Molly spungle : The Secret of Red Stone

Chapter 29: Death Unveiled

The days that followed were idyllic. Molly learned all about the mother she had lost during her infancy.

“I had no control over what happened to me that day,” Marlene explained to her only daughter. “Being so young and foolish, I left my red stone pendant behind. I only did this the one time and my pendant and its magic were unable to save me in my moment of greatest need. It seems I grieved forever for the loss of you and your father.”

Marlene paused to wipe away the tears that fell, remembering that bleak period. Molly’s heart went out to her mother and she comforted her. “You are here now, Mother. That’s what matters.” She hugged her tightly.

“Your father found me that day, discovering I wasn’t wearing the pendant. He swiftly carried me toward home, but had to stop upon realizing it was too late and I was fading fast. I had only enough time to tell him briefly what could happen when the stone was rubbed three times. I made him promise to give it to you and teach you how to use it when you were old enough to understand. Not able to hold on any longer, I passed into the Realm of Immortality.”

Marlene looked steadily at Molly as she continued. “Shortly after, lost and wandering miserably through the Realm, I stumbled across a dragon’s nest, containing a tiny red baby dragon. He was all alone, his mother nowhere to be found.”

“Ran-Da!” exclaimed Molly, knowing it had to be him. “He belongs to you?” she questioned.

“Ran-Da belongs to me,” her mother confirmed. “I raised him and cared for him and he cared for me. We learned what we needed together. However, I realized very early that he, being very much alive, did not belong in the Realm at all.”

At that moment, Ran-da entered the room, moving close to Marlene. Molly could see the strong bond that existed between her mother and the red dragon. She felt immensely proud of them.

“It has been a great honor for me to protect the daughter of my dearest friend,” Ran-Da told the young fairy. “And to find that she is as brave and kind as her mother.”

Tears brimmed in her eyes and Molly told him straight from her heart, “It’s me who should be thanking you for all you have done, my friend!”

“When your father suddenly became ill and died, I realized he had not been able to tell you much about the stone. You were a mere child at that time and not capable of understanding. I knew then I had to find a way to connect us all again. Without his knowledge, I watched over him in the Realm. He had to be there for a certain time before he learned how to see me. It wasn’t until red stone created the castle that we met again. Now it is our home and also yours, Molly, whenever you need it.”

Molly at last felt her life was complete. She had found the mother she lost for such a long time.

Time passed quickly and the day came for King Simon to return to the World Outside. Hoddi accompanied him, to care for and guard the master for whom he had searched so long.

“There is always a place for you and Hoddi, King Simon, in any Spungle population. You are a highly regarded friend,” Marlene told the two of them as they prepared to leave. “Remember, the Invisible Divide will always give way to either of you.” In each of their hands she placed a small piece of the red stone. “Use it only when there is no other way out of a dangerous situation.”

Molly felt sad at their departure, but knew as she gazed into the king’s warm brown eyes, there would be frequent visits to the World Outside.

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