Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 23-Christmas with Millie’s family

Just as we reached the baggage claim, we heard a loud “Grandma!” and a small little ginger haired girl came running towards us with her arms held wide.

“Jessica! Oh, how good to see you again! Where’s your mom and dad?” Millie exclaimed as she caught the little girl and lifted her up for a hug.

“Mommy is home cooking and Daddy’s right behind me.” Jessica smiled at Millie and then looked over her shoulder and saw me and asked, “Who is that?”

Jeremy joined us just then and he and Millie hugged each other warmly. “Hi Mom! Surprised?” He was slightly shorter than me and had a lean slightly muscular build. Dark brown hair and warm brown eyes and Millie’s smile made me like him instantly.

“Oh Jeremy. It’s so good to see you again. Jeremy, Jessica, I want to introduce you to my fiance, Dr. Dave Conners. Dave, this is my son, Jeremy and his daughter, Jessica.” Millie said.

Both of them gave me a big smile and Jeremy immediately stuck out his hand to me. “Welcome, Dr. Conners. We’re so glad you could come and bring my mom for Christmas. It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to celebrate this holiday with her and we’ve missed her.”

I took his hand and we exchanged firm handshakes as we looked each other directly in the eye. All I saw was acceptance on his face and I breathed a small sigh of relief, then I said “Please, call me Dave. Very nice to meet you and thank you for allowing me to join in your holiday celebration. I know it wouldn’t have been a very happy one for me, if I had to spend it without her.”

“Sharon sent me to the store for more cinnamon and powdered sugar so since I had to come out anyway, I decided to come meet you. How many bags do you have?” Dave asked.

“Just two. If you can help Millie with them, I’ll go see about the rental car. I reserved one that is supposed to be ready for me here at the airport.” I told them.

“Sure. We’ll be waiting outside of the exit to the rental place for you or you can wait there if you get there before us. I drive a red Jeep Cherokee with yellow safety lights on the roof.” Jeremy said.

“Good deal.” I said, gave Millie a quick kiss on the cheek, told her I’d see her soon and left to walk to the rental car area. I stopped to check a map of where I needed to go and realized that I was going to have to walk a long way and would still have to catch a shuttle to get there. Figuring it would take me a good half an hour to get there, if I didn’t have to wait on a shuttle, I decided to ask if Jeremy could drive us over there. I turned around and went back to where Millie and Jeremy were waiting for the bags.

“Hey, I just looked at the map and it’s a major hike and a shuttle ride to get to the car rental area. Do you think you could drive us over?” I asked.

“Sure. I haven’t ever flown in on United before so I wasn’t sure how far you would have to go but I do know that Denver is not laid out very well and the shuttles are a pain in the butt.” Jeremy said.

“Oh, here comes my bag and I think that one is yours.” Millie said as she began to step towards the conveyor belt.

“I’ll get it, Mom.” Jeremy said as her bag came closer to us. There were alot of people shoving and pushing to get to their bags but we managed to collect our bags without much trouble. We were thankful now that they both had wheels as we pulled them behind us to go to the parking area where Jeremy had parked. Millie, as promised, pulled out her phone and called Sally to tell her that we had arrived.

“Jeremy came to meet us and is going to lead us to your house. Please have some coffee for us when we get there. It’s really cold out here.” Millie told her daughter.

“I will. Tell Jeremy to come straight back here once you have your luggage and car. Dinner is going to be ready soon. I hope you guys are hungry.” Sally said.

“Yes! We haven’t eaten since breakfast early this morning. I’m sure we will be there soon.” Millie said before she hung up.

“Is Sharon already at Sally’s?” Millie asked her son as he drove us to the car rental pick up point. She was in the back with her granddaughter, who chatted to her grandmother all the way.

“Yes, ma’am. Sharon and Sally have been up since early this morning cooking and they both stayed up late last night. We stayed in their extra guest room last night.” Jeremy replied and I was impressed with the respect he showed his mother.

