Monarch of Darkness

Chapter 12: A pleasant day

Evan returned to his mother's palace in evening and he found her sitting there absent-minded while looking at the distant horizon.

If it was before,then Evan could not have noticed it. But now he had his devil soul and his perception power many times stronger than before.

After some time, Olivia returned to her sense and smiled sweetly after she found him in room. She quickly held Evan in her embrace and asked, "Child,Are you ok?"

Sweetness bubbled in heart of Evan and he nodded. Then he went to bed after finishing his dinner with her. Olivia left after making sure that Evan was asleep.

But after sometime Evan waked up. He was just pretending to be asleep before.Evan understood that her mother was feeling lonely. He thought to himself,

"I will take care of her. Probably she was lacking some friends and fun activities."

He again muttered,"Anyone who sat in a single room all day around,will feel bored,and she is no exception."

"Ok then, Let's try my luck",Evan murmured and summon the devil codex which resides within his soul.

A blood red coloured Jade appeared in his hand. Looking at the Jade, Evan's eyes moistened. He softly murmured Grandpa.

Devil codex was the ultimate treasure of Eternal moon kingdom. Actually it was the family heirloom of 'Hendrickson family'.contemporary romance

Evan had listened about it before from his grandfather. But their kingdom perished and most sacred item of his 'Hendrickson family' got into his hand.

Evan had learned before how to activate this jade from his grandfather. He sensed the devil codex with his devil soul and his conciousness pulled away by the Jade.

He entered a blood red world. He looked at his surrounding and saw a huge door infront of him amidst the sea of blood. His jaw dropped seeing how huge it is.

He could sense a summoning from the huge door. He walked towards door. At first door was looked like nearby but after walking forward ,Evan found that door was actually quite some distance away.

He walked toward it confidently. After sometime suddenly a huge fiend appeared by his side and it attacked with it's blood colured hand .Evan did not even frown and walked towards it.

As he got near ,that fiend disappeared. This type of event occured frequently,as he proceeded towards the huge gate.

After some time, Evan reached at the bottom of gate. He saw magical patterns all over its body.

From the looks of it,he imagined these magic symbols most be from fiendgod and archdevil


He murmured,"As expected from supreme treasure of our Hendrickson clan.How mysterious!"

Evan put his hands infront of his chest and bowed slightly. He heard a ancient voice from the door,

"Only true devils of Hendrickson clan can enter this place.

Keep your hand on top of door and Let door inspect your bloodline,devil soul and heart. If you can pass this exam,then door can be opened for you. Every person may only get a single chance in his entire life."

Evan placed his hand on the ancient door and closed his eyes. He could feel a strange light inspecting him thoroughly.

He did not resist the light but guide it all over his body. After some time,the strange light faded away.

He listened the ancient voice again.

"Congratulations,you can enter inside now. You are the ninth person to inherit the devil codex."

Evan looked at the gate,flabbergasted. After all there were countless generations in Hendrickson family. But only nine people could inherit the demon codex.

Probably, it had some special requirements for giving inheritance."

Evan was feeling proud of himself and murmured, "This incident should have made Grandpa more happy than before."

"Do you want to go inside the door" the ancient voice of door asked. Evan replied 'yes' with a nod.

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