Moments of Malevolence (The Hunters Book 1)

Moments of Malevolence: Chapter 14

I’M helpless to do anything as Jeff marches straight up to the private booth after he shoots me a dark glare on his way.

Louise comes to stand beside me and glances at where I’m looking. Zuko is sitting down, his arm is back on the top of the seat, his legs crossed as they were before, as he listens to whatever it is Jeff has to say.

“What’s going on?” Louise asks.

“Sarah caught me getting finger-banged by the customer,” I tell her.

She coughs, covering her mouth with her hand. “Are you joking?” I raise a brow at her. “Okay, you aren’t. Well, shit.”

“He has great fingers and knows how to use them.” I shrug and glance back at them, exchanging words.

“Shit! She’s going to try to get you fired, isn’t she?”


“I don’t want to work here if you aren’t here.”

“You’ll be fine,” I reply, patting her on the arm.

“Incoming,” Louise hisses as Sarah approaches us.

Sarah stops directly in front of me, crosses her arms over her chest, and pops one of her hips out. “You are so going to get fired, and this place will be so much better without you.”

“Fuck off, Sarah.” I growl out the words, turning around and grabbing a tray before I storm off. I feel like I should have a shirt that says Fuck off, Sarah because whenever she is in the vicinity of me, that’s all I perpetually say to her.

As I make my way to one of my other tables, Zuko spots me. His eyes track my movements as Jeff stands in front of him and talks. I try to assess their body language, but Zuko exhibits his I-own-the-fucking-world attitude, and Jeff is, well, Jeff—boring and bland with a slight hunch in his back.

After serving one of my other booths, I go back to the bar to drop off the empty tray before I step out back. Jeff isn’t far behind me. His black shoes stop when they reach me, and up behind him comes Sarah with a smile so wide on her lips they stretch so much she looks like Julia Roberts as she stands there waiting for… what? I don’t know.

A pat on the back.

Praise for doing a good job.

Probably for me to get fired, so she can gloat.

“Your customer…” Jeff says through gritted teeth.

“She’s a whore. I told you that. And a terrible employee,” Sarah rattles off.

“What about him?” I ask Jeff, totally ignoring her stupid comments.

Jeff turns to Sarah and shakes his head.

“Shut up, Sarah,” he snaps.

Her mouth opens in shock. “How can you talk to me like that?” she argues back.

Jeff lifts his hand and slides it through his hair. “Because you are causing me more trouble than you realize,” he barks back.

Fake tears start to well in her eyes. “I was doing the right thing. You can’t have a whore ruin this bar’s reputation. It’s been happening since you hired her.”

“Technically, that was the first customer I let stick his fingers in my pussy, and that’s probably because he tips like a king.” I smile, and both of them whip around to face me.

“See? Do you see what I mean?” Sarah shrieks.

“What?” I say, shrugging my shoulders.

Jeff swears under his breath, and for some reason, her fake tears are gone. That is until Jeff looks back at her.

“You’re fired,” he whispers, but there is an apology lacing his tone.

We all stand there shocked.

Did he? No. He couldn’t have.

Sarah’s fake tears are back once again in full force. She swipes at her cheeks hard, and then she slaps Jeff across the face. He winces, and as she goes to do it again, he manages to catch her hand in mid-flight.

“You are fired because that customer you just pissed off has worked for the boss. He knows him, and it was either you or me. And I am not losing my job over you.”

Oh, wow! I did not see that coming.

How can Zuko rein that much power?

Enough to get someone fired? That’s, well, I don’t even know.

Sarah turns to me and raises her hand, ready to slap me. But I step back, lift my foot, and kick her in the cunt. She screams as she flies backward and lands on the floor. Jeff swears and goes to see if she is okay, but she loses it and starts kicking and hitting him as much as she can.

“Fuck, Sarah! Take your shit and get out.” Jeff leaves her on the floor and storms off.

Louise comes up at that moment. “Um… What’s going on?” She directs the question at me.

“Sarah got fired because she hasn’t learned to keep her stupid slutty mouth shut and stay out of other people’s business. Then she tried to hit me, but before she could, I kicked her in her useless cunt and sent her flying backward, where she landed on her ass.” I wave a hand in Sarah’s direction. Louise looks down at Sarah and offers her a hand, but Sarah slaps her hand away, managing to stand on her own.

“You’re a bitch, lowlife scum. You get that, right?” Sarah snarls.

I shrug my shoulders and reply, “It’s still better than what you are.”

Sarah storms off, and the back door opens again. Zuko is now standing there, filling the space with his large, muscular frame. He reaches out and grabs my hand and pulls me back out to the bar without a word. He leads me to the middle of the dance floor—a place I usually refuse to go—and pulls me to him. He doesn’t sway or move, simply stands still with his hands around my waist.

“What are you doing?”

“Making you work for your tip, of course,” he replies.

“What if I said I don’t want your tip?”

He leans down and whispers in my ear, his hot breath tickling me as he does, “I can give you more than just the tip. I can push all the way in.” A shiver racks my body, and I’m pretty sure he feels it as he holds me tighter to him. “Move your hips,” he orders.

