Moments of Malevolence (The Hunters Book 1)

Moments of Malevolence: Chapter 19

SHE JUMPS up from the bed and, in one swift movement, slaps my face.


I let her.

I mean, I didn’t expect her to like it, but she loved it.

The problem now is that she can’t admit it without feeling like she has a kink.

You tried to suffocate me!” she screams, grabbing the bag and trying to put it over my head. I pull it away from her, and her eyes search around for something to wear. When she only sees my shirt, she scoops it up and slides it on. “Take me home, or I’ll fucking walk. I don’t care either way,” she barks, heading to the door.

“You came though, right?” I ask from behind her as I struggle to pull on my pants quickly and follow behind her, but she’s already down the stairs and in the living room. She’s stopped by Pop’s plaything, and they exchange a few words.

Alaska’s furious eyes meet mine as she marches out the front door.

“Shit, what have you done now?” Kyson asks, coming up next to me. I ignore him and follow Alaska, only to see her trying to break into my car. I click the key fob, and she pulls the door open with an almighty yank and gets in, slamming the door behind her.

Climbing into the car next to her, she has turned so her body is facing the door. I can hear her teeth grinding, so I can only imagine the death glare she would be giving me right now.

“I did warn you,” I state matter-of-factly.

“And I didn’t run. Did I?” she bites back, still not looking at me.

I start the car and drive away from the party. “Alaska.”

“I despise you,” she says, but her voice shakes. “You and your fucked-up sex. First, it was a knife, and now it’s a fucking plastic bag. I mean…” she takes a deep stuttering breath, “if you thought I was ugly and you couldn’t stand to look at my face, tell me, don’t fucking suffocate me.”

“I warned you,” I tell her again and hit the steering wheel with my palms. “And you are anything but ugly. You’re fucking divine.” I hope she can hear the truth in my words. Never should that thought be in her head. She is anything but ugly.

“Yeah, yeah… I bet you say that to all the girls you fuck.” I peer over at her and watch her shoulders rise and fall with her heavy breathing. Then, all of a sudden, she turns to face me. Her eyes show a mixture of everything I don’t want to see written in them. “It all makes sense. The girl you tried to drown…” She sighs heavily. “Fuck. Fuck!” she yells as her place comes into view.

She reaches for her keys, which she left in the cupholder, and before I can even stop the car, she jumps out, turns around, and pins me with her stormy glare. “If I see you again, I will burn your fucking house down. You hear me?” She waits for me to reply, but when I don’t, she slams the car door and runs to her front door. She struggles to open it, her hand is shaking that much, and she doesn’t look back as she storms inside.

I smile at her anger, and for some reason, it turns me on.

But, fuck!

Did I fuck it up for good this time? I hope not.

It takes everything in me not to go and knock on her door and make her come out again. She will realize soon enough. That despite the fact that she is currently hating me, I know she had just as much fun as I did.

I head back home, taking the long route in hopes that when I get back my families curiosity will have dies down and I can avoid the inevitable questions. The minute I walk in the door I know I’m shit outta luck.

“You kill your date?” Pops asks.

I move past him and head to the refrigerator and grab a bottle of water.

“Why did she run?” Kyson questions as the music pumps through the house. He grabs a bottle of whiskey, keeping it for himself. The reason I don’t drink is because Kyson loves to bury his demons with alcohol. Some of those demons which we are unaware of, I am not sure we will ever know the extent of his issues.

Kenzo will join Kyson on occasion, but he doesn’t drink nearly as much as him.

“He probably tried to suffocate her,” Kenzo pronounces as he enters the room. “Nice rack she has,” he adds.

It takes two heartbeats before I am standing in front of him, my hand around his throat, holding him up off the floor. He struggles but doesn’t fight me.

“Remove those images from your head,” I demand.

He scratches at my hands, and finally I lower him back down. He bends over, hands on his knees and inhales gulps of air.

“Fuck, Z, she’s a pussy with great tits. Why the fuck are you so worked up? Aren’t you in love with whoever it is you call every fucking night,” Kyson says, defending his twin.

Kyson saw her tits too? He wasn’t out there. Fucker must’ve saw her tits through the glass door. I spin around to face him, and he holds up his hands. “Calm the fuck down.”

“Didn’t you just get laid? Why are you so mad?” Kenzo huffs.

I turn to see Pops watching us. He’s used to us fighting, but the slight smirk on his lips has me thinking he’s onto me.

“None of your business,” I tell them as I walk over to the music and turn it off. The few people who are left glance my way, and I wave to the door. “Everyone…fucking…leave.”

Pops checks around—it is his house, after all. He nods and pours himself a whiskey. I open my bottle of water and nearly down the whole thing in one go. I guess now is as good as ever to talk to Pops.

Kyson eyes me and as if he can read my mind shakes his head, indicating he doesn’t want me to talk to him. Maybe now isn’t the time.

Fine with me.

I can wait.

For now.

She is teaching me to be a patient man.

And now I have to tell Sage…

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