Monster Slayers MC Book 5

Chapter 5-Gathering the Cobra’s bikes

Rooster and the boys hadn’t gotten back from rescuing Jullian, Rudy’s pregnant girlfriend until after 1 am last night so I had gotten to bed really late last night. This morning, I woke up to find not only our bed empty but Sammy’s crib as well. I got dressed and a glance at the clock told me that it was already past breakfast. I felt guilty for sleeping in but boy do I feel so much better. I hadn’t slept that well in a while. I got dressed and then went down to the kitchen and found Claire flipping through a cookbook, looking for something to make.

“Good morning!” I said and she looked up and smiled.

“Well, good morning sleepy head. Have a good rest?” Claire teased.

“Oh yes. I haven’t slept uninterrupted and that well since before I got pregnant with Sammy. Where is everyone?” I asked.

“Well, let me see. Marley and Hunter, Annalisa and Eagle took their kids and went home. Boomer took Kaylee to work, claiming he doesn’t want her driving alone anymore. Charlie and Cruise took off with Millie to go look at Millie’s house and see if it’s something they will be interested in. Boxer and Hulk are working with the men on weight training today. Tiana and Nessa went to get mani pedi’s and their hair done since their men are taking them out tonight. And your husband disappeared with your son into his office right after breakfast. The rest of the men are training, I think. Circuit is in his office and Jullian is having morning sickness so Rudy is with her. Did I miss anyone?” Claire said, giving me the rundown on everyone.

I laughed and said “Only the prospects, I think.”

“Oh, they are out cleaning out the vans that got used last night. My understanding is that after lunch, a bunch of the guys are going to go pick up the Cobras bikes and bring them back here. Rooster said there were a bunch of really nice bikes there and he’s going to either use them for new members or sell them.” Claire said.

“You really are getting the hang of being here, aren’t you?” I grinned at her.

“And loving every minute of it!” She grinned back at me. “This place is so different from the Cobra club house.”

“I bet. Did you save me any breakfast?” I asked hopefully.

“Of course. There’s a plate for you in the warmer tray in the oven.” She told me.

I was about half way through my breakfast when Jullian and Rudy came back into the kitchen.

“Good morning. Not feeling well today?” I asked Jullian as she gingerly sat down at the other end of the counter.

“No. I felt fine when I first woke up but then I took one look at the eggs and suddenly I felt very sick to my stomach. I hope I’m not coming down with something.” Jullian said and Claire and I smiled at each other.

“Oh, honey you have it already. It’s called morning sickness. You are lucky to have waited this long to get it. I started being sick in the middle of my second month and it lasted for almost three months! I was in misery for half of each day but once it passed, I would eat like a pig.” I told her.

“Is there anything I can do to make it not so bad?” Jullian said, looking rather green. “Maybe some ginger ale?”

“Flat sprite and dry toast or crackers helped me. Everyone is different. Poor Marley was sick for 5 months with Simon and barely had anything with Faith. You’ll learn what not to eat and what is okay to have. Things that normally give you gas or are very spicy, stay away from them. Too much salt, which was my downfall, makes your feet and legs swell. Too much sugar will make you have dizzy spells. We’ll need to get you set up with the OBGYN in town to get you some prenatal vitamins and some pills to help with the nausea.” I told her as I finished up my breakfast. I took the plate to the sink and rinsed it off.

“Just leave them on the side. I still have to unload the dishwasher but I’m waiting until the dishes cool off.” Claire said.

“Okay. I’m going to look for my husband and son.” I said as I left the kitchen. I walked over to Rooster’s office and let myself in. I found Rooster reclining on the sofa. The top part of his body was propped up against the arm of the sofa and his legs were stretched out the length of it. Sammy was curled up on his big chest and they were both sound asleep. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and snapped a pic of them. They were both so adorable. I wondered if I could get Annalisa to draw this for me? I always wanted to be able to remember them like this.

I hated to wake them up, not knowing how much sleep Rooster had managed to get last night. I felt guilty that he had gone on a run last night and must have been exhausted when he got home but yet he had let me sleep in while he took care of our son. I bent down and gently kissed Sammy’s head and he stirred slightly causing Rooster to wake up, thinking that Sammy might fall off of him.

“Good morning, my love. What are you doing down here? Why didn’t you come back to bed?” I asked, in a soft voice.

“You were sleeping so peacefully and the little man here was hungry so I got him a bottle, had my breakfast and came in here to get him back to sleep but I guess I fell asleep with him. What time is it?” Rooster whispered back.

“Just after 10. Why don’t you go up and get some rest? Everyone is off doing their own thing but I’m sure they’ll all be back soon enough.” I told him.

