Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 13 - Little Scotty

The next day, we drove up to the club and while Annalisa and the other women separated the wedding presents, I went to talk to Rooster. Unfortunately, I didn’t like what he had to say.

“We’ve got a rescue call. Unfortunately, you, Boomer and me are the only patched members left here today and I can’t go because I’ve just got too much paperwork to deal with.

This one from Mona at the state child protective services. They tried to go in and get the 4 year old little boy that a neighbor said was being abused by the father. When Mona and the cops showed up to do a welfare check, the man pulled a gun and threatened to shoot anyone who came on the porch and held the child in front of him so the law backed off.

By the reports from the neighbor, she has seen the little boy covered in bruises and he looks like he’s not being fed properly. She reported that she has seen the child locked out of the house at night and now is worried because she hasn’t seen him for a couple of days. The neighbor said the so-called father hangs out at a local bar not far from the home and will leave the boy unattended for hours and sometimes overnight.

I want you and Boomer to go and hopefully take Kaylee with you because she is a nurse. The child may need medical attention so Doc is going to follow you in his van but if the child is man shy, hopefully Kaylee can secure him without getting him too upset. Boomer is talking to Kaylee about it right now.” Rooster said.

“Where is the child’s mother?” I asked.

“Drug overdose last year. Mona said she’s already checked and as far as she can find there’s no other next of kin so take him straight to the farm if he doesn’t need to go to the hospital. I’ll call Papa Joe and let him know we’ll be bringing him in as soon as we have him, if he’s still alive. Mona said she’s really worried about his safety and wellbeing. According to her the child looks seriously malnourished.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Coilney. I’ve already talked to Carl MacIntosh and he’s going to call the Sheriff down there to make sure they don’t interfere with you. He’s going to call me back as soon as he’s spoken to him.” Rooster said and then his phone rang.

“Hello?” He answered. He listened for a minute and then said “Tell him we’ll take care of it.” He hung up and ran his hand over his face. “Man, I hate this shit sometimes.”

“That was Carl. The sheriff in Coilney said we would be doing them a big favor if we rid their community of this piece of scum. Apparently he’s been thorn in their side for a long time. Bar fights, stealing, drugs, etc. They want him gone and will act like he just packed up and left. Apparently his landlord will be happy to see him gone as well as he owes 9 months of unpaid rent. The landlord hasn’t kicked him out yet because he has the boy.”

Just then a knock came at the door and Rooster called “Come in.” The door opened and Boomer and Kaylee came inside.

“We’re ready to roll whenever you are.” Boomer said. “Doc will be ready to go in 10.”

“Just let me talk to Annalisa and get my gun then I’ll be ready to go.” I said. I left the room and walked over to where Annalisa was sitting. “I need to talk to you for a second, please.”

I explained the situation to her and she was upset but because it was a child being abused, she did not try to hold me back. I kissed her and then ran upstairs to retrieve my guns. I put on my shoulder holster and secured my hand gun, then something was telling me to take Betsy. I grabbed the sheath that would hold her to my bike and then put her inside. I made sure I had ammo and then walked down the hall.

I kissed my wife and daughter and told her we’d be back as soon as possible but asked her to stay here tonight if I wasn’t back before dinner time. “I just feel better if you are somewhere I know there are people to protect you when I have to be gone for very long. We’re going to take the child either to the hospital or directly to the farm. If he goes to the hospital, we stay with him until he’s ready to be moved unless it’s more than a day.”

“Don’t worry, my love. We’ll be here when you get back. Be safe. I love you.” Annalisa and she picked up Carmella and they walked me out to my bike. I secured Betsy and then kissed both of my girls again and just then Doc came out. He got into his van and another van with two prospects was going to follow us. Boomer, Kaylee and I pulled out first, followed by Doc in his medical van and then the prospects brought up the rear.

Normally Marley would go on these kinds of missions but since Faith is not even 6 months old yet, she didn’t want to leave her children, especially if it meant she might be gone for more than a few hours. Since Kaylee is a nurse and doesn’t have a child yet, she was the next logical choice.

I thought about Annalisa and Carmella all the way there. I had not had a chance today to call the lawyer about adopting Carmella but as soon as we stopped, I was going to text Rooster and ask him to call the lawyer for me and get the ball rolling.

We made the 45 minute drive to Coilney and Rooster had texted us the street address. It was a run down house with bushes that hid most of the front of the house and front porch but they weren’t thick enough to offer much coverage. It was a single story with two windows on the left side of the front door and one on the right. There was a detached garage that sat about 20 yards behind the house on the left and a beat up old truck parked in front of it.

On the right side of the house was a wooden fence that looked like it was about to fall down that separated this house from the house next door. I saw a woman looking out the front window of the house next door and I motioned for Boomer to pull up and park and then motioned for Doc and the prospect to park around the corner and across the street. I motioned for everyone to turn on their coms so that we could all hear each other.

“I’m going to talk to the lady peeking through the window next door and see if she’s the one who reported this. Stay here and keep your eyes open. I’ve got a tingling feeling about this. Kaylee, go sit with Doc, please.” I told them.

I dismounted my bike and walked up to the front door of the house we were parked in front of and knocked on the door. Seconds later a elderly lady came to the door holding a dust rag in her hand.

“Good morning, ma’am. Are you the person who reported a small child being neglected next door?” I asked.

She nodded and I said “My name is Eagle. I’m with the Monster Slayers MC. Mona from Child Protective Services contacted us for help in rescuing the child. Can you tell me if anyone over there is home?”

