Mirror Lake 2 The Journey to Save the Magic

Chapter 16 Highway Hypnosis

Ethan's POV

Man, have you ever been in a vehicle so long that you ran out of things to think about? Yeah, I’m not saying talk about, but just think about. Like the internal monologue in your head just gave up the fight?

I’ve been driving for hours heading east toward Florida, on I-75 S. I guess it’s gonna take us close to 22 hours of driving to get there. Apparently we are supposed to go toward the swamplands. Yuck! And honestly, I’m a little worried about the types of magical creatures that live in a swamp!

Nate has been napping on and off because his magic is kinda going haywire right now. It must have something to do with Lissa and the baby. But whatever it is, it’s completely draining the guy!

Mental note: Never leave Becks when she is pregnant!

Ha! Like I’d ever leave Becky while she was pregnant! I wouldn’t even leave her now!

Loren had some nerve thinking she could take me away from the love of my life! I could feel her magic in her words, but they just didn’t really affect me. It was like rain rolling off an umbrella. You know it’s there, just can’t get to you.

Whatever super power that protects me from her magic, I’m absolutely grateful for!

Also, I knew she wouldn’t get to Nate! He is beyond gone for my sister! It’s like if she ever died, she would follow her into death just so he didn’t have to be parted from her.

And while that’s all romantic and crap, I really hope that doesn’t happen anytime soon.

We’re gonna have a lot of stuff to figure out when we get back, and I’m hoping to have plenty of time to do it! I already know I have to wait until Becks 18 before I can claim her as mine, so that is at least two years. I still want to go to school and become a doctor. I like helping people, and since Lissa’s gonna be Queen and Nate the King, I’ll be the Prince, so I might as well figure something that can be useful to our people.

I smiled when I think of Becky being crowned Princess. My little cupcake! I am so dang proud of her! She is gonna help me out and bring peace to our land. If she can put up with Lissa while she is pregnant, then she is a certifiable saint! Maybe she can be my sexy little nurse.

I chuckled at the thought.

Nobody better ever find her sexy, but me! She is mine!

I can picture her now helping me heal people. She has this calming aura around her… Well, it’s supposed to calm people down, but it kinda gets me excited.

I just wanted to gobble her up and keep her all to myself. I know, I’m selfish. But I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want my Becky.

I missed her! I missed holding her. I missed kissing the freckles on her nose. I missed counting her eyelashes while she sleeps. I miss her giggles when she is happy and excited.

Man, I needed her!

Soon, this whole blasted quest would be over and we would come home, the conquering heroes… And my sweet princess can repay me for my valiance with lots of kisses!

I wanted to kiss every inch of her body. I wanted to hear her whisper my name. I needed to show her how much I need her in my life!

Suddenly a loud honk broke me from my needy thoughts.

I was headed straight into an 18 wheeler!

I yanked the steering wheel and veered off the road and crashed into a railing. The car flipped over and landed crunched against the tree.

I looked over at Nate. His head was bleeding slightly, but he was conscious.

“When I said ‘let’s hit the road,’ I didn’t mean it literally,” groaned Nate.

“Yeah, sorry man. I guess I wasn’t watching where I was going,” I coughed out. “Think we’ll get the deposit back?” I joked.

“With the way we’ve been going through vehicles, we may just end up buying that jet of yours,” he tried to smile, but ended up wincing.

“We gotta get you outta here!”

I unbuckled us both and went around the car to pull Nate out.

Suddenly a buzzing sound went off. I recognized it instantly as Nate’s phone.

“She knows,” he whispered.

He pulled it out of his pocket and answered it.

“Hey, my butterfly,” he breathed out in a decent attempt of calm.

“What happened?” I could hear my sister panicking through the phone.

“We’re okay baby,” he tried reassuring her.


I guessed she wasn’t letting this one go, and my backside was on the line! I knew as soon as I got home she was gonna let me have it! I don’t even want to think about what Becky is gonna do to me!

“Baby, Ethan just got distracted and we ran off the road…” he lied.

I gave him a weak smile and mouthed ‘thank you!’

“Whaddya mean he ran off the road?!? Haven’t you guys been taking breaks to get enough rest so you can drive safely?” She shrieked.

Yeaaah, I’m in trouble!

“Don’t worry, my love! We are fine! I’ll call you as soon as we get to our next stop just so you know we made it safe!” Nate promised.

“You’d better!” she grumbled.

“I love you sis!” I shouted.

“YOU’D BETTER YOU DUMMY! You are in sooooo much trouble when I get my hands on you!” she vowed.

Yep! That’s my sweet sister.

“Okay, love. We need to get back on the road, and you need to rest. I can feel your stress from here! Don’t do anything to harm the baby,” Nate said gently.

He really was gonna be a great dad!

After he hung up, we both looked back at the car.

“So to answer your question, no. I don’t think we’ll get the deposit back!” he laughed. “How about we call another jet? We still have at least 16 hours of driving to get to the everglades, and there is no way we can get this pieces of scrap metal to drive again.”

I sighed because I agreed with him. I pulled out my phone and made some arrangements. Someone was on their way to pick us up and drive us to the nearest air strip and our jet would be waiting for us.

Maybe I really should just buy it…

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