Monster Slayers MC Book 5

Chapter 7-Rescuing Sandy & Manny is critical in hospital

We hit the town of Coilney about 25 minutes later and using google maps, found the Burger joint where Sandy was supposed to be waiting for us. We parked out front and walked inside and right back to the back of the restaurant where we found a little girl who didn’t even look like she was 12 years old. She was huddled in the corner of the booth like a scared little rabbit.

I crouched down at the end of the seat and asked “Sandy?”

“Are you Mr. Rooster?” She asked in a very timid voice barely above a whisper.

“Yeah, sweetie. It’s me. Are you okay?” I asked her softly.

She started to nod and then her eyes filled with tears and she shook her head. “My bum hurts really bad.”

Just then a tall, skinny, very staunch looking man came into the restaurant and stood looking around. He had graying brown hair and a long straight nose, which he seemed to look down as his eyes scanned the room. His thin lips were pursed and he had a square jaw and a cleft in his chin that was so prominent that it almost looked like he had two chins.

When he spotted Sandy sitting crouched in the booth and us standing there talking to her, he stomped over to us and demanded “What is going on here? Why are you talking to my daughter? Sandra, what are you doing here? I told you to come straight home from school!” He shouted for everyone to hear.

“Why? So you can put your hands on her again? Touch her in ways that a father should never touch his daughter? Did you know that she’s already so bruised that she can’t even stand to sit on that padded chair?” I shouted right back at him and saw his face go completely white as he glared at me with his mouth hanging open.

We heard gasps around the room and I yelled to the waitress to call the cops. “My name is Rooster. I’m the president of the Monster Slayers MC. We rescue neglected, abused and molested children from people like you. You are one sick bastard to have touched and harmed this innocent child like that! I’m authorized by the state to remove her from your custody and place her somewhere safe. I’m also making a citizen’s arrest and you sir, are going to jail for child molestation and abuse.” I said and Boomer and Boxer moved to stand behind him.

“You have no proof or right to take my daughter away from me nor to make any kind of arrest. Come on, Sandra, we are going home.” He said, trying to push past me to get to his daughter who cowered away from him in fear.

“You will never put your hands on her again. Now back off.” I said, pushing him in the chest.

Just then, two patrol cars came up outside with their lights on. Two patrolmen came inside and asked “What’s going on here? Pastor Wilson? What’s wrong?”

“You are a pastor? My God man. You are supposed to be a person the children of this community can come to for help. Not to be touched and molested and beaten.” I yelled at him.

“What?” The senior patrolman asked. “Slow down and explain to me what is going on here.” His badge read Sgt. Reed.

“Sergeant Reed? Sandy here sent me an email saying that her father here has been touching her inappropriately and that when she tries to refuse him, he spanks her so hard he leaves bruises. She is telling us that her bum hurts her so badly that she can barely sit on that padded chair.” I explained.

“Sandra, is that true?” Sgt. Reed asked Sandy and she nodded. “Sandy, would you allow Ms. April here to take you into the girls room and look at your bottom so that she can confirm that you are bruised?” And again Sandy nodded her head.

Sgt Reed called the waitress, an older, kindly looking woman over and Sandy slid across the seat gingerly, wincing every time her bottom hit the padded seat. She limped away with Ms. April holding her hand as they went into the ladies room.

A few minutes later, they came back out and Ms. April walked right up to Mr. Wilson and slapped him across the face so hard that his head snapped to the right. “You are a sick bastard. That poor child’s entire bottom and the tops of her legs are black and blue with bruises. What have you been hitting her with? There is no way you made those bruises with just your hand.”

“He has a paddle or he uses the broomstick.” Sandy said.

“Sandy is one of the sweetest kids you ever want to meet. Always polite and courteous and friendly. How dare you hurt her like that? Her poor mother could not have had any idea of the monster she was leaving this precious child with and she must be turning over in her grave right now.”

The police arrested Mr. Wilson, who didn’t even bother to apologize to his daughter but just hung his head in shame as they led him out of the restaurant.

Sandy just stood there watching them lead him away with big tears running down her cheeks but a relieved look on her face.

