Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 11-The Wedding

Manuel Perez’s POV

I sat on the bride’s side and so far, Annalisa’s eyes were only for Eagle, as it should be, and she had not even noticed Helena, who quietly cried almost all the way through the ceremony, and Greggory yet. It was plain to everyone watching them that these four truly loved each other. I had been surprised at first when I met Eagle and Hulk, not only by their names but by their sheer sizes. While Eagle was not nearly as big as Hulk, he still looked like he was someone who was fully capable of taking care of my daughter.

I had been so entranced with watching the ceremony that I had not really been paying much attention to the other guest but when one of the children began to get fussy, I turned my head to look and nearly fell out of my chair when I spotted a little girl that looked exactly like Annalisa had when she was that age.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of her and when she saw me looking, she gave me the sweetest smile, waved and when I waved back she hid her face against the teddy bear that she kept clutched tightly in her little arms. She didn’t look like either the man holding her or the woman sitting next to him. They were both blondes with blue eyes and the beautiful little girl had dark chocolate brown hair and big brown eyes.

From that point on, I only heard about half of what was being said between the couples at the altar as my mind raced. Is it possible that I have a granddaughter? My wife, Isabella, never said anything about it and she had always been the one to deal with Annalisa when she called and would always hang up without giving me a chance to talk to her. That has caused many of the arguments between us over the past few years. I just happened to catch the phone the day Nessa called because Isabella had just left the house to go to her “ladies club meeting”.

My wife is big into keeping up with the Jones’ and we had to join all of the “elite” couples for their activities to keep up appearances. Isabella had grown up in a middle class family that were parvenues. Her mother had been like that and drove her father into an early grave.

I had never wanted to marry Isabella but our parents had arranged our marriage for us and we both grew up in a time when that was still socially acceptable in “high society” and I foolishly accepted it because my father had threatened to disown me if I did not marry soon and produce an heir and my mother had not approved of the girl I was dating at the time because she was not “of our class” and selected the beautiful Isabella.

It had broken my heart to break up with my girlfriend at the time but after a final threat from my parents, I had finally accepted that I would have to adhere to their wishes or I would have been homeless and penniless and my father would not allow me to continue to work for him so I would not have been able to provide for us. I just couldn’t do that to her. I had wanted to give her everything.

I have to admit, Isabella was an incredibly beautiful woman when we first married but I soon discovered that she was a cold, selfish, vindictive and abusive person who had treated our staff poorly and was unliked by many, especially if she felt they were “beneath” her or our social level. I tried to make the most of it but my heart had never loved her. She would only be affectionate towards me when she wanted something but was never passionate, just submissive.

Annalisa knew nothing about our history and I had always sworn to myself to keep it between the two of us but now she was driving my children away from me and I realized something has got to change. My son was always so much like her that I have always had a hard time getting close to him but my little Annalisa had always been my little princess and I had missed her dearly after she ran away.

At the time I had agreed with Isabella about Dennis but I never knew that the reason she was against Dennis was not because she just didn’t like or trust him, it was because he was interfering with her plans to marry Annalisa off to one of her friends’ sons. I never thought Annalisa would not tell me what was going on or that she would turn her back on me. I had missed her so much and since she had left, things had come to light that I previously had no clue about back then.

About two weeks ago, a servant Annalisa had been close to had had enough of my wife’s abuse and confided in me about what had been going on right under my nose for years.

Helena had been Annalisa’s personal maid since Annalisa was about 13 years old and had been her nanny as an infant. Isabella had always treated her like shit and one day Helena got fed up and came to me while Isabella was out and requested her final paycheck.

When I asked why she was leaving us after so many years, she broke down and informed me of what had been going on in my house with not only herself but other staff members as well. She also informed me that she knew for fact that my wife had been stealing from the generous household funds that I provided to make sure my staff was kept happy and well provided for.

They had not received the full amount of raises they had been promised, had never received the bonuses I gave them and many other things that would have allowed Isabella extra “play money” she had called it. Instead of giving them their bonuses, she would buy them small gifts to keep them quiet and keep the rest of the money for herself.

Helena also told me that she had seen Isabella, with her own eyes, stealing out of my safe in my home office. When I checked I found that Helena was right. There was over $20,000 missing from funds that I had put in there just the previous month.

The final nail in Isabella’s coffin that prompted me to hire a PI was that Helena was able to also provide photographic proof of numerous affairs my wife had while I was out of town on business, which I was often. She had photo’s of her kissing men, some of which were men I did business with, entering her bedroom, as well as romantic interludes in the pool in our backyard.

