Mister Ōkami

Chapter Waiting On A Cure

“What’s gonna happen?” Gold wonders, peering into the healing room.

It’s been an hour so far and I highly doubt the wolves have gotten to The Feral Lands yet. Presha is currently being massaged by Frostt, but her bloat is getting way worse. Ichigo is trying to get some rest, but her belly hurts so much she can’t stay still long enough. Ziff seems to be relatively okay, she just got a massage before Frostt switched to Presha.

“They’re gonna explode,” Cotton Mouth says to Gold, also staring into the healing room.

Bounce is in tears, the poor girl… Meanwhile, Clementina has reported feeling slightly better since last night. Hill seems stable. Jewel, like Clementina, is feeling slightly better and is currently loudly licking her own paws.

“I frow up,” Kibby announces, a bit of puke on his face.

Dollop reaches over and licks his face, though she’s not feeling much better. Luckily for me, I haven’t swelled too much more since Frostt gave me a massage. Rip is getting worse, lying on the ground with his swelling belly in the air. Cobra keeps belching, but it seems to be working out well for him.

“Gather around, pups… I might be the first to rupture at this rate,” Rip groans.

Kibby whines, but allows himself to be cleaned by Dollop. Wall seems to be stable. Pip is mumbling something about needing to get strong for brother Chain’s sake. Bound is stable. Bread is feeling slightly better.

“Come on, Orenji… Get the medicine and hurry back already…” Dollop grumbles.

“Orenji is kind of slow, but she’s super reliable. She’ll push through anything to bring back that medicine,” Ichigo says, confidently.

“They should have sent me!” Banana calls out. “I’m fast! I could get that medicine and return in an hour flat!”

“Really?” Mallow asks, staring in wonder.

“Yeah! They call me Banana Split!” Banana says.

An hour has passed, still no sign of the others. It’s been two hours altogether. Frostt is exhausted from tending to us 16 sick wolves. Things aren’t looking too bright for our future, honestly.

Presha is really struggling; I think she must have eaten quite a lot of infected meat. Ichigo started making her strawberry scent again, so I’m not quite as concerned about her. Now Ziff is deteriorating, though. Bounce is getting weaker.

“Are Bounce and Quickie both going to die?” Ivory wonders.

“We might all die,” Clementina says with a sigh.

Hill has gained back a little strength and Clementina is stable. Jewel is also stable. Dollop is asleep, but she’s rather restless. I’m still feeling rather stable, but uncomfortable.

“Don’t be so negative, Clementina…surely at least some of us will survive,” Ziff says, wheezing.

Rip’s just about the same as he was an hour ago, a swollen balloon of a wolf just about ready to burst. Cobra is trying to help out with the massages since Frostt is so swamped with patients. He tries to massage Rip and he yelps in agony. Kibby is stable.

“Now, now, pups,” Split says, showing up suddenly to escort the onlookers away.

Wall has suddenly degraded, his tongue lolling out. Pip is stable. Bound is feeling slightly better. Bread seems about half healthy despite his bloat.

“Stop! BWAAAAAAAAAAARRRPPPP!” Rip belches very forcefully as Cobra presses on his swollen belly.

“You gotta relieve the pressure or you’ll burst… We can’t stop the swelling, but we can reduce the pressure,” Cobra says.

“Is that so? How much of a difference does it actually make? Like, how long can you guys keep holding off the inevitable?” Yapper asks.

“Hopefully long enough to live until the cure is delivered,” Cobra says, lowering his head sadly.

Another hour passes. That’s three hours that we’ve waited. The fastest wolves would probably have reached The Feral Lands by now…but how long would these slow wolves take?

I was really worried for a moment that Presha was about to die, but it seems like she’s still hanging on, at least for now. Ichigo has, once again, stopped making her strawberry scent. Ziff is hanging in there. Bounce is dying, but Frostt is desperately trying to save her.

“It’s not working! She’s still dying!” Frostt yells.

“Okay, I know this is going to sound stupid, but is it possible to unbirth a pregnant wolf?” I ask, grimacing.

