got to Macy’s room, he pushed open the door and almost immediately turned around with his hand over his mouth and nose.

“Fuck. I don’t care how many times I see that, it always makes me want to puke.” Captain Neilson said.

“Prez! We found her.” Thumper said.

We followed him back down the hall and in the kitchen under the kitchen table lay Macy’s mother. She must have been a very pretty woman before her husband beat the shit out of her. She was bleeding out of her mouth and when I touched her neck, there was no pulse. When I touched her side, she didn’t seem to have any bones in her ribs. “Damn. He pulverized her insides. She has no rib cage left on her left side. The bones must have punctured her lungs. She’s dead.”

Man, I’m glad we have Captain Neilson with us. Legally, it’s going to be his responsibility to tell Macy that both of her parents are dead. What sucks even more is that it happened on Christmas Eve!

“I’ll call for the coroner.” Captain Neilson said and walked outside.

I stepped out and told the guys to follow me. “Don’t touch anything until I get permission. Since he’s with us, this is a police situation. We are just back up for him.”

“What about the little girls stuff? There’s not much under the tree but judging by the wrapping paper, there’s some stuff for her.” Hulk said.``

“Yeah. Once they clear the bodies, I’ll talk to Captain Neilson about removing her belongings. Let’s make sure we search the parents room to make sure her mom didn’t have stuff that she was saving for tonight to put under the tree or in her stocking.” I told my crew. “She may not want it for a while if at all but we will save it for her.”

I talked to Captain Neilson who gave us permission to remove everything we could salvage from Macy’s room and anything we could find that might have been a gift for her. He made an inventory of it all and told us, “You might want to take the mothers’ jewelry box too. She may not have had much but Macy should be the one to get it. I have to find out if they had a lawyer and wills and if they owned this place or were just renting.”

“Well, when Macy is ready to be released from the hospital, we’ll be taking her to the Rescue Farm. If you find that she has any family, you need to contact Joe Crankston. Your office should have information on them. Mona at CPS can verify our credentials to take custody of Macy as well as Joe.” I told him.

“Good deal. Thanks for your help Rooster.” He told me.

“Anytime you have issues, let me know. If it involves children, we’ll come as quickly as we can.” I told him and gave him one of my cards.

The coroner showed up and removed the bodies, then we went in and gathered Macy’s belongings. There was one small teddy bear on her bed that somehow escaped being covered in blood and brain bits but other than that, we managed to collect a small bag of clothes, her mother’s jewelry box and a few gifts that were hidden in her parents closet as well as the ones under the tree before we left.

It was almost dinner time by the time we got back to the compound. Macy would have to stay in the hospital overnight and Doc said he would stay with her, since she would recognize him as the man who helped her at McDonalds. I assured him we would be back in the morning to get them both.

“Just leave me an SUV please. I’m going to go out for food later while she’s asleep and it’s too damned cold out here to be riding a bike. I need a better coat and I should have put on long johns.” Doc said.

“Ok, Doc. Well, I know Millie is going to be disappointed that you are not there in the morning but hopefully they will release Macy early.” I told him.

“Oh well, things like this happen and there’s nothing we can do about it. The child has to come first this year. We had a wonderful Christmas together with her family last year.” Doc said.

“Well, Merry Christmas, Doc. We’ll see you in the morning.” I said before we left to go home.

The ride home was uneventful but all of our women were very glad we were home. Millie was disappointed that Doc would not be home tonight but she understood Doc’s dedication to his patient.

We all had a rather subdued dinner and the married men spent time with their old ladies and their kids, if they had them. Nancy and Jenny agreed to stay in the clubhouse so that their kids, who had really calmed down since they had arrived at the clubhouse, could be there for Christmas morning with the other children. They were still jumpy when there were too many men in the room at once or got too close but they seemed to be enjoying playing with the other kids. They weren’t afraid of Gunner and Linx and when little Penny got tired, she curled up on Linx’s lap and fell right to sleep.

Dixie put Misty in a room next to Ghost and Millie gave her a sedative and she was asleep when we got back. Questioning her could wait until after the holiday. We had checked her house too and brought all of her clothes and the one and only gift that we could find for her. They hadn’t even had a Christmas tree but we had found a wrapped present addressed to Misty in her mom’s dresser drawers in the bedroom.

