Mirror Lake 2 The Journey to Save the Magic

Chapter 3 Leaving

Ethan's POV

It is gonna be a long morning! It’s not even sunrise. The air is still chilly, as autumn is just around the corner. There are still dewdrops on the freshly mowed grass, thanks to James. (Even the garden looks better this morning. All the weeds that gathered from when the “adult figures” up and ditched us at camp and been making this place an eyesore! )

Now Nate and I are packing everything into the trunk of the Jeep. I love this thing, just wish we weren’t using it to leave. Maybe if I pretend this is just a road trip and not a rescue mission I might feel a little better?

Nope! Didn’t work.

My sister and my girlfriend are balling their eyes out, and I’d be right there with them if I didn’t have to put up a brave face. Someone’s gotta be a man around here. Nate’s eyes are red and swollen. Poor guy must be miserable.

I look over at Lissa’s hand and see the ring he gave her yesterday. He even asked my opinion on the ring. Now I’m a guy and don’t know a lot about jewelry, but her ring was beautiful! It even matched her eyes… I wonder if he used magic to make that happen. Maybe I should ask, because I’d love to make something special like that for Becky, when the time comes.

Looking up at Nate’s face, he is barely keeping it together.

Not that I’m not! I feel like crap!

I don’t want to leave Becky. She just turned 16 last week, and knowing what I do about her past, I feel like I’m gonna give her abandonment issues. I remember her telling me about her childhood, growing up in an orphanage. She is a small thing and she was picked on by the other kids. I just can’t see how anyone could do that to her! She is the sweetest thing ever!

I’m not normally a clingy guy, but man am I gonna miss her. I’m gonna miss her smile, the way it made me feel so light inside. I’m going to miss her caring words and the way she listened to me when I just needed to talk. She has such a giving nature, it makes me want to be more like her.

She made us a cake yesterday and it was fantastic! She was so excited to show us what she had been working on. I never knew she was such a good baker. She was so happy… Until Lissa threw up.

I’m still not sure what that was about, but I know it’s killing Nate. I’ve been watching him for the last 10 minutes over there, holding my sister and whispering into her ear.

If I wanted to, I could totally mind read her and find out what’s going on… But I have no desire to do that! Gross!

The past few weeks I’ve learned how to put up a mind block so I don’t unintentionally get flashes of what is going on with them.

Happened once… NEVER AGAIN!!! Man, I wish there was such a thing as “mind bleach” because I’d buy a whole bucket of that stuff!

I sigh and shake my head.

I look down at Becky’s tear streaked face and wipe away the tears with a kiss.

“It’s gonna be okay, cupcake,” I whisper.

“I know, but I’m going to miss you,” she blubbered as she buried her face into my shirt.

I’m sure I’m gonna be covered in snot, tears and saliva by the time I leave. Not that I care. I would be more than happy for her to ruin all my shirts if it makes her feel better.

Something tight gets lodged in my throat thinking about leaving. We don’t even know how long it’s gonna be. We could get lucky and be back in a week, or it could take months for us to find all the domes… Not that I’m going to say that out loud.

If that is the case, I don’t know how Nate or I would survive staying away that long. We are already planning on calling them every night and video chatting as much as possible. But it isn’t the same as being able to touch them.

I squeeze her tight to me, taking all the comfort I can while I’ve got it.

“I love you, Becky. I need you to stay safe for me and I need you to take care of my sister. She’s all the family I’ve got left besides you and Nate,” I choke out.

Becky nods her head against my shoulder.

“I will take her to the doctor today, just like I promised!” she assures me.

“I’m sure it’s just a bug or something, then you guys can finish that awesome cake you made!” I tried to smile.

Nate and Lissa walk over to us and dread fills my belly.

Not yet.

I’m not ready!

I don’t want to go.

This is going to be the first time Melissa and I have ever been apart! I know that sounds lame, but seriously, she is my twin, so what did you expect? She is my best friend and knows me better than I know myself…

Now that I think about it, it was more than our twin bond. It was her magic working telling her how I was feeling, just like I always knew what she was thinking. But still, there is something that connects just the two of us and I am going to miss it.

I reach over and hug my sister.

“Hey! You hang in there and I’ll get your man home to you as soon as possible!” I tried to sound cheerful.

“I’m gonna miss you too, Twix!” she whispers.

She knew what I was thinking, even though I tried to cover it up.

Man! If I cry right now, I will never live it down! She will tease me relentlessly for the rest of my life! I definitely need to pull myself together!

“Beck is gonna take you to that appointment this morning! I know how you love seeing Dr. Levett, but don’t miss it! I am expecting a full report tonight!” I demand.

Lissa chuckles.

She hates Dr. Levett, solely for the fact that “mom and dad” always had us go into her and she would run blood work on her every single time! But no one knows her better than Dr. Levett, so I see no point in finding a new doctor… especially since she knows all about her blood work, (which we weren’t even sure what it was for) and all her details since we were newborns.

“You be safe, brother! I still need to annoy someone… It can’t be Becks because I like her, and it definitely can’t be Nate because he is mine. So that leaves you by default!” she smiled.

I kiss her on her forehead and squeeze her one last time.

“Get to feeling better sis!” I said.

Nate gives Lissa one last kiss, but I turn away so they can have the illusion of privacy, and hug Becky once more.

Her body is shaking so bad, I don’t know if I’ll make it out of here or not.

“Ok, Ethan, it’s now or never, because if I stay here any longer I’m gonna lose my nerve,” admits Nate.

“Let’s hit the road!” I shout with fake enthusiasm.

We both jump into the Jeep.

I turn the ignition and put it in reverse and I watch the girls as we slowly back out the driveway. I really should be paying attention to what is around me, but I just can’t pull my eyes away from their teary faces.

My heart is sad. For some reason it feels like the last time I will see them.

But that is not going to happen. We will come back.

Then we round the corner and they are out of sight and I floor it.

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