Monster Slayers MC Book 5

Chapter 13-Another hospital visit for Manny

“Hey, I just remembered our laundry is still in the washer. I’d better go put it in the dryer or we are going to be running around naked tomorrow.” I told him, when suddenly there was another knock on our door. This time it was Dixie and she was with another prospect named Kevin who was carrying our hamper.

“I found your laundry in the washer so I finished it up so here it is.” Dixie said.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I was going to finish it when Manny and I came back from our walk but then he got sick and I totally forgot about it until just now. I was just telling Manny that I needed to go down and finish it up. I was kind of hoping to run into you too. I heard you are looking for someone to do some sewing for the club?” I asked her as Kevin walked over to the closet and set it down.

“Thanks Kevin. I’ll get it from there.” I told him and he hurried back out of our room.

“Yes! Especially for Claire. Those big boobs of hers makes it hard to find things for her to wear that fit all over. She has to buy things big enough to fit over her boobs and then alter the rest. I know for me, I need new leathers for riding with Rooster. So does Marley and most of the other women. Marley and I have both gained weight after we had our babies and our old stuff doesn’t fit anymore, especially in the booty and the thighs.

We’d also like to have someone who can make new cuts for us when we need them. Right now we have to go through a shop in Dallas and they can take a week or more to get them sometimes. Would be nice to have someone on site that could produce them in a day or two.” Dixie explained.

“Including the embroidery?” I asked.

“Yes. That’s what usually takes so long is the embroidery.” Dixie said.

“Well, to be honest, I’ve never worked with leather before but it’s just another material so I don’t see why I couldn’t make it but the embroidery will require a special machine. I’ll have to look into getting one if you are serious about it. How much would the job pay?” I asked.

“Now that is between you and Rooster. He sets the salaries and outlines what he expects out of you and what benefits the club will offer. But I will offer you a bit of advice. Like most men, Rooster has no idea about clothing and what it takes to make it. You figure out a price in your mind as to what you want and negotiate with him. Keep in mind, we supply your housing, meals, transportation for the prospects and insurance for both of you. If you end up in the hospital for any reason, we pay your copayment for any charges the insurance doesn’t cover and that’s all on top of what you earn working. Sounds fair?” Dixie said.

“More than fair. Sounds like a good deal. My mom has been wanting me to go to Dallas to work for her but Manny and I want to stay here. Neither of us care much for the big city except for special occasions and some of our shopping.” I told her with a big smile.

“You said your mom has a ladies shop in Dallas? What’s it called?” Dixie asked.

“Yeah, she has them in Dallas, Houston, Austin, New Orleans, and has been planning on expanding north and down into Florida. Everyone has a different focus. The one in Dallas is known as the Classy Chic Boutique. Right now, it’s more high end business and evening wear but she wants to open another one that’s more casual wear and that’s what she was wanting me to focus on but I really don’t want to go live in the city so this sounds really good. Her job would involve more of the retail side of things, which I can do but I’d rather focus on the design and sewing part of it. Can I think about it?” I asked her.

“Sure. But you’ve got enough on your plate right now so don’t worry about it. Just know the offer is there.” Dixie said and stood up to leave. “I’ll have to check out your mom’s shop when I’m in Dallas tomorrow. Hey, before I forget, I need to get both of your phone numbers and you need mine. If you don’t already have your location turned on in your phone, make sure you turn them on. If you are ever in trouble, just text me or any of the executive staff with “911” and we can track your phone right to your location.

Oh, and Cheryl, what kind of shampoo and body wash do you prefer? Can you please make sure you have plenty? Also your toothpaste. We’re going supplies shopping tomorrow because I have to pick up some stuff for Millie and Doc’s wedding reception Saturday. We’re running low on some of our liquor supplies too and we’re not due for a delivery for another week so I’m going to hit Costco or Sam’s club early tomorrow morning.”

Manny’s POV

As soon as Cheryl was out of the room to check on what we might need from the store, I pulled the receipt for her rings out of my wallet and passed it to Dixie. “Can you get her rings for me, please?”

“Sure thing. That’s what prompted my trip in addition to running low on toilet paper again.” Dixie smiled and winked at me as she took the receipt and stuffed it into her back pocket before Cheryl returned to the room.

“Can you get me some Pantene Pro V, shampoo and conditioner but separate, not together. The one together is too heavy. I also like body wash that smells like fruit or light flowers, like sweet peas. No coconut or heavy perfumes. I like the ones with moisturizers. We’re good on toothpaste but I need tampons and some razors for both of us, please.” Cheryl said and then got pink in the cheeks when she realized that I could hear her too.