“Uhhhhh…it’s not advisable…” Frostt says. “It’s never worked before, at least, not as expected…”

“Do we have a choice?” I ask.

Frostt glances at her dying patient and shakes her head, “We’re out of time. But Quickie is inside Bounce…”

“Unbirth-ception…” I mumble. “Insane, but if it works…”

“Who’s big enough to handle her? She’s pregnant AND bloated!” Frostt asks.

“Ummm, Oil,” I suggest.

“Hoop, I see you at the door, fetch Oil. The big black she-wolf,” Frostt yells to the pup who’s currently watching us.

Hoop runs off and returns promptly with Oil. We quickly tell her the situation. She stares, wide-eyed and mouth open. Yeah, we just asked a 1 year old wolf to unbirth a pregnant swollen 4 year old wolf.

“How can this be?” Oil asks. “I’m a virgin!”

“Right, that’s an issue…” Frostt says with a groan.

“We’ll just have to be really gentle and shove her in there. She’s half your size,” I say, then belch.

Oil lies down on her side with one leg lifted. Bounce is barely even breathing anymore. At this moment, I kinda wish I had hands. No, we have paws and maws so we have to make due.

Oil groans and struggles. We help maneuver Bounce’s head into Oil’s body. As she is a virgin, the space is incredibly narrow, making it much harder to actually fit Bounce inside. Oil cries out in agony, her body stretching to contain such a large foreign object.

This is, for sure, not pleasurable for anyone. This is agony, pain, a sacrifice on both wolves’ part. We keep pushing, slowly, gently, trying to fit one wolf inside of another for healing purposes. Oil digs her claws into the ground, gasping, her belly grows incredibly large.

Eventually, all that remains is Bounce’s feet, which are growing cold as death is setting in. Oil lets out another pained cry and the paws get sucked into the womb. Oil lies down, still panting. The large lump inside of her shifts, moving wildly.

“Is it working?” I ask, shifting my feet uncomfortably.

“I…yes…so that’s what it feels like…” Oil squeaks, sighing in relief. “It feels…weird…”

“Let the magic do it’s work. You’ve got three wolves inside of you…” Frostt says.

Now, as long as nothing happens to Oil, this should work… As for the others, Clementina is stable. Hill’s been farting up a storm, but she’s recovering. Jewel is also making progress.

“Oil got fat!” Pooper cries out.

“Not fat, pregnant,” Oil says, slowly making her way to the nursery.

Dollop is stable. As for me, I used a lot of energy on trying to help Oil unbirth Bounce. Weariness consumes me so I am lying down now. Rip is stable, the pressure he had relieved has resumed back to before it was relieved, but it hasn’t gotten worse yet.

“My wolves,” Alpha says, appearing at the entrance of the healing room. “I saw Oil is pregnant. What has happened?”

“We lost Bounce, Alpha,” Bread reports.

“But she was rebirthing Quickie!” Alpha cries out. “How is that supposed to work?!”

“It might not, but we were going to lose them if we didn’t at least try to save them,” Frostt replies. “It was Suisen’s idea.”

“Gosh dang it, Suisen! We could have cut Bounce open and rescued Quickie!” Alpha cries out.

“…that was an option…?” I ask, confused.

Cobra is a little tired from helping Frostt, but he’s actually doing pretty good at keeping his internal pressure down. Kibby is back to throwing up and I worry he’ll get dehydrated and die that way. Wall is back up on his feet again, pacing anxiously around all his fellow sick wolves. Pip is following him around, trying to get him to play, but he’s not allowed to touch her.

“So we’ve lost one, technically 3 wolves. How many more lives must we lose? Can’t we just send our fastest runner out to intercept the party and bring back the cure?” Yapper asks.

Bound is continuing to regain his strength. Bread is back to being exhausted. My mind is full of questions. Did I just make the worst mistake ever by suggesting we unbirth Bounce with Quickie still inside?

“Alpha, do you know the story of the first time unbirth-ception resulted in a live pup?” Crusty asks.

“No?” Alpha says.

