Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 15- Dale’s one way ticket to hell

Eagle’s POV

I left Rooster’s office and went to look for Annalisa. She was with the other women out on the patio, watching the children run around in the yard. Carmella was trying her best to keep up with Simon and Crystal but her legs were too short and her balance was not as good as theirs.

Annalisa saw me coming and met me halfway. “Hi handsome. Welcome home.” She said as she walked right into my arms and I suddenly felt at peace.

“Hello beautiful. Having a good day?” I smiled down at her.

“I am now that you are home safe and sound. Was it bad?” She asked.

“Yeah, the little boy was already dead when we got there. But let’s not talk about it okay? Come on, I have something for you. I bought this before I proposed and I totally forgot about it because of the Cobra attack until I noticed it in my saddle bag today.” I said as I took her hand and led her out to my bike. When we got there, I opened the saddle bag on the off side, which is one I rarely use.

Normally I use the one on the side that I mount my bike on so it always has stuff in it but the one I had put her stuff in is usually empty or most of it. I had stuffed some kerchiefs in there as well as a pair of riding gloves for colder weather months ago. When I went looking for a kerchief today, I had found the things I had bought at the craft shop the day Hulk and I designed the wedding ring boxes. I pulled out the package and handed it over to Annalisa who looked at me like “what is this?” She pulled out the drawing paper and then the pencils and got a big smile on her face.

“Thank you! I’ve been meaning to get some new supplies but there just never seemed to be the time lately.” She smiled at me as she rose up on her toes and kissed me.

“I want to take you to the shop where I got this and get you some paint stuff too. I wanted to buy some that day but I had no clue what you would want. The lady was asking me questions about acrylic, oil, or water and I must have just looked at her like I was a deer caught in the headlights because she laughed at me and told me to bring you and she would hook you up with everything you will need. I must admit that I did a bit of bragging about your drawings that day.” I told her.

“Well, thank you for this. It will keep me busy for a while. Carmella is getting a lot more active now and she really keeps me on my toes now. I don’t know how much time I’m going to have for painting for a while. Maybe once she starts school, I can get back into that. I do love to work with water colors because it’s so easy to blend them together and you get great effects with it. Acrylics and oils are hard to work with and are messy.” Annalisa said.

“Well, whenever you are ready to get back into it, just let me know and I’ll take you down there to see what they have. In fact, Hulk and I found something that we would like to do for the guys that maybe you could help us with. They have these wooden motorcycles that we thought would make unique gifts for some of the guys for Christmas if we could get them painted to match their bikes. Could you do that?” I asked.

“I think so. Doesn’t sound hard. But you have to promise to help me with some of it. I can do the delicate painting if you will do the bulk painting. Where is this store? Sounds like a place I could spend hours and hours in just looking around.” Annalisa said.

“It’s the craft store down the street from the antique shop. The lady that runs the place is called Mattie. She’s like something right out of the sixties. Tiedye shirt, bell bottom pants, leather headband around her forehead and a big peace sign necklace and the whole nine yards. She helped me and Hulk make those boxes we used to give you and Nessa your rings. I was surprised that I really enjoyed doing that. It was fun.” I admitted.

“Crafts can be very relaxing and enjoyable. That’s why I love to draw. It helps me to relax and get my mind off of whatever is bothering me. I focus on the drawing and seem to forget everything else.” She claimed.

“I do that when we make love.” I told her as I pulled her close and kissed her. “Hell, for that matter, your kisses make me forget everything but how much I love you.”

“And I love you, my husband.” She whispered as she returned my kiss. We stood next to my bike for a while until someone made a throat clearing noise to let them know we were no longer alone and we regretfully floated back to earth from the cloud we seemed to have floated up to.

Annalisa smiled up at the dazed look on my face and asked “Have you eaten yet? Dinner should be ready soon. We made Mexican food tonight. The girls and I agreed that we would teach each other dishes we know well. I taught Charlie, Dixie, Marley and Tiana how to make chicken enchiladas, chili rellenos, stuff for tacos and burritos and there’s a big pot of chili for dinner tonight.”