“Well, she told me to tell you that once we have our car, to go straight back to their house because dinner will be ready soon.” Millie told him.

“I’ve already been to the store so that we can do. The house has smelled so good the past two days and Sally just served cereal for breakfast this morning.” Jeremy said, with a pout that made him look like a little boy with a beard that he kept well shaped. Before long, he was pulling into the car rental pick up lot.

I was able to use the electronic kiosk to pick up our vehicle, a Jeep

Cherokee, and after making sure of its condition, that the tank was full of gas, that it had four wheel drive as well as tire chains, Millie and I got in and we followed Jeremy to her daughters house.

When we pulled up to her house about 20 minutes outside of Denver city limits, I was very impressed with the large house. It was a log cabin style on the outside with a wide front porch that ran all the way across the front of the house with a wide staircase running up to it. It looked like a nice mountain ski lodge.

A young woman stepped out onto the porch that just had to be Sally. It was like looking at Millie 25 years ago. She was an exact duplicate of her mother with lovely chestnut brownish hair, hazel eyes and a “womanly” figure. She was followed closely by another young woman who was slightly taller and had ginger red hair and big brown eyes and a knockout figure. She could easily be a magazine model except that her nose was rather large for the rest of her face and she had small thin lips.

Millie hugged them both and then said “Come on, let’s go inside to make introductions. It’s too cold out here.” The wind had picked up a little and the sky was already getting dark like we might get even more snow than the two feet they already had on the ground. As soon as we were inside the foyer, Sally and Sharon took our coats and then Millie did the introductions.

“Dave, this is my daughter, Sally and this other lovely lady is my daughter in law, Sharon. Girls, this is my fiance, Dr. Dave Conners.” Millie said.

“Nice to meet you both. You have a very impressive home. I love the log lodge look.” I said as I shook hands with each of them.

Just then, the last adult joined us carrying a small boy on his hip. This had to be Doug. He was almost as tall as me, was more muscular than Jeremy and had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and a nice smile.

“Dr. Conners, this is my husband, Doug. Doug, this is mom’s fiance, Dr. Dave Conners.” Sally introduced us.

“Very nice to meet you, Dr. Conners. Welcome to our home.” Doug said and gave me a firm handshake as he looked me directly in the eyes.

“Thank you but please, all of you, call me Dave or I’m going to feel like I’m at work.” I said.

“Well, come on in and have some coffee to warm you up. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes but I have to get the kids settled in their places first.” Sally said as she led us into the large open plan living area.

Their home was very impressive inside as well as outside. The back wall was floor to ceiling windows on the top with french doors all the way across the bottom of the entire living room, which was huge, and the dining room. It overlooked a large back yard lined with a forested area of tall pines.

There was a large circular fireplace that separated the living room and dining room and the kitchen was located to the left of the back wall. There was a mezzanine loft on both sides with a bridge that joined the two, all surrounded by rough log rails for safety as well as appearance.

Doug explained that there was a lounge for the adults on one side and a movie/game area for the children on the other side. All of the bedrooms were located on the ground floor, thank goodness.

The dining room was already set up with a white table cloth that hung down to the floor, covered by a smaller gold colored one to give it a layered look and very nicely appointed with a beautiful flower arrangement in the center of the table and candles. A very pretty set of china was already on the table and I couldn’t help it when my stomach growled. They had obviously gone all out for the holiday dinner. It was all very fancy and I could tell Millie was thrilled. I was used to eating with bikers who’s table manners could often leave a lot to be desired so I just hope I don’t embarrass myself.

Sally led us to the large island counter and poured us some coffee. We sat around and I mostly listened as Millie caught up with her kids and their spouses. The kids were so excited to see their grandmother and she had obviously missed them as she picked up each one and gave them big hugs and kisses.

When she introduced them to me, she told them to call me “Papa Dave” and everyone smiled at that, which really put me more at ease.

I had drunk about half of my cup of excellent coffee when I had to ask, “Sally, may I ask where the restroom is? I’ve had so much to drink today and I feel like I’m about to pop. I want to make room for the delicious food I smell.”

