Mistaken Match: Marrying the Enigmatic CEO by Ruby Fennimore

Chapter 3

In any relationship, the party taking the initiative was often seen as more lowly and desperate.

Therefore, upon seeing Emmanuel and his family at her house, Milani Zimmerman wore an even

haughtier expression than when she was at the café. Ha! I knew this loser wouldn’t be able to get over

my looks, so he’s come to badger me again! Milani’s mother, Melody Claus, was just as smug when

she learned of the Lowe family’s intention. “If your son wishes to marry my daughter, you’ll have to give

us a betrothal gift of five hundred thousand,” she said as she raised her palm. “We won’t accept

anything less!” Emmanuel’s heart instantly sank. Oh, my goodness! Five hundred thousand? Is she

trying to sell her daughter? Alessandra, however, gritted her teeth and nodded. “T-That’s fine!” As long

as my son can get married, I’ll do anything to make up for the betrothal gift, even if it means selling the

house! “Your family must also provide a car and matrimonial home!” Milani’s father chimed in. “More

importantly, you’re not going to let my daughter pay for any installments or maintenance fees!” By then,

Emmanuel was on the verge of losing his patience. Shouldn’t marriages be consensual? I don’t expect

both parties to be forking out the wedding expenses equally, but why does it feel like my family’s here

to surrender and be fleeced? Alessandra, too, found herself in a tight spot. She could sell the house to

afford the betrothal gift, but how would she pay for the couple’s car and home? “Sure. That’s no

problem!” Roselynn piped up, even going so far as to pull her brother back when she realized he

wanted to object. She was just as eager for Emmanuel to start a family, and at thirty years old, she had

worked and saved up enough to make the necessary down payments for him. Since Mom is settling

the betrothal gift, I shall help Emmanuel with the car and home! “Lastly, he will bear all household

expenses after the wedding!” Milani suddenly said. That, however, was the last straw for Emmanuel.

“Are you guys marrying off your daughter or selling her? I don’t mind paying this much if she’s coming

to work for us as a housekeeper, but if she expects to be treated like a princess or queen, you can

forget it! I don’t need that!” “Look at your son! What’s with that attitude?” Milani yelled. “We aren’t even

married yet, and he’s already so domineering. Wouldn’t it be worse down the road?” “No, no, no… The

marriage will work out. It’d work out just fine!” Alessandra pleaded, desperate to finalize the wedding. I

can’t wait any longer… I must fulfill my husband’s dying wish by the end of the year! Having seen how

things were going, even Roselynn knew she had to step in to persuade her mother. “Mom! Stop forcing

it!” Manny’s right. There’s nothing wrong with giving a betrothal gift, car, and house. However, asking

him to be the sole supporter of his family after the wedding is too much! What about his wife, then?

Why can’t she chip in? Will she be sending her own money back to her parents? Just then, Milani’s

younger brother, Jacob Zimmerman, suddenly appeared with a cocky grin plastered on his face. “Haha!

Don’t forget about me, Milani! When it’s my turn to get married, I’d be counting on you guys to buy me

my car and house too!” Upon hearing that, Emmanuel instantly exploded with rage. “What the f*ck! Am

I marrying your sister or your entire family? I may as well support all of you!” Even though Emmanuel

had only meant that as an angry remark, Milani decided to hold him to his word. “Hah! You’d better

remember what you just said! In that case, I’ll leave you to plan and pay for the wedding banquet and

honeymoon. Don’t tell me you can’t afford that…” “Get lost! I’d rather marry a pig than a woman like

you!” Emmanuel retorted as the rage and ferocity he used to experience on the battlefield came

flooding back. He didn’t know what the Zimmermans were playing at, but there was no doubt they were

monsters. “Look at yourself! You’re just an uncultured brute with an awful temper! How dare you ask

me for my hand in marriage! I’d rather marry a boar than you!” Milani snapped back. Given my

qualities, I have no problem marrying a rich man, so why should I settle for a pauper like Emmanuel?

I’m only too happy that he wants to fall out with me! After giving an exasperated laugh, Emmanuel

stood up and stormed off, leaving Alessandra and Roselynn with no choice but to follow suit. To their

surprise, they had only just stepped out of the Zimmerman residence when three luxury cars pulled up

in front of them. The Zimmermans quickly popped out to see the commotion and almost dropped their

jaws when they saw the car lineup. Oh, d*mn! Those cars are worth tens of millions! What’s going on?

Since when were the Lowes that fancy? Emmanuel, on the other contrary, seemed to recognize one of

the cars. Hmm… Didn’t I see that car outside the café? The next second, Terence stepped out of the

car, surrounded by his convoy of suited bodyguards. He smiled as he approached Emmanuel and said

politely, “I’m here to return the favor, Mr. Lowe, after you helped me outside the café!” Needless to say,

everyone was stunned. Roselynn couldn’t hide her excitement and gripped her brother’s arm tightly.

Ah! Isn’t this like those rags-to-riches stories? The more Emmanuel thought about it, the more he

frowned. Wow… Who knew this old geezer was a millionaire? Could he have intentionally fallen at the

café? Terence waved his hand, and within seconds, his subordinates had unloaded several boxes of

gifts. Not only were there precious stones and jewelry, but there were also famous paintings, antiques,

and even a Porsche key. The total value of the items had to be at least ten million. For someone who

earned a mere eighty thousand a year, ten million was an eye-watering amount of money that

Emmanuel could only dream of! Upon witnessing the scene, the Zimmerman family almost collapsed in

shock. Milani might be a well-dressed woman, but the truth was, her family was just like any other

average family. To them, ten million was undoubtedly an astronomical sum! Sh*t. If I had known

Emmanuel would become a multi-millionaire, I’d have married him straightaway! After snapping out of

her daze, she smiled and hastily clutched Emmanuel’s arm. “What’s the matter, darling? Oh, wow…

You’re so kind to help the elderly! I love that about you!” “Who’s your darling?” Emmanuel asked,

embarrassing Milani so much that she wanted to crawl into a hole. As though that wasn’t enough, he

brusquely pushed her away and added, “Didn’t you just reject me? Why are you still using honeyed

words?” “Uh… I—” Milani muttered, clearly at a loss for words. Her family, too, was incredibly

frustrated. After all, they had just missed out on getting a wealthy son-in-law! Meanwhile, Alessandra

was about to say something when Roselynn tugged at her. As much as I want Manny to start a family, I

can’t let him settle for the horrible Zimmermans! Besides, he’s rich now! I’m sure he can find an even

better woman! “Mom, Roselynn, let’s go!” Emmanuel said before ushering both women into the car. He

didn’t want to accept the gifts, especially since he knew he hadn’t done anything to deserve them.

However, it wasn’t the time and place to discuss the matter, so he decided to leave instead. Once the

Lowe family had left, a gust of cold wind swept over the Zimmermans as they seethed silently. “How

could you have made such remarks earlier, Milani? Do you think it’s easy to find a millionaire these

days?” Melody berated. “W-What should I do now, then?” In all honesty, Milani was at a complete loss.

She had gone on several blind dates to find a rich husband who could give her a life of luxury. Alas,

who knew she’d let a multi-millionaire slip right through her fingers? “What else can we do? They’ve

already come to our place to ask for your hand in marriage. Can’t we do the same?” Melody suggested.

Jacob, who was just as anxious, instantly exclaimed, “I don’t care, Milani! You have to marry that multi-

millionaire! When my girlfriend and I get married, you must give us a house and a luxury car!

Otherwise, I’ll disown you!” “Okay, okay. I got it!” Milani replied with a long sigh. Argh! Emmanuel and I

left on such bad terms… Would he still care about me?

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