“Sure. Is there a brand you prefer?” Dixie asked.

“Playtex, please.” Cheryl said.

“Got it. I hope things go well tomorrow. I’m sure it will. You just tried to do too much too fast. When Tiana first came to us, she was laid up for over four months before she could really get around on her own but then her injuries were as bad if not worse than yours. Kaylee had busted ribs too and it took her over 3 months to fully heal.” Dixie told us.

“Someone beat up that tiny little woman? How awful. When I first met her, I thought she was Boxer’s daughter or younger sister. She’s super small.” Cheryl said.

“The Cobras took a whip to her back and cut her all up. She was raped almost every day for over 7 months. Kaylee got beat up by her ex boyfriend and he left her with several severely cracked ribs that took her months to heal. Marley had it even worse. She endured being tortured and raped for almost a year. First being raped by her own brother and his friend, then by a Mexican Street Gang and then by a biker club called the Grave Diggers. Tiana hasn’t done her back in tattoos’ yet so you can see her scars but Marley covered hers up with a beautiful tattoo so to look at it, you can’t even tell but if you touch her back or her legs, you can feel them.

It took over 10 years of living at the Rescue Farm for Marley to heal enough emotionally and even then she was still terrified of men until she met Hunter. Hunter brought her out of her shell just by loving her. They took one look at each other and knew they were meant to be together.” Dixie told us. “Things like what happened to them are the reason this club does what it does.

Our main focus is to rescue abused, neglected and molested children and young people who can’t defend themselves or fight back. All of the women, except for me and Connie and some of the men, are rescues that have either found their soul mates here or have chosen to stay because they believe in what we do.

It’s not a place for the weak of heart or those who are not willing to commit to what we believe to be the right thing to do. Our brand of punishment is usually a lot harsher than what the so-called “law” would be allowed to do but it’s never unjustified.” Dixie said. “Well, it’s getting late and you two have to be up early so I’ll go and let you get to bed. Try not to worry and get a good night’s sleep.”

“Thanks for finishing up our laundry, Dixie. I’ll return the favor one day.” Cheryl told her as she saw her to the door.

Cheryl came back to bed and crawled in next to me, wrapping her arm over my stomach and kissed my neck. She laid her head on my shoulder and we lay talking for a while.

“So what do you think about what Ronnie and Dixie said?” I asked her.

“I think you need to find out what the stuff Ronnie said he couldn’t discuss with us is. I also think you need to find out what would happen if you refused to do something they told you to do, even if you become a patched member.” Cheryl said and I had to agree that they were questions I needed to ask but I wondered what she was going to say if I agreed to do something that she might not agree with or approve of.

We snuggled, and kissed and after one more trip to the bathroom each, we finally fell asleep in a tangle of arms and legs. My last thought was that tomorrow Dixie was going to get the rings that I would use to propose to my girl with soon and at that moment I couldn’t have been happier.

The next morning, I woke up at 5:30 am. I wanted a shower before we went to the hospital. Cheryl woke up when I crawled off the bed.

“Where are you going? It’s not time to leave yet, is it?” She asked sleepily as she stretched and yawned. Hell, she makes my dick so damn hard. It’s bad enough that I had erotic dreams about her all night and I had woken up with major morning wood and now watching her stretch like a cat made me want to just crawl on top of her and .............. Oh, I can’t keep thinking like that or I’ll never be able to pee, I thought to myself as I pushed myself up and began to walk to the bathroom.

“I need to pee and I want a shower before we go to the hospital.” I told her.

“Are you going to be okay in there by yourself?” She asked sleepily.

“Care to join me?” I asked playfully. I actually felt like my old self this morning. But then again, I had felt okay yesterday too and got a good scare after just walking around the yard. I had scared the shit out of Cheryl and she had been so upset. I don’t like being the cause of her fear or of making her upset.

“Oh baby, I look forward to the day when we can do just that but since I’m on my cycle, it would be a lesson in futility this morning. I, personally, don’t need the extra frustration.” she said and I couldn’t argue the point.

“I couldn’t agree more. I’ll leave the door unlocked and will yell if I need help. Okay?” I told her as I made sure to keep my back to the bed and hurried to the bathroom. I finally managed to use the toilet then climbed in the shower. I knew that if I took a cold shower, it was going to take too long and Cheryl would be worried. Besides, it didn’t take me long to jerk one off after the dreams I’d had of her last night. I quickly bathed, brushed my teeth and shaved and then realized I hadn’t brought any clothes in with me.

I cracked the door and called out, “Cheryl? I need some clean clothes, please. Bring me some joggers please? That will be more comfortable than jeans for laying in that damned machine.”

