Mirror Lake 2 The Journey to Save the Magic

Chapter 9 Attack

Nate's POV

Talking to Lissa this morning put my spirits in a good mood. Being so far from her is physically painful. It’s causing my body to ache, but we still have so far to go. I know as soon as this is all done, it will all be worth the heartache and pain.

Everyone will be free and my Queen will reign with peace over the magical creatures.

Driving for hours today has put me in a melancholy mood. I would much rather be talking to Mel, but we left before the sun even came up. We are on a time crunch, so we didn’t want to waste any time. We picked up some sandwiches for breakfast and hit the road.

Spending so much time with Ethan has been a blast. He is funny, smart and very opinionated, and most of his opinions are the exact opposite of his sister’s. But they work so well together, like puzzle pieces that fit together. And somehow, both Becky and I are part of that puzzle and we just mesh together, but in more of a supporting role than lead.

I was never one to ever think I would lead, I was always given the role of protector, and even now, I’m still protecting. Even though Melissa has talked to me about being the King, and I will accept the role when the time is right, I will always be protecting her. Beyond my duties as a Guardian, my life is tied to hers, and my love for her goes beyond what I can put into words. All I know is there would be no point to my life if she wasn’t in it.

I’m getting sappy in my old age. Not that I mind. Getting older comes with wisdom the younger generation will need and I have every intention of helping them out.

Teaching Ethan has been so much fun. I honestly haven’t had this much happiness in my life in what seems like forever. With each new power I teach him to unlock, our bond as brothers grows stronger.

I just wish Mel was here with us.

I take that back! I do not want my wife and unborn child on such a dangerous mission. She should be resting and conserving her energy, which I am sure has been depleting since I’ve been away. My heart burns with this knowledge.

We’ll be home soon, my butterfly.

Suddenly the car is swarmed by black shadow creatures and I slam my breaks.

They appeared to be coming out of the thin patch of trees, cutting off our path. I tried to control the Jeep as I skidded to a stop on the dirt.

“What the heck are those things?” screams Ethan.

I take a few deep breaths to calm my racing heart before I can answer.

“They are shadow beings created by demon magic. I thought they would have been all wiped out after I got rid of Jack, seeing as he was who made them. I didn’t know they could still exist without their master!” I tried to explain.

“What do they do?” Ethan looked worried, as well he should be.

“Normally they just follow whatever their master commands, but these ones are free to do what they wish. I’ve never been in a situation like this,” I admitted.

“I don’t have a good feeling about this,” whispered Ethan.

And honestly, neither did I!

Suddenly, the car was flipped over, and if we hadn’t been wearing our seatbelts we would be in a much worse predicament.

Not that the seatbelts stopped the pain. I’m sure we both have bruises forming under the harnesses. Not to mention the whiplash I know we will feel once the shock wears off.

The glass has shattered and we have scrapes and cuts all over our skin.

Ethan groaned loudly.

“Hey, are you okay?” I finally am able to move my mouth to ask.

“I think I passed out for a minute,” Ethan slurs.

That doesn’t sound good.

“Okay, we need to get out of here, or they will destroy us while sitting in the car,” I informed him.

“So, we’d be upside-down sitting ducks,” he tried to joke.

“That would about cover it. Okay, on the count of three, we need to unbuckle and push out through the window. But you are going to use your magic as a forcefield. You remember from training?” I asked.

“Yeah, I remember!” He gave me a sideways smile, probably remembering what happened during that particular incident. Let’s just say I’ve never seen a watermelon spontaneously combust before!

“Okay, three… two… one!” I shout and we unbuckle and push out with our magic.

The cuts from the glass we received were minor in comparison to what will happen if we stay there. I could already smell the leaking gas.

“If they lost their master, then why are they here?” Ethan asked a very valid question.

“I honestly have no idea, but it may have something to do with avenging their master's death. Not that that will do anything for them. Especially because we are going to destroy them for good!” I assured Ethan.

He looked over at me and we nodded at the same time.

We both extended our hands in unison and called up our swords.

I brought down my sword on a shadow figure sliced through darkness, but it felt like cutting through tar. It was thick and sticky, not to mention hot. What would you expect from something that was created by a demon?

But my lightning sword slicked through it like butter.

Another creature came up behind me and I swirled around slashing through it. I saw it disappear into a dark fog. But I didn’t have time to wonder at that, as three creatures were converging on Ethan. I saw him slice through one with his fire sword, but the other two were trying to tackle him from the back.

I let out a fierce roar and whipped my sword through the air decapitating both monsters at once.

And then there was silence.

We looked around at where the shadow creatures had disappeared and then back at the car.

Smoke had started to fill the inside of the Jeep.

Fear gripped my heart at the same time I gripped Ethan and dashed away from the car, just when it exploded.

I look over at Ethan, and once again he has passed out.

Crap! What a useless Guardian I have turned out to be.

I took a deep breath and laid my hands on his body. I focus on my magic and push it into Ethan. Slowly, his bruises started to fade, his cuts knitted back together, and his breathing returned to normal.

Once I’ve done all in my power, I sit and wait.

It seemed like forever when he finally moaned awake, blinking his blurry eyes at me.

I smiled.

“How you feeling, man?” I asked.

“Like I was hit by a train,” he groaned.

I chuckled at the answer.

“Well, you aren’t far off,” I responded.

Slowly he got up, and I rushed to help him.

“Careful,” I cautioned. “You have been out for over an hour.”

“An hour?!” he panicked.

“Hey, calm down. You are fine now!” I assured him.

“Yeah, but we’ve lost an hour, not to mention our Jeep! What do we do now?” he asked.

I sighed.

“You ready for a hike?” I asked.

“Well, ready or not, here we come!” he groaned.

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