Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

Julian’s POV

Julian stood on the field, watching as the last Lycan drew a breath of life and rose to their feet. The moon goddess had done just as she had promised. She had brought back everyone who had lost their lives at the hands of Doom and the dark minions. The bodies of the ones who came with Doom did not receive life. Julian ordered that they be gathered up and buried.

A few others, like Alpha Uryi, who were once under the control of Doom and were subdued during battle, were now back to their former selves and aided the ones who needed it on the field.

Marion moved to examine the last few ones now awake, checking their me ntal state to confirm that they were all responding adequately. When all that was done, Julian took a stand before all the men, alive and strong.

“We lost the first battle, but the moon goddess has given us a second chance to make it right. Doom needs Fiona’s heart in order to have absolute dominance over everything. We have to stop that.” He told them.

“I have asked you to sacrifice yourself, and you already did, so I wouldn’t ask you again. I, however, need a few men who will go with me to rescue the luna queen from the hands of the masters of the dark world. We saw the minions of the dark world, and we saw how brutal and calculating they were; their attacks were precise and direct, and they barely missed any target. Killing one of them took a lot of effort, and there are about five others, excluding Doom and Mischief. That places us at a disadvantage, and I would not want to walk into it blindly. I want you to search your heart and be sure that this is what you want to do.”

He finished, and the entire field became silent, just as it was when he asked for the first separation before the battle.

Alpha Cooper was the first to step forward; Beta Hanna followed. Then Alpha Cruz stepped forward, and Beta Isaac followed behind. Alpha Lukas joins in, and then Marion.

Julian shook his head at the sight of Marion. He stepped forward and moved in to stop him. “You cannot join this battle.”

“Why is that?” Marion asked with a frown on his face.

“You already risked your life the first time around; it would be best to sit this one out.”



Sat, 24 Feb

Chapter 126


“With all due respect, my king, I can’t. My mate is nowhere to be found, which means she’s still a puppet in the hands of Doom and Mischief. I will not sit by and do nothing while she serves them against her will. Then I would have failed as a mate.”

“Fine.” Julian gave in to defeat and turned to look at the faces of those still gathered around. “Anyone else?” After a while of silence, no one else apart from the six stepped out, he said. “Meeting dismissed. Return to your homes, to your mates, sons, and daughters.”

The six who had stepped forward remained on the field along with Julian and Alpha Lupe, who stood waiting for his orders.

Julian then turned to Lupe. “We will not be able to face the minions of darkness in our current state. We need the help of the elders of truth.”

Alpha Lupe nodded and bowed his head. “I will petition them for help and return with whatever conclusion I get,” He said and took his leave.

Julian then turned to the rest, standing in the field. “We all need to clean ourselves of the filth and dirt of the first battle. We should use this hour we wait to get ourselves ready.”

Julian departed the field and went over to the mansion, which was now void of life. He didn’t want to step foot here because of how empty it had become, but he also needed to prepare himself.

He entered the bathroom, turned on the shower, and the water descended on his skin, washing off the dirt and bloodstains from his b*dy. He stayed there for as long as he needed to get cleaned.

He returned to the bedroom and got himself dressed in his black jeans and polo when he heard a noise coming from the living room area.

Alert to the noise coming from the room, he stepped out. “Who is there?” he asked as he came into the living room.

“It is I, my king,” Alpha Uryi said from behind.


Julian turned and found him there with his hands up. He had taken notice of the Alpha on the field earlier, but gave it little thought. Now, seeing him here, he didn’t know what to make of it.

“What do you want?”

“I came to apologise for harming the Luna queen while I was under Doom’s control.”






Chapter 126


Julian shook his head. “It wasn’t you. And I know that. Go home. I am certain your mate and children will be glad to see you alive and well.”

“I can’t.”

Julian’s brow narrowed at him. “Why?”

“Because I know where your sons are,” Uryi answered.

Julian covered the space between them in a second and grabbed him by his shirt. He didn’t believe him. “What did you just say?”

“I know where your sons are,” he repeated, adding, “and with your permission, I want to leave to bring them back.”

Julian released his grip on Uryi’s shirt and stepped back. He told the truth, and this news was a silver lining in this chaotic time. “Where are they?”

“In the human world, we left them at an abandoned factory before coming here,” he answered, giving further details.

If Uryi’s information was true, they needed to act as fast as possible. “Okay, then the movers will go with you.”

Julian wanted to double up the rescue team, but that would take time. They didn’t have time. Uryi also believed he could find the boys on his own, and he had to have faith in


Uryi bowed his head, “Thank you, my king,” and took his leave.

“Did we win or lose?” Kenneth asked as soon as Julian stepped onto the mansion’s balcony.

Kenneth wasn’t able to bring June and Jashin back like he set out to do, yet Julian was happy to see him.

“We lost, and they have Fiona, but the moon goddess granted us a second chance, and we are going to get Fiona back.” Julian answered.

“Then I want to be a part of it,” he said without hesitation.

“I cannot ask you to do that.”






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Chapter 126

“Then don’t; just let me be a part of this,” he answered. “I lost Lily, and this is my only way of finding purpose in life. Do not deny me.”

Julian couldn’t say no to him.

“What is the conclusion?” Julian asked as Lupe, who had left for the truth court to seek the elder’s help close to an hour ago, returned,

The moon goddess told him she would place Fiona’s location in his heart and mind, and she did. He also felt an immeasurable amount of strength, and he would use it to his advantage in this rescue,

He, however, needed to fortify the others that would come with him to rescue her and defeat Doom and Mischief. The moon goddess had given them all a second chance, and they would utilise it the best way they could. Of the hundred and forty-nine brought back to life, Julian only had seven strong, including Kenneth, to follow him into this last battle. This wasn’t a battle of numbers, but of unity and one mind.

Julian saw the attack formation of the dark minions; it was quick, brutal, and calculated; it gave them no room to think twice during the first attack. The minions were just as deadly, and they couldn’t be underestimated.

“The elders poured in as much pure energy as they could into them.” He said this and opened his palm to reveal the pendants that were therein.

Julian placed his hand on the palm and closed his eyes. “On the authority of the Lycan king, I decree that whoever wears this will have the same strength as the Lycan king until the battle is over.” He said that and pulled away.

Alpha Lupe moved to hand over the pendants to the seven who had stepped forward to join the final battle. Beta Isaac, Alpha Cooper, Alpha Cruz, Beta Hanna, Alpha Lukas, Beta Kenneth, and Marion.

Julian gave one last instruction to Alpha Lupe. “If Uryi returns with June and Jashin, swear to me you will protect them with your very life.”

Lupe bowed, vowing. “I swear to you, my king.”

The seven men set out being led according to Julian’s intuition, which he believed was placed there by the moon goddess.

It took them two hours of extreme speed, but they arrived at the abandoned warehouse in York, a community in the northern region, and Julian stopped at the gate.

“We are here. Remember, no matter what happens, we will not stop until we save the



Chapter 126

luna queen.”






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