Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 6-Eagle & Hulk order engagement rings

Eagle’s POV

When Annalisa told me not to stay too long downstairs, I almost jumped out of my seat to follow her down the hall. My little man definitely jumped to attention! My attention was definitely on her ass as the two women walked away and for a while after they had left.

Apparently, Hunter had been speaking to me for a couple of minutes but my mind was on Annalisa so I didn’t hear him until he punched me in the arm and said “If you don’t lay claim to her soon, someone else is going too!”

My head snapped towards him. “What did you say?” I asked, angrily, my hands already clenching into fists, ready to take on the world.

“Hahahaha! Thought that would get your attention. I said, If you don’t lay claim to her soon, someone else is going too! And I mean it. You know the procedure and you know the rules of this club. Just because you brought her here and spent all kinds of money on her and her kid, does not mean you have claimed her as yours and yours alone.” Hunter said, taking care to look me directly in the eye.

“Has someone said something about being interested in her?” I asked, unable to believe that any of my brothers would even try to take my woman from me.

“Eagle, you have been my friend for a long time and I will never betray a brother but while no one has said anything to me directly, our brothers have eyes and everyone here can see that Annalisa is a very beautiful woman. I’m just saying, make the claim and soon or shut up and step back if someone else tries to step up and make her his own. We have grown so much over the past few years and there are just not enough single women in town to go around anymore. A lot of the men are happy with just being with the sweet butts but some of them are getting to the stage in their lives when they want what we have. What’s holding you back? Is it the kid?” He asked.

“I was planning on asking her to let me make it public but I don’t want to rush her. She was kind of upset when she walked in here and the first thing she saw was this room. And Carmella is a great kid and I’m beginning to care for her as much as I do for Annalisa but again, I don’t want to rush them.

I told her about the PTSD and my medication and while it made her nervous, she seemed to take it okay but then she hasn’t seen it first hand yet and having it happen has me terrified that I might have an episode and hurt her or Carmella. I would never be able to forgive myself if I did.” I tried to explain to him.

“All I’m saying is you have finally found your woman! Don’t fuck up, dude. Ask her to be your woman and make your claim public and soon.” Hunter said. “If she really loves you, enough to accept your claim, then the PTSD is something she’ll be willing to deal with, with you.”

I knew he was right and after I swallowed the last of my beer, I told him thanks and goodnight and walked over to Rooster and he looked up at me.

“Order her cut?” He asked before I had a chance to say a word.

I smiled, nodded and told him “Thanks, Prez. How long will it take to get here?”

“Dude, I saw this one coming as soon as they got here. It should be here tomorrow or the next day,” Rooster said. “Hulk’s too.”

My heart felt so full that I was taking this step and I knew I was making the right decision. Before I walked away from the table, I asked. “You got anything you want from the city tomorrow? I need to go ring shopping but don’t have a clue what to get. Any ideas?”

Dixie said “Leave it to me.” She pushed up off of Rooster’s lap, kissed him and said “Give me an hour and I’ll be back with not only her preference but her ring size.”

My deer in the headlights look must have said it all but I followed her instructions and sat down next to Rooster. “They can be so scary sometimes.” He said and all I could do was nod.

“So what put the fire under your ass to claim Annalisa?” Rooster asked.

“Hunter told me I’d better get a move on before another brother steps up and tries to lay claim to her. Before you ask, no he did not point any fingers or mention any names but just reminded me that beautiful women don’t go unnoticed, especially around here.” I told him.

“Very true but she also has to accept the claim and I really don’t think that would happen with anyone but you for her. Just rest assured that her cut has been ordered. Are you guys going to continue to live here in the house or find your own place?” Rooster asked.

“Well, we’re going to look for a place, we already did some driving around today but didn’t see anything we liked. I was going to talk to you about possibly building on the land?” I asked tentatively.

“Well, you know that’s always a possibility but it’s also going to take longer to build. I was beginning to think they were never going to finish our place. But then we were building more than just a place for us. We wanted to have places for VIP guests when they come to stay and we don’t have space here. If we keep growing the way we are, we are going to have to expand again soon or the guys are going to have to start doubling up.” Rooster said.

This was a subject that had been coming up more and more over the last year. We had more than doubled in size since Rooster had taken over and if all of the current prospects made it to patched members, we were going to grow by another fourth of our current size.

“Well, I want to keep looking for a little while. I’d rather find somewhere we can just move into if we can find a place we like at a price we can afford. This place is no place to bring up a child. That has Annalisa worried that Carmella might not only be in danger but that she might see and hear things she shouldn’t, especially since she’ll have to share a room with us.” I grinned at Rooster who laughed.

