Mistake (completed)

Chapter Cadence


Seeing Antonio today made me so, so very happy, then it was a huge disappointment. I could tell he didn't remember me and dad didn't help. He really pisses me off! Dad acts like he has a say in my life but he doesn't, I'm an adult and I can and will see whoever I want when I want.

I remember when I was sixteen he sat me down and told me he didn't want me dating anyone because 'boys your age only want one thing Cadence and that thing is in your pants' I was pissed... I was pissed because I already knew that but I had my eye on Antonio for a long time. Him and my brothers kind of hung around in the same crowds so he was in the area a lot.

I don't think he even really noticed I was around even though we had a couple classes together despite the fact he was three grades ahead of me. One night I got brave and I went to Tony's house to go tell him how I felt. His sister Angel answered the door and told me he was out back, I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't Jodi in his lap.

I was absolutely crushed, I'm not sure how long I stood there before Gabriel saw me standing there with tears streaming down my face but he found me and took me to his room and talked to me until I snapped out of it.

That night Gabriel and I slept together. He made me feel beautiful and cherished and that's what I needed at that moment in time. I never regretted my night with Gabe but I didn't see him or anyone else that way again because I decided I was going to wait for my mate. If Gabe was my mate then that would be fine but I still had years to go before I'd find out for sure and it didn't feel right.

I did feel guilty that the reason Gabe and I were together was because of what I saw in his backyard and because of my dad. I was determined to undermine him as much as possible, to do something I had one-hundred percent control over. Gabe was so nice to me afterwards but he was at that age where he'd be finding his mate and I was still in love with Tony.

My mom was killed by a hunter when we were young, while she was up at her beautiful cabin dad had built her when she was pregnant with Leon. This wasn't just any hunter it was a supernatural hunter, he saw mom as a threat and he shot her mid shift. She didn't know what hit her... the hunter got in a lot of trouble and was told that he wasn't allowed to hunt at all anymore. They are only suppose to hunt bad supers not bear shifters minding their own business.

Dad was a mess for years after that and Leon took care of Griff and I while dad drowned his sorrows in alcohol and whatever else he felt like taking. Then he got better and Leon went off to war which sadly just sent dad back into that spiral until Leon came home again. Griff did a good job helping me out but he needed help with the shop so I studied hard while I was there and got a few credits ahead and I was able to graduate by a year early.

When I was eighteen I remember the town was in an uproar because Tony was moving here and nobody wanted him here because of what happened to Gabe and Angel. Everyone blamed him, it hurt me to know that at a time in his life when he needed people the most they had abandoned him.

I wasn't even positive where he was living I just knew it was two hours north east of here and I didn't dare ask where because everyone here pretty much reports everything I do and say back to dad, it is a bit better now that I'm almost twenty and they know I can and will fight them.

"Cadence?" my dad asks like he's worried about me, "yeah?" I reply back, he said he was curious to know how my party planning was going and honestly it's going fine.

I have decided that even though it's going to cause issues im inviting Tony. I know he hasn't found his mate yet and I want all the unmated bears there. Unfortunately I have to invite all the females to because you truly never know who the Goddess is going to mate you to. A female mate would be fine but I remember how good Gabriel made me feel the night I lost my virginity to him so I'd love it if my mate was a male. I look over at my dad and steel myself for his reaction

"Dad I just wanted to tell you that I am inviting Tony to my party".

He immediately starts yelling at me saying he won't allow it, like he gets a choice. I really want him there and I still hope against all odds that he is my mate.

Dad tries to talk me out of it for hours but eventually gives up when he realizes that I will have him there no matter what he or this shit town says. This place is a disgrace, the way they treat Tony is despicable. All I want to do is hold him in my arms and make sure he knows that I love him and that I know Angel and Gabriel would never, ever blame him for what happened. They would definitely not be ok with any of this.

When I talked to Leon and Griff about inviting Antonio they thought it was a good idea. I know they like having him around but I know there will be bears there that would rather he not be there.

I really hope he chooses to come. I'd love to see him again and that's when Leon says "you should go hand deliver his invitation, he'll have a harder time saying no to you if you give him your best pouty bear face." I stick my tongue out at him but to be honest he is not wrong. I have the two best brothers in the whole entire world.

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