“So what’s going to happen to Sandy now?” Ms. April asked.

“We’ll be taking her to the Rescue Farm. It’s a safe haven for children and young ladies who have gone through all kinds of things. She’s going to need to have help working through what has happened to her before she can return to a regular life. If unattended to, this kind of thing can haunt them for life.

She will have people to protect her, a doctor she can talk to who can help her learn to deal with it all. She will be homeschooled and hopefully will eventually be placed with a foster family who will either adopt her or keep her safe until she comes of age to be on her own.” I explained.

Ms. April wrote down on the back of an order blank, her name and number and told Sandy “Sweetie, please keep in touch with me. I’d like to hear how you are getting along. Okay? I wish you had come to me when this all started. I would have protected you.”

“If I had known you would, I would have. I thought no adult would help me because of who my father is. I didn’t think anyone would believe me.” Sandy admitted. “Mr. Rooster, will I ever be allowed to go back to my house? There are some things there that I would like to get, if not.”

“Sure Sandy.” I told her with a gentle smile. “Oh, before I forget, I promised Sandy I would pay for her meal. Did you get enough to eat, Sandy?” I asked.

“Yes, sir. They have the best hamburgers and really good crinkle cut fries. Not those skinny wimpy ones like Mc Donald’s sells.” Sandy smiled at me. I couldn’t believe that this tiny little girl had eaten all of that.

“Don’t worry about the bill. I’ll take care of it.” Ms. April said with a smile at Sandy. “Mr. Rooster, it was very nice to meet you. We see kids come in here all the time that look like they need help but don’t trust adults. Do you have a card or a number I can call?” she asked.

I handed her a business card that Dixie had made up for me and thanked her for her help before we left. I took Sandy’s tiny hand in

mine and led her out to the SUV and told her she might be more comfortable if she laid down on the back seat but to be sure to put on a seatbelt in case Rudy had to slam on the brakes or were to take a turn too sharp.

She gave me her address and we drove over to the house, which was located right next to a very nice church. The house wasn’t large but it was a nice place with a well maintained exterior and yard. Sandy let us in with her house key and she went straight to her room to gather her things.

“Is there a suitcase you can use?” I asked as I watched her pile things on her bed.

“There is one in the hall closet next to the bathroom.” She said and I told Boxer to find it. Her room was a small room but very tidy and clean. The walls were painted a pale lavender with white trim. Purple and blue flowered curtains on the windows. Pale blue sheets on the bed with a purple comforter folded up at the foot of the bed. A typical young teenage girl’s room, except that it was very spartan. Not a doll or stuffed animal in sight anywhere.

The first thing she collected was a picture of her and her mother together, some books from the full shelf of books on a four shelf bookcase by the window. She pulled out some clothes and added a couple of pairs of shoes. An old laptop and the charger for it and her phone charger. Boxer brought the suitcase and helped her put her things inside. She had taken almost everything in her room that wasn’t furniture and it didn’t even fill up the suitcase and I thought that was sad but then she was getting out with more than most kids managed to.

Before we left the house, I asked her “Sandy, where is the paddle that he used? I’ll need it for evidence.”

She gulped before she pointed to a door next to the kitchen and said “It’s in his office. It should be hanging on the wall next to the window.” She made no move to go to the door of the room, acting like she feared even the door.

I went to open the door but it was locked. “It’s locked. Do you know where the key is?” I asked.

“I’m not supposed to know but I found it one day by accident when I was cleaning.” She said and walked over to what appeared to be a broom closet. She opened the door and reached inside and came out with a cross keychain with three keys on it. She chose the middle key and handed it to me.

“This is the key to the office. This one is for my bedroom and the other one is for the bathroom. He doesn’t allow locked doors in his house.” Sandy whispered, obviously remembering a time when she had made the mistake of trying to escape punishment by locking herself in her room. I didn’t say anything but I heard Boxer crack his knuckles behind me.

Sandy scurried back to the living room while I opened the door to her fathers office and stepped inside. It was more than twice the size of Sandy’s bedroom and nicely furnished with a leather executive office chair behind an impressive wooden desk. A leather chaise lounge seat was under the two large windows and there hung the “discipline paddle”.