“Well, if that becomes an issue,you could always get some wardrobes for your clothes and turn your closet into a temporary nursery. That’s what Cruise and Charlie, Marley and Hunter have done.” Rooster suggested. “Hell, we might even do it ourselves when Sammy gets older and we have to be down here, like when we are on lock down.”

Dixie’s POV

I ran to our room and got my laptop and pulled up the Zales website and selected wedding rings. I grabbed my ring sizer, that I had purchased in Dallas on one of my shopping trips, out of my top drawer and then walked down to Nessa’s room and knocked on the door.

“Dixie? What’s up?” Nessa asked, when she opened the door.

“Come with me, please.” I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her along to Annalisa and Eagle’s room.

“What’s going on?” she asked as I knocked on the door.

“Just doing one of the many jobs of the club queen!” When Annalisa opened the door, I told them, “Now, since I know that they will eventually come and ask me for advice, like I automatically know your preferences, I need to know what kinds of jewelry you both like, starting with wedding rings.

And before you ask or get your hopes up, no, neither one of them have said anything to me. I have just been around here long enough to know what’s going to happen. Rooster was lucky because he and I were high school sweethearts so he knew what kind of stuff I like and even my ring size since he paid for my high school class ring.

But I’ve helped every brother who has chosen to not only claim but marry his woman for the last 10 years and I’ve learned to be prepared when they come asking me. I noticed that both of your men were downstairs in the bar so I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to come talk to you about this.” I wasn’t really lying but just stretching the truth a bit.

They both looked at my ring and I proudly held out my hand for them to see. I still loved my rings as much now as the day Rooster had proposed. He had offered to get me more expensive rings on our 10th anniversary but I refused. These rings not only symbolized our love but the struggles we have faced as a couple and as the leaders of a large MC.

Together we went through the Zales site and both women found very similar rings that they immediately fell in love with. I saved them to my favorites and got their ring sizes and we chatted for a while. Annalisa told me about wanting to find their own house and I told her to let me know if they needed any help.

“You know you can build here on the land if you can’t find what you want and need, right?” I asked her.

“Yeah. Eagle told me but that could take months and since we have to share a room with Carmella we’re kind of hoping that we can find something pre-made so that we can move in right away and she can have her own room.” Annalisa said with a blush to her cheeks.

“Well, if it becomes an issue, you could always convert your walk-in closet to a nursery. At least she won’t see anything but that doesn’t mean she’s not going to hear things. Hell, the walls of this place are paper thin anyway so don’t think that half the house is not going to know if you are a vocal lover. The first 6 rooms near our room knew when Rooster and I were making Samuel.” I couldn’t help but giggle when I admitted that.

“Oh, good lord! Thanks for the warning!” Nessa moaned and rolled her eyes.

Just then Samuel started to make noise over the baby monitor and I told them “Well, ladies, this was fun but mommy duties call. Now, don’t mention anything about this or they are going to feel pressured. Like I said, this is just me trying to be one step ahead of them, which is not always an easy task, but I’m learning! Hahahaha!” I laughed as I got to my feet.

“I’d better get back to my room too before Hulk comes up. So when is Eagle going to take you shopping?” Nessa asked Annalisa as we started to leave.

“Tomorrow I think.” Annalisa said. “Will you watch Carmella for me if we go?”

I jumped in then and said “I wouldn’t count on that girl. Rooster has work for all of the men tomorrow but if I can get Charlie and Kaylee to watch the kids, we could go into the city to the mall, if you want. Our small town is okay for most stuff but they can’t even begin to compete with the shops in the city. We can make a day of it. Leave right after breakfast and come back before dinner?

I have to stock up on some grocery supplies that we are running low on too and the city has Walmart, Costco and Sam’s club. They are all a lot cheaper than the grocery store in town. Plus I want to go to Victoria Secrets! I swear that if Rooster doesn’t stop ripping my sexy lingerie, I’m going to start holding back the sex!” I laughed at the expressions on their faces then added “NOT! I love him and his touch far too much to really hold out for long but believe me, just the threat of it works wonders in getting what you want from a man! Okay, marriage lesson over. Come on, Nessa. Let Annalisa finish getting ready to welcome Eagle back!”

Annalisa turned about three shades of red but she matched my grin as she followed us to the door. “Thanks, Dixie. Night you two!” she called out as we took off down the hall.

I saw Nessa back to her room and then walked back to the bar, patting myself on the back for the success of my plan. I was going to make this part of my regular duties from now on when brother’s bring their chosen women to the club. It will save time and headaches in the future.

I found both Hulk and Eagle sitting with Rooster now and both of them looked up at me anxiously as I approached our table. I put my laptop down in front of Eagle first and pulled up Annalisa’s ring choice. She had even selected her size on the page so it was all ready to be ordered.

