Monster Of Ruin: A Dark Serial Killer Romance (The Dark Angels Book 4)

Monster Of Ruin: Chapter 19

When Elliott’s friends first got here, I’ll admit I was nervous as hell. Before they got here I was worried about making a good impression. However, when they stepped through the door, it was something else completely.

One intimidating killer is a lot to handle, but suddenly three more walked inside. All tall, dark, and dangerous. I was surrounded by men who take justice into their own hands and handle it how they see fit.

Elliott wrapped his arm around me, and my heart began to settle as he introduced me to each of them. They were all a bit cold and quick with a ‘hey’ when I said it was nice to meet them. I could feel myself going back to the nervous girl I was when I first got here, and I refuse to let that ever happen again.

So, I stood a little taller and smiled wide saying, “Don’t judge me for my father’s sins and I won’t judge you for killing him.”

All four of them stared at me with wide eyes before breaking down into hysterics. I knew I won them over.

I was right because they’ve been here a few hours and it’s been so much fun. I forgot what it was like to be in the company of more than just Elliott. It makes me feel like my life is starting to right itself and considering I didn’t think I’d make it out of here alive, it’s liberating.

Elliott ordered food and Trace went to pick it up. In his hearse. The man drives a damn hearse. You’ve got to be someone extraordinary to cruise around in that. He is extraordinary though, they all are, in the most amazing way.

We ate dinner in the kitchen around the large island. They poked fun at each other, teasing one another like you would with your siblings. Their bond is so clearly evident. It almost makes me jealous that I’ve never had that with anyone. Sure, I have friends like Adele, but it’s not like what these guys have. They seem to be able to look at one another and know what it means. That’s some kind of incredible closeness.

Something I’ve craved my entire life.

The longer they’ve been here, the more they talked to me and even started teasing me a little. Henley at one point even joked about Elliott only being able to get a girl he held hostage. It should embarrass me or at the very least make me feel foolish, but it didn’t. I laughed right along with him.

“So, that girl who was with you the night Elliott brought you to his love nest, she’s been going crazy looking for you. Not sure what the storyline you guys are going with, but might want to tell her you aren’t dead,” Phantom says, sipping his beer.

I glance at Elliott, and he nods. “After we take care of everything.”

“She’s the only friend I’ve ever had,” I say, looking around at the four of them.

“Bullshit,” Henley says.

I giggle, shaking my head. “I’m serious. Everyone I grew up with was scared to be my friend because of my dad. That should’ve been a fucking red flag.” I roll my eyes and continue, “But Adele was never like that.”

“Pretty girls always have a group of friends. You know for late night pillow fights in their sexy pjs or for those nights when everyone is drunk and they all want to be with the same guy,” Henley wiggles his eyebrows.

Elliott rests his hand on my bare thigh as I laugh. “Yeah, that’s not really how it all works.”

“Clara, damn, why you gotta kill my fantasy,” Henley says, shaking his head.

“You’re a fucking idiot,” Elliott replies.

“You watch too much porn,” Trace says.

“I’m gonna be the one listening to him complain after we leave, I don’t wanna hear shit,” Phantom adds.

I laugh as I look around at them. If I met them at the Trapper’s Den, I would have definitely wanted to hang out with them. They appear like such fun-loving guys. It’s hard to believe that they go around killing people. They don’t fit any kind of profile or anything. If I saw them out together the only thing I would wonder is which one is single.

Elliott squeezes my leg and I peek over at him. He’s laughing with Phantom, and I wonder if he’s purposely trying to turn me on or if he’s nonchalantly doing it.

“Let’s take these drinks outside. I wanna see Elliott’s new knife set,” Henley says, jumping up.

“Great idea,” I agree.

The thought that I can still walk out the door and feel the fresh air on my skin still doesn’t seem real. It’s not as easy as I was expecting to accept my freedom, but I’m hopeful that the more I step out the door the more real it will become.

Once we get outside, I follow them to the shed that I’ve seen Elliott come out of so many times. I’m a little uncertain the closer we get and I slow my pace.

Elliott unlocks the door and pulls it open so they can go inside. I swallow nervously as I stand outside the door looking in. I know what he’s done in here and I don’t feel comfortable walking in just yet.