“Wow. Sounds good. Sounds like margarita’s are going to be flowing tonight.” I laughed as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

We went back inside then out to the patio so that we could watch our daughter play. A few minutes later, Tiana came out and asked Annalisa to come make sure the chili rellenos were ready to come out of the oven. “Can you please come check dinner? I think the enchiladas are done but I’m not sure about the chili rellenos.”

“Sure. I’ll be right back, babe.” She said as she stood up, gave me a quick peck on the cheek and then followed Tiana into the house.

She had only been gone a minute when Carmella came toddling over to me, held up her little hands and made “give me fingers” and said “Dada, up!” and my heart was full again. All of the dark thoughts of what had happened today left me and I hugged and played with my daughter, tickling her and making her giggle that magical giggle that warmed my soul to the very core. I had found the perfect medicine for my PTSD.

A few minutes later, Annalisa came back out and called everyone to dinner. I carried Carmella over to her mother and followed them inside. We made Carmella a small plate of plain white rice and refried beans and just a small little bit of taco meat that Annalisa had made especially for the kids that wasn’t as spicy as what the adults would be eating. It was mostly just some well ground hamburger and a little bit of tomato sauce. Carmella was almost two now and the pediatrician had told Annalisa a month ago to start her on small portions of table foods that were soft to chew and not too spicy. The other mothers followed suit and the children were all situated in their chairs close to their parents as we all made our plates and settled in to enjoy a family meal together.

Rooster’s POV

I watched Eagle and was glad that he had found Annalisa and Carmella. They really seemed to make a big difference in him and the way he was able to handle things now. Since they had met, he had become more open and more willing to interact with other members of the club. I had been worried there for a while that he was going to ask to go nomad. I would have let him go but I’m glad not to have lost him. He’s a good man and an important part of our team.

After dinner, I waited until Eagle and Annalisa left to go home and then I asked the ladies to go wait either upstairs or in the living room while we men had a brief meeting.

As soon as they were gone, I called everyone to pay attention. “Listen up guys! At the top of the logging road past my place, we have the man who Eagle and Boomer went after earlier today. He killed his 4 year old son before they could get there. We’ve got pictures that I want you all to see. Call it an incentive for later.”

I noticed that Justin, the prospect that had gone with Eagle and Boomer, stood up and left the room and several men watched but no one said a word and several shifted in their seats but remained seated.

With Circuit’s help to connect my laptop to the big screen TV, I brought up the pictures that Eagle had taken of the boy and the condition of his house, especially of his bedroom and the hole in the wall that we suspected was where Dale had thrown Scotty against the wall and had been the cause of his death. I heard growls and curse words all around the room as I flicked through the pictures.

“Man, I wish you would have shown us this before dinner.” One member said. “This sick mother fucker needs to be put down and in the most painful way possible.”

“Well, Eagle started the process but we are going to end it. I purposely have not included Eagle in this final process because as you all know, he suffers from severe PTSD and is already worried enough about having an episode around his little daughter, Carmella. We have the animal that did this in one of our vans at the top of the logging road past my house. Now, I know all of you want in on this but we can’t leave our house unprotected, especially with all our women and children here. So, I’m going to ask for volunteers.....”

Before I could even finish speaking almost every hand in the room shot up into the air, even among the prospects.

“Very good. Prospects Willy, Nate, Juan and Rodney. Jailer, Bruiser, Crusher. We leave in half an hour. The rest of you, don’t drink all the cold beer before we get back. We’re going to feed the wolves!” I called out.

“Rooster, can we go and watch if we want? I, for one, would really like to see this SOB get his just desserts.” A member we call Linx, because of the color and shape of his eyes and face, asked.

“Since all of the prospects except for Justin, who was with Boomer and Eagle earlier will be going up with us, I need at least 20 members to stay here to guard the gate and the house. Agreed?” I told them.

“Aye, Prez.” they all called out and every one either headed to the bar for their drink of choice or got ready to leave.

I went and talked to Dixie to let her know what was going on and then came back to the bar, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a tray of shot glasses and walked over to a table in the middle of the room. I called Jailer, Bruiser, Crusher and the prospects I had chosen over to the table and poured everyone a shot glass and told them “grab a shot”.

