Moments of Malevolence (The Hunters Book 1)

Moments of Malevolence: Chapter 6

“YOU’VE REACHED Sage from You Beat It, We Spit It. First, let’s start with your name,” I sing the words as I sit down on my new couch.

Gosh, luxury really does cost money.

I’m lucky enough to do this job from the pleasure and safety of my own home.


Damn him and that voice.

“Zuko.” I know who it is straight away. And I wonder again why someone like him would be calling a sex line. I mean, I’ve seen the way he looks, and he is easy on the eyes. I wonder if he has some fucked-up fetishes. Yeah, that has to be it. “I want to ask you something.”

“Go on,” he rumbles.

I lift my glass of champagne—expensive as all hell—and put it to my lips, taking a sip before I ask, “Why do you call me? Is it because you can’t fuck a woman? Or do you have some fucked-up way that you like to fuck women?”

“I can fuck, if that’s what you’re asking, Sage.”

Oh, I love the way he says my name.

Like honey melting over warm toast, so smooth and slick.

Even if it’s not my real first name.

“Okay, tell me, then… When did you fuck the last woman? How was it? What did you do?”

“Aren’t I paying you to fuck me over the phone?” he replies.

“Let’s be real, Zuko. You call to listen to me speak. Do you even touch your cock while I’m talking?”

“Always,” he whispers. “But to answer your question, I start by letting my hand roll over the curve of their neck, causing their pulse to become stronger beneath my fingertips. Did you know by putting a knife straight into that same spot, it can kill you in approximately five to fifteen seconds?”

“I did.” I smile.

“Good girl. Now, after that, I would lean in real close…” His breathing picks up through the phone, or was that mine? I’m not sure. I take another sip from my glass as I listen to him. “I would ask her if she wants it fast…or slow.” He draws out the last word. “And I would give her the exact opposite of what she wants because why not play some fucked-up games.”

I go to drink more of my champagne and realize it’s gone.

“Are you still there, Sage?” he asks.

“Yes,” I reply, standing and walking to my counter to pour myself another glass. I’m going to need it…and a vibrator. I go to my room and pull out my vibrator and smile as I lie on my bed with my glass next to me.

“Carry on,” I tell him. Turning on the toy, I put it to my clit first because that’s the area that makes me come, hard, and I let it do its job.

“Why can I hear buzzing?” he asks.

“Carry on…” I say again. “What would you do next?”

“I’m a mean lover, Sage.”

“How mean?”

“I once almost drowned a girl while I fucked her. Would you like me to drown you?”

“If I come, why not,” I say as the vibration picks up speed.

“Fuck! Why say shit like that?” he grumbles.

I let a moan slip through the phone.

“I met someone.” His admission makes me pause. “And she’s fire.”

“Enough to burn you in hell?” I whisper back.

“Yes,” he replies, and I hang up. Then I turn off my work phone and finish my orgasm myself.

“You invited me out. I didn’t think I would see the day,” Louise says. She’s dressed in a bright fluorescent green dress and pink heels. Weird combo, but she manages to make it work.

“My treat,” I tell her, smiling as the waiter approaches.

“This place is flashy. Are you sure you can afford it?” she whispers.

“I can’t, but this can.” I show her the little black card that I’ve had all week and have been using every day.

“How did you get one of those?” she asks, her tone laced with awe as the waiter places a napkin on each of our laps. I put the card on the table, and her eyes follow it like she’s never seen one outside of work before.

I hadn’t either.

“Can I start either of you with some wine, perhaps?”

“Red, please,” Louise says.

“White,” I add.

He heads off to place our drink order, and she glances back at the card.

“When I get to be a big girl like you, I want one of those.” She points to it. “How did you get it?”

“Zuko.” I say his name since I know it now, and her eyes go wide.

“Shit. Did you steal it? Please don’t steal from them. They will kill you, no joke. Did you hear what happened to the man who was grabby with us that night?”

“Huh?” I ask, confused.

“Last week, when they came in. The guy at your table who was grabby? Well, anyway, he was stabbed in the neck in the bathroom. Someone found him after you left, and the bar was shut down.”

Holy shit. It couldn’t have been him, right?

Would he?

I mean, he did tell me if that guy touched me again, he would stab him. I just didn’t think he would actually carry the threat through.

“Do they know who did it?” I ask.

“Nope. The bar has been closed all week. I know you only work weekends, but shit, it’s been hard.”

“You need to find another job,” I tell her.

“I know.” The waiter comes back with our wine, and she smiles as she takes hers.

“Do you think it was them?” I ask quietly as the waiter retreats.

“Yes, but I would never say that to anyone else but you.”


“Because I like my head where it is…firmly attached to my body.” She smiles.

“They can’t be that scary.”

“You did see them, right? Were you not intimidated?”