Doug stepped up and said “Follow me and I’ll show you where you guys will be sleeping.”

I followed him down the hall and fully expected him to show me a room that would be separate from Millie’s but I was surprised when we walked in to find both mine and Millie’s suitcases sitting by the end of the king size bed.

“The bathroom is right through there.” Doug said, pointing to one of the two doors off to one side.

“Thanks. I’ll be right out. This room is very nice. Reminds me a lot of the rooms we have at the compound.” I told him as I crossed the room and entered the large bathroom that also reminded me of what we have at the club house.

I used the facility, washed my hands and took a quick look around the room when I discovered that he had not waited for me. The wall opposite the bathroom was just like the wall in the living room and the view from here was spectacular! They had a large backyard lined with a dense area of trees with the mountains behind that were currently covered with snow and a low cloud cover.

I rejoined everyone in the kitchen just as the women began to carry the food to the table. Millie excused herself to use the bathroom but was back in just a few minutes. She helped them finish carrying out the dishes and then we all sat down to eat. I was very humbled when Doug asked me to sit at the other “head” of the table opposite him. It was a place of honor and respect and it touched me deeply.

We enjoyed a very nice meal together. We laughed and joked and got to know one another and by the time it was over I was much more relaxed.

The ladies began to carry sleepy children off to bed while the rest of us helped carry dishes and leftovers into the kitchen. When the women came back, they wrapped up the leftovers to be stored in the fridge while we cleaned up the table and began loading the dishwasher. I pitched in and helped just like both of the husbands but soon it felt like we were tripping over each other, even in the large kitchen so Sally and Sharon kicked everyone out, saying they would finish up.

I followed Doug and Jeremy into the living room and I couldn’t help but ask more about the very impressive house. “Doug, did you and Sally build this place or buy it already built?”

“We got lucky and managed to buy it from a man who was desperate to sell when the real estate market took a nose dive here a few years ago. He built the “lodge” hoping to have a B&B and did it for about a year but then his wife left him and he couldn’t keep up with it by himself so he wanted out from underneath it. It’s big and a lot of work to keep up with but we like it. We hire a woman to come once a month and help us do some of the heavier cleaning but otherwise we just close off the rooms we don’t use all the time. It’s nice for occasions like this that we have the space for everyone to stay here with us instead of having to get expensive hotels in town and drive out here to visit.” Doug told me.

“What do you do for work?” I asked.

“Both Sally and I are computer program designers. We work from home most of the time, especially this time of the year. The first room on your end of the hall is where we have our desk and office space set up and we work well together.” Doug explained.

“What about you, Jeremy?” I asked.

“I run a small sporting goods equipment store in Aurora. We specialize in snow and ski gear but also carry a lot of western wear for the warmer months. That’s when my inventory takes a serious turn. Sharon has a small antique/gift shop where she sells all kinds of keepsakes and gift items.” Jeremy said, then asked “Do you work at the hospital with my mom?” Apparently Millie has not told them about the MC and I wished she would come and join us.

“I used to a long time ago before my wife, Amy was killed in a one car accident. We think a deer ran out in front of her car and she swerved to miss it and hit a tree instead. I’m just thankful that she died instantly but it really hit me hard. I kind of went into a deep depression and even farther into a tequila bottle and stayed there for almost a year. The hospital bureaucracy kicked me to the curb after 20 years of service, instead of getting me the help I needed.

A friend of mine from the local MC found me in the local bar one night, almost falling off my stool, took me home to his clubhouse, dried me out, got me the help I needed to stay sober and get over Amy’s death and then he offered me a job as the doctor there. I’ve been there for over 10 years now. That’s why I don’t drink anymore.

Anyway, I knew your mom when we worked at the hospital as well as your dad but we were always just friends. But when I ran into her again earlier this year at the hospital when I was there to visit a friend, we just looked at each other and knew there was something we both needed to explore further. I asked her out, she said yes, we dated for several months and realized that we were meant to have a life together. I have to admit, I was shocked when I proposed and she said yes but I couldn’t have been happier.” I told them, hoping that they would understand and still accept me.

