Miss Marvelous: The Pit Fall

Chapter Before You Read...

Hello fellow reader! Just a heads up that this is the third book to the Miss Marvelous series.

If you haven’t read the first two books (Miss Marvelous: High School Freshman AND Miss Marvelous: Chaotic Summer), I HIGHLY recommend you read them before continuing to read this story, since you won’t know the past history of the main character. Reading the previous two book are necessary to read before this book.

You don’t HAVE to, but you would understand the references that this book makes to the previous books.

Here is the summary of the first two books in case you don’t want to go back and read them:

Summary of Miss Marvelous: High School Freshman:

Vanessa Beaks is a grade 9 attending Manhattan High School in Manhattan, New York. She befriends two other grade nines Caleigh and Rachel. In her Health Science class, Vanessa accidently messes up the recipe for the body lotion; Adding more Benedict’s solution than the recipe called for. In the story, Benedict’s solution can cause your cells to mutate if comes into contact with your skin. However, V’s teacher Mr. Cashol reversed the solution the day before his class would use it in their body lotions.

But since Vanessa used too much of Benedict’s solution, putting the lotion on caused her to have the ability to shapeshift into anything living. With this new power, she develops gray streaks of hair at her temples. This, and waking up with fox ears and a tail distracts her at school, which her science teacher notices. Unfortunately, Vanessa forgets her small bag of body lotion at school and Mr. Cashol takes it home, to test with it in his home science lab. In his lab, he would run tests on himself, but luckily nothing bad would happen to him, until this test with the lotion. After drinking a glass of a dark blue liquid, Mr. Cashol starts experiencing painful cellular mutation, causing him to turn into an evil five story tall Albino Anaconda whenever he gets stressed out.

The first transformation caused Mr. Cashol to rampage downtown in Manhattan and accidently kill Vanessa’s foster Mom Sherry Riverock. (She raised her when she was five). Another one of his transformations occurred in front of Vanessa in the science classroom, where she had to pull out her hero costume (it’s a black tunic, long sleeve shirt with a tuxedo pattern on it, a brown belt with pockets, long black pants, tall black boots, and a purple cape) and fight the creature in the school. She also felt the need to avenge her dead foster mother. After the school attack, the Albino Anaconda snake (AKA: Mr. Cashol) unleashed a albino snake apocalypse, trying to invade all of Manhattan.

Vanessa springs into action again and stops the massive snake, by separating Mr. Cashol and the Albino snake into two beings. Then Vanessa kills the Albino snake and helps her teacher up to his feet. She drops him off at the school. The next day the snake invasion is all over the news, including Vanessa herself. The city took notice of her superhero self. In the conclusion, Vanessa packs up her duffel bag to stay a couple of nights at her cousin’s house while her foster dad (Joe Riverock) goes out of town for a few days to meet with a mysterious stranger dressed in black at a diner.

Summary of Miss Marvelous: Chaotic Summer:

Vanessa Beaks finishes her first year at Manhattan High. The government releases reports on the news about how the albino anaconda snakes are rapidly increasing and are spreading all around the world. What’s even worse is that they’re carrying a new virus called ‘Rabies 2.0’. and are spreading it to humans. Once you get the virus, you become what’s called a ‘Muskcore’; Basically a really strong person with massive, bulky muscles all over the body, six red eyes, aggressive dog like behavior and has light blue blood.

Vanessa gets invited to a party that her friend was hosting and did a few magic card tricks, before she had to transform into her superhero self (Miss Marvelous), to save a group of teens from a Muskcore that had entered the house. From there, she goes back to her uncle’s house since that was where she was staying at for awhile, before her foster dad came to get her.

Then her and her foster dad go to a summer camp by Watertown (called ‘The Acres’), because a company that he worked for (for his second job, he is a Free Methodist Pastor), called the SRC (a place where they keep magical and unusual artifacts and creatures, very important files that are highly classified and soundproof rooms), has a building that is on the camp grounds, but in secret. Her foster dad knows the real reason why her foster mom left the house, before she got killed by the giant albino anaconda.

Vanessa and her foster dad go there and have dinner on the top floor, and there she sees a boy (James Melo), who was at her friend’s party back in Manhattan. She officially meets him and they go to youth group together while their parents are chatting.

Then one day, Vanessa goes to the SRC center to help her foster dad. She delivers him his lunch and then she sorted out a bin of relics and artifacts of all kinds of shapes and sizes onto labelled shelves. There she runs into the Ice Diamond Bracelet; 12 square diamonds make it up and on each one has some kind foreign language on it. Engraved on the inside of the bracelet, it said ‘To Vanessa, my strong and powerful daughter I hope to someday reunite again---Amanda Fletcher’.(Who is Master Fletcher, a very powerful supreme sorcerer and is her biological mother). The bracelet can create unmeltable ice and forcefields. Vanessa decides to pocket the bracelet.

Later Vanessa gets invited to go into town with a few of her new camp friends; James, Brody and Kyle. However, when they go into Watertown, a Walmart caught on fire and she transform into her hero self to save an innocent women from the collapsing building.

Then there is a flashback to Chapter 14 in Miss Marvelous: High School Freshman, where Vanessa’s foster dad meets the mysterious man at the diner. Turned out to be Mr. Melo, James’s dad who runs the SRC and offers him a new job. Her foster dad also brings and gives him the mason jar of the dead body of the giant albino anaconda she put in there. He finds out that she could possibly be a sorcerer.

To enjoy the summer break, after playing a fun game of basketball with her camp friends Brody, Kyle and James, they invite her to go tubing with them and their uncle on the lake that’s next to the campgrounds (West Lake). But while tubing on the lake, Vanessa fell off the tube with the boys and the ice diamond bracelet that she was wearing turned the entire lake into a thick layer of ice (in the middle of the summer). Vanessa then decides to take a sample of the unmeltable ice to her foster dad to look at (but in a cooler, so he wouldn’t question her) but while looking for him, she accidently stumbled across the basement, where guests were strictly forbidden and she gets caught by her foster dad.

After they left the basement, a scientist decided to try a serum he created to try and cure the people down in the cages there that had transformed into Muskcores and were being held captive. However, the serum only made them stronger and he himself got bitten and transformed into one. Then they all break out from their cages and began to invade the building and the camp.

Vanessa comes and saves the day again, except she loses her foster dad in the battle of the Muskcores inside the SRC building. He got impaled by a pole and died in Vanessa’s arms. Also during that battle, she meets a mysterious hero, who has 4 robot like tentacles coming out of her back and was wearing a black and white trench coat with a top hat, tall black boots and red round sunglasses. Together, they fought off and killed the remaining Muskcores on the camp grounds. After the battle was over, Vanessa used her foster dad’s phone to call her uncle Kevin to come get her.

In the end, her uncle took her out fishing and Vanessa explained to him how her foster dad had died. Meanwhile the mysterious hero girl used a relic from the SRC to create a portal and go through it.

In the final chapter, while Vanessa is asleep in her trailer, her purple cloak twitches a bit, and the AC wasn’t running.

You’re now all caught up with the story and now can read this one.

Enjoy reading!!!


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