“Rumor has it that she was banished to The Feral Lands because she couldn’t control herself and tried to eat everyone,” Crusty says.

“…wait a minute, aren’t YOU from The Feral Lands?” Alpha asks, squinting.

“Indeed. That’s how I know of the story,” Crusty says.

“YOU aren’t the mutant, are you?” Alpha asks.

“Nope,” Crusty says.

Well, that went nowhere. I thought that build up would lead to a shocking revelation. Anyhow, again we wait. I miss Bounce already. I’ll always remember that she was really good at reporting on the patrols.

Welcome to hour four of uncertainty and dread. Fifteen of us were left in the room after we lost Bounce. I sure hope Oil is doing okay with the sudden added mass. Surely they’re close to finding the cure by now…

Presha is stable and so is Ichigo. Ziff is getting worse and Frostt is currently massaging her in hopes of bringing down the swelling. Clementina is now trying to help, cleaning Frostt as she works. Hill is stable.

“Hey, uhhh, does anyone want me to go hunting really quick? I’ll make sure not to catch anything sick,” Umami offers.

“I’m kinda hungry, but my stomach hurts so bad…” Presha says with a groan.

“I’m just bored and Alpha hasn’t sent anyone out,” Umami says.

“Please do. I’m starving,” Jewel says.

Jewel’s eyes are glittering, that’s a very good sign. That sparkle of life is missing from a lot of my peers’ eyes. Dollop has gotten up and walked a circle, she’s slightly relieved. As for me, still in pain, but it’s not getting worse, that’s good.

“Anyone need a blanket?” Grammy offers, entering the healing room with one of the old blankets Alpha gave us.

“Me! Oh, wait, that wasn’t offered to me,” Stubtoe says, backing away sheepishly.

Rip has somehow gotten rounder again, his stomach is making some pretty scary sounds. Cobra is massaging him again and he’s squeaking like a newborn pup, that’s how much pain he’s in. Kibby’s taking a nap. Wall is stable.

“Mmmm…nrrrmmm…juicy…” Kibby mumbles in his sleep, squiggling a bit. “Want…nmmmrrrggg…”

The little guy…my heart breaks for that little silvery green furred fluff ball. Pip takes the offered blanket and drapes it over Kibby. Bound helps because she accidentally dropped the blanket over his face. Bread seems rather pleasant currently, sitting neatly and watching the others.

“Wait, wait! I’ll go hunting, too!” Hash exclaims.

“Your packmates are sick and all you two are thinking about is boredom and an urge to hunt?” Burūberī asks, shaking some loose dirt out of her fur.

“Here, let me help get that excess dirt…” Cotton Mouth offers, helping dislodge some dirt Burūberī couldn’t shake free.

“If you guys absolutely must, I suppose I could send some of you hunting. Just be EXTRA careful. Let’s stay away from the plains for now incase their infection has spread,” Alpha decides, “Umami, Hash, Ava, Ellie- Wait, NOT Ellie. Hmmm… Ivory, and Bella… You five are allowed to go hunting.”

“YAY! I mean, thank you, Alpha,” Hash says, bowing low.

“Just don’t rip your belly open…” Alpha warns.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Hash says, licking Alpha’s paws.

“I’m also pretty hungry,” Alpha says, his stomach growling (hopefully just out of hunger and not him secretly also being sick).

“I’mma rip through those prey animals to feed my family!” Bella cries out enthusiastically.

“I wish I could come,” Kurai says. “I love hunting.”

“You can go hunting…” Alpha says with a sly smirk.

“R-really?!” Kurai asks, getting excited.

“Yeah, up my bum!” Alpha says, putting his butt in Kurai’s face.

“Okay!” Kurai exclaims.

“What?! No! I didn’t mean-!” Alpha exclaims as the tiny wolf rockets herself into his bum. “GET OUT! NOW!”

“Oh my…” I say.

Alpha successfully expels Kurai. Then he kicks her over in disgust. She yelps and makes a brown smudge on the floor. Ew… What is wrong with that child? I would go and clean her up, but I’m not feeling well enough to get up.

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