It was a large wooden paddle that looked like a miniature boat paddle except that it had a shorter metal handle and the metal ran from the handle, up the middle of the paddle. This would have hurt like hell to have received even one blow from this thing. I smacked the palm of my left hand softly with it and even that hurt. For a man to have lifted his arm to any height and brought it down on her bottom or the back of her legs must have hurt like mad.

I turned and started to leave the room when I noticed what looked like a doctor’s examination table, like the kind that Dixie’s OBGYN uses, against the wall behind the door. I noticed that there were leather straps hanging from the ends of the stirrups and I thought I was going to throw up.

I stepped out of the room and asked Sandy “Is your father a doctor too?”

“No sir. Why?” she asked.

“What was this table used for?” I asked and waved for her to come to me.

She slowly and reluctantly walked over to me and I told her, “Don’t worry, sweetheart. He’s not here and no one is going to hurt you.”

She timidly stepped into the office and I could see her start to shake as her eyes darted around the room. I pointed to the table behind the door and it took her a minute to recognize what it was and suddenly she clamped her hand over her mouth and ran out of the room. I watched her go and then glanced at Boxer. “I think we saved her just in time.” I said, fighting to not throw up the way I could hear her doing in the bathroom.

“What did you find?” Boxer asked as he stepped into the room. When he saw the table, he got kind of green and had to gulp and gasp for air a few times. “Do you think..................?” Boxer started to say but Sandy interrupted him.

“I started my menstrual cycle a couple of months ago. I had to ask him to buy me supplies and he came home with pads, saying that’s what decent ladies use. He told me that soon it would be time for me to give up my innocent ways and to start learning my “womanly duties”. I didn’t know this is what he meant.” She said and began to cry again.

I knelt down, put my arms around her and just let her cry. I said a small prayer of thanks that we had gotten to her in time. “Come on. Let’s get your things and get going. Are you sure there’s nothing else you want from this house? Maybe something that belonged to your mother?” I asked.

She nodded her head and walked down to one of the bedrooms past hers and went inside. Boomer came up to me with a piece of paper and a bottle of pills and handed them to me, then went outside and I could hear him throwing up.

The paper was the delivery order for the exam table. The bottle of pills was the “morning after drug”. I wanted to throw up too. That bastard was going ot not only steal her innocence, he was going to force her to take the morning after pill so that he didn’t get caught for raping his daughter! He had planned to do it without a condom so that he could get maximum pleasure out of it too. This man is truly one sick mother fucker.

I pulled out my phone and took pictures of the table and found a bag in the kitchen to put the pills and paper inside so that she wouldn’t have to see it. She came out of the bedroom clutching a small jewelry box and a photo album and what looked like a housecoat.

“It still smells like her.” She said shyly.

“That’s good. At least you have something from her. Do you have a backpack?” I asked.

“Just for my school books. Oh what should I do with them? The school will charge me for them if I don’t turn them in.” She asked.

“We’ll stop by the police station and turn them over to the Sgt. there. He’ll make sure the school knows why you won’t be returning.” I told her and she just nodded.

We walked outside and she didn’t even bother to lock the door behind her. “How far are we going?” Was all she asked as she climbed back into the back seat of the SUV.

We drove to the police station and I told everyone to just wait while I took the paddle, the bag I had the paper and pills in and Sandy’s back pack with her school books inside.

I asked for Sergeant Reed and it only took him a few minutes to come out to meet me. I handed him the paddle, making sure I let him catch the weight of it as I told him “This is the “paddle” he used on her. Feel the weight of that? She’s just lucky he didn’t break her hips or thigh bones hitting her with that.

Also, we found this in his office.” I told him and showed him the delivery receipt and told him, “This was delivered earlier today. It was set up in his office. It has leather straps attached to the stirrups. He was going to tie her down and rape her and then feed her these.” I showed him the bottle of the morning after pills and the pictures I had taken of the table. I really thought he was going to be sick by the look on his face.