“No. We’ve got to get ready to go back and pick up those bikes. There were some really nice ones in that bunch. Would save us a bundle over having to buy new bikes everytime we get new prospects patched in or one of our bikes breaks down. The rest I’ll have Circuit put them online for sale. Should bring us some nice money.” Rooster said.

“Any chance I could go along for the ride? Been a long time since we’ve gone on a ride together.” I asked hopefully.

“Sure. Find a sitter for our little man here and you are more than welcome to come. This will be one of the few peaceful rides we’ve gone on out of town in a long time.” Rooster said and I got a big smile on my face.

“Great. I’ll call Marley right now.” I said as I pulled out my phone.

I called Marley and she told me to bring him on our way out of town. She told me not to worry about milk since she had plenty. “It will be a relief to feed him in fact. I wish Faith would take more of my milk but she doesn’t have the kind of appetite that Simon had and I’m so uncomfortable.”

I had taken Sammy off of breastfeeding several weeks ago so that I could go back on the shot. The cramps from my period were really painful when he was feeding and I just couldn’t deal with it anymore but I had no problem with Marley feeding him. I told her we’d be leaving right after lunch. I kissed Rooster on his forehead and then scooped up my son and took him back upstairs. I put him back in his crib and then went to get his diaper bag ready to take to Marley’s house. I looked through my riding clothes and realized that I was going to have to do some major jumping up and down to be able to get into any of my leathers and they still weren’t going to fit. I had gained so much weight with Sammy and hadn’t managed to lose it yet that there was no way I was going to be able to get them on now.

Rooster came in and found me near tears as I flung the last pair of my riding pants down on the closet floor. I was standing in our closet in just my bra and thong, bent over at the waist when he came up behind me. He pressed himself up against me but when I sniffed, he realized I was upset.

“What’s wrong baby?” Rooster asked as I stood up and he began to nuzzle my neck.

“I can’t fit in any of my leathers anymore. I’ve gotten too fat!” I gulped, trying not to break down in tears.

“Will it help to tell you that I like the “extra” you? You feel so good under my hands, not to mention when you are under me?” He said, and I have to admit that made me feel better.

“But none of my riding clothes fit me anymore.” I whined.

“Then go buy some new ones. Hunter said Marley has been complaining about not having lost the baby weight either. Why don’t you two take off and go get some new riding leathers one day? You said you were going to take Jullian for new clothes. Why not go when you take her to get her clothes?” He said so logically.

“God, I love you!” I said as I encouraged him to touch me more. I love when he touches me. We almost missed lunch because of the heat that rose up between us that a fire hose couldn’t have put out.

“Damn, woman. I hope I can ride after that. My legs are shaking.” Rooster said as he fell to the side of me. I plopped down on my stomach, resting my head on his arm.

“I hope I can hang on. I’m not feeling so strong right now either.” I grinned at him. Doggie style was the most satisfying position in my opinion!

“If I put this ride off until tomorrow, do you have enough energy left for another round? Maybe two?” He teased me as he ran his fingertips down my spine, making goose bumps rise up everywhere he touched.

Just then someone knocked on the door and yelled “Lunch.” About the same time, our stomachs began to growl and we laughed. “I guess that answers that question. Come on, let’s get this over with. We can continue tonight.” I said as I pushed myself up and started to crawl off of the bed. Rooster reached out and rubbed his fingers down my lower lips and I froze. Like I said, I do love when he touches me. Half an hour and another round in the shower later, we finally made our way downstairs and found most everyone had finished eating lunch and were enjoying some chocolate chip cookies that Claire had made.

Rooster’s POV

We made our plates but before we sat down, I called out. “Who wants to go pick up the bikes from last night’s mission? We’ve got 16 bikes to bring back. So I need 15 bike riders. And 4 drivers to bring our vehicles back.”

Hands went up all around the room and I picked out the ones that would go, which included Rudy and said, “we leave as soon as Dixie and I are finished eating. Make sure we have full tanks of gas and tools in case any of these bikes break down on the way back.”

The prospects who had been chosen immediately left the room to prepare the vehicles, while the men left to gather their weapons. Dixie had found an old pair of chaps to wear for today and after we finished eating, we went back to the room to put them on while I gathered our guns. Thankfully her holster and cut still fit her even though her breasts were larger than they used to be.

She gathered up Sammy while I carried his diaper bag down to the SUV and we loaded him up and told the guys “We’re going to drop Sammy off at Hunter and Marley’s house first and then we’ll be ready to go.”

Everyone piled in the SUV’s and we drove over to Hunter and Marley’s house. We quickly dropped our son off and got back in the SUV. Forty five minutes later we were pulling up to the house we had rescued Jullian from last night. In the daylight hours, you could see dark spots on the ground where some of the men had bled out and I told Rudy to water down the areas with the hose to hide the evidence.