“Shit, this is a nice one,” Henley says, grabbing the long knife.

“If you cut yourself, you better clean the blood off before you go get stitches,” Elliott replies.

My eyes bounce around the shed as shock takes over. It’s not what I imagined, not even close. It’s clean, extremely clean. The smell of bleach is potent in the air.

The walls are all white and shiny, some kind of plastic maybe. There are tables on one side with knives and cutting boards. There are huge chrome shelves on the far back wall stacked with items like garbage bags and rubber gloves. A huge fridge or freezer sits next to the shelves. On the opposite wall of the tables is a large chrome sink with hand soap and lots of cleaning products.

But what really has my attention is the hoist in the middle of the room. It’s up high right now, but you can see that it can be lowered. The drain under it has my stomach turning as I imagine the horrific things that have happened in this room.

“What’s wrong?”

I startle when Elliott asks because I didn’t even see him walking my way. “Nothing, just taking it all in.”

He sinks his fingers in my hair and tilts my head up toward his. “Don’t go there, baby. This is my butcher shop where I take my deer.”

My eyes bounce between his as I swallow nervously. “That’s not all that happens in here,” I whisper.

He presses a kiss to my lips and pulls back, staring into my eyes. “No, it’s not, but you’re safe here. You’re safe with me, always.”

“Are you two gonna give us a free show?” Henley asks.

“Shut the fuck up,” Elliott growls.

I push down all the nerves I’m feeling and nod. “I’m good.”

“Clara, have you ever been hunting?” Trace asks.

Elliott pulls away from me and I step inside. My heart is pounding but I smile as I shake my head. “No, have you?”

“Yeah, it’s kinda nice to have silence sometimes,” he replies.

“You definitely think a lot while you sit quietly waiting for something to come in,” Henley says.

Phantom, Elliott, and Trace laugh, looking at each other.

“You can’t stay quiet long enough for a bird to land, never mind a deer come in,” Elliott says.

“Shut the hell up. I’ve killed plenty,” Henley replies, leaning against one of the tables.

“We’re only referring to deer here,” Phantom says, looking over at me.

I laugh along with the others. It’s a fucked-up comment and really not something to laugh at, but it was funny.

“Oh, well no, I’ve never killed a deer,” Henley says, shrugging his shoulders. His eyes slide to mine, and he grins.

He’s incredibly attractive, they all are, but his sense of humor makes me believe he’s probably got women crawling all over him. Or maybe he’s got a girlfriend waiting for him at home.

“Do any of you have a girlfriend?” It comes out before I can stop myself.

“Hell no, I’m not a one-girl kinda guy,” Henley says.

“Not something I’m looking for,” Phantom answers.

“No,” Trace replies.

The way Trace says it has me paying a little closer attention. He didn’t say it like Henley or Phantom, completely disinterested. He said it like he was disappointed about it.

“Elliott is the only one willing to risk it,” Phantom says, looking over at Elliott.

Elliott glances at me and I suddenly feel the need to defend him. I know I don’t need to, he’s more than capable of defending himself, but I do it anyway.

“It’s hard to believe that a group of guys who do what you do refer to being in a relationship as a risk. I see it as an opportunity to find something greater than you’ve ever experienced before. Plus, what’s that saying, no risk, no reward. I’d imagine that’s something you’d all understand all too well.”

They all look around, unsure how to reply to me and I smile.

“Everyone get the fuck out,” Elliotts growls.

I snap my head toward him and his eyes are focused on me.

Henley chuckles as he walks past Elliott, slapping his back. “Talk tomorrow, brother.”

“Bye, it was nice meeting you guys,” I say.

Elliott doesn’t say a word. I can feel his eyes burning into me and I turn to him, placing my hands on my hips.

“That was rude.”

He steps against me, sinking his fingers into my hair, pulling so I look up at him. “I didn’t think you’d want them to watch me fucking you.”

Between his dark and dangerous stare and his deep rough voice, I feel my panties getting wet. His dominance is something I never thought I’d find attractive, but it’s more than that. It’s addictive.

“I trust you, totally, Clara. You proved that I could, but do you completely trust me?”