I had been shocked at how sensual, provocative and adventurous she had been in those photos. She had done things with those other men that she had always refused to do with me. During all the years we had been married she had never initiated sex with me and would never do more than missionary position one time a night and even then it had been on rare occasions when I basically had to make her feel guilty for not performing her wifely duties to me.

It had always been rather lackluster because she had never been very responsive with any amount of true passion. She would just lay there until I was done. It may have taken care of physical needs and I’ve got needs just like any man, hence the only reason for my children, but it left me feeling empty and was turning me bitter.

I had never objected when she had moved to a separate bedroom saying that I snored too loudly but I never suspected that the real reason was so that she could have more freedom to have men over without me finding out that someone else had had sex with her under my roof! At least I could be proud that I have never cheated on her!

I had finally talked Helena into not leaving and brought her and Greggory with me for Annalisa’s wedding, swearing them both to secrecy about what was going on at home. I was still unsure if I was going to share with Annalisa what I have discovered about her mother or not as I sat and watched the two couples kiss for the first time. I stood up with the rest of the attendees to congratulate the newly married couples.

Then is when Annalisa had spotted Helena and Greggory and she got so excited to see them again. Hugging them both warmly and introducing them to Eagle, Nessa and Hulk. It was also then that Annalisa confirmed what I had suspected earlier about the little girl who had smiled and waved at me.

“Daddy, there is someone I want you to meet.” Annalisa said and waved for the woman holding the little girl that looked like my daughter to come forward. She took the little girl into her arms and turned to me. “Daddy, this is my daughter, Carmella Angelina. Carmella, this is your Papa.”

“She looks just like you at that age. She’s about 2?” I asked, as I reached out to touch her hair. It was just as soft as I remembered Annalisa’s hair to be but Carmella was shy and pulled away from me.

“She will be on December 2nd.” Annalisa said and then told Carmella, “You don’t have to be afraid. This is mommy’s dada.”

Carmella got a confused look on her face and then she looked at Eagle who was standing behind Annalisa but kept being distracted by people coming up to congratulate them.

“When did you get here? Where are you staying?” Annalisa asked, after yet another person interrupted us.

“We left from Chicago yesterday and drove all night. We checked into the hotel in town.” I told her. “But don’t you worry about us. When are you going on your honeymoon?”

“Oh, we have decided to wait a while for that. We just bought a house a couple of months ago and with that and the cost of this wedding, we’re going to wait until we build up our savings again before we go.” Annalisa admitted.

“Oh no! The father of the bride is supposed to pay for the wedding and I would have bought you a house and a car too. Who do I need to speak to about paying for all of this? Eagle?” I said, adamantly.

“Yes, sir?” Eagle turned to me.

“I need to know who I need to speak to about paying for this wedding? That is normally the obligation of the father of the bride. I was also going to offer to buy you guys a house, anywhere you wanted but I understand you have already done that. I need to know how much do I owe you? I want my daughter to be able to have the honeymoon of her dreams and I understand if you are now financially strapped to be able to do that.” I told him in a quiet voice so as not to embarrass him or boast that I was able to do it. I was not trying to one up him, I just wanted her to have whatever she wanted.

“It’s really not necessary sir. We mostly chose not to do the honeymoon thing because Carmella is kind of small to be separated from her mother for that long right now and that’s not really something where you take small children with you. Don’t worry, sir. We will take that honeymoon someday soon.” Eagle said, respectfully.

“Well, I insist on paying for the wedding at least. That is the duty of a good father, besides I can afford it and a whole lot more. Do you have everything you need? Is there anything I can get for you?” I said.

“No, daddy, we’re fine. Really. The fact that you are all here is plenty.” Annalisa said.

Carmella finally broke in and said “Mommy, juice?”

“Here, give her to me. I’m going to get the kids fed and put down for their naps. Simon and Crystal are both starting to sag already.” Marley said as she reached for Carmella, who went with her willingly.

Annalisa quickly introduced her friend but she didn’t stick around for long and carried my granddaughter away from us, but my heart swelled several sizes when the tiny little girl looked over her shoulder and waved at me.

The crowd around us finally started to thin out and Annalisa took my arm with one hand as she held onto Eagle with her other hand and together we walked into the dining area. Eagle signaled a young man to bring extra chairs and they made room for us at the wedding party table but I told them “No, this is for the four of you. we’ll just sit down here with Rooster and his wife. We’ll have time to talk later. Okay?” I told them and thankfully they agreed.