“Man, what a dump.” Dixie said as she looked around the house and yard.

“Yeah, they are not at all picky about where they squat, that’s for sure. I’d almost bet that the person who owns this property either had no idea they were here or is dead somewhere.” I told her.

The guys got the wire we twisted over the garage door handles off and swung the doors wide, then started pushing the bikes out. There were only two bikes that had a Queen’s seat and I walked over to one and grabbed the handle bars. I pushed it out of the garage and looked it over. “This is a nice bike.” I said.

“Should be. Look at that gas tank.” Dixie said. I looked down and said “Damn. Figures. This is Bull’s bike.” There was a pic of a Bull’s head blowing flames out of his nose and a Cobra on his forehead painted on both sides of the gas tank.

As soon as we had all of the bikes out of the garage, everyone checked and all of the bikes were going to need gas. We followed Rudy to the closest station and filled up. People acted terrified when we first pulled in until they saw our cuts and realized that we were not Cobras. Problem was that the manager of the gas station had panicked when we first pulled up and had called the cops.

We were only about half done filling up the bikes when Sheriff Daniel Mendoza and another car pulled up. Knowing that Carl MacIntosh had talked to him last night, I put my hands in the air and walked closer to the Sheriff’s car.

“Are you Rooster?” He asked me.

“Yes, sir. Don’t worry, I’m going to take care of the gas bill.” I told him with a big smile on my face.

“I’m sorry about that. Those damned snakes have been causing trouble around here for over two weeks now and the people in town are spooked by any biker that comes through town. I was so relieved when Carl MacIntosh called me last night. I take it you got our problem taken care of?” He asked me without making me feel like I was about to incriminate myself.

“Yes, sir. Got the girl out safely and we’re just finishing our clean up now.” I told him.

“Just one girl?” He asked and I felt my stomach drop.

“You mean there have been more girls missing?” I asked. “We only knew about the one.”

“Which girl did you find? We’ve had two go missing in the past week or so. Stacey Rodrigues went missing first and then Jullian Miller but I think she may have been a run away. Her mama is a drug addict and the school has reported more than once about Jullian showing up covered in bruises. When we contacted her, she acted like she didn’t even know Jullian was missing and even more so like she could have cared less. Jullian’s boyfriend, Rudy Sanders, has gone missing too.” The sheriff looked around and then he spotted Rudy.

“Rudy! Get over here boy.” Sheriff Mendoza called out. Rudy reluctantly got out of the SUV he was driving and walked over to where we were standing.

“Rudy, where is Jullian?” Sheriff Mendoza asked and Rudy looked at me.

“Sheriff, Jullian was the rescue we made last night. She’s safe and with us. Rudy will be staying with us as well.” I told the Sheriff.

“You realize they are both under 18, right? They can’t legally leave unless their parents agree to it.” Sheriff Mendoza said.

“From what both of these kids told me about their parents, I don’t think they are going to argue the point too much unless they want to go to jail for child abuse. You yourself just told me that the school has reported more than once about Jullian showing up at school covered in bruises and you did nothing about it. The Monster Slayers MC is licensed to remove abused children from bad environments and their abusers and that’s what we are doing. You can check our credentials with Mona at the State Child Protective Services. Rudy and Jullian will both be under our protection until they turn 18. Rudy is due to turn 18 next month and Jullian turns 18 when, Rudy?” I asked.

“A month after me. We’ll both be 18 before we graduate at the end of May.” Rudy said.

“That’s good enough for me. Are you going to be finishing school here, Rudy?” The sheriff asked.

“I think we are going to do it online since we won’t be living here in town anymore.” Rudy said.

“Damn. Well at least football season is over. The team is going to be lost without you kid. He’s really good.” Sheriff Mendoza said and I felt really bad about what I did to his shoulder now.

“Sheriff, who reported me missing?” Rudy felt he had to ask.

“The school. The secretary said you had never missed a day and suddenly you were out for three days straight. When she called your house to check on you, your father cussed her out and told her to mind her own damned business so she called us. We went over and checked and he was so drunk he could barely stand up and all he was concerned about was his car being gone. We found it by the stadium. We figured you had stolen the car and you and Jullian had run away. When we found the car was when we realized that there was more to the story and that’s when Carl called me and told me you guys were coming to do a rescue. I was really hoping you were going to find both of the girls in addition to Rudy.” Sheriff Mendoza said.

“First of all, I didn’t steal his car. He knew I was taking Jullian out on a date and he gave me permission to use it. Who else is missing?” Rudy asked.