He appears angry or maybe it’s nervous, wanting to hear I trust him completely. Do I? I’m not entirely sure. I want to, but just walking into this shed had me terrified.

I won’t lie to him. I haven’t yet and I sure as hell won’t start now.

So, even though I’m nervous looking into his eyes, I’m honest.

“I want to,” I whisper.

He presses his lips to mine, and I open immediately, allowing him in. It’s a hard, rough kiss that has my body beginning to burn with need.

I moan when his hands travel down my back and grab onto my ass. He quickly breaks the kiss and grabs the bottom of my dress, lifting it over my head.

He takes a step back and runs his hand down his mouth. “Fucking beautiful.” He crosses his arms as his tongue wets his lower lip. “Take off your bra and panties.”

Fucking in a place I know he’s killed is as much a turn-on as it is terrifying. However, there’s no way I can deny what he’s demanding. I reach back and unclasp my bra, pulling it down my shoulders and watching it fall to the floor. I lift my eyes to him as I push my panties down my legs, kicking them out of the way.

I’m completely exposed to him, and I notice his eyes darken as he steps to me and reaches above my head. I look up as he grabs the hoist, pulling it down.

My eyes widen as I snap my head toward him. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Don’t fucking move,” he demands, moving to the other side of the room.

My heart is racing, my stomach is in knots, and I’m visibly shaking. The same fear I felt when I was first locked away crashes over me. The fight or flight instinct is overwhelming when he grabs my wrists from behind me.

“Elliott, stop!” I shout.

His warm breath blows across my neck as his body presses against my back. His lips touch my ear as he says, “I’ll never hurt you, Clara. Trust me.”

Fuck. My body betrays me as his seductive voice sucks me in. My head is screaming at me to fight, but my heart, my damn heart, is now involved and it shouts to let him prove his point.

I suddenly feel cold metal against the back of my wrists and just as quickly feel zip-ties tighten them in place.

“Good girl, relax,” he whispers from behind me.

I can’t relax because I can’t move, but I try taking a deep breath. As I release it, I feel my feet leave the floor as my arms become heavy, holding all of my weight.

“Elliott!” I shout, kicking my legs which are now higher off the ground.

He steps in front of me and nods his head as he stares up at me. “Clara, stop kicking, it’s going to cause the zip-ties to dig into your wrists.”

“I’m hanging like a fucking animal,” I yell.

He grabs my ankles and kisses my calves. His hands move up my legs, stopping on my inner thighs. I’m hanging just high enough that my pussy is even with his mouth and a part of me is begging to feel his mouth on it. It’s the only thing that could possibly get me to relax in this position of vulnerability.

“Relax, Clara,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to my thigh.

I swallow roughly as he backs away from me. A chill runs down me as he turns his back and walks out of the shed.

“Elliott! Elliott, no please!” I scream.

My heart is pounding in my chest as I look around to see how the fuck I can save myself from this. Tears prick my eyes as my throat feels like it’s tightening.

Was I really that fucking stupid? I believed everything. Every touch, every kiss, every word he spoke. Was I really that blind to see it was all a trap to get me exactly where I am?

Heartbreak and fear causes tears to roll down my cheeks.

Maybe there is no happy ending for a girl like me. Clearly, I’m fucked up believing I could trust a murderer. That I could have a relationship with someone with no regard for human life.

“Fuck!” I whisper, trying to move my arms.

I try kicking my legs as I twist my body, but all it does is cause pain. Pain that I’m terrified is only just the beginning.

I’m well and truly fucked.

The worst part is that it’s my fault. I allowed myself to be swept up in the idea that someone could care for me, crave me, possibly even love me.

“Look where that got you,” I say to myself.

Maybe I can kick him hard enough that he’ll fall back and hit his head. I shake my head at the ridiculous thought. Even if I did, I’d still be hanging here naked with no way out.

It is dark out and when I see a light turn on outside, my breathing increases as my adrenaline starts to kick in. Elliott steps inside and my heart stops.

He’s naked, holding a vibrator.

Another few tears escape when his eyes land on mine. “What the fuck, Elliott?”

“I’ve never seen something more beautiful in my life,” he says, stroking his cock.

I dip my eyebrows as his eyes move across my hanging body.

