Miss Marvelous: Chaotic Summer

Chapter 5

The next morning I woke up in my trailer laying on the couch in my pyjamas, ticked in my black sleeping bag. I shifted my gaze from my sleeping bag to the kitchen, where I saw my foster dad making toast for him and I.

“Good morning, Vanessa. Did you sleep well?” he asked, noticing that I was getting up from the couch and walking towards him.

“Yes, I did”.

Joe handed me a small plate with a piece of toast, covered in melted peanut butter. I sat down at the small round table with my plate and a glass of water, before I bit into my breakfast.

Mmm, just the way I like it.

My foster dad spreaded butter and jam on his, before he sat down across the table from me with his glass of milk.

“So what did you do after dinner last night?” he asked, after taking a couple of bites from his toast.

“I hung out with James. He invited me to the youth group event”. “And how did that go?“. I took a sip from my glass.

“It was great. We played Mafia and night in the museum. Then we had worship and listened to the youth pastor preach” I explained, before taking the last bite of my single piece of toast.

“That’s good, what was the sermon about?“.

My head went completely blank. I wasn’t even paying attention to the young pastor. Being a pastor’s daughter, you should think I pay attention to sermons, even my dad’s, but I hardly do.

My mind likes to zone out. One time, I zoned out for a few minutes before church started and I didn’t realize that I was staring at the cute, young adult new worship leader, Jason Silver.

After a couple of minutes, he saw me looking at him and he waved at me. That’s when I realized I was staring at him and waved back to him, from my seat in the second row from the front of the church. Thinking quickly, I came up with a little white lie.

“The youth pastor talked about how God uses people to perform many miracles”.

“And what is an example of that?” my foster dad asked, testing my knowledge.

“God used Lazarus to be a sign to non believers that when you die, it’s not the end. It’s the beginning of eternal life with God in heaven”.

My foster dad gave me an approving smile.

“Very good, Vanessa. “I’m glad you’re paying attention to the good word”.

I drank the rest of my water, stood up with my dishes and walked towards the kitchen sink.

“Question, do you have any plans today?“.

“Yes, I was hoping to explore some of the campgrounds. Why do you ask?” I replied, as I carefully set my plate and glass cup in the sink to my right.

“I need some help from you. I have a bunch of stuff I need to do today and I know I can’t accomplish it all on my own. Can you help me out?“.

“Yeah, sure,“.

I walked over to the couch I was sleeping on and began to make my bed.

“Thank you, Vanessa. And speaking of my job,“

-Joe looked down at his old analog watch on his left wrist-

“It’s almost 9am. I’ve got to be at the SRC just before that” said my foster dad, standing up from his seat at the small round table, with his empty plate and glass in his hands.

He carefully set his dirty dishes in the same sink as I did, before he went into the small bedroom and changed into his work clothes; A blue short sleeved flannel shirt, a black tie and navy blue pants, with a black belt to keep them up.

Once I finished making my bed, I pulled out my teal duffle bag with white polka dots and took out my outfit for today; A plain maroon t-shirt with a black belt and short black shorts.

After I put on my outfit, I went into the bathroom with my pick (basically a hair comb) and began to comb through my long, thick curly brown hair.

“Hey Vanessa, can you do me a favor?” shouted my foster dad, from the living room area.

He was by the glass sliding door, slipping on his work shoes.

“Sure. What is it?” I called back.

“I need you to make two sandwiches for me and you to have for lunch today”.

“I can do that. What do you want on yours?“.

“Just mayo, mustard, marble cheese and black forest ham”.

Joe picked up his black briefcase off the floor by the kitchen counter and stepped onto our trailer deck.

“Thanks Vanessa. I’ll see you later” he said, before closing the transparent door shut.

After I finished putting my hair up into a bun, I brushed my teeth before I went back into the kitchen to prepare lunch. Just as I set a cutting board and a loaf of bread on the counter, an idea popped into my head.

Since my foster dad isn’t here, I can use my power to make this job go a little quicker so I can have time today to get familiar with the campgrounds I thought, letting a smile spread across my face.

I instantly shapeshifted my arms (from my fingertips to my elbows) into four black octopus tentacles each. From there, I turned on the radio and cranked up the volume, before I started to get the sandwich ingredients out from the fridge.

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