Once all of the mother’s put their babies to bed, there was a line of baby monitors in the living room and everyone headed for the bar. Now it was time for the adults to be able to cut loose and enjoy ourselves. It took a couple of shots of whisky and a few beers before I was finally able to relax but watching Dixie dance with some of the other women was really making me hard as a rock.

The sweet butts had arrived right on time and everyone was partying. Jenny and Nancy were amazed at how they were dressed in their skin tight jeans or short skirts that barely covered their butts and left nothing to the imagination.

Helena, Cookie, Millie and Dana all chose to sit in the living room with Manuel, Greggory and Kevin and they all went to bed early.

The rest of us stayed up dancing and partying until midnight when Dixie finally called a halt to the party and ordered Squeaker to slow the music down and told the bartenders to call last call for drinks, the same as she had done last year. Most of the men objected and were saying “Aw, come on Dixie! It’s Christmas for us too! What if we just keep the music down low?”

“Stop whining. New Years is next week and we’ll take all of the kids up to our house to sleep and then you guys can party till dawn if you want. But Santa is coming soon and I won’t have the children’s Christmas morning spoiled because you guys want to get shitfaced tonight and will be all hungover in the morning. So enjoy your last drink, take your um......chosen women to bed and we’ll see you in the morning. Merry Christmas everyone.” She said before returning the microphone to Squeaker.

The men who didn’t have a sweet butt to be with and could still see and walk, helped Dixie and the women with children, put out the presents they had hidden in the linen closet under the tree. Almost half the floor was covered and stacked up a couple of feet high.

Dixie and I finally crawled into bed about 1:30 am and I was so thankful that I was finally able to make love to my wife. I had been thinking about her and Sammy all the way home today, thankful that they were both home and safe.

Ghost’s POV

I couldn’t believe it when I first saw her coming out of the house with Millie, trying to hold her shirt closed. But I swear my heart did a complete flip flop in my chest and I couldn’t seem to get a full breath for a minute. I wanted to kill the man on the ground for hurting her. If the cops hadn’t been here, I would have pulled my gun and shot the fucker in the face.

“Her face says she can’t be any older than me but her hair is the most beautiful silvery gray which must mean she’s older. Her nose is tiny and I pray she will let me kiss her because those lips are perfect. I just hope she’s not so much older than me that it will make a difference to her because it doesn’t to me. I wonder how old she is?

I want to rush to her and hold her to hopefully calm her down but we have been trained not to rush at women who have been beaten. They are more than likely afraid of us and the last thing I want to do is scare her even more and she hasn’t even looked up at any of us yet.” I think to myself.

Rooster must have seen my reaction to her because he told me to drive her and Millie back to the compound. Yea! She’s going to be staying with us! Maybe I will have a chance to get to know her. I didn’t even hesitate when he told me that Doc would drive my bike back. My bike was one we had confiscated so I wasn’t terribly attached to it. I mean, I like my bike but don’t really feel like it’s truly mine.

I had not even begun to think about having an ole’ lady yet. I am young and have wanted to have some fun first before I settle down. Hell, my childhood had not exactly been a cake walk so I felt like I deserved it. Prospecting had been hard but I had stuck it out because the MSMC had treated me like family from the word go and these men and the ole’ ladies treated me like their brother. Sure, I want someone to love and call my own one day but I never thought it would happen so soon.

What if she doesn’t feel the same? What if she gets together with one of my brothers? I felt like I was going to panic and went to seek advice from the one man I trusted above all the others, Hunter. I found him in the living room, about to go into the bar.

“Hunter! Can I talk to you in private for a minute?” I called out.

“Sure. What’s on your mind, kid?” Hunter answered as he walked towards me.

“Can we go somewhere private?” I asked feeling silly but it would be never ending razzing from the brothers if they overheard our conversation.

“Sure. Come on down to my office.” Hunter said and we quietly walked down the hall a short ways to his office. He unlocked the door and let me go before him. He closed the door behind us and walked around to sit behind his desk as he motioned for me to sit down.

“What’s up, Ghost?” He asked.