Annalisa walked us over and introduced us to everyone sitting at the “executive” table and explained who everyone was but it was very confusing. I have no knowledge of the biker world but things like Rooster being president and Hunter being vice president made it sound like a corporation, not a biker gang. When I mentioned that to Rooster he replied.

“No, not really, sir. The public’s eyes believe what has been portrayed in the movies and while I admit that some clubs are a lot like the Hell’s Angels they see in the movies, nowadays more and more clubs are trying to do good for the communities we live in.

The Monster Slayers MC, of which I am the president of is the mother chapter. Our primary focus is to rescue neglected, abused and molested children from the people who are mistreating them and to stop those people from ever hurting anyone else again by whatever means necessary.

Annalisa’s best friend, Nessa, was a rescue and in a way, so was Annalisa but under different circumstances. All of the women in our club were rescued except for my wife, Dixie. We were high school sweethearts.

We work closely with the state agencies and an organization called the “Rescue Farm” who help get these kids the help they need to get over what they have been forced to endure and get them placed with foster families until they can be adopted by people who will love and raise them without violence or the threat of being molested.” Rooster informed me and I was impressed to say the least. We chatted for a while and I asked where I would be able to make donations to help not only with what they do but the Rescue Farm as well.

“Come with me and I’ll introduce you to the wonderful couple that run the place.” He said, standing up. I joined him and we walked over to where a couple about my age sat with another slightly older couple.

“Manuel Perez, I would like to introduce Papa Joe and Mama Mae, Papa Joe’s sister, Aunt Chris and their foreman, Bill. Folks this is Annalisa’s father, Manuel Perez. Papa Joe, I told Mr. Perez about what we and your organization does and he’d like to make a donation to the farm.”

Papa Joe stood up and we shook hands. I was surprised by the strength of his hand but he looked me directly in the eye and I instantly knew he was a good person.

“Well, thank you very much, Mr. Perez. Lord knows we can use all the help we can get. Unfortunately there are too many sick perverted people out there and there’s so few of us to take care of the ones who have been hurt and abused.”

“Glad to do what I can.” I told them. “I don’t have my checkbook with me but I’ll leave a check with Rooster before I go home. Okay?”

“That would be great! Thank you!” Papa Joe said and shook my hand again.

I returned to our table just as our dinner was served and I enjoyed a delicious meal with people that I was enjoying getting to know very much.

As the night wore on, I learned that the members of this “club” were more like a family than my own family and realized why Annalisa was so happy here. Her last two years at “home” were stressful to say the least between her and her mother and while I had noticed extra tension, I had chalked it up to teenage hormones and had believed my wife’s lies, not wanting to believe that she would lie to me and Annalisa had never confided in me.

Annalisa and her brother had never been close but being so focused on work and keeping up pretenses, I never had a clue as to how Annalisa had been mistreated by my wife and son. I’m sure that my being away on business so much at that time did not help the situation either.

I danced with my daughter for the father daughter dance and watched her cut her wedding cake along with her best friend and their new husbands. I saw how tenderly the two men treated their new wives and I was happy that they were obviously deeply loved and cherished.

That became very obvious as the two couples danced together, kissing and caressing each other as they moved about the dance floor. I was surprised that men as big as Eagle and Hulk were so good at dancing but they both stayed off the women’s toes and moved them around the floor smoothly. All things considered it was a beautiful wedding and both my daughter and her best friend were beautiful brides.

Around 9 pm, the length of the day started to catch up with us and I started to make excuses to leave. We were all tired from the long drive and the excitement of the day and needed to sleep. We said goodnight to the people we had been sitting with and then walked over to Annalisa who was talking to another woman.

“Annalisa, We are going to go back to the hotel, sweetie. We’re tired and need to sleep. Can I come and see you tomorrow? Maybe we could have lunch somewhere?” I asked, knowing that they were going to be up late and would probably sleep in tomorrow.

“Oh yes, please. Let me give you my number so you can call me. We probably won’t be here at the club house.” she told me. She wrote her number down on a napkin and I stuck it in my pocket, gave her a kiss on the cheek and shook Eagle’s hand before I left. She hugged all of us, saying how happy she was to see not only me but Helena and Greggory again.

Annalisa’s POV

You could have knocked me over with a feather when my father appeared from hiding and I knew without asking that Nessa had talked to him. I couldn’t help but wonder where my mother was but just thinking of her made me sad and angry at the same time and I refused to spoil this day so I didn’t even ask. I couldn’t be happier that he was here with me to share in this, the most special day of my life after the birth of Carmella and the day I met Eagle. Those were two days that I would cherish in my memory forever. His appearance was making this day just that much more special.