She passed me the requested clothes and I quickly got dressed and left the bathroom.

“Oh, thank goodness. I was about to tell you that I would just close my eyes to get in there. I should have made you let me go pee first.”

“I’m sorry.” I called out as she ran past me. At least she had gotten her own clothes ready and carried them in with her. I made our bed while I waited for her and tried to keep my mind off what she must look like naked in the shower.

I had seen her in a thong bikini at the lake a bunch of us had gone to last summer and she had looked so sexy and hot that I had been so hard almost the whole time that I didn’t dare take off the jeans shorts I wore to go to the lake. I finally made her put on a t-shirt and shorts, claiming that I didn’t like the other guys looking at her, which I didn’t but it was more that I couldn’t handle seeing her so skimpily dressed and not able to act on it.

Even though I had just jerked off in the shower, remembering watching her pull her t-shirt off over her head and take her jeans shorts off that day had me getting hard again. I shook my head to hopefully clear it then pulled on my sneakers.

Suddenly there was a knock at our door and I walked over to open it. Doc was standing there. “Good morning. I’m glad you are already up and dressed. Are you guys ready to go?” Doc asked.

“Cheryl’s still in the shower but she should be out in a minute. Are we going to be able to get something to eat before we go?” I asked.

“Yeah. We’ll stop at McD’s for now. I don’t think Claire will have breakfast ready for us this early and my Millie is still asleep. If these tests turn out how I’m hoping they will, I’ll treat you guys to lunch at the diner. How does that sound?” Doc smiled at me.

“Sounds good to me.” I told him with a big smile.

“How are you feeling this morning?” Doc asked.

“I feel fine this morning, like I have every morning lately. I think I just pushed too far too fast yesterday after being laid up for too long.” I answered.

“Let’s pray that’s all it was. That’s what I’m hoping for but I would rather do these tests and be sure that it’s not something else than to take it for granted and have something worse happen to you later. Either way, we are going to stop at the pharmacy and get you started on some vitamins. Both of you need to get into the habit of taking them.”

Cheryl came out a minute later, fully dressed and just had to put on her shoes and grab her purse and we were ready to go. We went downstairs and were surprised when we smelled food. Doc said “Let’s go find out if we can get something to eat here. Anything Claire makes will be better than fast food.”

We all entered the kitchen to find Claire humming along to a song on the radio. She has an amazing voice. “Good morning, Claire. Is there any chance you’ve got something ready for three hungry people who are in rather a rush this morning?” Doc asked.

“Good morning and yes I do! The eggs are almost done. Go ahead and have a seat. Anyone care for coffee? I’ve also got some fresh squeezed orange juice too.” Claire asked happily.

“Oh, that sounds good.” Cheryl said.

“Coming right up.” Claire said as she scooped the first load of eggs into the warmer pan. She grabbed three coffee mugs out of the cabinet over the coffee maker and began filling the mugs, then passed them to us. While we added our desired cream and sugar, she placed plates of eggs, bacon and biscuits in front of us.

“I’ve got either grape or strawberry jelly, honey or syrup to go with the biscuits. If you were going to be here for breakfast or had come in about 10 minutes from now, I’d also have sausage gravy but that will take me a few minutes to make and I’ve got to finish the eggs first. But this should fill you up. I’m not going to be here for lunch but there are plenty of sandwich makings in the fridge.” Claire told us.

“That’s okay. We’ve got to just eat and get on the road to the hospital. We’re going to have lunch at the diner.” Doc told her.

“Well, good luck today, Manny.” Claire said and then went back to making more eggs.

“Thanks.” I told her. We all quickly ate our breakfast and Doc had been right. This was better than McD’s any day of the week.

Half an hour later, we were pulling into the hospital parking lot, right on time. Doc got me checked in and we only had to wait for a few minutes before the tech came out to hook me up to the IV that would allow them to put the dye in my system so they could tell exactly what kind of shape my kidney is in. I was nervous but Cheryl and Doc kept up a steady conversation with me that kept me distracted.

When the amount of time that was needed for the dye to make its way through my system passed, the tech came back out to take me in to have the test done. Cheryl gave me a hug and kiss in encouragement and wished me luck, then they wheeled me into where the machine was. I have to admit that I’m super nervous but I laid down on the machine and said a small prayer as I closed my eyes and waited for them to do their thing.

It took about an hour but finally they let me sit up and told me, “Doctor Connors is already reviewing the results and he’ll be out with you soon to tell you if he sees anything. In the meantime, let’s get you back to that pretty lady who kissed you earlier. She’s about to wear a rut on the floor in the waiting room.” The tech joked with me as he helped me to sit up and I got back in the wheelchair. He pushed me out to the waiting room and the look of relief on Cheryl’s face was priceless.