When they all had their drinks in hand, I said “Here’s to justice for a life taken from this world way too soon. Here’s to Scotty Tungsten. May his father never rest in peace in hell!” I necked my shot in one go and slammed my glass on the table and everyone followed my lead.

“Let’s feed the wolves!” I yelled and walked out of the bar with the men right behind me. We rode out of the compound and over to the logging road that ran behind the clubhouse and up to the top of the hill where the black van was parked. Justin had done a good job in securing the doors so that Dale could not get out, if he came to.

“Open her up and let’s get this mother fuckers trip to hell started. Prospects, start a fire so we can see.”

The prospects quickly gathered some firewood and started a small fire in the middle of the dirt road behind the van. Jailer used his Bowie Knife to cut through the rope that Justin had tied around the door handles on the back of the van and when they opened the door you could smell that Dale had pissed and shit himself and everyone backed up as they gagged at the odor.

“Damn, man what the hell have you been eating?” Bruiser cursed as he reached in with one hand and grabbed the edge of the tarp that Dale was laying on, naked as the day he was born, as he covered his mouth and nose with his free hand.

Jailer grabbed another corner and together they pulled Dale out onto the ground none too gently. Dale cursed at them as he hit the ground flat on his back. “Assholes! Didn’t they do enough to me earlier? I’m all broken up inside and I need a doctor.” Dale demanded.

Everyone laughed at him. “You arrogant son of a bitch. By the time we finish with you, you won’t even need a coroner because we are going to torture you, just like you did your son and then we are going to pull you apart and feed you to the wolves that live in these woods. Do you have anything to say for yourself before we carry out your sentence?” I bent down to ask him.

“I didn’t mean to kill him. He was just whining all the time and I got fed up with it. “I’m hungry. My stomach hurts. Whine, whine, whine. That’s all I ever heard out of him. Just like that good for nothing piece of shit of a woman who cursed me with him. Always complaining and whining about everything. But damn, she was a decent fuck! Well, she got more than what she deserved.” Dale grumbled.

“How did you kill her?” I asked out of pure curiosity, trying to hold back my rage and the bile that was creeping up my throat.

“She was a fucking coke whore. She could snort line after line if you didn’t take it away from her. Well, one night I didn’t take it away and she snorted a whole dime bag by herself, in between sessions of me fucking every hole on her body! Damn that was a good night. Woke up in the morning to the brat crying and her dead.”

He tried to laugh like it was a good memory but he began spitting up blood, probably from where Eagle had broken some of his ribs earlier. It was a memory that he would take to hell with him as I stood up, drew my foot back and killed him squarely in the balls. “AWWWW. YOU FUCKER!” Dale screamed.

“Get some bikes in here. Four corners.” I told my men. The members immediately knew what I was planning and four of the prospects walked over to their bikes and Jailer told them what to do. Two of them rode their bikes so that they were a few feet from Dale’s shoulders and the other two were near his feet. Jailer, Bruiser, Crusher and I tied lengths of rope from his hands to the backs of their bikes.

“Let’s tenderize him a bit for the wolves. Don’t kick his head because we want him to be aware of what is happening for as long as he stays conscious. Damn, we should have brought something to drink with us.” I told them.

Crusher reached into his saddle bag and produced a bottle of whiskey and I smiled at him. “My brand! Good man, Crusher.” I said as he handed me the bottle.

I looked over Dale’s naked body and asked “What are these sores from? You got some kind of disease?”

“No! Those sick fuckers who took me from my house burned me with sticks.” Dale moaned.

“Yeah, we saw where you had burned your son with a cigarette. What kind of sick fucker does that to an innocent 4 year old child? Worse, he was your son!” I told him.

“I may have donated the sperm for him but he does not carry my name. I wouldn’t let her even put my name on his birth certificate but he was the beneficiary of her insurance so the only way I could get the money was to keep him around.” Dale told us and then began to laugh like a maniac.

“What is his last name then?” I asked.

“Nelson. His mother’s name was Cindy Nelson. She was a whore I picked up in a bar one night about 5 years ago. She was a kinky bitch who loved my dick and was a pretty good fuck so I kept her around. She thought she was going to trap me into marrying her by getting pregnant. I never wanted the brat and then she up and died and I was stuck with him but at least I didn’t have to work anymore.” Dale bragged like we were his buddies and were just sitting around drinking with him.