“Stacey Rodrigues. She went missing a few days before you and Jullian. Do you have any idea where she might have gone or if the Cobras took her too?” The sheriff asked and I saw Rudy’s face go white. He looked like he was going to either pass out or throw up.

“I thought I heard a girl crying the first night we were there but I wasn’t sure. They had the music kind of loud. Jullian and I were already asleep but I could have sworn I heard something that woke me up. But Stacey was only 15 or 16. She’s a sophomore at school. Pretty girl but I don’t really know her. I’ve just seen her around.” Rudy said.

“Sheriff, maybe we had better lead you back to where we rescued Jullian from. None of my crew went into the house so I can’t say what is inside. Hopefully she’s not there.” I told him.

“Yeah, I think I’d better take a look.” Sheriff Mendoza said, rubbing his hand over his face. “Man, I just pray she ran off and is okay.”

As soon as we were all finished fueling up, I went inside and apologized to the manager for scaring him and reassured him that we would only help people, never hurt them. He gave me a 10% discount and checked me out himself, after apologizing for calling the cops. I reassured him he had done the right thing.

We all remounted the bikes and led Sheriff Mendoza and his deputy back to the house and they went inside. There was no one left inside and we all breathed a sigh of relief until Tracker came around and whispered to me. “I think you had better come look at something behind the garage.”

“Damn!” I swore and followed him around to the back of the garage. There was an old car hood leaning up against the back of the garage and when we pulled it away from the wall we found what looked like a pile of freshly turned dirt. “Oh damn. Step back. Let the law uncover this. Go get the Sheriff back here.” I told him.

He hurried back to the front of the house and a few minutes later returned with the Sheriff. Sheriff Mendoza immediately swore when he saw the mound of dirt. “FUCK! Please don’t let this be her.”

He called his deputy and told him to bring shovels. A minute or two later, the deputy came around the end of the building with two small shovels, like the kind soldiers carry. They took them and began to dig. They didn’t have far to go when suddenly we began to see body parts.

“Stop. I need to get a coroner out here. I don’t want to disturb any more evidence.” Sheriff Mendoza said.

“Sheriff, I would agree with you under normal circumstances but the killers have already been dealt with. All you need to do now is to not determine who killed her but how she died and to give her a proper burial.” I told him.

“Yeah, you are right.” He said and I could tell he felt sick for the young girl and her family. “Her mama is going to be hysterical. She called her missing within two hours after she disappeared.”

“Well, we are going to leave you to it. If you need our help in the future, don’t be afraid to call us. Rescuing children and young adults from bad situations is what we do.” I told him. We shook hands and returned to the front of the house. I started to climb back on the bike when I looked over at Rudy. I walked over and asked him “Are you okay, Rudy?”

“She didn’t deserve to die like that. She was a nice girl from what I knew of her.” Rudy said. It was clear that he was putting Jullian in her place.

“Nobody deserves to die like that. Just be thankful that we got to your lady before they did the same to her.” I told him. “Are you going to be alright to drive?”

“Yeah. I just want to get back to Jullian. I’m not looking forward to telling her about this.” Rudy said.

“I understand. If you get to any point where you feel like you can’t drive any farther, just pop your horn three times and we’ll pull over. Dixie can drive if you can’t. Okay?” I told him.

“Okay. Thanks.” Rudy said as he got behind the wheel of the SUV and waited for the rest of us to pull out before he fell in behind us.

We drove back to the compound and I watched as Jullian came out to meet us. Rudy got out of the SUV and walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her and just held her. Dixie and I waited until he told Jullian about Stacey and saw Jullian start to cry. When they walked back into the house together, I traded the bike for an SUV and Dixie and I went after our son.

I told Hunter what had happened and both he and Marley were upset but thankful we had gotten to Jullian. “I’m sorry we weren’t able to save Stacey too but she was already gone before we knew about any of this.” I also told them about what the Sheriff had told us about Rudy and Jullian and how their so-called parents had reacted to them being gone.

“It never ceases to amaze me how people can treat their children like that. Our children are a blessing and even though I do believe in spanking if they misbehave, I would never strike a child with full strength or anywhere but their bottoms.” Hunter said and Marley nodded in agreement.

“Talking to them is nine times out of ten more effective since they may not understand what they are being spanked for unless it’s immediate and explained afterwards.” Marley said.

We didn’t stay long because it was getting close to dinner time and they had not planned for us to stay. “I think I’m going to call for an executive meeting in the morning but it won’t be early. I need to think things through before I put it up for proposal.” I told Hunter as we were leaving.

“Just send me a message and I’ll be there.” Hunter said as he walked us to the door. We said goodbye to them and thanks for watching our son and climbed into the SUV.

We drove back to the compound and since Sammy was still awake, we took him with us to the dinner table. Claire was just putting the food out when we came in.

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