“I’ve known Pastor Wilson for years. Sandy is in the same grade as my son. I never in a million years would have thought this about him.” Sgt. Reed said.

“That’s why Sandy never told anyone. She thought no one would believe her because they all know who he is. It’s always harder for people to accept that a clergyman or a cop or a doctor would do something like this to an innocent. We tend to put them on pedestals and think they are above things like this and they are supposed to be but a lot of times they are the worst ones. I just hope that now that he’s been outed that more kids don’t come forward claiming to have been harmed by him. Sandy might have been the only victim because she was convenient for him to abuse. How did her mother die?” I asked almost apprehensively.

“Single car accident. We found it with the front end wrapped around a tree and her hanging out the windshield. You know, I was kind of suspicious about that because like I said, I’ve known the Wilson’s for years. I’d never seen her drive, much less be in a moving car without her seat belt.” Sgt. Reed said, scratching his chin.

“You think he killed her?” I asked him.

“If you had asked me then, I would have said no way. Now, I’m not so sure but there’s nothing I can do about it now. She was cremated without an autopsy. He moved really fast on getting the whole thing taken care of, come to think of it. We found her on Thursday morning, he had the services at the church on Saturday so that it wouldn’t interfere with his Sunday services.” Sgt Reed said.

“How long ago was that?” I asked.

“Let me see, it was around the end of September last year.” he said.

“I’m not telling you how to do your business, but I would talk to the coroner who handled her body. They should have done an examination of her body and a report written, even if there was no autopsy done. If not, you may have a bigger problem on your hands than you think. Have you had people go missing without explanation?” I asked.

Sgt. Reed got kind of pale and nodded. “A few. DAMN!! I’m going to check into this more starting right now!”

“Again, I’m not telling you how to run your business but if I were you, I would tap his phone and monitor who he calls. I’ll bet that once you start asking him for reports on Mrs. Wilson, one of his first calls is going to be to Mr. Wilson. Either that or he will suddenly disappear. Don’t let that happen! He may be part of a team and so far you only have half the team.” I said. “Well, good luck. I’ve got a beaten up little girl that I need to get to safety.” I said and shook his hand, then left the building.

I stopped by the SUV and asked Sandy, “Sandy, did your mom drive?”

“No. My dad wouldn’t let her. Said it was un-lady-like. He always made us ride in the backseat and we had to have seatbelts on.” Sandy answered.

I told them, “Hang on. I’ll be right back.” I ran back into the police station and talked to Sgt. Reed again, telling him what Sandy had told me. He just swore and told me thanks and that he would look into it. Again, I wished him luck and left the police station. I climbed on my bike and sat, taking a deep breath to clear my mind.

Before we pulled out, I called Papa Joe and let him know that we had

Sandy and we’re headed their way. He said they were ready for her. We took her directly to the farm and Mama Mae in her normal welcoming way, hugged Sandy warmly but before she followed Mama Mae inside, she asked us to kneel down and we all dropped to one knee. One by one she gave us big hugs and a sweet kiss on the cheek and told us thank you for rescuing her. I slipped her a card and told her, “if you ever need us, just call and we’ll be there. Okay?”

“Thank you and I will. You take care.” She told us and then followed Mama Mae inside.

“Well, at least she’s not afraid of men the way so many of them are.” Papa Joe said.

“No, she’s not but I don’t think he actually raped her yet but we found evidence that he was planning to do it. He called it “Preparing her for her womanly duties”. He was just touching her and when she refused, he spanked her so hard that her bottom is black and blue with bruises.

A lady at the restaurant where we picked her up checked her and said it’s no wonder that she can barely sit down. She also slapped the crap out of Sandy’s father, who was a pastor of all things. She ripped him a new one too.”

Papa Joe looked at me with wide eyes and couldn’t even say anything and just shook his head. “Takes all kinds.” was all he managed to say but I could tell he wanted to chuckle at the last part.

When we got back to the compound, Circuit was standing outside waiting for me. “You need to call the hospital. That kid Manny? He’s in really bad shape. Hunter is there with his girlfriend now, who got so hysterical, they had to sedate her.”