“That’s it. Let’s get this show on the road. Tenderize this arrogant bastard.” I told the men and they all stepped up and began to kick and stomp on him. The satisfying sound of his bones breaking as he screamed out in pain made me feel like we were getting justice for not only a child who had deserved so much more than his short life had been filled with but also for his mother who had made more than one bad choice in her life and she had paid for it with her own.

After about 10 minutes of everyone kicking and stomping on him, Dale was a little more than a skin filled bag of broken bones and hamburger like meat but amazingly enough he was still alive.

I called a halt to the kicking and told the prospects to mount their bikes. “Time to feed the wolves.” I told them. The prospects started their bikes and watched me for the signal. We all stepped back a good distance to watch and I raised my hand and counted “1, 2, 3 Go!” They all gunned their engines and let out their clutches. Dale came apart with a huge garbled scream as he was torn to pieces. His head was the only thing left in one piece and Jailer picked it up by the hair and tossed it into the fire.

The prospects rode their bikes farther up the hill going in different directions on the old logging trails through the woods and left the body pieces in different areas. Then they came back to the “campfire” where the rest of us were standing, drinking and waiting for them. The other two prospects took the tarp that had been used to cover the floor of the van to transport Dale here and folded it up. They would wash it down later back at the club house. All of them had now proven themselves and would become patched members as soon as I could get their new cuts here.

We left the prospects to put out the fire and to get the van back to the club house. The rest of us went back to the club house and started drinking.

Dixie came down and joined me, sliding on to my lap and signaling for her drink to be brought over. Since she was breastfeeding our son, she couldn’t have alcohol so she just drank cola for now.

“Is our problem dealt with?” she asked and almost immediately, we heard the howl of several wolves on the hill, almost as if thanking us for their dinner. “I guess that answers my question.”

“Good riddance to one sick assed mother fucking bastard.” I said and raised my glass as if toasting Dale. I know that Boomer and Hulk were both wanting to know what had gone down but I told them “At church tomorrow. I also need to either know or come up with road names for our prospects. They definitely proved their loyalty tonight. Not even one of them flinched tonight. What about Justin? How was he today?”

“He did fine and he definitely proved himself to be loyal but I think Eagle unnerved him. Eagle went totally into the zone and he was vicious to Dale. He did most of the damage I’m sure you saw.” Boomer told me.

“Has he chosen a road name?” I asked.

“I don’t know but he’s a very inquisitive person. He asked so many questions about what and why.” Boomer answered.

“Hmmm. I’ll have to think about that one. Can you casually find out if they have chosen names for themselves and let me know?” I asked Boomer.

“Sure. I need to work with them tomorrow anyway. We’ve kind of gotten a little lax in our training sessions lately.” Boomer said.

“Good deal.” I said. Part of Boomer’s duties as the Sergeant of Arms of our club was to train the prospects on mostly the responsibilities they would have as members of the club, to teach them the rules, ect. So he would be the perfect person to help me decide on appropriate road names for each new prospect. Now we know them as Justin, Rodney, Steven, Willy, Nate, Ethan and Juan. I also wanted to finally patch in Gary who had been with us for a long time. I feel he had repaid us for his previous betrayal.

Steven and Ethan hadn’t been on tonight’s activities but they had more than proven themselves the night the Cobras attacked. We had a few more prospects in the clubhouse but they were not 18 yet and therefore could not be patched in yet.

I had decided on day one a couple of them’s road names. Ethan was going to be “Joker” because he was a real clown most of the time and would pull all kinds of practical jokes on his fellow prospects. Nate was quiet and serious and Eagle had told me that he was pretty good with a rifle. He was also very stealthy and could move almost as silently as Hunter himself. I made a mental note to talk to Hunter tomorrow about him.

The others I wasn’t as sure about but it would take over a week to get their new cuts in so there was no rush. After what they saw tonight, some of them might leave anyway so we weren’t going to rush into anything. Doing this was not always fun and games like most of them had experienced around the house so far. All of them being good looking young men meant they had been very popular with the sweet butts and hang arounds so they knew some of the benefits of belonging to the club.

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