“I swear, if they didn’t bring you out soon or let me back there, I was going to go crazy. Did they tell you anything?” She asked as she pulled my chair as close as she could get to a seat.

“No. They never do. All he told me is that Doc is reviewing the results and will be out to talk to us soon so keep your fingers crossed that they didn’t find anything wrong.” I told her, trying to sound positive but not sure I pulled it off.

We didn’t have to wait long and the big smile on Doc’s face when he came through the door really made me feel so much better.

“Everything is just fine. Your kidney is still bruised and needs to heal some more but it seems to be functioning just fine. With that said, if you see any blood in your urine or stool or if you start getting nose bleeds, you need to speak up immediately. This is nothing to play with Manny so pay attention when you go to the bathroom.” Doc told us, much to our relief. “Now, let’s hit the pharmacy and get you some vitamins!”

We left the hospital and went to the pharmacy and picked up the vitamins that Doc recommended. As we left the pharmacy, we all agreed that we were still full from Claire’s breakfast and decided to head back to the clubhouse. Most everyone was in the dining room when we walked in and Rooster asked “So, how did it go?”

The room got really quiet as everyone waited to hear and Doc didn’t waste any time in telling everyone, “His kidney is still badly bruised but it’s functioning properly. Looks like he’ll be able to keep it. He’s still going to need to rest a lot but he needs to start slowly and take frequent breaks, drink lots of water and slowly increase activity over the next few weeks until he’s back to his normal activity levels.” Doc announced and everyone began to clap. Rooster said, “Good news! Congratulations, Manny.”

“Thanks, Prez. When you are done eating, can we talk to you privately?” I asked.

“Sure. Give me about 10 minutes to finish my breakfast and see my wife on the road. Wait for me in the living room and I’ll come find you.” Rooster said.

Cheryl and I had agreed last night that staying with the MC would be a good move for us financially and in having a good support system but there are so many unanswered questions about being a prospect that we both needed to have answered before we could make an informed decision. This is going to be a big decision for both of us and no matter what, we will decide together.

Cheryl and I waited in the living room for Rooster and tried to relax but both of us were rather nervous. I just want to be a mechanic. I’m not looking to be a part of the warrior team. I know I could never intentionally hurt someone and for me that would be the deal breaker. It had not been stated outright but was more implied that it could be something that I might have to do as a member of the club.

Fortunately, we didn’t have to wait long and as he had said, ten minutes later, Rooster came in and told us to follow him to his office. Once we were inside and he had closed the door behind us, he told us to have a seat and he sat down behind his desk.

“So, you wanted to talk to me?” Rooster asked, leaning forward with his forearms on the desk, giving us his full attention.

Cheryl and I were still holding hands and I felt her squeeze my hand in encouragement. So I took a deep breath and said “First of all, I want to say thank you for all you’ve done for me and Cheryl. We really do appreciate it.” I said and he nodded and said “You’re welcome. But I get the feeling that there is something more?”

“Yes, sir. I’m interested in prospecting for the MSMC because I want to work in your garage as a mechanic. I know I still have a lot to learn but I’m willing to because that’s what I want to do with my life. I’m good at fixing most anything mechanical and I learn fast. While I don’t expect to start out at the top, I don’t want to be a grunt for the rest of my life either.

I’ve asked around about being with the MC because I’ve never been involved in this world before and we both understand what it is you guys do by helping children and young people out of bad situations, because that is how we got here. I’ve talked to some of the prospects as well as Dixie and I’ve got some idea of what is expected of a prospect. While things like cleaning toilets is not really something I want to do, I’ll do it if it gets me ahead. You might regret letting me do laundry, I warn you now.

But things have also been implied that leaves me with questions as to what more is involved and I’m hoping you can fill me in before I, and Cheryl, can make a commitment to the club.” I said.

Rooster leaned back in his chair and looked at both of us for a minute or two as if he was sizing us up as to how much he could tell us. Then without saying anything, he clicked on his computer for a moment then leaned forward on his arms and said “Before I say anything, I need your word, both of you, that what is said here stays here. You are not to repeat what I tell you to anyone, in or out of the club. Understand?” He had a very serious look on his face and Cheryl and I looked at each other and agreed so we nodded at him together. “We understand. This is just between the three of us.”

Chapter 14-Rooster explains what it means to belong to the MSMC to Manny and Cheryl

“Good. Just so that you truly understand how serious this is, I’m going to be very frank and honest with you. I’m not going to hold back but if I find out you’ve repeated a word of it, you will not live to see the sunset again.” Rooster said and I felt my stomach jump and Cheryl squeezed my hand so hard it almost hurt but we both nodded at him.

