Mistake (completed)

Chapter The Wedding


I can't believe I ever doubted him. He planned the most amazing surprise in the world. Kylah tried to stop me from crying but she couldn't. I managed to get a hold of myself before I started the short walk to the most amazing bear in the world. I truly had no idea what he had planned.

I have no idea where we are but it's beautiful and I'm so glad my brother's and my handsome little boy are able to be here. I'm also incredibly grateful that Leon is the one to give me away.

Alpha Alester begins, "we are gathered here this evening to unite these two souls before the Goddess and their family and friends. I was asked to keep this short and sweet and I'm to understand Antonio has written some vows".

"Cadence you are a Goddess to me. You have brought me all the greatest things I have in my life". Tony pauses and there is a collective awe through the crowd, "In the beginning I pushed you away. I didn't want you to be shunned, tormented and hurt by those you loved they way I had been. I even told you I hoped you found someone that deserved you and you did".

He reaches up and wipes a tear from my cheek.

"André is amazing and was exactly who you deserved. If it wasn't me I'm glad it was him. He treated you right and took care of you when I was too stupid to know you had given me your heart long ago".

I'm having trouble keeping the tears at bay. I don't know what to say about that. I honestly don't think about André in that way anymore. Tony squeezes my hands and smiles at me.

"I almost made the biggest mistake of my life and pushed Cadence right into André's arms permanently".

All the guests who don't know our story gasp and startle me but Tony just keeps on going.

"The point is I made so many damn mistakes I can't even count them and this amazing bear saved me from them. She's given me the love I didn't know I deserved and the son I'd die for in a heartbeat. She gave me life and hope, and then she gave me strength. Cadence. I love you more than I will ever be able to properly express".

Great... I'm ugly crying at my beautiful surprise wedding. I'm shaking so much Tony is having a hard time getting the beautiful, delicate white gold band Leon handed him around my finger.

Alpha Alester chimes in "damn Tony, that was beautiful. Cadence would you like to say anything to Antonio?"

"I'd first like to say that I had no idea I was getting engaged this evening. I actually thought he was having an affair with the woman who made my dress".

Everyone laughs because obviously they knew what was happening.

"I was heartbroken and then he proposed and I was shocked. I figured that's why he had been so secretive. Then we got here and I was told we were getting married".

I squeeze Tony's hands, "Tony this was literally the best thing in the world. It's romantic and shows you really listen to me".

Luna Kylah asks "are you telling us you hate weddings?"

"No, I just hate planning".

Again everyone laughs, Tony included.

"I can't wait to officially have your name and be yours in every way, I love you".

He kisses my hand and then allows me to slip the band Kylah handed me onto to his finger.

"Well let's not keep you waiting any longer. I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Rodriguez".

I throw myself at Tony and he catches and kisses me deeply before the Alpha has time to say he may now kiss his bride.

The moon Goddess comes up to us after Tony leads us away from the alter and thousands of flower petals have been tossed in the air.

"That was beautiful. I'm so happy for you both." she says.

"Selene?" he asks.

"I'm so happy you finally stopped fighting it". She cups his cheek before she turns to me.

"Cadence you were so strong. I'm so glad you waited for this big dope to get his head on straight." she hugs us both before she makes her way to the Royal's.

"You really met her?" I ask astounded.

He chuckles and nods, "she gave me a few precious moments with Angel and Gabriel and I knew what I needed to do. Gabriel he... He loved you, you know? He knew you loved me but he saw you hurt and he wanted to ease your pain.

Tears roll down my cheeks.

Tony hugs me, "don't cry, knowing he loved you makes us naming Gabriel after him so much more special".

"Oh Tony don't say that I'm already barely holding it together".

"Don't hold back then, just let it out".

"We're so happy for you both".

I know those voices. It's been years but I could never forget the sound of Gabriel's voice.

Next thing I know Tony and I are wrapped in their arms having the life squeezed out of us.

Gabriel takes my hands, "thank you for taking care of him for us and showing him that he's worth it".

I can't hold any of my tears or sobs back. Everyone looks over but the only ones who understand are Leon and Griffin.

Griff and Leon bring Gabe over to us and Gabriel and Angel says hi to him. He looks so confused. We have pictures of them up at the house and he knows they passed on and that we named him after his uncle Gabriel so seeing them here has blown his little mind right open.

Angel takes him from his Uncle's, "Gabe, we love you and we watch over you to make sure your ok".

She hands him to Gabriel "you can tell your Auntie Angel and Uncle Gabriel anything in the world".

Gabe nods at them but I'm not sure he understood what that means. We can remind him later. We will keep them alive in our thoughts and hearts and make sure he does too.

The Moon Goddess comes back over, "I'm sorry to do this but we have to go, I just really wanted to be here".

"Thank you" I say as I hug Angel and Gabriel one last time.

"Thank you so much, for everything" Tony says as he hugs her.

After they leave we finally get to meet Leon's mate in person. She types to us on video chats and loves and adores Gabriel. I wish they'd been able to come down sooner but from my understanding she's been dealing with a lot so he's been keeping her really close.

André and Rayne kept and eye on her until she was ready to come down they weren't able to stay because of Rayne's father's health but they dropped her off on their way through. I'm so glad she's here.


The celebration winds down and we head up to the house. Apparently they rented the house for the wedding and we'll be heading out tomorrow afternoon.

"You and Gabriel are the best things to ever happen to me". I say as I take his hand.

He leads me down a long hall, "you're the best thing to happen to me. Thank you for being my strength and my heart. Thank you for being my home".

He kisses me lovingly before we get comfortable in the room we were practically shoved in to.

Most couples make love on their wedding nights but it's been such an emotional day and night we just want to feel grounded in each others arms. We have time to consummate our marriage, in the eyes of the Goddess we're already united for life, this ritual is just the human way, and it's great but he belongs to me and I to him regardless.

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