Mirror Lake 2 The Journey to Save the Magic

Chapter 1 The Twins Birthday

Nate's POV

I have had the most amazing couple weeks! I Have never been so happy in my life. I never even thought it was possible for me, because I had given up on having a family of my own a long time ago.

I guess I should start by explaining my situation. You see, a long time ago, I was chosen as a Guardian to the King and Queen. I had been training for this job since I could walk. I had trained and worked hard every day of my life, and on my 19th birthday, I was called to have an audience with the royals. I had been chosen as their Guardian. My family had never been so proud. I was excited and ready to do my duty to protect them along with all the fairies in our kingdom.

Not a month after I was given the job, there was a threat to the peace, and he had to be dealt with. No one knew exactly what happened. One minute Jack was living amongst us, and the next he gets this crazy idea that he needs to “save everyone from the earth,” which didn’t make any sense to me, or I guess, anyone else either.

The King placed a special magic on my heart. It connected me to them and their family, so I would know if I was needed and would return right away.

I still have the connection in me. It’s a little spark that lets me know where they are and if they are in any danger. That was why I knew they had died, and also knew that they had the twins, even if I was in the bubble Jack trapped me in.

But as the royal’s guardian, it was my job to watch over the twins with my life. The only problem was I couldn’t get to them! I was stuck in that wretched bubble, trying to fulfill my first objective, which was to neutralize the threat.

Now, there is something I should probably explain to you also. I was given this task over one hundred years ago, but in the domes that Jack had created with his magic, time slows down. I was in that thing for a century, but still have the body of an almost 20 year old. Not that it matters, I mean fairies are immortal, but I haven’t changed much while the outside world changed drastically.

I felt the twins enter the world and I was so happy and sad at the same time! I was happy for a new life, but sad because I was sure I would never get to meet them and watch over them like I had been training to do my whole life.

Even when I was stuck in the bubble I trained. I couldn’t use my magic because the cursed lake stole most of it from me. Not to mention the campers. While some of them had been descended from fairies and other magical creatures, they didn’t know it. They didn’t know magic existed, and I had a feeling Jack wanted to keep it that way.

Then I overheard Jack’s plot to steal the twins and hand them over to some of his minions and at their proper age he would have them sent to Camp Mirror Lake.

I was furious and overjoyed at the same time. I can’t explain it. I could finally fulfill my duty as their Guardian, but I didn’t want them to fall into Jack's trap!

Not long after that, I felt my magic snap inside me. I knew the King and Queen had been murdered and I wasn’t able to save them. But I would save their children if it was the last thing I did.

And now here I am with the love of my life, that I never expected to find, and she just so happened to be the next queen.

Speaking of my queen, it’s her and Ethan’s birthday, today. They have finally turned 18 and I have a big surprise for her. I just hope she says yes!

I sneak into the kitchen and meet with my new recruits.

Ethan and I thought it was best, since we will be away for a few weeks and we basically live in a small mansion, to hire some help. I honestly didn’t have any money of my own, but Ethan said not to worry about it. Their “Parents” had more than enough. They were millionaires and now since they skipped town, Ethan hacked into their accounts and switched everything over to us!

Who knew Ethan was so good at computers? Not to mention, I thought he was dubbed the “good child!” How’d he learn to hack like that? I should get some pointers, since I only have basic skills myself and it’s mostly self taught since I’ve been stuck in a magic sucking bubble with nothing but time on my hands.

He did mention he wanted to be a doctor, and he is a really smart kid. Maybe it comes from his royal line… I’ll have to pick his brain about it on our journey, but now is not the time.

I am greeted by a blonde about Melissa’s age. Her name is Candi. She was looking for a part time job while she was in high school. I hired her to help out with light house work and keep the girls company while we are away.

I still feel guilty leaving my bride right after I found her, but she understands. She insists I free all those who have been locked away.

I sigh. I am getting side tracked again. I seem to be doing that more than ever because I’m worried about her.