“All you have to do is click this button, put in your payment information and select if you want it delivered or will pick it up. Once you click order, it will tell you when it will be available. If they have it in stock, I can pick it up when I’m in town tomorrow. Oh by the way, baby, you need to assign these two and a few others to leave the compound in the morning for “work” because Nessa, Annalisa and I are going shopping tomorrow. We are running low on some grocery supplies that will be so much cheaper in the city plus there are a few other things we want to get.” I said, giving my husband “the eye” that told him not to question me in front of others.

“Can do. I need someone to check on a few things in town anyway.” Rooster said and gave my hip a squeeze.

“I have my information in and it says it will be ready to be picked up tomorrow.” Eagle said and then pushed the laptop back at me. I nodded and then opened Nessa’s ring choice.

“Hulk, I’m going to show you what Nessa said she would like but there’s no pressure on you to order it now.” I told him and then explained to all of the men the story I had created for Nessa and Annalisa but Hulk grabbed the laptop with one hand as he reached for his wallet with the other. I don’t even think he looked at the price, but just clicked on the order button and put in his credit card number. His ring would also be available tomorrow. I told them both that since I was already going to be in town at that very mall, I told them that I could pick up the rings for them and they both agreed.

“Maybe while I’m there I will talk to the manager about a commission on using their site to order things from them. I use them almost exclusively. Kay’s also has some nice stuff but the Zales store is closer to us.” I thought to myself.

Eagle’s POV

I thanked Dixie for taking care of finding out about Annalisa’s choice of rings and the correct size. I would have totally fucked that up, for sure! Now all I have to do is pretend to be ignorant if Annalisa started asking questions about why Dixie came around asking about rings and tried to remember what Dixie told us she had told the girls. Then I just had to pray that the girls did not catch her picking the rings up and to be patient until they got home from the mall! Then I wondered what I was going to do to make the proposal special for her. I must have been concentrating too hard because I didn’t even notice everyone staring at me until Rooster snapped his fingers in front of my face.

“What?” I asked, looking up at him with what I’m sure was a look that said I was lost in space somewhere.

Everyone at the table began to laugh and I noticed that it was not just me, Hulk, Dixie and Rooster anymore but we had been joined by Hunter and Boomer as well. All of them grinning at me, except for Hulk, who seemed to be just as lost in thought as I had been.

“What has your brain twisted into a pretzel?” Hunter asked.

“Well, I have the woman and tomorrow I’ll have the ring, but what do I say to get her to say she’ll marry me?” I said and Hulk nodded and leaned forward with a hopeful look on his face as it seems he’s at as much of a loss as to what to say and what to do as I am.

All three men started to laugh again but a sharp look from Dixie had them shutting up faster than an order from Prez would have done.

“All I can tell you is what I did and believe me, it felt more like trying to do open heart surgery on myself than trying to figure out what exactly to say to Marley. I figured it was going to have pretty much the same effect, so I just told her how I felt about her and then asked her to marry me. I think as long as you are open and honest about it, she’ll say yes. Are you guys going to do it tomorrow?” Hunter asked.

“Where did you do it?” I asked, trying to rack my brain about what had happened around the time they got engaged but it had been a few years ago and I just couldn’t remember.

“Well, I sometimes wish I had made it more romantic for her but I wanted Papa Joe and Mama Mae to know that I was serious about Marley so I asked her in the living room in front of them, Aunt Chris, Rooster and Dixie. But she nearly knocked me over when she said yes!” Hunter remembered.

“Yeah, it wasn’t the most romantic setting but damn it was sweet! I know Rooster and I had known we were going to be together forever and it was my parents really that pushed the marriage thing on him. My parents were not bikers and mom especially really didn’t approve of our getting married.

The only thing that finally made my dad give in was the fact that Rooster had been the quarterback on the football team for three of the four years he was in highschool and my dad was a stand in referee. He knew the MC had a bad rep back then but also knew Rooster was an up and up person so between the two of us, we changed my mother’s mind and she finally consented.” Dixie said with a smile at Rooster.

“Any suggestions or ideas on how or what we should do?” Hulk asked.

“Oh lord, you have no idea of the can of worms you just opened dude!” Rooster teased his wife as he ran a hand over his face. He lifted his hand and motioned to the prospect at the bar to bring us another round and Dixie punched him in the shoulder.

“Actually, because they are best friends and are so close, I think it would be very special if you took them on a double date and both asked your women to marry you at the same time.” Dixie said.

“OR decorate an area maybe up near the pond with fairy lights and romantic picnic sunset dinners and hide their rings in a special container and when they pull them out of the picnic basket and open the container have a note inside telling them how you feel with the question, signed Love...... Well you get the idea. I swear she will keep that container and note till the day she dies with fond memories. That idea can be done with both of you together or separate, which I suggest separate since the acceptance will probably include fucking on the picnic blanket afterwards.” She grinned and then started laughing when we both said,

“I like that idea!” Then everyone began to laugh.

