Mister Ōkami

Chapter Mountain Coywolf

“You WHAT?!” Sage asks, nearly falling over backwards.

“It was a brief moment, but I know what I saw. I died and he sent me back. He told me to come find you,” I say.

“Wowie!” Sage says. “Wait, if you died, how are you not still resting and recovering?”

“I snuck out. I had to come find you. There was no delaying,” I say.

“My goodness, Suisen… Here, let me get you some food for the road,” Sage says, hurrying away.

“Sage…” I call after her.

“Yeah?” Sage asks, halting.

“How have YOU been?” I ask.

“I’ve been better, honestly, but seeing you has put me in a good mood,” Sage says.

Sage returns with a little baggy filled with food. Now that I think about it, she does look quite a bit chunkier than last I saw her. She’s grown since we met. She offers me the bag with a smile.

“What happened while I was gone?” I ask.

“I, well… I had some babies while you were gone…” Sage says.

“Oh! Congratulations!” I say.

“They were eaten by a snake,” Sage says.

“Oh,” I say.

“But, you know… Life sucks sometimes, but I’m not going to let my second batch perish to a snake,” Sage says, gently patting her belly.

“You’re pregnant?!” I exclaim.

“Sure am. Us mice don’t live long, Suisen. Someone has to carry on my legacy after I am gone,” Sage says.

“You’re going to die?” I ask.

“Not now, obviously. I could possibly live 16 years, we’ll see!” Sage says. “I’ve heard that mice in other regions hardly ever reach 4 years, but we’re lucky to live in Clawderwilde.”

“Oh, good! We can continue our friendship for a long time, then!” I say.

“I hope so. I still have so much more to teach you. So come back when you can,” Sage says. “Maybe I can keep my kids alive long enough to meet you next time.”

“I would love that,” I say, giving Sage a lick.

“You better hurry back before your pack notices you’re missing,” Sage says.

“I will, and thanks for being a great teacher!” I say.

“God be with you!” Sage calls out.

“And you as well!” I call back, running off with the bag.

I don’t have to go searching for fruit. I can smell some in the bag. Since that’s out of the way… Maybe I can get Penny’s mom to heal me…

I set the bag down just out of sight of the den and use the green seashell to summon the unicorn. She comes running in, summoned by my call. She rears up, neighing loudly. Penny is with her today, as well.

“I’ve been summoned!” the unicorn announces.

“Hi, I need your help,” I say.

“Magical meat?” the unicorn offers.

“No, I have a serious abdominal injury and I was wondering if you could heal me,” I say.

“Oh! Sure! No problem!” the unicorn says.

“Yay! Mommy gets a snackie again!” Penny cries out.

The unicorn surrounds me in a beam of magic. Carefully, she lifts me from the ground. It’s really odd seeing this happen as last time, I was nearly dead. The unicorn opens her mouth wide and I vanish into her maw.

“Thanks,” I mutter as I slip down her throat.

I land with a splash in the healing fluids. Ahhhhh…feels just as good as last time… I relax, allowing the bubbling fluids to surround me. The stomach walls pulsate around me, churning the fluids…

“Kid, you have some internal injuries, I can tell. Drink some of the fluid,” the unicorn prompts.

“Okay,” I say.

I open my mouth and sip the fluids. It tastes as good as it feels! I drink a little more. It bubbles and fizzes as it goes down my throat into my own belly.

“Oh that feels nice!” I exclaim.

“Now I can heal you inside and out,” the unicorn says.

I can feel the bubbles inside as well. All the internal discomfort is melting away. Perhaps…perhaps it was selfish of me to keep this to myself. I wonder if Ichigo and Rip would like to be inside a unicorn’s belly.

“Hey, ummm, I know I was supposed to keep our meeting a secret, but I have a brother and a sister who are just as injured as I. Would you be okay with healing them as well?” I ask.

“I don’t mind, sweetheart…” the unicorn says. “It brings me joy to help others.”

After some time, I am passed into the intestines and dried off. PLOP! I land on the ground, fully healed. I grab the bag and run to the den to fetch Ichigo and Rip. Frostt sees me return and snarls.

“You left, didn’t you?!” Frostt asks.

“I have a deal to make with you,” I say.

“Oh, do you? Because as it stands, we’re BOTH dead,” Frostt says.

“I have a friend who can help us. How about I have her heal Ichigo and Rip, and then YOU can take the credit?” I suggest.

“Hmmm… I’m half offended… You seem to think I’m not good enough…but at the same time…free credit?” Frostt asks.

“Yes, exactly! Then Alpha will rank you up again!” I say.

“Deal,” Frostt says and licks my head.

“Rip, Ichigo, come on,” I prompt.

Rip and Ichigo slowly peel themselves off the ground. Ichigo’s condition is getting worse again so it’s important that we get this done as soon as possible. Rip helps support Ichigo and we make our way back to Penny and her mother. The unicorn sees the condition of my fellow wolves and nods her head.

“They are in critical condition. I will heal them,” the unicorn says.

“What in the heck? A unicorn?! You brought us out here to kill us, Suisen!” Rip exclaims.

“I am a peaceful creature. I only heal, not harm,” the unicorn replies.

“Trust me, guys,” I say.

The screams of horror as Rip and Ichigo get swallowed by the unicorn are slightly amusing. I watch the two masses slide down the unicorn’s long throat. Her already round belly expands to hold the two wolves. The masses writhe in fear at first, but then grow still.

“Hey, it actually feels good!” Ichigo exclaims.

“Relax, my children… Drink of the fluids and be healed,” the unicorn says.

“Wowie! I have never tasted anything quite like this before!” Rip remarks.