I shake her hand.

“Hi Candi, I’m glad you can make it!” I say.

“Hey Nate! I am so excited! My friends and I have everything ready, we just need the timeline for your party,” she giggles happily.

I’m glad I picked her. She genuinely seems like a good person.

I hand her the paper I brought down with me. “Here is all the info you need. You can go ahead and get started while I talk to everyone else,” I suggest.

“Sure thing!” and she skipped out of the kitchen.

I turn to Sam, a beautiful woman with dark skin and even darker hair and eyes. She just graduated from culinary school and was looking for work immediately, which turned out in my favor because we hired her on the spot!

“Good morning Sam, are you ready to get to work?” I asked.

“You bet! I’ve gone through the kitchen and love the equipment. It won’t take me long to have everything down. However, I did notice y’all need to go shopping. I was hopin’ to do that early this morning, so we are all squared away,” she responded.

I nodded my head and pulled out a platinum card. Ethan and I both discussed this too. They would have their own cards for our expenses like food and tools and things they will need to keep everything up and running.

“I kind of figured you were going to need to do that. We’ve been busy the last few weeks. This is the card we have designated for you to use on any food, or other things you may need while cooking. That is on top of your pay that you will be getting at the end of each week,” I explained.

“Excellent! I will get right on that!” she smiled and left the kitchen on her mission to restock our food.

Then I turned to the last person. His name was James. He was in his mid 30’s and looking for work. He was a fix-it-man/ Jack of all trades I hired to help out with yard work and any problems that may need taken care of around the mansion. It’s a big place and you would be surprised what the upkeep requires.

“How are you doing today James?” I asked politely.

“I’m ready to hit that garden you mention. It’s beautiful, it just needs to be cleaned up and it will be good as new!” he smiled.

That made me happy. Fairies are intune with nature, and even if she didn’t know it before, Mel was very connected to it even back at camp she would love to go in the mountains and by the lake… However, being near the lake was probably as far from nature as she could possibly go with it.

“Fantastic! I’m glad to have you aboard!” I said, shaking his hand.

He tipped his ball cap and sauntered out of the kitchen, probably on the way to the tool shed out back.

NOW! What I really came for!

I gathered the fruit and the flour, a few eggs we had gotten this week, and started working on some pancakes for Mel. It is her birthday after all.

I turned on the coffee, but not for her. She has been feeling off and the smell has made her sick the last two days.

I grab the orange juice and fill it in a cup.

I placed the fruit bowl, pancakes and juice on the tray along with a small box I had Ethan help me out with and carried up to the stairs.

My queen had indeed picked the master suite for us and she loves it. I am happy as long as she is happy!

I peek through the door to check she is still asleep.

She is adorable! Her hair is all tussled and sultry spread out across the pillows. I remember the night we had and I definitely wore her out! I chuckled at the thought. I will be wearing her out for the rest of eternity morning and night… Except for today, we were busy. I would make up for it when Ethan and I returned.

I sat at the edge of the bed and placed the tray on the bedside table, then leaned in and kissed her until she stirred.

“Good morning, beautiful. Happy birthday,” I whispered.

“Good morning, my hero,” she smiled slowly and sexy.

I cleared my throat and grabbed the small red box I had brought up and thought of the speech I had been practicing for two weeks. I had to wait for her to turn 18.

“I know in the magical world, we are already man and wife and nothing can break us apart, but I want to be seen as your husband in the human world too… “ I say as I open the small box and display a clear white diamond surrounded by 5 smaller seafoam green stones to match her eyes, forming the shape of a flower. The band was rose gold with a delicate vine engraving surrounding it.

“YES!” she shouted before she accosted me.

She threw her arms around my neck and her legs straddled my hips, pushing me into the mattress. I love it when she gets aggressive! It’s so hot… She didn’t even let me finish my speech; not that it mattered at the moment. The second she put her lips on me, every word flew from my head and all I could focus on was our kiss.