“Depending on the situation, when we do a rescue, if the person who is hurting someone is a family member, like your father was, we call the cops but not always. In some cases, like one we had recently that involved a four year old little boy named Scotty, we took care of the father ourselves. We are licensed by the state to remove children from bad situations. How we handle the perpetrator is up to us and our punishments are a lot worse than what the cops are allowed to do.

For example, your father beat you so badly that he damn near killed you. He is going to be charged with assault and battery and attempted murder. As I understand, you found out that he also killed your twin brother by running him off the road. Why, I guess we may never know but the law has him now. If I had known that before, I would not have bothered with the law.

In little Scotty’s case, the law came but the sheriff told us that he was not going to acknowledge that the father who had beaten Scotty to death was even lying there at his feet after he saw how we found Scotty and the conditions he had been forced to live in.” Rooster reached out and turned the computer screen so that we could see the screen. “This is how we found Scotty when we got to him.” he said and on the screen there was a picture of a small little boy who was pencil skinny, covered in bruises and cigarette burns and I felt my stomach lurch at the same time I heard Cheryl gasp and tighten her grip again.

“His father had thrown Scotty up against the wall for “whining that he was hungry and that his stomach hurt” and killed him about an hour before we were able to get to him. Doc examined him and said that when he lifted Scotty’s head, he could feel his brain moving around in his skull.

The neighbor next door told us that the child had been locked outside over night several times during the cold winter months with nothing to eat and that when they had tried to take him in for the night so that he didn’t freeze to death, the “father” had called the law on them and accused them of kidnapping when all they did was get the kid out of the cold, give him something to eat, a bath and warmer clothes to wear. Since the cops refused to arrest them, the father broke the windows out of their car and then refused to pay the damages.

Two of our members and one of our prospects took him into the desert and got information out of him. He admitted to them that Scotty’s mother had been a drug addict that he had been fucking and supplying her with her perferred drug which was cocaine. He allowed her to snort a whole dime bag the night she OD’ed after he fucked her in every hole she had. He had bragged to them about what a “good time” he’d had with her that night.

They then brought him back here and after further interrogation he admitted that even though he was Scotty’s natural father, Scotty never carried his name but that he had kept Scotty after his mother died so that he could collect his mothers insurance settlement so that he didn’t have to work anymore, claiming that Scotty needed to be watched because he wasn’t in school yet. He would leave that little boy alone for hours in a house with no food but full of nothing but bugs and rats. Scotty didn’t even have a bed to sleep on but just an old exercise mat to cushion the floor and a filthy ripped up towel to cover himself from the cold.

We tied the father to four bikes and ripped him apart and fed him to the wolves that run on the mountain behind this property. Do you think we were unjustified in our “punishment”?” Rooster said and I wanted to puke as he finished flipping through the pictures someone had taken of Scotty’s body and the conditions he had been living in. We both had to admit that they had been justified in their punishment.

“I don’t feel so good.” Cheryl whispered.

“Just try to imagine how Scotty felt. Yeah, we killed his father but he killed not only his own son but the mother of his son. We arranged for the rest of his mothers’ insurance to be used to give him a really nice funeral and headstone and he will have fresh flowers put on his grave once a year on the day he died until the funds run out.

The ENTIRE club rode down to give him an honorary bikers funeral procession and carried his tiny coffin in one of our vans. We didn’t even know Scotty. Not one of our members had any clue as to who he was but when our guys came home and showed us these pictures, they were all obviously touched by Scotty’s story and we, as a club, decided to do what we could for him by seeing him to his final resting place.

Now, I have a question for you, Manny. If I order you to do something like dispose of a body of someone we had imparted our brand of justice on, would you be able to do it?” Rooster asked and then leaned back in his chair and waited for me to answer.

I think he could tell I was struggling with the idea of having anything to do with killing someone so after waiting for a couple of minutes, he asked “Cheryl I’m going to direct this to both of you. All of the women here have been rescued for one reason or another, mostly from other bikers or street gangs. If another gang were to attack our clubhouse, would you pick up a gun and help us to defend each other, other members, our children and our clubhouse?”

Without hesitation both Cheryl and I said “Of course.”

“Good. Cheryl, have you met Marley? Or Tiana?” Rooster asked.

“Yes, sir. I’ve met them both. They are very nice as well as beautiful.” Cheryl answered.

“Yeah, they are, now. I’m going to call them in here and ask them to show you their backs. Then you will maybe understand what could happen to you if a biker gang were to get their hands on you.” Rooster said and picked up his phone. He typed a message and sent it and a couple of minutes later there was a knock on the door. “Come in.” Rooster called out.