“I was, but then I realized they’re just men. And I am a woman, one who can make men drop to their knees. Pussy is where the power is.” I wink at her.

“Oh, gosh, I really do have to get used to the way you speak.” She giggles.

“Tell yourself your pussy has power, and you shall have power,” I advise, holding back the laugh.

The food starts coming out—a seven-course meal. Each plate seems to get smaller and smaller, but holy shit does it taste better and better with each bite.

“Miss, the owner of the card would like to speak to you.” I turn to the waiter, who is holding out a phone to me.

“Oh shit,” Louise mutters.

I reach for the phone, and his voice echoes through to my ear. “Alaska.” My eyes flutter shut at the sound of his voice. “I see you have been using your tip money well.”

“You didn’t set a budget,” I say, smiling as dessert is served.

“It seems I should have cut it off when you hit the hundred K mark.”

I can’t help but giggle a little at his words.

“The dress I’m wearing right now cost me $5,000. I would show you and thank you, but you know…”

“I would be careful with whispering things you may not want the answer to.”

“Oh, I do want answers. And I’m about to go Victoria’s Secret and buy the most expensive bra and panties I can get.”

“I was about to cut off the card until you said that. I expect photos,” he says before the call is cut. I hand the phone back to the waiter, who rushes off quickly.

Louise gapes at me. “Are you flirting with Zuko?”

I pick up my glass of wine. “Tell me everything you can about him,” I demand, leaning into her.

She picks at her chocolate dessert and shakes her head. “Are you sure you want to go down that lane?”

“I think I’m about to. Plus, I bet he can fuck like a machine.” She chokes on her dessert and picks up her wine, drinking it before she shakes her head at me.

“I’ve only known one girl who has slept with him, and from what I heard, he’s a maniac in bed.”

“Like?” I raise a brow.

Louise wipes her mouth with her napkin, her pink lipstick coming off.

“She was covered in bruises, but every time someone mentioned them, she just smirked.” She rolls her eyes. “Who smirks at pain?”

“Someone who clearly got off.”

“Oh shit…” Her eyes lift to a spot over my shoulder, and when I spin around, I see exactly why she just swore.

Zuko is striding directly toward me.

And if I were a sane woman, I would run.

Far, far away.

But instead, I sit and cross my legs as he nears us.

“Ladies,” he drawls, his eyes locked on me. “I see you are enjoying the meal I paid for.”

I raise the glass. “We are. Care to join us?”

“I think I’m going to leave. Thank you, Alaska.” Louise stands, steps up beside me, and kisses my cheek before she glimpses back at Zuko. “And thank you for paying.” She giggles before she scurries off. He doesn’t wait a second before he takes her seat directly across from me.

“Have you come to collect your card?” I ask, smirking.

“No, actually.”

I raise a brow at his words.

“So why are you here?”

“I came to see the dress you’re wearing since it cost me a lot of money.”

I pull the chair out and stand. Taking two steps, I stop directly next to him and turn in a slow circle, showing him every angle. When I finish, I make to go back to my seat, but his hand flies out and catches my wrist, effectively stopping me.

“I didn’t see clearly enough. Spin again.” His words send shivers all over my body, and I feel the goose bumps take over, but I listen to him and do as he says, turning slowly. When I face him once more, after his eyes have burned right through my dress, I find him licking his lips. “Do I make you nervous?”

“Why would you think that?” I ask.

“Because your breathing changed, and that only happened when I arrived.”

I take my seat and sit back down.

“I wouldn’t call it nervous.”

“Oh? What would you call it?” He smirks, leaning back in his seat. The confidence he shows is flying off him in waves of utter domineering assertiveness.

The waiter comes over and offers him a glass. He waves him off and doesn’t take his eyes off me.

“Interested,” is all I can manage to say.

“The feeling is mutual.” His eyes move to my hand. “You aren’t married?” he asks.

“Would that matter?” I reply.

He shrugs. “One less person I would have to kill, is all.”

Well, fuck.

“Not married,” I confirm. “You?”

“Why would I do something so suicidal as to tie myself to a person?” he answers.

“Suicidal. Interesting word choice.”

“Yes, I guess it is.” His jaw relaxes and he draws in a shallow breath. “I have an errand to run, and I hate errands. Care to join me?” He stands, offering me his hand.

“Can I keep your card?”

“For the time being.”

“You must be pretty rich, huh?” I ask, lifting my bag to my shoulder.

“I wouldn’t class myself as rich. Rich is crass, wealthy has a better ring to it. Do I have money that I don’t spend? Yes.”

“Why don’t you spend it?” I question as I make my way to the door.

He matches my steps and never misses a beat as he speaks, “Never had anything to spend it on before.”

And I get the feeling he is talking about something more than possessions.

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