Mirror Lake 2 The Journey to Save the Magic

Chapter Bonus Chapter A Hurried Phone Call

Melissa POV

Man, whoever it was that says women glow when they are pregnant, needs to get their eyes checked, not to mention probably be locked away in a padded room for their own safety!

And the “grace” and “poise” women talk about while showing off their baby bump??? Are they nuts?

PREGNANCY BRAIN is a real thing people! Not to mention whenever I bend over my backside lets out a noise like a cow on a farm, and it smells just as bad!

UGH! I’m only a few weeks pregnant, and my feet are sore, I’m sleepy, I’m hungry, I’m grouchy!

Okay, I will address each in order.

Thanks to my amazing new friend Candi, she comes over and rubs my feet and my back, and man, if I didn’t love Nate so much, I’d propose! Dang that girl is good!

Not to mention, I’ve never actually had a friend that was my age before, besides Twix, but he doesn’t count cause he’s a boy… and my twin, so he has to love me no matter what! But all in all, Nate and Twix did good hiring the girl! She even hangs out with me and Becks’ for girls night and we paint each other's nails…. I swear I don’t know when I got all girly!

I'll take it back… It was the moment I saw Nate!

Sigh… I missed him!

Kay- so where was I?

Oh, yeah!

I have been taking naps like a toddler! I don’t know if it’s what Nate said about the baby sucking my magic up, or this is just a normal part of pregnancy, but let me tell you, it sucks when you are in the middle of making chocolate chip cookies and all of a sudden you need a nap, like NOW! I almost burnt my cookies… Sad face.

Thank Heavens for Sam! I swear that girl is a life saver!

She makes the foods I can actually stand eating healthy for the baby, and even my snacks she somehow disguises them with veggies mixed in, and surprisingly they are amazing! She even gives me all the sweets I’ve been craving, but turns them super healthy, and I didn’t even know that was a thing! Dang, where has she been all my life?

Sam has also become part of our little family, and takes my cookies out of the oven for me if I need to crash! Super important!

Now the grouchy part is mostly Ethan’s fault! He invited his buddies to be my personal body guards and they follow me everywhere! Like, what the heck was he thinking? I have Becks’, Candi, and Sam! Not to mention James.

I spend a lot of time with him, amazingly! I like to go out to the gardens and watch as he works, and we chat about his family. He’s trying to support his wife and little girl. I’ve met Elizabeth and Rory, they come over to join our girls days too.

Aurora is the sweetest little thing!

I hope I’m having a girl…

Uhh… where was I?

Oh, yeah! Grumpy!

Pregnancy brain! Not even a joke!

So, Josh and Jeff have been following me everywhere! These boys are twins, and like Ethan and I, are not identical. But unlike Ethan, these guys are jocks!

Josh is tall and lean and he was the basketball star, where Jeff was more stocky and buff and he was the football star! None of that bothers me. They actually were decent to me in high school and I never had to take my revenge out on them, so I guess Ethan could have made a worse choice for my guards… But still…

Where is my freedom?

Also, these two keep joking that I’ve become more girly, as if I haven’t noticed! If they keep that up they are going to wake up one day with pretty pink nail polish on their fingers and toes and sparkly purple glitter in their hair. And let me tell you, glitter will never come out!

I’ve been in the kitchen the last ten minutes, scarfing down this awesome zucchini bread Sam made about an hour ago, trying not to eavesdrop on Becks’ convo with my brother.

I swear they are the cutest!

Becks’ is all giggle and bashful telling my bro how much she misses him.

I look over at Josh and Jeff.

They are on the couch playing on my PS5. It’s some new RPG tryin’ to kick each other’s butts. Boys!

Oh, well!

Suddenly there is pain in my chest. Like my heart is cracking open!

I placed my hand on my belly, but nothing seemed to be coming from the baby…


“Becks’ tell Ethan I need to talk to Nate!” I shouted.

Becky looked panicked and relayed the message to Ethan.

Becky handed me over her phone and the instant I had it I shouted “Nate!”

I heard him on the other end, his voice was weak and shaky.

“I miss you,” he whispered to me.

I could feel it! I could feel how much he needed me right now!

“I know, baby! I know… I can feel you panicking! Don’t worry! The baby and I are just fine!” I tried to convey to him through my words how worried I am for him.

All of a sudden, I have this dark feeling. Like there is a hole in the pit of my stomach, and I don’t know what is going on.

“NATE!” I shouted.

“Melissa, Nate just passed out! What do I do?” Ethan rushed.

Okay, now I know something is wrong, because my brother never uses my full name!

But the question remained… What do we do to fix the love of my life?

Then I remembered… He can fell me too.

“Hey, Twix, I’m gonna need your help for this one,” I stated.

“Whad’ya need?” he asked.

“Place your hand over his heart, I need you to share some of your magic with him. I’m gonna do it too, but unfortunately, I don’t have a ton to spare, okay?” I asked.

“Gotcha! Okay, go!” commanded my brother.

I don’t even care that it came out like he was bossing me around, he was taking care of my man, so I would allow it!

I placed my hand over my heart and pushed all my love and magic through our bond and aimed it at my husband to be.

After a minute, I heard a relieved sigh and the softest voice.


Finally feeling at peace, I handed the phone back over to its owner.

“I'm gonna take a nap!” I announced and marched up to my bed!

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