“Thanks for coming, ladies. You both know Manny and Cheryl?” He asked and they smiled and nodded at us. “They are inquiring about joining the MSMC and I’m trying to explain why we handle punishments the way we do. They need to see proof of why we don’t slap offenders on the wrists the way the “law” does. Would you mind showing them your backs?”

“Sure Prez.” Marley said and they both walked closer to us and then turned around so that they were facing away from us. Marley helped Tiana with her shirt first and both Cheryl and I gasped as we saw the scars on Tiana’s back.

“Oh, you poor thing, Tiana.” Cheryl said and let go of my hand. She immediately helped Marley pull down her shirt and wrapped her arms around Tiana and gave her a big hug. I didn’t stand up because I was sure my legs would not hold me. I also couldn’t speak because I thought if I tried, I would be sick.

Next Marley lifted the back of her shirt and I had expected to see the same or worse, I was shocked to see her back completely covered in a beautiful tattoo of a fairy forest. It was fully colored in and I wondered why they were showing us this.

“Go ahead and touch my back. Rub your hands from my shoulders to my waist.” Marley said. Cheryl put her hands on her back and began sliding them down when she suddenly jumped back and gasped.

“Oh my God! Manny, you have got to feel this. You won’t believe it otherwise.” Cheryl said.

I pushed myself out of the chair and hesitantly put my fingers on her shoulders. I barely made it half way down her back to her waist when I pulled them away, not wanting to feel anymore. “My God. Who did that to you?” I whispered, barely able to speak.

“When I was 12 years old, my brother raped me while his friend held me down. Then they changed positions and my brother held me down while his friend raped me. Then they sold me to a Mexican street gang called the 205 Stompers who raped and beat me for months. Then they “loaned” me out to Snake from the Grave Diggers MC who liked to beat me with a whip and cut me with a big Bowie knife, just to hear me scream while he raped and sodomized me.

When I was 13, I was rescued and lived at the Rescue Farm for 10 years, totally terrified of men. Even Papa Joe, who would never even harm a fly, couldn’t enter the same room as me for years without me running to hide anywhere I could find. For 10 years I was there, the only male I would let touch me was an 8 year old boy called Max who was a rescue too, until the day I came to the MSMC to pick up Charlie and that’s when I met Hunter. We took one look at each other and just knew that we were meant to be together.

In less than a week, I left the farm and moved in here and at first I was still terrified of men and couldn’t get close to any of them but Hunter. Now, I can dance with most of them and no one has to peel me off the ceiling if someone accidentally touches me but sometimes I still feel claustrophobic if there are too many people in the room or if there are arguments or loud voices.

That’s why Hunter and I bought our house, so that I can feel safe and more free. But whenever there’s a threat to the club, we still come here because I know the brothers will protect me and my kids with their lives.” Marley shared with us.

The night Ox and Tango were killed, Snake, the biker who had tortured me, came looking for me and Charlie and Dixie blew his head off with a shotgun. A few weeks later, the 205 Stompers came to try and “recoup their property”, namely me and I blew the leaders, Carlos, head off with Hunter’s pistol. I had always thought that I could never kill or even purposely injure someone but I don’t regret my actions one bit and would do it again if someone were to attack me, my husband, my children or my family here at the MC. We are family here, not just an MC. The men are our brothers and we are their sisters. They protect and care for us and we protect and care for them just the same.” Marley told us.

Both Cheryl and I looked at each other then nodded and thanked her and then she and Tiana left the room.

“The reason that I’m the president of this MC is not only because my father was the president before me but because I have earned the respect and loyalty of the men and women in the club. We are the mother chapter of all of the Monster Slayer MC’s around the country and we are many, believe me.

Our chapter is currently the largest of our organization. They all follow my orders without question because everyone knows that I make decisions based on EVERYONE’s best interest. Now, I need to know that IF I let you become a prospect for my MC, let me ask you again. If I ordered you to do something like dispose of a body, would you do it?” Rooster asked me.

“I might puke my way through it and never be able to sleep again but I would do whatever it takes to keep Cheryl safe and to prove my loyalty to you and this club.” I said with conviction.

“I’m sure that if someone were to try and hurt Cheryl, your perspective will change rapidly. Eventually, hopefully, you will come to care for the other members of this MC as family and any harm done to any member will enrage you enough to be able to do what is necessary.” Rooster told me.

“How about you, Cheryl? I’ve never asked something like that from a woman of this club and would not expect it of you in normal circumstances but I have to know that you will be loyal to not only Manny, but to this club. You two are the first that I’ve ever had come in as a couple. Most of the women choose among the existing members.” Rooster asked Cheryl.