“Are you still the doctor at the MC?” Jeremy asked with a worried look on his face.

“Yes and will continue to be for a while at least.” I told him.

“I remember some about when the motorbike clubs practically ran the town. It was scary sometimes. I’ve worried about mom living there alone but she refused to leave after my dad died. Is it still like that?” Jeremy asked.

“No. It’s not. King, the old club president, ran the club into the ground and didn’t do much but sit and drink most of the time after his oldest son was killed in a swimming accident, then his wife ditched him and left town. Then he got sick and his son, Rooster took over. Rooster has really changed things around.

The club is completely legitimate now and is more focused on rescuing neglected, abused and molested children and young adults. They get them out of the bad situation, get them the help they need and work closely with CPS and an organization called the Rescue Farm.

The couple that runs the farm make sure the rescues have a safe place to stay while they are rehabilitated and then find them safe foster homes to stay in until they are adopted or old enough to be on their own. Almost all of the wives at the club now are rescues.

They have also eliminated the town of the Cobras MC and the Vipers MC. Because of Rooster, the MC now owns the land that more than half the town sits on in addition to large areas around town where the compound now sits. We have over 40 patched members and are growing more and more every year.” I told them.

Just then Millie and the other women joined us and Millie sat down next to me on the sofa. “So, what are we talking about?” Millie asked.

“Dave was just explaining to us about how you guys got together and about the MC. Sounds like there’s been some major changes to that small town since Sally and I lived there. That’s good. We’ve been worried about you living there by yourself for a long time.” Jeremy said.

“Well, you don’t have to worry anymore. Once Dave and I are married, I’ll have over 50 men dedicated to watching over us. I also wanted to let you two know that I’ve decided to sell the house. Rooster the MC president is going to allow us to build a house on the MC land so that Dave can be close to work when they need him.

AND I’m going to turn in my notice at the hospital when we get back. February 1st I will no longer be working for the high and mighty, greedy SOB’s of the hospital board but will work with Dave at the MC clinic.” Millie informed them, sliding her hand into mine and tangling our fingers together.

“Oh, WOW! Sounds like things are really about to change for you, Mom. That’s great!” Sally said, enthusiastically. “So have you guys decided on a wedding date yet?”

“Well that’s all going to depend on when you guys will be able to come? We’d like to do it as soon as possible but I do want you all to be there.” Millie said.

“Well, as you know for me, I can’t leave while there is snow for skiing on the ground but as soon as the snow melts we can be there. Babe, you can close up the shop for at least a few days right?” Jeremy asked Sharon.

“Of course. Mom’s wedding is something I wouldn’t miss for the world. Once the snow is gone there’s usually at least a month or more between when we have snow birds and summer tourists. I would say the end of April or early May would be a pretty safe bet. When it starts to heat up lower down, then people start coming up again to escape the heat, not to mention the local tourist attractions around the area.” Sharon said.

“That will work out perfectly. That will give me time to finish off my job, hopefully get the house sold and plan for the wedding. Four months is not a lot of time. We’re keeping the ceremony part small but even with all of the MC and friends from the hospital, we’ll still manage to fill up the church, I’m sure.

Dixie, Rooster’s wife, has offered us the MC clubhouse to host the reception. I’ve asked her to keep it simple but I somehow get a feeling that it’s going to be anything but.” Millie grinned at me.

“I’m pretty sure you can count on it.” I grinned back at her. “Maybe we should just elope and run away to Tahiti or somewhere?” I couldn’t help but tease.

“I’ve got a feeling that by the time Dixie is done with us, we will wish we had.” Millie grinned back.

“So are you going to do a formal wedding gown and tux or go more casual?” Sally asked.