“I’ll head there now. Tell Dixie where I went? And tell Claire to save me some dinner. I’m starving.” I said and got back on my bike and headed for the hospital. I parked and walked into the emergency waiting room and spotted Hunter and Crusher right away talking to Dr. Green.

“Hey Dr. Green. Something tells me your news is not good.” I said.

“Who did that to that kid, Rooster?” Dr. Green asked.

“His so-called father. Manny emailed me with a picture of himself all beat up and begging me for help. I rushed right over there as fast as I could go. I know the kid looked like he’s been through a meat grinder but I take it that something more is wrong than what showed on the outside.” I said.

“Well, I’ve already removed his spleen because it was so badly damaged and that will help slow down the bleeding but his kidney is so badly bruised that it may have to be removed. Manny has two busted ribs and three more that are badly cracked. One of the broken ribs is very close to his heart and has me very worried. Do you have any idea how hard someone has to be hit to break the ribs that high up? I don’t usually see this kind of damage in a beating case. This is more like a major car accident kind of injuries.

Anyway, I had to put a titanium plate over the rib near his heart with screws to hold it in place or he would have constant trouble with it as he gets older, especially if he were to take another blow to the chest. All of this is IF he manages to survive this. I nearly lost him twice on the operating table. I had to do an open heart massage to get his heart beating again, not once but twice.

I don’t know what charges you are pressing against the father but you need to add attempted murder to them. One more hit and he would have killed that kid. Also his x-rays show this is not the first beating Manny has had to endure. He’s got scarring from previous broken arms and his shoulder has been dislocated at least once. He’s in critical condition in the ICU right now and the next 24 hours are going to tell the tale if he lives or not. I’m just thankful that Kaylee was my surgical nurse today. I don’t think I could have done what I did without her.” Dr. Green told us.

“Damn, Doc. I knew the kid was hurt but I had no idea he was that bad off.” I said in amazement.

“Apparently he’s been putting on a brave face for a long time but it’s finally catching up with him. Just say your prayers for him tonight and hopefully he will recover.” Dr. Green said. “For now, I’m going back upstairs. I just hope I don’t have to take his kidney. His chances of survival are going to drop way down if I do. Having to take out his spleen has already reduced his chances enough.”

“Thanks, Doc.” I said as the doctor headed back to the elevator that would take him back upstairs to watch over Manny.

“What happened to Cheryl?” I asked as soon as he was gone.

“She got upset when Manny passed out and they started pushing her out of the room. Then when they nearly knocked us over pushing him into surgery, she totally lost it. They had to sedate her and she’s in a bed back there asleep. I would have called her parents but I don’t even know her last name and she didn’t have a purse or anything on her.” Hunter told me.

“Call Carl MacIntosh. He might know her last name or even her parents. He seemed pretty familiar with Manny and his father. Can you handle things here for a while? I want to go home, get a shower and something to eat. I haven’t had anything since breakfast and I’m starving.” I asked Hunter.

“Sure. I’ve got it covered. I’ll call if anything changes.” Hunter said and gave me a push pat on my back.

I left the hospital and rode back to the compound. I parked my bike and just sat there for a moment. I felt tired right down to the bones in my feet. I finally got off and walked inside. I went straight to the kitchen, hoping that Claire had either had dinner ready to be served or at least something for me to eat to hold me over for dinner. When I looked at my watch, I was amazed to see that it was after 5:45 pm already.

“Damn, big brother. What the hell have you been up to? You look beat.” Claire said when I walked into the kitchen.

“Hey, Claire. You got anything for a hungry man to eat? Two very stressful rescues along with everything else has just zapped the strength right out of me today. I need a vacation!” I told her.

“Well, I’m just about to serve dinner so if you want to go get a shower, it will be on the table in about 15 minutes.” Claire told me.

“Good. A shower sounds great. Any idea where Dixie is?” I asked.

“She was doing laundry a little while ago and I think she went to put it away.” Claire said.