“Rooster, I’m going to be just as honest with you as you have been with us. I will always be loyal to Manny first, the club second but you can count on me to do whatever it takes to keep both safe.” Cheryl said.

“Good deal. Now, the number one rule of the MC is that you are never to discuss club business with anyone outside the club, in the bar when there are non members around or anywhere in public. It’s too easy to be overheard. Only patched members go to Church, which is just our name for our member-only meetings. Members are not allowed to share with their women things that are discussed in Church for a reason, that being that if you are ever captured by a rival gang, you can’t disclose club business.

This is a standard biker rule that most clubs follow. What you don’t know, you can’t tell. While there is not a member here that would ever intentionally harm a woman, rougher biker gangs might torture you to try and get you to talk but they already know that you probably don’t know anything and will do it for their own sick pleasure, like what they did to Marley and Tiana and Charlie.

They will try to fool you, tell you that they will go easy on you or tell you that if you talk they will let you go, well let’s just say that you would be an idiot to believe them for even a second. If captured, start out with you don’t know anything and stick to it. Lie, if you have to. Make stuff up if you have to but never ever repeat anything you know or have heard in the club or from a club member. Understand?” Rooster told us, beginning to go through club rules. We both nodded.

“Next and a very important rule is to betray this club means the end of your life. If something is wrong, come to me and talk to me or one of the executive staff. Hunter, Boomer, Dixie and I grew up together. There is no one I trust more than the three of them. We can’t help you if we don’t know there is a problem.” Rooster said.

“Can you give us an example?” Cheryl asked and I have to admit that I was curious to know what he meant too.

“Do you have any siblings? I know that your parents are still alive.” Rooster asked.

Cheryl shook her head. She was an only child. “I have a younger sister.” I told Rooster.

“Ok but I’m going to phrase this so that both of you understand. Say someone kidnapped your mothers and contacted you to say that they wanted information about our club or they were going to hurt or kill them if you don’t spy on us or slip them information about our club or our activities. What would you do?” Rooster asked.

It was as if light bulbs went off over our heads. “Come and tell you, right?” I said.

“Exactly. Like I said, I can’t help you if I don’t know there is a problem. Once you become part of our family, that includes your family as well. Annalisa’s father will be moving here soon along with his household staff. All good people and they are all under our protection because they are Annalisa’s family. I, however, will not protect your father, Manny, because of what he did to you.

Cheryl, your father, well, I’d really like to punch him in the nose for the way he treats you but so long as he’s not abusive, he gets a pass. Anyway, threaten our family and you threaten our club and every man here will ride out to save them. We will not intentionally harm a woman unless they are trying to harm us or ours and we would never harm a child under any circumstances.

Now, so that we are not here all day with me explaining rules, because frankly, that’s actually part of Boomer’s job for you, Manny, and Dixie will explain things to you, Cheryl. You need to rest like Doc said and I have work to do. Does being members of this club sound like it’s something you want to do?” Rooster asked.

Cheryl and I looked at each other and I waited until she nodded at me so I turned to Rooster and said “Yes, prez. I think we do.” I said.

“Good. Now, do you have any other questions that we need to deal with right now?” Rooster asked.

“Well, I think I’ve already said that I want to work at the garage because I can fix most anything mechanical but I want to know what the pay will be?” I asked.

“Well, until we are comfortable with your skills and while you are a prospect, you work here in the shed at first. We have a bunch of bikes that we got as part of a rescue when we saved Rudy and Jullian. During that time you earn a gross salary of $2400 a month but in addition to working there, you also have prospect duties. We require that all prospects take turns cleaning up the kitchen after meals, cleaning toilets, doing yard work, working in the bar, etc.

Boomer schedules the prospects so you will talk to him about what you are assigned to do each day. All I will tell you is to do your best, without question and you move up faster. Whining, complaining and shirking your duties only makes it harder on yourself and lessens your chances to be offered a patch. We provide your housing so long as you live at the clubhouse, your meals, insurance and once you become a patched member, you get a bike to keep. Until then you either drive a club bike or one of the vehicles, whatever is needed to get a job done.

When told to do something by a patched member, do it without question or hesitation, unless it is against the club or another member. If that is the case, you come directly to me or Hunter or Boomer, I don’t care who it is. To help anyone harm the club or anyone in it is considered a betrayal that could cost you your life.

Learn as much as you can about whatever is being taught to you. You’ll learn how to fight and how to handle a variety of weapons and become the best you can be at using them. Once you are trained on how to use them, we supply you with a weapon. Even if you never do anything but work in the garage, if we go into lock down, you come to the clubhouse and help to defend it and the families in it if we are attacked.