“I um, I’m not sure what to say but ............. howdoyoutellwhenyou’vemettheoneyouaretospendtherestofyourlifewith?” I said in such a rush that the words just kind of stuck together as I felt a heat rush up my neck and over my face.

“Sorry, but what did you say? Hunter asked with a slight grin. I think he knew what I was trying to ask and realized I was embarrassed about this.

I took a deep breath to try and calm my breathing and slow down my heart. Finally I said “Um, I need to know how you tell when you’ve met that someone special?”

“I take it this is about the girl you brought in earlier? What’s her name?” Hunter asked.

“Misty and she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” I said, remembering the first time I laid eyes on her. I’ve committed that memory to my heart.

“How did you feel the first time you saw her?” Hunter asked as he leaned back in his chair.

“Like my heart was doing flip flops in my chest and I couldn’t seem to get my breath. I couldn’t move. I just stood there torn between wrapping my arms around her and wanting to kill her mother’s boyfriend. She actually went up to him and kicked him a couple of times with the sheriff standing right there. I wanted to hug her even more but I kept having to remind myself what you guys have told us about approaching women who have been beat up so I kept my distance. She didn’t even look at me.” I said, suddenly feeling rather depressed.

“Ghost, I’m going to tell you the same thing Rooster told me when I first met Marley. Marley and I took one look at each other and knew we were meant to be together. Rooster told me “Hunter, we only get one chance at the gold ring of happiness. When it comes around for you, you’ve got to grab hold of it and hang on for all you’re worth because it more than likely won’t come around again.”

Now, this only works if she feels the same way about you. She’s been through a lot today. Give her some time. If she is the one you are meant to be with then things will work out. Just be patient and don’t push but don’t back away either.

I will tell you this. STAY AWAY FROM THE SWEET BUTTS!!!! If she catches you fucking one of them you might as well give it up and just let her go. You may develop blue balls by the time she’s ready but if you lose her trust right at the beginning, you may never get it back and you can’t have a good relationship without total trust in each other. Take cold showers. Buy a big jar of Vaseline but stay away from the sluts or you will end up regretting it.” Hunter said.

“You know what? All week I’ve been looking forward to lining them up to fuck. Now I really couldn’t care less about being with any of them. In fact, just the thought of putting my dick in one of them grosses me out.” I told him.

“Good. I’ll talk to Boomer about you being Misty’s escort while she’s here.” Hunter said as he stood up. “Is that all you needed to talk to me about?”

“Yeah. Did you feel like you had a million butterflies in your stomach every time you thought about Marley?” I asked.

“Yeah. I still do.” Hunter grinned at me and clapped me on the shoulder as we left his office.

Together we walked to the bar and got beers. I went over and joined the other younger members by the pool table while Hunter went to sit at the executive table, pulling Marley onto his lap. I can’t wait until I can sit with Misty on my lap and for her to wear not only my property cut but my ring.

I barely heard anything anyone said to me because my mind just seemed to be going in a hundred different directions at once. I finally decided to just head on up to bed. I threw my empty bottle in the trash and headed upstairs, thinking “I wonder what room they put her in?”

As I passed some of the doors, I could hear women giggling or moans and groans of people having sex but I just kept on walking. I was almost to my room when I saw the door next to mine open. I’d thought it was an empty room but then I saw Millie step out and quietly close and lock the door.

“Oh Ghost, you startled me.” Millie said when she looked up and I was only a few feet from her.

“You staying up here while Doc is in Bolton?” I asked.

“No. Misty will be staying in this room. I gave her a sedative to calm her down and she’s asleep now. I want to get something to sleep in and my housecoat in case I have to leave the room in my nightgown. Would you mind standing guard out here until I get back?” Millie asked me.

“Not at all. Millie, has she said anything yet? She never said a word the whole ride back to here.” I asked.

“She mostly cried because her mom is dead but she did ask who you were. She said she wants to thank you for getting her away from there but I’ll let her tell you.” Millie said, with a pat on my arm. “I’ll try to be quick.”

“Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” I said. I felt like someone had set rockets off inside of me. Misty had noticed me. I hadn’t thought she did but she at least knows I was there.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.