“Thanks.” I told her and left the kitchen. I dragged myself upstairs and let myself into our room. Sammy was asleep in his crib but Dixie was nowhere in the bedroom. I grabbed some clean clothes and headed for the bathroom. I turned on the hot water and went to take care of business in the water closet. As soon as I was done, I adjusted the temperature of my shower and climbed into the stall. I stood and just let the water beat down on my shoulders and back, trying to relieve some of the tension that had built up there today.

I washed my hair and noticed that it was getting really long and I thought about going to get it all cut off. It was cooler in the summer to wear it short but Dixie likes it long and has always discouraged me from cutting it all off. I finished bathing and got out to dry off. I shaved and brushed my teeth before I pulled on my clothes and just as I opened the bathroom door, I heard Sammy waking up.

I walked over to his crib and he smiled up at me and my world was suddenly alright again. I changed his diaper and put a dry onesie on him and was just picking him up when Dixie came into the bedroom.

“I thought I heard you in here with him.” She smiled at me and my heart felt full.

“Hi, babe.” I said as I bent down and kissed her.

“You look tired babe. How did things go?” She asked.

“Well, we got to the little girl in time and her father is in jail and she’s at the Farm. Get this, her father was the pastor of the church! He actually came into the diner where she was hiding out waiting for us and tried to boss us around. The lead waitress confirmed that the little girl’s bum was covered in bruises and then slapped the crap out of him and ripped him a new one. Sandy is 14 but she looked to be about 11 or 12. Tiny little thing and sweet as can be. So glad we got to her in time.” I told her.

“Get this. He had ordered an exam table like the one your OBGYN uses. It even had leather straps on it. He told her that since she had started her cycle that it was time for her to put away her childish ways and start learning her womanly duties. He was going to rape her and then force her to take the morning after pill. We found the delivery receipt for the table and the pills on his desk in his office. You should have seen the paddle he was using on her. He’s just lucky he didn’t break any bones on that tiny little girl. She’s even smaller than Tiana.” I told her and she looked sick first and then mad.

“Hunter said there was another one?” She asked.

“Yeah. A 18 year old boy from the trailer park on the other side of town. His father had beaten him up badly. Dr. Green is still not sure if he’s going to make it or not. A bunch of broken ribs, one very near his heart, a ruptured spleen and bruised kidney. Dr. Green said he had to do an open heart massage during the surgery twice to bring him back to life while he was operating on him to fix the rib near his heart and remove his spleen. He’s in ICU in critical condition now.

I almost wish I hadn’t called Carl to come get him but we’ve got enough wolf problems right now.

The prospects told me the wolves are getting aggressive and they were coming at them while they were cutting up the Cobras last night.” I shared with her. I always told Dixie everything. When I’m not here, I depend on her to keep the club in order. She knows that Hunter is actually in charge but Hunter also knows that Dixie runs things and he doesn’t oppose her unless he has to. And I value her advice. She has been with me from day 1 and knows as much about club life as I do.

“Maybe we need to start feeding them away from the clubhouse? Or instead of feeding them, we need to start making bonfires again?” She suggested.

“I think the bonfires would just draw them closer to the house because it would smell like cooking meat. No, I think we need to start leading them away from the house. Maybe take the meat to the other side of the hill and start leading them farther from town. The last thing we need is kids or pets being attacked when they are out in their yards.” I told her.

“Anyway, I wish I could curl up on that bed with you two and just sleep the rest of this day and night away but I need to get something to eat and then head back to the hospital. If Manny dies, I want to be the one to call Carl and tell him to charge Manny’s father with murder.”

“Well, Claire was just putting things on the buffet when I came up so it should be ready to eat.” Dixie said as she picked up our son and I slipped my arm around her and we walked down to the dining area and got in line. I didn’t rush, just tried to enjoy my dinner with my family but couldn’t seem to put Manny out of my mind.

After about an hour, I finally told Dixie “I’m going to head back to the hospital and give Hunter and Crusher a chance to come get some dinner.” I said as I stood up, kissed my son and then my wife and motioned to Boomer to join me. I wasn’t sure if Kaylee was going to be able to come home tonight and this would at least give them a chance to see each other.

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