“Elliott, this is scaring me,” I whisper.

His head snaps up to mine and he grabs my ankles. “I will never hurt you, Clara. Try to fucking understand that.”

I stare at him in disbelief as the fear begins to fade. He sticks the vibrator in his mouth, wetting it, as his eyes collide with mine. All the thoughts that just paralyzed me turn into a burning need. A need that only Elliott can fulfill.

He grabs my legs, resting them on his shoulders, which causes me to lean back. A yelp escapes me but is quickly replaced by a moan when he pushes the vibrator inside me.

“That’s it, Clara. Let go of all your fears.”

I close my eyes and try to do as he asks. It’s not as difficult as I expected because he moves the vibrator hard and fast, going deeper each time. I can’t move my hips in this position but that seems to only be adding to the feeling he is creating.

“Your fears only hold you back. Knowing while I was inside that you were hanging here waiting for me had me needing to stroke myself. If you would’ve trusted me, you wouldn’t have been scared, your pussy would’ve been dripping wet with anticipation,” he says, biting gently on my inner thigh.

“Oh Elliott, yes,” I moan.

He doesn’t stop his forceful fucking with the vibrator and my body is overwhelmed with the pleasure he’s evoking. I’m at his will and I suddenly realize how incredibly hot it is.

“Watching your tight pussy, dripping with want as the vibrator slides in and out of you is fucking hot, baby. You take the pounding like a good girl.”

His words, his deep seductive voice, his warm breath on my thighs, and his ability to use the vibrator like his dick has my body building toward my release.

“It feels so fucking good,” I moan.

“That’s right baby, I’m only capable of giving you pleasure.”

His mouth connects with my clit, and I see stars.

“Fuck, Elliott,” I shout as my orgasm rips me in half.

He removes the vibrator, replacing it with his talented tongue. He feasts on me, causing my release to go on.

Just when I don’t think I can’t handle it anymore, he allows my body to straighten, and I hang freely again. He reaches up and lowers the hoist, just to where his dick is even with my sensitive pussy.

He roughly grabs my ass, pulling me against him. My legs wrap around him as I try to rub against his hard cock. His fingers dig into my flesh as his eyes stare into my soul. He slams into me and my head falls back.

“Oh fuck,” I moan.

“Look at me,” he demands.

I lift my head and he slows his movements, fucking me slow but so deep. His dick piercing is dragging slowly against me, creating a feeling I’ve never experienced before. My body trembles, overcome with pleasure.

Our eyes stay connected while he continues his slow yet hard movements. I stare into his eyes and this indescribable feeling radiates through me. I’ve never experienced anything like this, but it causes an expected tear to roll down my cheek.

He reaches up and swipes it away with his thumb, never breaking eye contact.

“I feel it too, Clara,” he whispers.

Unable to fight off the emotional and physical feelings, my release crashes over me.

“Elliott,” I whisper, looking into the depths of his soul.

“So, fucking beautiful, my sweet Clara. Let your fears go now.” His voice is soft but not quite a whisper. It’s incredibly arousing.

He picks up his speed a bit, groaning as he drives into me. His muscular arms begin to shake, and I see it in his eyes a moment before his orgasm spills from him.

“Oh Clara,” he moans, stilling as he trembles.

I don’t exactly know what just happened between us, but it felt life changing.

Elliott presses his lips to mine and while he kisses me, he lowers me to the ground. He breaks the kiss and moves toward the table, grabbing a knife.

There is no fear as he reaches up and cuts the zip-ties. I knew he wasn’t going to hurt me.

He drops the knife to the ground and wraps his arms around me and I do the same. Holding on tightly. He slightly pulls back, and his eyes bounce between mine.

“You were completely vulnerable to me in a place where I could’ve easily hurt you, but I didn’t and I never will. I do bad things, but I’m not a bad guy. Not when it comes to you, Clara.” He rubs my back softly as his eyes soften. I smile, knowing he understands.

“You trust me, don’t you?” he asks.

I nod, running my fingers through the bottom of his hair. “Yes.”

His smile is grand as he pulls me flush against him.

It happened without me even realizing it, but I think that was the point. He needed me to trust him, and he did what was necessary to prove it.

I trust him—completely.

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