“Candle light dinners, no matter where they are done, are good ways. Stop and think about what would make it special for you? After all, it’s not just her who’s going to remember that day or night for the rest of your lives but you too. Just follow your heart and do what feels right to you. I know, some guys do it during the claiming ceremony and while that works, it’s not very romantic to be honest.” Dixie said.

I thought to myself, well there goes that idea. I had considered doing it that way but she was right. It wasn’t very romantic and kind of lazy on my part. I needed to make a real effort for Annalisa because she was worth it and so much more. I was going to have to give this some thought.

“Thanks, Dix! Well, gang, I’m going to head upstairs. What time do we start tomorrow?” I asked as I pushed back my chair and went to stand up.

“Us women will be leaving out right after breakfast.” Dixie said. “Night.” she winked at me and I chuckled as I left the table.

I was barely at the top of the stairs when Hulk caught up to me and said “So how are you going to do it?”

“I’m not sure yet, dude. I just know I want to make it special for Annalisa. She deserves it after what she’s been through. What about you? Do you think they would like the double date idea? I mean, I’ve heard of double weddings but never heard of anyone doing a double proposal so that would make it unique for sure.” I told him.

“I kind of like the container and note option. I just know I’m going to get all tongue tied and make a mess out of it.” Hulk said looking so depressed.

“Hey, how about we combine the two ideas? We could take them to a really nice romantic dinner on a double date and when they get up to go to the ladies room, which women don’t seem to be able to go alone, then we could put a nice container containing their rings by their plates. Have you ever seen those eggs on a stand that open up to hold a ring? We could get something like that and put their rings and notes inside. What do you think?” I said.

“That sounds awesome! If we can’t find those eggs in town, how about music boxes that have a place for rings? I’ve seen those in town.” Hulk said, getting excited about this idea.

“I think that will work. The girls are going to be too tired tomorrow after shopping with Dixie all day and we’ll have to find out if at least one of the other ladies can watch Carmella for the night so how about Friday night?” I asked him as we walked down the hall.

“Sounds good to me. But let’s not say anything to them until we make sure we have the container and you have a definite babysitter.” Hulk said with relief evident in his voice.

“Good. We’ll look tomorrow. Agreed?” I said.

“Deal.” Hulk said as we reached his door.

I lifted my hand as he opened his door and I walked on down the extra two doors to my room. When I opened the door, I found Annalisa sitting up against the headboard of the bed watching TV. Carmella was asleep behind the screen and the only light in the room was the lamp on my side of the bed, which was farther away from Carmella than the one on her side of the bed.

“Hi.” I told her. “Sorry it took so long but Rooster got long winded and then Hunter and Boomer added to it. I also found out I have to work tomorrow so I can’t take you shopping but Dixie said you are going with her and Nessa for supplies?”

“I was about to give up on you and go to sleep.” Annalisa pretended to pout.

“Well, I’m very glad you didn’t. My t-shirt looks really good on you by the way.” I grinned at her and wiggled my eyebrows. “Oh and you smell so good!” I told her as I leaned in and buried my nose against her neck.

“I wish I could say you do too but you smell like beer and a busy day.” Annalisa giggled as she pushed me away but held on to my cut at the same time.

“I’ll go run through the shower but don’t you go to sleep on me now.” I told her, pulling back to kiss her quickly on the cheek then ran for the bathroom. Ten minutes later, I was bathed and had brushed my teeth and with a towel wrapped around my waist, I came out to find the TV off and some soft music playing from my stereo.

Annalisa was in the middle of the bed under the sheet and from the outline of her body and the fact that I could no longer see the sleeves of my t-shirt, it didn’t take much imagination to figure out that she was naked under there. I made sure I had locked the door and then walked over to the bed. She giggled and hid under the sheet as I approached the bed and I had to laugh as I crawled up on the bed and tried to pull the sheet off of her.

“Shhh! We have to be quiet or we will wake up Carmella.” she said as she peeked out at me and I whispered “Oh baby, that’s totally up to you but I do love to hear you call my name when I make you cum and I plan on doing that at least twice tonight.”

“Only twice? Hmmm, so I shaved my legs for only twice?” she pretended to pout.

“Oh honey, maybe we had better put her in the closet and close the door then.” I suggested. “Because I will make you cum until you scream Uncle if you let me.”

“I’ll hide my face in the pillow until I have to call for Uncle then. I love you and I want to pleasure you too. You seem to know where all of my turn on spots are, now I want to find yours.” She grinned at me as she pushed to flip me on my back and I let her.

I put my hands behind my head and lay back on the pillow and said “You want to explore? Be my guest!”

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