“My name is Sadie Wilson and yes, he’s home. I heard little Scottie crying earlier and the man yelling at him and sounded like he was punching the walls or throwing things but that was over an hour ago. That poor little boy. He’s such a sweet little guy and his father is a pig. Ever since the mother OD’d he’s been beating on that child, just like he used to beat on her. I wish someone would teach him a lesson just like what he dishes out to that poor child. He’s such a sweet little boy.” The old woman told me.

“Do you happen to know their names?” I asked.

“The father’s name is Dale Tungsten. The little boy’s name is Scott but everyone calls him Scotty.” She said.

“When was the last time you saw the boy?” I asked.

“Day before yesterday. His father had stayed out overnight and locked him outside on the porch. I took him some soup and a blanket but we learned a long time ago not to remove him from the property. We did it one time and Dale smashed the windows of our car. Cost us over $500 to get it fixed, which is the deductible on our insurance.

Then he called the cops on us saying we had kidnapped the little boy. All we did was give him some food and a bath and a warm, safe place to sleep. We’ve told Dale time and time again that if he wants to go out that we would watch Scotty for him but he just cusses at us and tells us to mind our own business. Dale is a big man, not as big as you but still a big man. I’m always afraid he’s going to hit Scotty wrong and kill him.”

“Well, we are going to take Scotty with us to some people who will help him find a family who will love and take good care of him. His father can choose how he leaves that house but I can guarantee he won’t be a bother to you or anyone else anymore. Anyone else in the house with you?” I asked one last question.

“My husband. He’s back in the TV room watching his show. He loves the game shows in the mornings.” She smiled at me.

“Well, please go join him and stay on that end of the house. I’ll come let you know when it’s safe to move around again. Okay?” I told her as I pointed to the right side of the house.

“Okay. And thank you!” She said as she closed her door.

I walked back over to Boomer and asked, “Did you hear her?”

“Yeah, so what’s the plan?” Boomer asked.

“I say we go up and knock on the door and when he answers, ask him to step outside. If he does, then we grab him and tell him we are making a citizen’s arrest. If he slams the door in our faces then we kick it in and grab him anyway. Either way, he’s coming out of there. How he does it is up to him.” I told him.

“What if he answers the door using the kid as a shield?” Boomer asked.

“If he’s holding him up to his chest, shoot him in the foot or leg. If the kid is on the ground aim for his chest or head. But only if he has a gun. If he doesn’t have a gun but is holding on to the boy’s arm or something, hit him in the chest and I’ll grab the boy as soon as he lets go of him. I’m really hoping that he doesn’t have a gun but we’ll deal with it if he does. Main thing is we get the kid out of there without anyone getting shot but maybe Dale, if he puts up a fight.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Boomer said and we hit knuckles before turning to walk up to the house.

Kaylee’s voice came over the com and said “Be careful guys!”

We waved at her and then stepped up on the porch. I knocked on the front door and then we heard someone curse and then heavy footsteps coming to the door. A few seconds later, a large, heavy set man with unruly dirty blonde hair that hung down in his eyes, a filthy wife beater tank top and dirty cargo pants came to the door. He reeked of stale beer and body odor.

“What the fuck do you want?” He said as he eyed us up.

“Are you Dale Tungsten?” I asked and heard Boomer crack his knuckles behind me.

“Yeah! What’s it to you?” Dale said.

“Would you mind stepping out here please?” I asked nicely.

“Fuck you!” He said and started to slam the door in my face. He was really surprised when I reached in and grabbed him by the back of his neck and jerked him out of the house and threw him towards Boomer who “caught” him with a hook to his stomach. Air left Dale’s lungs and gas left his ass.

“We heard you like to beat up on your son. We’re here to collect him for child protective services and we’re taking your ass to jail. We are making a citizen’s arrest! Where is Scotty?” I told him.

“Fuck you! You ain’t cops and you ain’t got no right to come in here and take my kid.” Dale wheezed, as he tried to catch his breath.

“We have the authority of the state to collect an abused child, take him and you into custody and get him proper medical care.” I told him. “Now, how you go to jail is up to you. You can either come quietly or we can dish out some of the punishment you have seen fit to inflict on your son. Your choice.”

As I spoke, Doc and Kaylee walked up to the side of the porch and across it and into the house. I heard Kaylee say “Oh my god. This place is nasty!”

“Kaylee, wait here,please. I’m going to look in the bedroom.” I heard Doc say. He was worried about why the little boy had not come out when the commotion started. Most children would be curious to see what was going on.

I told the prospect to bring the van forward and for a minute, I really thought Dale was going to go peacefully but when he heard Kaylee say how nasty his house was, he seemed to finally get his wind back. He took a swing at Boomer and unfortunately for him, he missed. Boomer grinned, balled up his fist and hit Dale square on the jaw. Dale went down like a stone.

“I’ll be damned. Big man has a glass jaw.” Boomer said. “I hope I broke it.”

Suddenly, Doc’s voice came over the com “Eagle, call an ambulance. The kid is unconscious and unresponsive. Kaylee, stay out of here, please. You don’t need to see this.”

I pulled my phone out and dialed 911. “I need an ambulance and police at 147 Branston Dr. and hurry. We have an unconscious and unresponsive male child, age 4. We also have his father in custody.”

Kaylee stepped outside and walked straight into Boomer’s arms. After a minute she finally got herself under control and said “You’ve got to see inside of that place to believe it. It’s disgusting in there. Trash, empty beer cans and cockroaches everywhere. Not a toy in sight and it smells like piss. I think that SOB was too damned lazy to get out of his chair to go pee so he just pissed in empty beer cans or bottles and just sat them on the floor or maybe he was just peeing on the floor.”

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