I wait patiently and, after some time, Rip and Ichigo are expelled out the back end. Even Rip’s facial wounds are healed. Ichigo stares at herself in surprise. Penny stomps her hooves in excitement.

“Mommy did good!” Penny exclaims.

“Wow! That was an experience,” Rip says.

“It is my honor to heal you. Suisen, summon me again if you need me,” the unicorn says.

“Don’t tell anyone about this,” I warn.

“I promise,” Ichigo says. “I don’t think my honor can hold if I admit I was inside a unicorn’s stomach.”

Ichigo and Rip return to the den. I suspect hunting patrol will be back soon. Well, now I am thirsty from sitting here in the summer heat. I make my way to our drinking stream.

Since yesterday, the stream has greatly expanded. We still cannot go into the deeper portions of the caverns and I suspect all of our belongings have either washed away or are going to be moldy when the water recedes. I examine the stream for a bit and the wind blows gently through my gold and white fur.

“I can’t dawdle long,” I say to myself.

Suddenly, I feel like I am being watched. Is hunting patrol back? Is border patrol back? Is Mister Ōkami watching me?!

I raise my head, the delicious water flowing from my maw back into the stream. My ears flick around, listening intensely. I hear someone breathing. I sniff the air… Canine, but not wolf?

“Who’s there?” I ask, looking around.

“Me,” a deep voice rumbles.

My heart skips a beat as I swivel around to face the voice. Standing there is another canine. He nearly looks like a wolf, but he has the face of a coyote. His thick pelt must be incredibly hot in this intense summer heat.

“Are you lost?” he inquires.

“N-no…” I say, unsure if I should tell him my den is very close by. “Are you lost?”

“I have traveled very far, but just because I have traveled here, doesn’t mean I am lost in the slightest. I know my way back home,” he says. “But here I find a pretty young lady all by herself.”

“I’m not alone. I’ve got a pack. A very strong pack. I advise you not make any rash decisions,” I say, snarling a bit.

“My pack is strong, as well. Us Coywolves have been training in the mountains these past few months,” the guy says, casually checking a paw. “Perhaps it would be wise to create an alliance, seeing as we both are strong packs.”

“Coywolf! You guys breed with those mangy beasts?!” I ask, disgusted.

“Hey! My father is NOT a mangy beast! You take that back!” the Coywol exclaims.

“Okay, look, I’m sorry. I’ve never met a nice Coyote,” I say.

“Maybe I can introduce you to some nice folks. Tough times call for tough solutions. Anyhow, could I speak with your Alpha?” the Coywolf asks. “I assume he’s around here somewhere?”

“How do you know I’m not the Alpha?” I asked squinting in suspicion.

“I could ask the same. What if I’m the Alpha?” the Coywolf asks with a sly grin.

“You mentioned a father,” I point out.

“Well! Uhhhh… What if he’s my Beta?” the Coywolf asks, getting nervous.

“I’m not the Alpha, but he’s not in right now. He’s left his strongest warriors on guard, though, so you better watch your butt!” I warn.

“Okay, okay. I get you. I’m leaving. I’ll be back, though. Just know, there are other packs around these lands. We could work together, or, we could be enemies… It’s up to you, ma’am,” the Coywolf says.

He turns to leave, waving his pheromones at me. Show off… Though, honestly, I kinda like him. He’s pretty brave to come this far and make audacious requests. Other packs… I wonder how many other packs there are…

“Suisen, you smell funny,” Frostt comments when I enter the den.

“I had an encounter with a stranger,” I admit. “And he scented on me.”

“Sounds rude. The audacity, trying to claim a wolf from another pack,” Frostt says, snarling a bit. “I hope you bit his bum and sent him packing!”

“I let him go, but I warned him that we are a strong pack and we can destroy him if he attempts anything,” I say.

“Your precious Mr. Ōkami won’t be too happy if he smells that dank scent on you,” Frostt says. “Especially since he’ll know you’ve been out of the den.“

“Oh no! You’re right! Please! You gotta help me cover up!” I exclaim.

“Sure, but only because I’ll be in trouble with Alpha as well if I don’t help,” Frostt says.

Frostt throughly licks me. Her own stinky breath helps to cover up the Coywolf’s smell. Then, just to be sure, she sits on me and rubs her scent all over me. I sigh in relief, glad to be free of the spell that Coywolf put on me.

“There you go. Now you just smell like me. Presha, you better not say a word about this to Alpha,” Frostt warns.

“I won’t. And I suppose I don’t need to be in here anymore since all the patients are magically healed,” Presha says. “Why didn’t we just use magic in the first place? We could have saved Bounce and Quickie.”

“Because Alpha is very against unstable magic… And I agree with him, it’s VERY dangerous,” Frostt says.

“Okay,” Presha says.

I feel a new era is upon us. Will Alpha actually accept the offer to side with the Coywolves? Or will he deny their offer because they are half coyote? I do not know, but I definitely don’t want to go to war.

It was a lie. We don’t have any strong warriors in our pack. Our strongest members are actually just on loan from another pack. I feel sick to my stomach again, and this time it’s not the bacteria infested meat. Anxiety grips me. What have I done?

I’m starting to run low on paper in my journal. I would have had more, but Kurai scribbled on some of it. I’ll leave you with my final thoughts and find myself a new journal. This misadventure of mine, these dark ages of Clawderwilde, they must be documented.

It is hard for me to tell you these things. If nobody were to write of the evil we have faced in the past, we are more likely to repeat our actions. We must not war against each other. We CAN get along. Sage has proven to me that there is a way, there is a hope… There is more to life than we ever knew.

As I sit here, pondering my final thoughts, a little voice whispers to me, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.”

To Be Continued…

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