“Oh, no. That wouldn’t be appropriate. We’ve both been married before and are now widowed. I’m just going to look for a nice dress but it’s up to Dave as to what he wears.” Millie said.

“I’ve got a nice dark blue suit in my closet. I’ve worn it to several of the weddings I’ve attended this past year. Of course if we did the wedding in Tahiti, we could just go in our swimsuits.” I said and everyone laughed, especially when Millie blushed bright red. I’m pretty sure she is remembering the time I told her how sexy she looked in her bra and panties as she was getting dressed one day and of how much it reminded me of a bikini I would like to see her wear on our honeymoon.

Millie might be the mother of two and a grandmother and pushing 50 years old but because she was always active and she had maintained a very nice figure. Her stomach wasn’t completely flat anymore and her breast sagged a bit but she wasn’t flabby and had good muscle tone and looked damned hot for a woman her age with or without clothes. But it wasn’t just her looks but her personality I had always liked. She’s a good person with a kind soul and she turned me on in ways that no other woman had done since Amy died.

We stayed up and talked about things to do in the area and Sharon and Jeremy both wanted us to come and see their shops and we told them we would in the morning before we had to go back before we went to the airport. “Unfortunately, I was only able to get off the four days so we’ll have to fly back two days after Christmas. I wish we could stay longer but the hospital is so short handed right now. In fact, I’m kind of surprised that I haven’t gotten a call asking me to come in because someone didn’t show up tonight. I guess the threat of being fired if they do really convinced them to show up for work.”

Just then the grandfather clock in the foyer began chiming for 11 pm and Millie said “Goodness, I didn’t realize it was so late. We had better all get to bed or we’re going to be miserable in the morning. If your kids are like you and your brother were when you were young, they are going to be up very early and will want to open presents as soon as they get up. Did you get my email about the gifts I had sent here?” Millie asked Sally.

“Yes and I think everything arrived. Everything was already wrapped so I couldn’t check if anything was broken or not but it sounded like it was all intact.” Sally said, as everyone began to stand up .

“Well, most of it is clothes because I wasn’t sure what the kids had in the way of toys and we do have some small gifts in my suitcase that I’ll bring out in the morning.” Millie said. “Well, good night everyone. See you in the morning!”

“Night, Mom! Night, Dave.” They all called out as they went to their rooms. Millie and I walked down to the end of the hall on the opposite side of where Sally, Doug and their children slept and Jeremy and Sharon led the way down our hallway but stopped at the second door.

As soon as the door closed behind us, I pulled Millie to me and said “Come here woman. I’ve been wanting to kiss you all day!”

She wrapped her arms around me and lifted her face for my kiss. We kissed and kind of danced our way to the bathroom for a shower but ended up making love in there. At least we could be pretty sure that no one could hear us and we didn’t make a mess on the sheets! But what I found really exciting was that Millie was willing to experiment some and had admitted that Harvey hadn’t been the most adventurous lover in the world. He liked missionary and for her to ride him but that was about it. And he had only ever had sex with her in the shower once and that had been right after they got married.

Since we had gotten together, we had experimented with different positions and both of us like doggie style since we could move more freely without the weight of someone right on top of you. For me, it not only allowed me to enter her more fully but I could reach to touch her everywhere, which she said she really enjoyed too.

She also claimed that she liked how we could talk so freely and honestly about sex. She claimed Harvey had been much more reserved and I had to admit that Amy had been the same. Amy had not liked any type of sexual talk or comments. Said it made her feel cheap and trashy. “Can’t we just do it and not talk about it?” Amy would ask me.

I hate that I was basically comparing them but I had to admit that while I had loved Amy with every ounce of my being, Millie and I were much more compatible, especially in the bedroom.

We finally fell asleep, holding each other close. I couldn’t help but wish this was our honeymoon and that from now on I would be going to sleep and waking up with her.

A/N: Don’t worry, this is not the end but it got so long it was causing my computer to drag so I cut it up into more than just 1 book. I won’t leave you hanging because book 4 is already done! Hope you are enjoying the series!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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