Except for the appearance of my father and the surprise that Helena and Greggory were here with him, the rest of the wedding went off exactly as planned and we all enjoyed ourselves very much. We’d stood for pictures that I would cherish for the rest of my life, especially the one of me and my father and Eagle together.

Papa Joe, Mama Mae, Aunt Chris and Bill all left just before dark because they had a forty five minute drive ahead but also they didn’t like leaving the farm unattended even though the only others at the farm right now were the boys that lived there to help with operations on the farming side of things.

All of the children that had been there when Marley had been living there had all been either adopted or had come of age and moved on. Since then, Papa Joe and Mama Mae had thankfully not had many new children and they had all been placed fairly quickly.

Once they left, it was like a signal to other townspeople that the wedding for guests was coming to an end. When my family left about 9 pm, I made Daddy promise to call me tomorrow and we agreed to get together for lunch. I wanted to know what was going on with him and my mother and why he had changed his mind about coming.

I let Eagle know I was going upstairs to get out of my gown and the high heels I was wearing because my feet were killing me and I knew I would be more comfortable in jeans and a shirt. Because I was sweaty from dancing I decided to get a quick shower. Just as I came out wrapped in a towel, my hair was still up and I realized I had forgotten to take off my tiara when suddenly the door opened and Eagle stopped dead in his tracks before closing and locking the door.

“Damn, Mrs. Walker, you looked awesome in your wedding gown but frankly I like this look better.” He said with that slow sexy smile that always got me wet instantly.

“Well, Mr. Walker, this is for your eyes only.” I said as we slowly walked towards each other. As soon as we were within reach of each other, Eagle reached out and released the towel from where I had tucked the end between my breasts. He let his fingers brush against my skin and I could feel goose bumps rising everywhere he touched, as always, as he pulled me into his arms and lowered his head to kiss me.

“Are you happy, my love?” he whispered in my ear as he pulled me close to his body and I felt his desire for me against my belly.

“I don’t think it’s possible to be any happier than I am today. I love you, Mr. Walker.” I whispered back and I began to work on undoing his belt. I had thought we would stay and party with our friends a while longer but, right now, no one but us exists in our world.

We had planned on going home tonight but by the time we finished our 3rd round, we were both so tired that we fell asleep while the party downstairs continued without us.

Eagle’s POV

Standing at the altar, waiting on Annalisa, I became slightly worried that something had gone wrong and prayed she was not upset that her father had shown up. Just as I was about to head down the aisle to find out, she and her father came through the opening. I saw the huge smile on their faces and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Nessa was beautiful in her gown but in my opinion, Annalisa stole the show because she looked absolutely breathtaking in her gown that hugged her curves to perfection. My heart was pounding in my chest as her father handed her off to me. “Take care of my princess, Eagle. She’s one very special person.”

“I will, sir, always.” I whispered back to him as I accepted her hand. I don’t really remember much about the actual ceremony except when Annalisa said she would be mine till the day we die and I felt happier than I think I’ve ever felt in my life.

I stood by her when she spotted Helena and Greggory. She was so happy and that made me happy for her. She introduced Carmella to her grandfather and I could see the shock on his face. It was obvious that Annalisa’s mother had not even told him he was a grandfather.

We laughed with our friends, danced together and I watched my wife dance with her father. He was a tall man, but not nearly as tall as me. He had the same chocolate hair, dark eyes and tanned skin as Annalisa but that’s where the similarity ended. “She must look more like her mother.” I thought as I watched the two of them together. You could tell just by watching him that he loved his daughter very much and I wondered what had made him turn his back on her to begin with. I had a feeling that he actually hadn’t and the rift between them was caused by her mother.

When Annalisa said she was going to go take off her gown and shoes because she was uncomfortable, I let her go at first but then thinking about her undressing made my dick so hard I couldn’t keep still. I left the bar and followed her up the stairs, intending to ask if she was ready to go home. When I opened our bedroom door, she was coming out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, her hair still up and she had forgotten to take off her tiara. She froze when she saw me but gave me a big smile.

I was so hard now it was becoming painful but I wanted to take my time tonight. This was our wedding night and I wanted to make it special and to last all night, to make memories we would never forget together. I turned and locked the door and then smiled at her.

“Damn, Mrs. Walker, you looked awesome in your wedding gown but frankly I like this look better.” I said.