I dragged my lips down her throat giving her wet, sloppy kisses down to her delicate shoulder, where I began to suck harder on her soft skin.

“Baby, I love you so much,” I said through my kisses. “I would love nothing better than to keep you in bed all day long, while I worship your body,” I groaned while she ground her supple body against mine.

I squeezed her lush bottom and almost lost my breath when she started sucking on my chest.

“My butterfly, we gotta stop before I can’t, and keep you in bed all day,” I growled trying to calm down.

“I don’t wanna stop,” she said as she guided my head down her chest.

“But I promised Becky I’d have you downstairs in a half an hour,” I groaned in pain. I was doing my best to regain any self control I had left-

“Please,” she whispered.

And I lost it!

I took her hard and fast. I couldn’t help myself. I was going to miss her so much! Every moment I wasn’t entwined in her body, I felt like I was missing something.

When we were done, I took her again in the shower.

Who would have thought after all those years of being alone, when I finally found my love, I would turn into this needy and clingy man?

I should be ashamed of myself! But, honestly, I just didn’t care. She was all I needed.

An hour and a half later, I finally had her dressed up in a cute flowy white dress that went down to her knees and she was wearing my ring. She almost looked like a bride, and I almost took her again.

I leaned down to brush my lips over hers, when a loud banging knock interrupted us.

She made a cute pouty face, so I kissed her on the nose, entwined my fingers with hers and pulled her to the door.

“Time to go, butterfly,” I smirked at her.

She opened the door to her smiling brother, who had his arms around the waist of a glaring Becky.

“You promised!” she whined.

“I really am sorry, Becky. I honestly did try to get us down an hour ago… I just got distracted,” I chuckled at my distraction, whose face turned bright red.

Apparently Becky forgives way too fast because in a heartbeat she was beaming and grabbing Mel’s hand and pulling her down the stairs for her surprise.

“C’mon! I’ve been waiting FOREVER!” she exaggerated.

I just followed behind with Ethan.

“You know what’s going on?” he asked.

I smiled.

Of course I did, but I made a vow to Becky, under pain of death, that I would not reveal her surprise.

“Sorry man. I can’t tell you,” I chuckled.

Ethan slumped his shoulders. He’s been trying to get it out of Becky for two days now.

We all headed back to the kitchen, where she opened a pantry door for her big surprise.

She had made a two tier cake, with chocolate and strawberry layers for the twins.

Mel jumped and hugged Becky.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she chanted. “I love it! How did you know I love strawberry?”

Becky giggled. “Ethan told me of course!” she said beaming at her best friend.

Not to be out done, Ethan came over and pulled Becky into his body and gave her a noisy kiss.

“Thank you, baby. We have never actually had a homemade cake before. Our so-called “parents” ordered them from the bakery and normally it was vanilla. You did so well,” he gushed.

We sang happy birthday to the twins and Becky cut the cake, placing the slices on delicate china plates.

We each carried our pieces over to the dining table and we watched as they took their first bites.

Suddenly, Mel’s face turned white. She covered her mouth as pushed her chair back so hard it fell on the floor, (not that I cared if it fell or not) and made a mad dash to the restroom.

I was hot on her heels.

When I got there, she was throwing up everything that had been in her stomach since last night.

I was panicking and didn’t know what to do, so I pulled her hair back out of her way, and tried to rub her back softly until she was done.

After she rinsed her mouth out I held her until she calmed out.

“My love, are you okay? What happened?” I asked softly.

“I don’t know…” she shook her head. “I was just fine and then… I don’t understand! Strawberry is my favorite cake! But it didn’t taste right to me… I feel so bad! She worked so hard on it and she was so happy to show it to us…” She sobbed into my shoulder.

I’ve noticed she’s been getting more emotional lately. I had a funny nagging feeling in the back of my head, but wasn’t sure what it meant. All I knew was I was leaving tomorrow and the love of my life wasn’t feeling well.

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