“I don’t dance with strangers,” I tell him.

“I’m not a stranger.” His hands slide down to grip my ass and pull me to him until there is no air between us. I feel him everywhere. My head rests on his shoulder as we stand there in one another’s embrace.

How do we appear to the outside world right now?



Like we are trying to fuck but don’t know how?

Who the fuck knows.

“I hate being touched,” I confess.

“No, you don’t,” he says in my ear.

“I do. I can’t stand it,” I whisper back to him.

“You liked to be fucked and touched by me.”

Dammit! He isn’t lying, and I hate that the most. How do I like it? I mean, it’s not like we have sat there and cuddled. Ew. I shake my head at the thought of that. I despise being cuddled.

“Now move,” he says again.

I bite my lip as I move my hips, swaying slightly from side to side. “How did you get her fired?” I ask.

“I’ll answer that when you put your hands around my neck.” I do as he asks and lift my hands until they’re draped around his neck. When I peek up at him, our gazes lock, and if I were a smart girl, I would move away. But I have never claimed to be smart, and those eyes hold promises of incredibly bad, dirty, and wicked things…

He intends to do to me.

“I know the owner. I’ve done a job for him.”

“What if he had said no?” I ask, and he chuckles lightly.

“No is not a word most people understand when dealing with me.” I raise a brow at his words, knowing I have said that word more than once to him. “Except you, of course.”

“You can’t always get what you want.”

He squeezes my ass a little tighter. “Yes, I can. I have what I want right now in my arms.” I go to move my hands, but he pulls me closer and holds even tighter. “Do you want me to fuck you, Alaska?” he asks.


“Let’s not start with lies, shall we?” I glance around and notice everyone is busy having fun, and no one is paying attention to what we’re doing.

“You’re hard,” I say, pointing out the obvious.

“I am. I did just taste something incredibly sweet and quite to my liking, actually.”

“What?” I ask in confusion.

“Your pussy was all over my fingers.” Oh. “Move your hips faster.” He bends down and kisses my neck, and I hate that every part of my body lights up like an electrical circuit at his touch. I try to move away, but his grip doesn’t loosen.



“Remove your hands.” He does so, and I turn and walk away. I pass the bar and head to the restrooms. Stepping into the ladies’ room, I go straight for the stall. I need to cool myself down. Just as I go to shut the stall door, it’s pushed open, and in strolls Zuko, closing it with his back. He leans against the door and turns the lock.

I say nothing, but I do stand there wide-eyed.

What is he doing in here?

I do the only thing I can think of—I reach for my shorts, pull them down, and step out of them, and then I touch myself.

“You remember the rule, right? No glove, no love.” I smile as my fingers slide between my folds. His eyes track my movements while his hand pulls out a condom. He undoes his belt and zipper, then pulls his cock free. It’s long, hard, and thick. Fuck, it’s beautiful. As soon as he slides the condom on, he reaches for me and lifts me up, so my legs wrap around his waist. My hands reach for the top of the door, and I hold on as he lifts me higher so I can feel him at my entrance.

I don’t need to be warmed up, it’s like the build that comes with tantric sex, he has done that all fucking night with his teasing. And now I’m at that point where I’m hungry, all over, for him. The need is so strong that I feel like I might combust from the want.

He goes to speak, but I pull my hand down from the door and slam it over his mouth. A few girls giggle as another pees next to us. He bites my hand, but I don’t move it. I feel his grip tighten on my hips as he takes full control. I start moving my hips.

He is right there, if I can just…

Then boom, he pulls my hips down.

I almost lose my hold on the door, and a scream erupts from me as he impales me on his cock. He fills me in more ways than one. I try to gather my breath, but he is moving me up and down in a slow, steady movement that’s putting all the right pressure on my clit.

I’ve had sex before.

I’ve fucked before.

But this…

This is ecstasy.

The way he hits every notch, every spot, it’s perfect.

Fuck that everyone in here probably knows what we are doing.

Fuck that I’m in the women’s bathroom fucking a man who last fucked me with a knife.

Fuck it all.

Because as his rhythm picks up, my hands grip the door harder, and my head falls to his shoulder. I bite down hard to stop the scream. He grunts in my ear, and I moan into his shoulder as I come—really fucking hard.

“I want to be fucked like she is,” I hear a girl mutter.

Zuko doesn’t care what others are saying. He keeps on going and going until I feel myself build again.

No way.

No fucking way.

I pull back and look at him. And when I do, I see something I’m not sure I like written all over his face.


For what? I’m not sure.

I get he is a fucked-up man.

Not only with the fucking but in all aspects of life.

He’s one of those men you’re warned to stay away from, and I’ve just let him deep inside of me without a second thought, only for my own pleasure.

Was it worth it? Yes, because it’s the best sex I’ve had in my life.

But now I’m afraid I will never be able to escape this man.

Is it really fear in my gut or excitement? I’m honestly not sure.

I never had a mother who told me to stay away from bad men. I have lived with their kind most of my life.

And all of them wanted me for one reason or another.

What makes this man any different?

“You can’t run. I’ll find you,” he says as another orgasm hits me.

And this time, he slows and smashes his lips to mine.

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