“Well, Mr. Walker, this is for your eyes only.” she said as we slowly walked towards each other. As soon as we were within reach of each other, I reached out and released the towel from where she had tucked the end between her breasts. I let my fingers brush against her skin and I could feel goose bumps rising everywhere I touched, as always, as I pulled her into my arms, I lowered my head to kiss her.

“Are you happy, my love?” I whispered in her ear as I pulled her close to my body and I knew she felt my desire for her against her belly.

“I don’t think it’s possible to be any happier than I am today. I love you, Mr. Walker.” She whispered back and she began to work on undoing my belt. I know we had planned to go home to our own house tonight but I just couldn’t wait to be with her for our first time as husband and wife a minute longer.

The next morning I woke up to find Annalisa sleeping on my chest and our legs tangled together. I felt so satisfied right then, even though I had serious morning wood rubbing against her thigh. I stroked her back and she slowly woke up.

“Good morning, Mrs. Walker. Oh, I do love the sound of that almost as much as I love you.” I whispered.

“Good morning, my husband and I love the sound of that too.” she whispered back.

“This is not where I was planning on spending our wedding night but I’m kind of glad we stayed here. Now we don’t have to worry about getting to Carmella because she’s already here.” She said as she began to push off of me.

“Hey, where are you going?” I said in my best pouting voice.

“Gotta pee! I’ll be right back.” she grinned at me. “Or better yet, you could come and take a shower with me. I need to wash this hair spray out of my hair.”

“Oh, I like your idea better.” I grinned back at her and jumped out of bed.

We ran into the bathroom and she used the water closet first and then I took my turn while she turned the shower on and began to remove all of the bobbi pins from her hair.

When I stepped out she had her arms up, trying to run her fingers through her hair but it was so stiff with hairspray and they were just getting tangled and made her frustrated with it.

“Come on, I’ll help you wash it first.” I told her when she sighed in frustration.

We got in the shower and I poured shampoo on the locks that were still in place but slightly flat now due to the water spraying on it.

“Wow, how much of that stuff did she use?” I asked as she rinsed the shampoo out and it still didn’t feel clean.

“More than I wanted her to but I also didn’t want my hair to come down in the middle of everything. That tiara was heavy and we were worried that it would cause my hair to shift if I moved too quickly.” she said as I poured more shampoo on her head. I washed it for her again and this time when she rinsed it out it was squeaky clean. I added conditioner and began to work it into her hair but Annalisa was distracting me by touching me. She ran her hands up and down my sides and onto my thighs. When she ran her finger tips up the inside of my thighs, my legs felt like they were going to turn to jelly.

I left the conditioner in as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer as she wrapped one of her small hands around my cock and slid it down until she had a grip on the base of my throbbing member.

“Oh, baby. That feels so good.” I couldn’t help the moan that escaped me.

“You feel good. Nice and hard yet soft and silky.” she smiled up at me. “Can I have a taste?” She looked at me so innocently as she asked permission.

“Anytime you want it baby.” I grinned at her happily. She had already learned just how to please me with her hands and especially with her mouth and I have to admit that I really do love it when she pleasures me like this.

She sat down on the built-in bench and pulled me closer to her. She stuck out her tongue and licked the precum on the tip of my rock hard cock before circling the head, making me shudder in anticipation. I had to put my hands on the wall above her to keep from falling over as she slowly sucked me into her mouth, using her tongue to sweep back and forth, around and around as she took me deeper and deeper. I felt her swallow the head that was already at the back of her throat and she could only take about half of me in her mouth but I didn’t care. She was making me feel so damned good as she wrapped her hands around the rest and matched the motion of her mouth with her hands.

I was so turned on that it didn’t take long for me to reach my limit and I began to moan as I got close. “Oh, baby! I’m so close.” When she reached down with one hand and captured my balls and gently squeezed, I lost it. With a loud groan, I dropped my hand on top of her head as I unloaded down her throat and she drank every drop. She came up licking her lips with a smile on her face. “You taste so good.”

“Well, I hope you always enjoy it and you are welcome to taste me anytime because I know I do love it when you do that.” I smiled at her.

I helped her rinse out the conditioner from her hair and we took turns bathing each other before I couldn’t wait anymore and lifted her against the tiles of the shower and sunk myself deep inside of her velvety folds. I don’t think I will ever get tired of making love to this woman. She made me feel so powerful and manly and loved as I pounded myself deep inside of her until she cried out, chanting my name and her love for me before we collapsed onto the bench, holding each other tight.

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