Right now, Wrenches is in charge of the garage and he never goes on rescue missions anymore, mainly because he’s getting too old. Wrenches has been with the club since my father was president and will probably be retiring soon. Cruise and a couple of other members also work at the garage and they do go on missions. Most of the rest of the workers there are prospects who are learning and working their way up.

There is a minimum 3 month probation period that you have to bust ass proving yourself before you can even be considered to be a patched member and may have to continue to work as a prospect until we decide to patch you in. Once you are in, it’s a lifetime commitment. We are not here for you to work until you get a savings built up to move away and work for someone else. Understand?” Rooster explained.

I nodded and then he turned to Cheryl. “I get the feeling that there is something you want to ask as well?”

“Yes, sir. Dixie told me that you are looking for someone to sew clothes for the club? Namely your vests?” She asked.

“They are called “cuts” and yes. Right now, we use a company in Dallas, most of the time, and it can sometimes take up to two weeks for us to get them. I would like to have them within a day or two if that is possible?” He asked.

“Well, if I can get the machines I will need to work with leather, and a machine to do the embroidery, then two days is not a problem at all, I don’t think. I will be honest and tell you that I have never worked with leather before so I can’t say what all it entails. But leather is just another material so I’m sure I can figure it out. Google has the answers I need I’m sure. Once I get it all set up and am comfortable with it, I would like to make a closet full of “blanks” that is basically just the vest. I’ll have the patches with the club logo and name on the back and then when it’s needed, I just have to add the person’s name and title. Now the big question. Are you wanting to pay by the piece or would this be a salary or hourly position?” She asked.

“I will provide all of the equipment and materials and it would be a salary position, unless you plan on taking on outside work, then I want an hourly agreement since I can’t afford to pay you to sew for people outside of the club. The ole’ ladies have decided that they all want to learn how to not only fight but how to use a gun. They have also mentioned purses to be able to conceal their weapons. Is that also something you can do?” Rooster asked.

“If it’s material, I’m sure I can find a pattern for it or we can design something that will work.” Cheryl said confidentially.

“As far as salary, I’m not really sure what a seamstress makes so you tell me what you think is fair and we’ll go from there. How does that sound?” Rooster asked.

“Well, normally a custom seamstress starts out making about $45 dollars and up an hour but then, they have to not only buy but maintain all of their own equipment as well as supplies to do a job and have the space to do it all in. If you will provide me with dedicated space to work in as well as the right equipment, I would agree to work for the same rate as Manny with annual raises of at least 10%. How does that sound?” Cheryl asked with confidence.

“Sounds good to me. Get me prices on the equipment and we’ll get it ordered. How big a space are you going to need?” Rooster asked.

“A room at least as big as our bedroom for sure. I’ll also need some tables. One for holding the sewing machine, one for the embroidery machine and another one for cutting material.” Cheryl said, trying to think of what she would need in the way of furniture for the room.

“Like I said, make up a list of what you will need and I’ll get it ordered or arrange a card for you to order supplies with. Good. I’m glad that’s settled. Now, is there anything else?” He asked.

Cheryl and I looked at each other and agreed that we would need to talk when we are alone but I turned and said “No, I can’t think of anything else for now. Thanks Prez. It feels good knowing we have a place to belong now.” I said and held out my hand as we stood up. Rooster shook both of our hands and just as we turned to leave, a knock came at the door and someone called out “Lunch”.

“Wow, I didn’t realize we have been in here that long.” Cheryl said.

“Yes, but at least we got a lot of things resolved. Now, go on and get some lunch. I’m going to check my emails so tell Claire to save me a plate, please.” Rooster said as he sat back down and began to tap away on his computer.

We left his office and walked towards the dining room.

Rooster’s POV

Talking to Manny and Cheryl had been amazing and refreshing in some ways. The two of them were so in tune with each other that it was amazing. They seemed to be able to communicate with each other just by reading each other’s eyes. That was a talent that usually only older couples who had been together for a long time were able to do.

They were both bright, intelligent, caring young adults. I can’t call them children not only because they were both now over 18 but because they just had that presence about themselves. They both know what they want for themselves as well as what they want as a couple. They seemed to be in perfect sync.

It reminded me a lot of how Dixie and I had always been. Manny might not be a warrior like me, but there’s nothing wrong with that. I think if he was called on to protect Cheryl, he would do so with no hesitation or regrets if he had to kill someone. He made me think of Papa Joe in that respect.

A/N: Sorry that this one is short but there’s more excitement to come in the next one!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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